Resolution 572-1989 -...,' RESOLUTION NO. 572 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE TITLE III-B INFORMATION AND REFERF~L GRANT, TITLE III-D HOMEMAKER GRANT FUND INCREASE, AND CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 TO CONTRACT KG-851 FUNDED BY THE ALLIANCE FOR AGING, INC. AND MONROE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the Title III-B Information and Referral Grant, Title III-D Homemaker Grant Fund increase and the contract amendment #2 to contract KG-851, funded through the Alliance for Aging, Inc. and Monroe County, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this //t;-j, day of c:A::f1J.be..,.. , 1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~ub~~ Mayor/~l.~ (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~11/J~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LrJ)Sr:ICIENCYo By ,< VI.- Attorney's Office u ll: l d fj l 18U l\menanent if to Contract KG-851 THIS AMENDMENT, entered into between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the " Alliance", and Monroe County - Social Services , herein- after referred to as the "Provider", amends contract tKG-851. 1. Sectioo.JL, Paragraph JL, Contract Amotmt, is hereby amended to read: To pay for contracted services according to the conditions of Attachment 1, in an amount not to exceed $ 415.67 5. QO~ subject to the availabili ty of funds. 2. Section JIL, Paragraph -A.,Effective Date, is hereby amended to read: 1. This contract shall begin on Januaz:y 1. 1989 or on the date which the contract has been signed by both parties, whichever is later. 2. This contract shall end on December 31.1989 3. Attachment I, Section C, Method of Payment, paragraph 1, is hereby amended to read: . 1. The Alliance has agreed to pay for contracted services in an aIOOUIlt not to exceed $ 41 I) . (,7 'inn. subject to the availability of funds. 4. '!HIS AMENDMENT shall begin on Sept 1. 1989 , or the date on which the amenanent has been signed by both p;lrties, whichever is later. . : . ,.. All provisioos in the contract and any attachments thereto in .conflict with this arnendnent shall be and are hereby changed to catform with this amendnent. All provisioos not in conflict with this amencbtent are still in effect and are to be perfoDmed at the level specified in the contract are herebyarnended to conform with this amenc1nent. This arnendnent and all its attachments are hereby made a part of contract . .,:. BUDGET SUnMARY Attachment -I- --- Name and Addres8 of-Agency! Monroe County -.Social Services 1315 Whitehead Street . Key West, Florida 33040 ..L____ Cont ract No. KG 851 . Amendment No.--r-2=~ 3 -- 4~ 5_ . - ---:ntStrlb,\ition. Of~Aliard .by ~itleMd..FFY. , ... . I. Area Agency Admin'istration '(1) Federal TOTAL A.. Current Year.. $ . B; Prior Year.CF(FY_) $ TOTAL $ N/A N/A - -- II. Title 111-8 Supportive Services --------- ----- Federal Share' Non-Federal Share TOTAL. A. Current Year $ 177 ,578.00 :B.~. Prior. Year.-CF (FY_L.__ $ . N/A: $ $ $ 28,032.00 N/A. 28,032.00 $ 205...6.10.00 ..... $. li/A $ 205,610.00 TOTAL $ 177,578.0~ f ... .. LII~~ Title III-CI . Nutrition Services A. Current Year B. Prior Year(FY_) $133,932_0~_ $ N/A $133,932.00 $ $ $ 16,920.00 N/A 16,920.00 $ $ $ 150,852.00 N/A :j J~_... TOTAL ~, 150,852.00 1 . IV. Title 1II-C2 Nutrition Services . Ai Current Year B. Prior Year CF(FY_) TOTAL $ 85,534.00 $ 14,483.00 $ 100.011.g0_ $ N/A $ N/A. $ )UA. $ 85,534.00 $ 14,483.00 $ 100.011.QO 1.' '. " ; 'i ! 1 '} 1 ." -.' J v. Title 111-0 In Borne Services A. Current Year $ B. Prio~ Ylar CF(FY_) $ $ ;: : TOTAL $ 2,070.00 ,$ RIA $ 2,070.00 I ~ _~ Total Current Year VII. Total CF / VIII. Total General . fund's awarded. :.::. .::~;. '.:. ... .. . runds', awarded.. . . Revenue, Recvd. ."' (Total I-A, II-A, (TotaII-B, Total'I(2) III-A, IV-A, V-A) II-B, .III-B, IV-B, V-B) 1~, 631. 00 N/A . $ 415 ,61..~ $ NLll_____ . $_J.Lh_, $ 2Q.701.90 $ N/A $ 20.701.00 IX. Total :0 e.- All ',' Fq~~! ..~c:i.~ be. Ree.1vee;. ('l'otal- VI, VII, VIII) $ ~ ~67..s ...00 18,631. 00 . VI. I . . , i J hvis~d 8/88 -.$"- .. .! j j .J .i 1 ,~ I i ,1 !J 'r... .Amenamr~" ,') \..v KG-O.H Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREX)F, the parties hereto have caused this ~ page arnenanent to the executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. PRDVIDER: Monroe County Board of commissioners SIGNED BY:_ ..-.- NAME: Michael H. Puto TI'l'Ll;: : Ma,yo r DATE: -.,.. (SEAL ) ATIEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: Deputy Clerk Federal I.D. Number 59-60""749 t'> ,.... '--."'>':~-';'-' , ~;- ALLIANCE FOR AGING, INC. SIGNED BY:- r . r '- NAME: --'--__ TI'lLE : DATE: . ~sro'~ 'I 5, UffIC,fNC1. L G ./ .v~ I .....