Resolution 567-1989 Monroe County Commission / , Jlli~OI.U'l;IPN ,l~9-"-:?J!_~9 tJ~ s: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSION OF LAW, AND RECOM~1ENDED ORDER CONCERNING THE VESTED RIGHTS HEARING OF LIBERTY LAND CORPORATION 0\ <:':I ~.., '-' N c..::J o ". Wherea~:. on July 18, 1989 a public hear Ing was held in Key 53 ~') L_ We~t, Monro;- County, Florida, concl~rning the vested right claim of Liberty Land CorporatiC'n; and ~herea,::!., pursuant to section 9.5 -183 of the MonToe County Code of Ordinances, sworn testimony and evidence were taken from those present at this public hearing; and Wh~.!~al?" in accordance with the requirements of section 9.5-182 (b)(3) of the Monroe CC'unty Code of Ordinances, Hearing Officer John E. Bigler, Jr., has entered findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a recommended order resolvIng this vested right claim by Liberty Land Corporation; and W.h~re,~~, the Board of Commissioners of Nonrol' County, Florida, now desires to adopt saId fIndings of fact, conclusions of law, and Tflcc'mmended order concerning Liberty Land Corponttiou; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the board hereby adopts, pursuant to section 9.5-182 (b)(5) of the Monroe County Code of Ordinances the said findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended order entered by Hearing Officer John E. Bigler, Jr., resolving the vested right. claim of Liberty Land Corporation, a copy of which is at.tached and made part of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by t.hB Board of Commissioners of Honroe County, Florida, at a regular meet~ng of the board held on the 10th day of O~tober, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION"ERS OF NONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ny, //JI..:M4I/J (SEAL) Attest: DANNX L KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~~- CLE .-,'''7; ~~ I ;,j BY "',: In the Matter of STATE OF FLORIDA Vested Rights Application of COUNTY OF MONROE LIBERTY LAND CORP. VESTED RIGHTS HEARING / FINDINGS OF FACT AND FINAL ORDER THIS MATTER came on for public hearing on July 18, 1989, pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 9.5-182(b) (3) of the Monroe County Code. The County appeared and was present for the scheduled hearing, by and through its Assistant County Attorney, Mark Graham Hanson. No appearance was made on behalf of the applicant. The County, through its attorney, Mr. Hanson, and through its Planning Official, Howard Tupper, who was also present, testified that the County had published and advertised a legal notice of the hearing, as required by law, and that the County had given the applicant written and oral notice of the scheduled hearing. After waiting in the hearing room for over one hour, and having no appearance made by, or communication received from, the applicant, the Hearing Officer concluded the hearing. The hearing was open to the public; two members of the public were present, sworn and gave testimony in opposition to this application. Having considered the effect of the applicant's failure to appear at the scheduled public hearing and having reviewed the record in this proceeding, this Hearing Officer rules that the applicant is considered to have abandoned its application, and this application is therefore dismissed. The County has not adopted specific rules of procedure for the conduct of hearings on vested rights applications and thus, under Fla. Stat. Sec. 120.54(10), the appropriate model rules of procedure promulgated by the Administration Commission of the State of Florida shall govern and serve as the rules of procedure for th~ conduct of such hearings. The model rules of procedure issued by the Administration Commission are set out in Chapter 28 of the Florida Administrative Code. Rule 28-5.211(1), FAC, provides that r'....., ..... r<, ,.-- I \' --- r~" ;' ~ ,'" I r, I L ! t . ,"-'v.....,( L.,.,,~ 1 /',1.1 ~ t:l 1 1889 PLANNING DEPT. LAND US~f. IVISION BY ____., _ 1 ~ ~'- "[t]he failiure or refusal of a party to comply with any lawful order may be cause for dismissing the petition, or for entry of a defaul t order." Although no formal order was entered directing the applicant to appear at the scheduled hearing, this Hearing Officer is of the opinion that failure to appear at the hearing does constitute grounds for a default or dismissal. This is consistent with the provision of Sec. 9.5-183 of the Monroe County Code, that the applicant has the burden of proof. For the foregoing reasons, it is hereby ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the applicant, LIBERY LAND CORP., by failing to appear at the public hearing scheduled upon its appication for a determination of vested rights, has abandoned its application and that its application is dismissed. DONE AND ORDERED at Key West, Monroe County, Florida, this 17th day of August, 1989. ~~e~t. JO E. BIGLER, JR. Hearing Officer copies to: Mark Graham Hanson Assistant County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, FL 33040 Howard Tupper Planning Official Public Service Building Stock Island, FL 33040 Finley o. Richard, President Liberty Land Corp. Route 1, Box 581 Big pine Key, FL 33043 2