Resolution 568-1989 Division of Management Services RESOLUTION NO. 568 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MA YOR/ CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN 12TH STREET, LTD. AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING OFFICE AT THE KEY WEST PROFESSIONAL PLAZA FOR THE STATE ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a Lease Agreement between 12th Street, Ltd. and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning office space at the Key West Professional Plaza for the State Attorney's office. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the lie), day of Oc'-60~er , A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: /III~ft'~ MAYOR/ RMAN (Seal) Attest :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk {24 4~//JL C'_ ~VED AS TO FORM A~ ~UFFtCIENCY. . /tv ~ __ -'yJ 't/ {tQ~/V\ Attomf'Y'. Office -' \ C';-" , C L~- ..--' L'_ _.----~-- i' . 'F(lT:~' .;~~ J. I, " 1l!TUlAt\,:')o':- ;q~,".'r-"I(' u. po... ""-;-,, , li:'~:~\' .~~ l.l ,.' /I t f ," , ,-1"" J ',,', ~. : . ,/ II.', ,~: (.," :" e,-. ,/ '. ",':" .l/r}!/c this ([~UU$I ;\!~rtt]nutmm da!! of ' , ;rJ I> 1Brtwl'l'u l2th Street, Ltd. , hereinafter l~alled the lessor, 1'((1'!1/ (1/111(' lirs( 7lurt, UI/<I Monroe County Board of County Commissioners of tlie ('(lUlit!! (If Monroe and Stat(~ of Florida herei7/u/ter ('a!led tlie lessee or tenant, party of the sccowlfwrli: I """1',"""- 11.\,.,/111'''''''1. lit, ('-1'''' ",,,,,-IIt'. ...hull '"rho/, tlu' lint". 11"'-"""11/ rr!',...."'II(,'(II.'..\. .'111,','\."11' /llId '/II 1l.\'.\'I!If/.~ ,,/ (I,. "'.'1111'/11'1' I"I/(If',' 11I,,.rlo. Ilu /ls""1 tI/I "If",I"I,,, 1110111.,., II ."" Ii , ""1,,.1, II,,' 1.lltllIl. '''11'' (I" ,,/111'11111,,' ."lIllIU/ill. (1/1 "." ,./ II',!! l'I",{/' .dll"IIII' i'H/, III! ~'!ld,..,." 1/1'.1, 1/ /,." " . flu' f, "'N ,- ""Ii''' .\I,,,1l UI/'/lId, uJl 0... "../,., h,'"",,, ,("",.,.11" ,i Ii "'1l1'I I, iI.H" IilII' II . I i Itlitlll'~i~il'tI1, TlwJ. /Jle said lessor does this day lease UI/to said lcssec, and said lessec dol'S IIO('/I!J hire and lake as tel/allt under said lessor Huo,,/. or S;w ('(' Uni~ 401 of the Key West Professional Plaza 1i11 12th Street, Key West, FL 33040 .i\ '0. I sit. no t.c ill Key West, Florida, /'0 be used and occupied by the lessee (J s offi ces ------------------------------------------------_______________..II.7ul fa r 7/0 ot.her II/lrl)uses or uses what..'wcllcr, for the t.enn of one year , SII 11.ll'd and conditioned on the 111'01:ision8 of clause ten oj' Un:s lease /Jctfinnin:J Ihe 1st day of September , 1.989 , and ending t.hc 31st day of August , 1.990 , at and for the agreed total rental of Dollars, payable as follows: Twelve thousand seven hundred twenty dollars. $l,OuO.OO/month 2nd year option at 451,lbb.00 per month. ~nc1uQes all utilities. all paymenf-s to l)c made to the lessor on th e first day of each and every nwnt,h in. advance 7L'ithout dcnwnd at the o/Fce of Key West Prof'essional Plaza in the City of Key West. . . or.~t sue~l. oth~r.plaee and to such other person, I as Ore lessor may fr07n t[.]nc to t~7ne deSLf;nat.e In wntmg. The fl]llowin~ cxpress stipulations a.nd condiUons are nwde a part of this lease and arc hereby assented t,o by the lessee: 1. The lessee shall not assl:!Jn t.his lease, nor sub-let the pre~nises, or any part thereof nor use the sam e, or any part thereof. nor pennit the sanw, or any part there- of.. to be used for any other purpose than as above stipulated.. nor nwke any altera- tions therein, and all addiUons thereto, without the 'written consent of the lessor, and all addiJ::07!S. fi.:1:tnres, or improvenwnts which nw,y be m.adc by lessee. e,1:cept moralJle .nf/lce funntur'!, shall bcc07nc the property of the lessor and remain upon the premises as a part Ul.Crcof, and be surrendered withthepren~ises at the tennina- tion of this lease. I I (,) All personal property placed or nwvcd in t.he premises above described shall be at Uw risk of the lessee or owner thereof, and lessor shall not be liable for any dam.a!Je to said personal property, or to the lessee arising fro71'l, the bursUng or leak-- in f5 of Ilia t cr !)ipc8, or fr07n any act of ne~ligence of auy co-tGnant or occupants of the buildin;! or of any other person l1JhU7nsoevcr. 3. That t he tenant. shall pr07nptZy e.1~ccu,t.e and comply with all siatz.t,tcs, ordinances, rules, orders.. re[!ulaUons and rcquirem,ents of the Federal, State and City Govern m.cnt and of any and all t.heir DepartJnent.s and Bureaus appUcC'ble to Isaid prem.ises. for the correction, prevention, and abatem.ent of nuisances or other {jrieuances, in, upon, or connect,ed with said pre7nises during said tenn; and shall also prompily comply with and e.w~eu.te all rules, orders and re!Julations of the South- ea,stcrn Underwriters ASSOCI:r.Ltion for the prevention of fil'esJ at his ou.m cost and e.l:pense. ~. .Tn the event the premises shall be destroyed or so darnaged or tnjured by fire or other casu.alt!! durin;! the life of t.his a[frcement, whereby t.he smnc shall be rend- ered untcJ/07].W blc, t.hen the lrssor shall hal'e the ri!'!.ht to render said prelnises t.enant- able by rc!)oirs wit.hin 7ii71 cry days therefrom. If saId prt~m ises arc no/rend cred t.cnant- I a ble ~{!i Olin said li/nc. it s hail ue opt i 07l1J! wit Ii eil hu part!/ herr! 0 to canc('.l this I case, Ia.~d 17.1 ,f;h,cu(:~'elll ,l{ ,~'uc7z e,n].(:c/lo{.(o71 (.he reh/: :~7z(IlllJC poid onlo!/ to thc.dal.c.o( s!!ch . i!l.. (' OJ (a.q,,1, (1/. ! In ('ul/('cllat/oll lif'f'('11I 1I/('lItIO/)(>rf sho1/1)(' ('T'ull'7/f>('(1111 71'nIIJlf', Jill jI/UU'ji{ l"Ii/JiII'lii Uj ille relit Fur saul !)re/lUSCs /(I)(j){ lI!i' lori'S I/Ultu'rt, (:1,,/111/' /Illlli/il; OhSl'rl'UIl('i' oj' till' ntles III/(l rl'[jIlJatiollS prilltl't! ill/Oil this Icase, ul/d lI' ; (/. ( /! ,! r I' ; ~ I' n' 1!l1 n /.( u I (' (l /) (IT ( () / t his (' () l 'e II a II t, (171 Ii () l S I/. C 1. . !. C r (f. 71 d / II r t It e I' rill c SOl' re!}IIill, IS 1II1l!! IN: hl'r('(/j'ter II/udl' IJ!} the lessur, are..,. _u;/,(Zitiol/s lI.!J()n which t h',: ,'t-US!! is lJIH!C and acc/'pted uud (lIl.!} j'ailnrc on the 1)/[1'./ of the lessee to c(nnply lcith (III' terms of said leus(~, or ClII!! uf suid Tll.lcs and re!jnlatioJ/.s nail! in exis(,p.ncc, or Il.'hii'h may be hereILi!/'1 preseril;nl I)/f the lessor, shall at the option oj' the les::or, leor!..; u jorj'eiture o[ this contrud, (lnd all o[ the ri;jhls o[ the lessee hercllnder, and thercll!wn Ow lessor, his ([!jents ()r att.orneys, shall have the ri~ht to enter said prem,- is!:s, ond rcnwl'c all persons t!tcrej'r07n forciuly or otherwise, and the lessee thereby express.'!) Icoiues any Ilnd all notice re'lnirecl lJ./j luw to tenninate tenancy, and also l{'aives un!) awl alllc51al pJ'()cecdin[!.'s to recoucr possession oj' said prclnises, and e;t;- pressly a!jrr:es that; in the CUCllt oj' a violation oj' any o[ Uw lerrn::; of this lease, or o[ suid ndes und re[lulations, now in e.dstenec, or which nW!f hereoft']r be m.ade, said lessor, his a51cnt or attorneys, !)laY innnediately re-enter said prenLises and dispossess lessee Icithont le!;fal notice or the institution o[ any le!i.al proceedin[js whatsoever. (Y. !f t he lessee shall abandon or vacate said pre7nises before the end o/' the t.enn of this lease, or shall sn/Ter the rent to br~ in arrears, the lessor 7rlaY, at his option, forUIIl:ith cal/cel this lease or he IIU.1.'/ enter said prernises ClS the a[;'cnt oj' the lessee, by force or oUwrwise, without bcin!J'liable in any way there/or, and relet the prernises wit.h or wit/lOnt any furnitnr(', that 7nay be therein, as the a51ClU o[ the lessee, at such price and IIpOIl such tenns and lor such dnrat.ion o[ tim.e as the lessor nw!! de-tennine, and recel>'o tll c rent thercj'or t appl!fin;j the seune to the payrnent 0/ (he rent due by these presents, and i[ the j'nll rental herein provided shall not ue reali::::ed by lessor OI.'eJ alld abol.'f, t.he expenses to lessor in snch rc-lett.inf!', the said lessee shall pay any deficiency, Clnd if nwre thun the full rental is reali::::ed lessor will pay over to sa.id lessee the excess o[ dcrJLanei, 7, Lessee (];frces to pa!) the cost 0/ collection and ten per cent attorney's lee on any part 0;' said rental that may be collccted by suit or by attorney, a/tel' thc scrrw is past cine. S.~~I '" ~ ' xmrnxuc~ ~ X)OO(liXDOOaOfM:oo&~IDOQ! XY{:IJJWJtKi:lix:YiXM'l.tl.K XYlXli. '" 9. The said les:see hereby pledg'es and assl.gns (;0 the lessor all the fnrnitnre, Jlxtll.rcs, !joods ([nd chattels o[ said lessee, which shall or 17"ay be brou,f;'ht or put on said prcm.iscs us securit!) j'or the pa!flnent 0/ the rent herein rescruerL, und the lessee a[}recs that the said iien Inay be enj'orced by elis/Jess /orecloslue or othenuise at the e!ection of the sed(/, lessor, a:ul docs hereby a51ree to pay attorney's fees of ten per cent 0/ the a7nount so collected or found to be due, to[;'cther with all costs and char[;'es U~crf!.j'orc incnrred or paid by the lessor. 10. It is hereby a!jree(l an(l understood between lessor and lessee that in the CI'CILt the lessor decides to rernodel, alter or dernolish all or any part oj' the prernises [(~lJsed herennder, or in the event o[ the sale or 10n51 tenn lease 0/ all or any part of tile; reql,.irinf]' this space, the lessee hereby a~"rees /'0 vacate scunc upon rt'eei()( of sixl,U (60) da!!s' written notice and the ret,nrn 0/ any aduance rental paid l.Ji~ (u;cou,nt o{ this lcase. It. bel;l:::' j'llrthcr /l,/ulerstood ond at!reed nllrt the lessel! u.lill not, b(~ required to c(/.caCe ,\'ail/-premises d/l.rirr!j tlte leinter season, /la//(ely, .VOI.'elnlJer first to .jJ[ay first, uy reI/sun nf the above pUNLf]'raph. n, The lessor, or any oj' his a[lents, shall have t.he ri!}ht to enter said prelnises (tu,f'illrj oil n:n.\'olwble honrs, to exam,ine the sanw to m.(L!,:e.,'nu:h repairs, arLdit.io/l.s or aUerutiolls us III,U!! be decrned necessary j'or the safety, corn/ore, or l)reservaLion tit e.rr:o/, or 0/ said bw:ldi/!!;', or to e,rhilJit said premises, ([wI to fJnt or k('.(~p upon the I. . . I t.1 ., (' "/~')f' !i'l' \"1'" " I . tl . t ("()) l I, (Jors or WI. III .oles , I,ereo/ a nO/.ce l L ~. t, !-,,' .J aI, al/.!! (/./71C llJlJ UI/. ' 1/.1' Y ,>. (ays I)(i{)n~ the cXIJil'ation oj' tlLis lease. The riffht. 0/ entry sli.alllikewise c.ris! j'or Uw pnr- I!OSC oj' re!l:ol.'i~/.[i IJlacards, si!;fl/.s, jLr(,lIres, ([ltel:at.i()/.~s, of" u;ddUinl/:'!, ~/lIt/ch do not con- /I!/'I)/ II! fh"s u;:I":ell/c/1.I;, or 10 Ule rrdes and re[!ulatLO/ls F)I the bllll(IL/l.f!.. fl. Lessee herehy accepts Ure pl'cII/,ises in the cO/~diti()n UW!f arc il/. at the be- fiinllill;!' 0/ this Ic([sl~ and a!j1'l'cs (0 II/J/il/.tain said l)J"e/~l,ises in the .Wllle cO/l.dition, ol'der a/l.d replLir ilS they urc: at tlte eOIJ/Jl/.enc(nnen{. oj' ..idirl tcrrn, e.l:c(',l> tin::;' ol/Iy rccz- sOIHl.!)le u,'eur (/ lid teu./' (Irisin!? j'rom, the nse thereof nnt/er this a!jJ'cc7rI ell t, ([.nd to /fulke [.!ool! to suid lessor [rnll/.cdial,e!y upon denwnd any darnage t;o waler ap!)UT(Ltns, or e/eetric li!jhts or any jixtnre, appliances or appurtenances oj'said !Jrellliscs, or oj'the bu.ildill51, ('Ul/s('1i l)!f any act or 71 !:!:!,'lect o/lessec, or 0/ a/l.!! person or !Jcrsons in the emplo!/ or /l,lIder tiLl! control oj' tILe lessee. 13. It, is expressly a!jrecd (nul IIl1rlerstoorl by (Lnd between Uw !)arLies to this a;;!rcenu:llt, U/IlI, the lllndlord shul! lIot 1)(: liaMe [ur a/l.!! dama;;!e or illjllry lJy water, wlu:ch may he sllstained by the said tenant or other person or /01' all!! other dam,a[le or injnry resultin;j j'ron~ the care.less/lcss, ne51li51encc, or impruper ('ondu.ct on the par:. of U77Y other tenant or u51ents, or e!7~pluyees, or by reason 0;' Ow hrca!..;a!!c, lea/..;- a;ie, or obstrllction "o[ the water, s('./Uer ur soil pil)!:s, or other lcaf...~age in 01' about the said uuildin(i. L;. ij' Dw lessee shulllJecumc insolvent or illwnkruptcy procccrlin1s shall be beffl!n h!f or I/{jainsf the lessee, hefore the end of :wid term tlw lessor is Iwreby irrevo- cably ilutJlOri::ed at its option, (0 forth.with I'aned this leus/', as [or (l defl//l.lt. Les:<;or may efcl'f to IH'('/::pt rent from, Slli'h recel/'cr, trustee, or ot hl'r judiril/l ol}i.ccr dunng' the l('Tln 0/ tllI'ir ui'(~/l.panc.'l in Iheir jid/l.l'iary Nlpaeil!! Il'it/wlll l'/J'ei't/II!j lessor's ri:_:ihts <IS (")fltl/if/"f!. this f'{)"lrl/l't, h"t f/(I n'('f'II'/'r 'sl,'" I)r nlh,'!' ;!lI/if,i,,! niT;r'/'" 1. I,/'S:-;"(' II/'r" :'V fl'ail'I':-; ([!ld rr'lIUun('('.' fur hi"-yl/ (llIc! lu/uil.1I UI/fl aI/II u!! hO//I!'.," ',,/(I c.rn. "tiUll rl!}llts JII' lI/(I!/IIUI'1' II Oil', I', 1(' .. r, ulldl'r ul' 1;.11 rirt/lc o [ tI, i' ( "" ." . ( Il Iii, 1/ (f!l d Ii] u . s u f ! Ii I' ,~: t fJ t t' I >( FI 0 rid (], (J r (! / (J /I ! I ' ) t Ii (',. ,\, I u ! I', (! r 0/ t it (' ['I/it"d .\/lfles, (IS O[jU:'lIst {I,'I' !,U!////('I/t (If .'wid rcntul or {Iliff /iortioll hcreo/, or (Ill!! ot h,'r "hli!5uI;'o!l or d(]/JIU(fI~ t hi/I. /11(,,1/ aCCTllC under the tCTlns of I his u!i1'l~e1i'I'llt. U;. i'11/'s i:o/t!rac! shan I;ind the lessor (]lId its assi6ns or SIlCCI'ssor.", und the hcirs, ussi[fns, nd/i/illistrators, l('fial rel/,rcselltatil'es, executors or S/l.(,('cs.':Ol'S us the ,'(/se 1iI(l/I 11/:, of tlte lessee. ' ;7. . It is understood und a[jrccd 'J('{ll'ccn the !i({r!.ies herct.o thal. time is o[ the esscnce u[ tltis contract, and till's o/JfJlics {o all {enlls and conditions conl.ailled herein. IS. II is u/lderstood alld (1f}recd ';clu'el'.lI Ihe !)(/rties herelo tlta/. written notice })Iailcd (Jr delivered to Ow !irelnises leased hereunder shall cO/lstiLntc SIl /Fcicnt: notice fo lite lessee ({nd written notice 7//lJilcd 01' ddil'ered to the olliec o[ tile lessur shall C()lIst.itute sll/licie/l./. No/.ice to the L(~ss()r, to C0711plU with t.he tcnl/,s of this contruef. 1/). The ri!Jhts uf the lessor /l.ndcr t.1t C [ore[joil/!} shn/l 1;1' ClllJ/.II!a!iz:c, and [ailnre 011 till: purl of Ole lessor to e.rerci.'w prolllp/!!! all!! ri!}hts [}i/Jel/. hercll.l/r/I'r shall nut. nfJerote to fnrfeit (lilY of Ute soid rifihts. ;:(), /I, is fl/rt.hcfJ. nl/ders(uud ol/d at}rccd 'ic[wcen t.he 1)(],rUcs herc!u t hilt allY char!}cs o[jlliIlS/ the I[sscc I;!! t he lessor [or seTl'iccs or for Illork done nil. the !lrcJ//,iscs hy order uf the 1(~sscc ;r ot.hcr,'I'isc a(:l;rnin[j nndcr this cont.ract shalllic cOllsidered as renl dlle ond shll/llie il/dl/ded ill (ll/fllienfur rel/.t dne and nll!Joid. .''!!. It is here!;y /('I/,dcrstuud a/ld a[freec! tltol iUty si[jns or a.dlJcrt,isin[} to ')c nsed, indl/dii/[f OIl'II.il/[j.<:, il/, conl/cctiol/. with the lin~/ll.iscs leased herellnder slwl/. he firsL ....1I1!/!/iUcd to the lessor [or ofJpro/)ol he[ore ins/al/ation of sa])/'c. I ,I 11 It lUi!tu'ss jiliIlrrrrof, thc parUcs hereto have hereunto executed this insennt/,ent for the purpose herein expressed, the day and year above written. ... I r-/ ; \ _- ~ 1"\ -'r! ./l :--~, .-------' --- ~-'--'~ .' ,"'~'~. .,,/ ,- . ~/"'L-;J.. / frLDtlCD. S>rulro uno BrlrncrrD in prrurnrc Ilf: " I I' "~'-''7'_f../t?;~__:;;.. \ 'A.~ {.o Lessor Lessee ~DASrocl.' AND LEGAL SUFr!.:> As to Lessee ~tull' of llHnrtbu ~ J (~. (: i "J;'\ r r .y ~~'~'!...., . . (l C lc . ; Atto,...,., ]) l{rrrug ilirrtifg. That on this day personally appeared before lne, an o/fLcer duly Ilnthori:::..cd to adm,inista oaths and take acknowledgrnents, Q:UUtlt!l uf to rne well known t.o be the person described in and Lease, and aeknolvledgcd before lne that fur the lJ/UfJOSCS there l:n cxpre..~sed. I hapc who execnted the foregoin!j executed the sanJ.('. scat at day of It erennto set nLY hand and afFxed rny ()fficia[ said Cou,nty and State, this .'1. D. 1 [) Notary J>u.blic .My C'ornmission Expires