Miscellaneous C OKYv~: of ~9.~~goE (305) 294.41i1l1 Covn1y Attorney 310 FlemIng Street Second floor Key West, Fl 33040 (305)292-3470 July 10. 1995 Conch Key Volvnteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc. US 1 - Conch Key Marathon. Fl33050 RE: Default Dear Fire Chief: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS'ONER~ MAYOR, Shlrlay fr98man, DIstrict 3 Mayor Pro Tern. Jack London, 0I811i(;12 Wilhelmina Harvey. Dislrictl Mary Kay Reich, Di6trlC15 Keith Douglass. District 4 Pursuant to paragraph 2 of your contract wlth the Board of Govemors of the Lower and Middle Keys Fire and Ambulance District, Monroe Coun1y. Florfda. you are hereby notified that you are In defaul1 of said contract. paragraph 26. and have thirty (30) days from receipt of thIs notice to correct or remedy the fault. If your violatIon Is not cQlTected wIthIn thirty days, the agreement shall be considered vold as provided In paragraph 2. Your violation Is non..compRance with paragraph 26 which requIres yOu . to cooperate with the DIstrict's CPA conductIng the annual audit. Our records reflect that the CPA's have corresponded with you on August 26. 1994. and April 27. 1995. In addition to one or more telephone calls. The Aprf127. 1995. letter gave you until May 11. 1995. to come Into compliance. We have been notified of non.compliance 0$ of this dot.. PleQse correct the matter of default by contacting the firm of Kemp & Green and arranging for ImmedIate access to your records. SAH/jeh cc: Kemp & Green ...eanny Kolhage James Hendrick .. n rely. JaL~ County Administrator by Reggie Paros . .,.<~'t?~', ~'t