Resolution 590-1989 <' Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 590-1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 36, PT OF GOV'T LOT 2, LITTLE TORCH KEY, RE# 113130, 113190, 113200, AND 113090 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 36 dated April 20, 1989, which recommends approval for a change in land use districts from Suburban Residential to Native, is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11th day of October, A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /IlI.:u11P4 Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) DANNY L. KOLHAGEJ glerk Attest: - c . f2~~,~jJL Cle ':JNOW vz: l cI 6l l~[\ 6H. ..' i_; '. ,> MEMORANDUM TO: The Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planninq by: Richard Dispenzieri SUBJECT: Confirmation of zoning for Pt. of LOT 2, Little Torch Key, RE #'s 113130-000000 113190-000000 113200-000000 113090-000000 DATE: April 26, 1989 qfT.- MEETING DATE: August;;6.. 1989 if" PLANNER:Ty Symroski BIOLOGIST: Dianna Stevenson Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No____ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: Confirm that the land use designation is actually Native Area (NA) and not Sub Urban Residential (SR). Findings of Fact: 1. The designation of the above properties as NA rather than SR will be consistent with Section 9.5-210, Purpose of the Native Area District and uses allowed within the district, Section 9.5-239. 2. The determination was made based on the following: The maps signed by Charles Pattison, effective 9/15/86, show the area as Native (NA), therefore the SR designation is in error. The existing conditions map show the area to be mangroves. The purpose of the Native Area District is to establish areas that are undisturbed and because of their sensitive environmental character should be preserved in their natural state. Action bY:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes~No 4 " Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date_N.A. Alternatives: 1) Leave these 4 tracts of land in the SR land use district which would be inconsistent with the intent of this district being predominated by development (Sec. 9.5-207), and instruct Planning Staff to pursue a map amendment to designate area NA. 2) Leave SR designation and instruct Planning Staff to pursue a map amendment to officially designate area SR. Attached Documentation:~Yes___No Biologists Report Land Use District Map 1" = 200' Land Use District Map 1" = 400' Pattison Map Strip Map Aerial Photo Existing Land Conditions Land Use District Map Pre-September 15, 1986 Proposed Land Use District Map ~~~D' ~R~~~04~E (3051294-4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MAYOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 S~pt_ember 28, 1989 Michael Halpern Attorne~{ at Law 209 Duval Street Key West, FL 33040 HE: RE~'s 113190, 113130, 113200 and 113090 - Boundary Determinations Number 36, Proposed Change From Suburban Res~dential (SR) to Native (NA) Dear Mr. Halpern: This is to inform you that the above referenced Boundary Determi- nation # 36 is scheduled to be heard before the Board of County Commissioners on October 11, 1989 at the Key West Courtroom "B". The Board Of County Commission Meeting will begin at 9:00 A.M. on that day. You as authorized representative may wish to be present at this hearing. Further, pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearing or meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Sincerely, L ,) " N.\. ~ ' '. ~J.; r~ J ~ . t:;(~C...... Dlanne BaJ.r, Administrative Aide, Growth Management Division O,Y,~!.: ~g~.~~E JO~J) :"'94 4f141 ~ , BOARD OF COU~TY COMMISS:ONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MAYOR Mike Puto. District 4 John Stormont, District 5 ~' .>'-<..~ ~..L~.._.. .. :S-. .... 4-" l : j. . ft ~ .l~~~ Ii ~~"'.~' " .....r.:-f::..~., "'Y .~ ,,:; . . . ," :.'.. '~,. 1J.!!.' August 10, 1989 Michael Halpern, At1:orney at Law 20g Duval Street Key West, FL 33040 Att: Donna Merritt He: RE#113l90, 113130,113200, 113090, Boundary Determination No .,~ 6 I ~lad previously notified you that the above referenced Boundary Determination had been continued to the August 9, 1989 Board of County Conunission Hearing. You had informed me that Mr. Garrett was going to send a letter to you stating that 1.5 acres was buildable and if your client chose to develop affordable housing he would not need a TDR. You had further stated that if this in fact was the determination, you would not object to moving the boundary in order to change the property from SR to NA, as was the Planning Staff's recorrunendation, and .that you would not attend the meeting. This letter is to now inform you ~hat Slnce no one was present on "behdlf of your client at the August 9, 1989 hearing, Mr. Craig requested that the action be postponed once again. The Board honored his request, however they did not give a date cer- tain for a future hearing. This department will notify you when this item is re-agendaed for the next hearing so that you may attend if you wish. Sincerely, I I, . .: (1 ,1 .' ( < Dianne Bail', Administrative Aide Growth Management Division , I .~ , cc: Donald L. Craiq George Garrett. Fl LE - ,. ....J ~~~r: ~R~~3~~E 13051294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MAYOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 11, 1989 Michael Halpern Attorney at Law 209 Duval Street Key West, FL 33040 RE: RE *'s 113190, 113130, 113200, 113090 - Boundary Determination Number 36, Proposed Change From Suburban Residential (SR) To Native (NA) Dear Mr. Halpern: As you will recall, the referenced item has been postponed twice by the Board of County Commissioners pending the completion of your Habitat Evaluation Index (HEI) on the subject property. You have opted not to complete the HEl, but instead to proceed with constructing a single family house meeting the affordable housing requirements of section 9.5-266 of the Monroe County Code. This letter advises you of the county's determination of the applicable density constraints on the property under the proposed NA land use district utilizing section 9.5-266: Pursuant to a June 20, 1989 memorandum written to me from George Garrett, it is my determination tha~ there is 1.5 acres of salt marsh habitat existing on the property (specifically located on parcel RE#113130). Further, pursuant to Section 9.5-262 and 9.5-266 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, it is my determination that under the NA land use district, the allo- cated density of this parcel is 0.45 units, the maximum net den- sity is 1.0 units, and that one dwelling unit qualifying as af- fordable housing can be constructed on this property without the benefit of transferable development rights provided all other applicable requirements and regulations of the code are met. ,J , ~ Halpern/Craig September 7, 1989 Page Two I trust that this will address your concerns. As stated in Di- anne Bair's letter of August 10, 1989, the Board did not post- pone this item to a date certain at the August 9 meeting. You will be notified as soon as this em put ba n the agenda. Donald L. Craig AICP, Assoc. A Assistant Co nty Administrator Growth Mana ement Division cc: George Garrett file .- ,:.:",""'t.~~-,,,- ,~ . .'-f' '-1 .1 ./' " M E M 0 RAN DUM To George Garrett, Coordinator, Env. Resources Division From: Dianna Stevenson, Biologist Date: April 20, 1989 Re: Confirmation of zoning for Pt. of Lot 2, Li tt1e Torch Key, REts 113130,113190,113200,113090. #U INTRODUCTION: The Monroe County Planning Department has requested a boundary determination on the above referenced properties. The properties are presently located within the Sub Urban Residential (SR) land use district. The applicant feels that the lots should be changed from SR to Native Area (NA). SITE DESCRIPTION: All lots are vacant and bounded are the east by Pine Channel. All four lots are dominated by mangrove species. On the west boundaries of all lots is a 10 foot fringe of native hardwood species mixed with mangroves. Species present are Seagrape, Darling plum, Black bead, POisonwood, Wild dilly, and Jamaica dogwood. The area west of this fringe is dominated by Black and Wh i te mangroves with scattered but tonwoods and Christmas berry. Ground cover is predominantly Key grass, with Glasswort, Sal twort, Sea daisy, and Sea purslane. A Red Mangrove fringe approximately 50 to 70 foot deep borders Pine Channel. A few exotic species were noted along the western edges, but no inva- sion is occuring at this time. EVALUATION: All of the lots appear to fi t the purpose of the NA land 'use district. Three narrow pathways exist (running east to west) and another pathway runs parallel to Pine Channel. The pathways are insignificant and have not altered the transitional zone or Man- grove community. ) . f' RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above referenced properties be desig- nated as NA, rather than SR. CC Richard Dispenzieri . .' ---------,--------, I \ I \ . URiM' I \ I \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SR \ ------------yl S \ v' N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet # -.--370- Appllc ant: Norn;Q.e.-County Key: --Mtt-le-Torch-.. .. ,--... r ~~ /'t,': ~ FII a # _ J 1"= 200~ 1 Mila Marker: --21L-_.. .-----.---.. t '. . ,.. - -.-- NA VNEL N Land Use District Maps Florida f Monroe County, January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# -----369 Applicant: Key: _ Uttle.-Torch Flle# f'- 1"= 40 0 Monroe COllnt"y .--- Mile Marker: --.28 _ .~ l , - - - - - --- -.-.. -"""c- .-.- ..........- .~...(~~ ~ c- ":~ '\ ----"c:: -, . , I, \". \ ~ t J I I~ I (\ \. -- r/ u ~I!\If \ \ ( ; n -- -:CCC. .., I" ~ . _ =:cec:: :=:: ::: :0-.: '" ...:~ \ \ I .u___ -'-7--"!!-- --- -- \ ~;_ \ \ ' I S R \' ~__~ - \ NA J- - - - ---=--~J \ \ I I S \ \,' \ J l' \ \ Q :- - - -_ _I .\.'\-' ~.- \ \ \,,,' \ \ SR \\ i~ ~,~\ ~--\ --~-------l \ \~~-\. ,\ ( -, '".....\\ \ I \ \\ \ \ \ . \~ \. 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':~, -: "!, ., :: ~i~ ;~".~ ~ i Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 23 Edltlon,19 87 1-.600' Panel or Sheot# 46 Applicant: Monroe County Key: Little Torch File # , i Mile Marker: ?R '.'~'~; ....'.~L~ ,~;;' \ ~:: i(. : M ~ DOL r:r tf..I 'l'~ 'J. ~i t':-t :".:' . too; -".,..- .11,;111"," '.... i' '; ~ ~ iI,' ::f 't:' . . ;,i. . '7) V't'! ~.. '~b4':'j"1 , ~..\.~ I s...;t'#)":';"'l~ll, I . . . ~ " 1 _.' "TORCH'::"/, a' .~ "" . :j ,< ~. . ~:./ ~f;t~:; ~ ,; ....~:.,...~../E.:.O'.. ~:~~!I?:L';\' .:. . .....!,.....~.. <. ,.:.t~~ .~'~~:.::~:/ : -; . . It" . .? \, ., "'!. ... ."...... :.~~~r~j'.:..(/. '.. .., ;~'.. ~ .;l."S')....,.i ',' t.,. ~\'.. ...... ;'-, ;\,,~r~: '~". '. .... ;,'; ~':--; : .:. . .:.~':~~~>.~~i~.;~:f. , ..-Z: . '!4'.':.:;.' :~: 2' l .~. '.. . ~f~ -.: ; . i: :.' t.', .. ,: ~~ . -~.. . . ".,:,~' r -', ":~-~ .'. :..:'. ~ <~~., ;. I I \, .' .~. :K'EY':;- '~.;. ( Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 '1 "=2000.1 Panel or SheatH 2 of 7 Applicant: Monroe C3:~.unty Key: Lit_t..le.Jo.r.clL Flle# Mile Marker: ---2R (J ;::1- '.1-. T' ~, .j - ~ ~~ ~ ,. .. z z ..I.L .. J r' ': H ,.......... ~ 1.J5".~1 .f....' ~ ~ /-t, ...~ . ..1t (' .1- .. ..C'" ',.. '.. '~. 'fl \ '" ~~ ~.. ,. ---- " .' ..-->- /,/ .- Y 1~1.o'~EILI!1 'O~,,"'.13$'- \ -,~, I -- "~.P FCRO t \~21'.1.3\ ~ o~ .. Hs rt,lII,r.C. , ( J (.1 ~c. ~\..~ c.:~7.5 ~4\.-\ . "0 c- ,: W'fU~~ '\ ~ ~:- "" , , ~~ I ,I l'<J' _., j' HAN S \ "lJ L. \ h> S7~~.~::_\ N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 I 1"=200' ~ Panel or Shaet# -15--1. Applicant: Monr,?e County Key: T.ittJ e TorclL__ File # ~. ". . I, ~."... ""~ rJJg; ~/.. Milo Marker: 28 ---------.--------, I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,', NA LITTLE TORCH KEY P~su.nt to Section 9.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monroe County Code, the boundaries of the Land Use District Map are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described as: r.{)nfi rm t-h::>t t-hP C::R b{)l1nrl::>ry <:hm.m i c:: :=lrrll:=l11 y NA Director, Growth Management Sheet # 370 Key Little Torch Date BOCC Resolution s N 1 1"=200' ---------,--------, I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SR \. -----------yl \ I I I I I I I I I : LITTLE TORCH KEY l \ \ \ \ \ , , , s t Purauant to Section 9.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monroe County Code, the boundarlea of the Land Use District Map are Interpreted to be located as Indicated abovo and briefly described a8: N ~ Director, Growth Management Sheet# Key Date BOCC Resolution 1"= 20 O' , . .0 ---------,--------, I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SR \. ------------~I \ I I I I I I I I I : LITTLE TORCH KEY I \ \ \ \ \ , , , I s 1 Pwsuant to Section 9.5-24(a)(2Hh) of the Monroe County Code, the boundaries of the Land Use District Map are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described as: N 1 Director, Growth Management Sheet# Key Date BOCC Resolution 1"=200' M E M 0 RAN DUM Date: 20 June 1989 To: Donald L. Craig, A.C.A. for the Growth Management Division George Garrett, Environmental It Resources Coordinator Boundary Determination for Litt e :orCh Key a part of Govt. Lot 2, RE # 113130, 113190, 11320, and 113090 From: Subject: On 7 June, 1989, I met with Donna Merit of Attorney Mike Halpern's office concerning the disposition of one of the lots noted above. Ms. Merit was interested in the possibility of the lot being buildable under the "Pattison map" designation of "NA" as opposed to the "Craig map" designation of "SR." As I understand the situation, a gentleman bought the property in question while relying on the Craig map designation of SR. As he came to find out, the correct designation, based on the Pattison maps, is NA. The staff has written a review of the environmental resource and planning issues relative to the site and have recommended that the site remain in its first and adopted designation of NA. Based on an on-site visit to the property I concur with their findings. The question remalnlng, as framed by ~ttorney Halpern's office, is whether the property in question can be built upon under the NA designation? The property in question is that identified by RE # 113130. It is approximatly 2.5 acres in size. Of this acreage, 1.00 to 1.5 acres of the site are salt-marsh, a portion of which would be frequently flooded. The remaining property is characterized by large#red mangrove fringe flanked by shorter black and white mangroves. To give the maximum benefit to Mr. Halpern's client I have assumed, for the purposes of this memo, that the saltmarsh acreage is 1.5 acres. In my estimation this is liberal. Under these assumptions the allocated density for the property is 0.45 dwelling units (1.5 acres X 0.3 DUs/ saltmarsh acre). Under the constraints of the open space requirements for saltmarsh (85% OSR) and the maximum net density per buildable acre (5 DUs/buildable acre), Mr. Halpern's client could build one single family residence using a required 0.55 TDRs. I must underscore that the scenario provided above is liberal. This property is extremely wet overall. I would estimate, based on vegetation character that it floods on most high and seasonally high tides. If I assume that the actual saltmarsh acreage is 1.0 acres or even 1.25 acres, the lot becomes unbuildable. This results not from lack of / .. development rights but for a failure to meet the maximum net density requirements. Under any condition that the County may envision, the lot is wet enough that in my estimation permits from the ACOE and DER will be extremely difficult to obtain. The NA designation for this and surrounding properties under consideration is correct based on a review of the site, a review of the attached report, and a review of the Comprehensive Plan. cc Bob Herman Howard M. Tupper file t I II J -- :mannp 1.. i{olbagt :11 BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 13051 743-9038 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. 1305) 852.9253 . October 23, 1989 J CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ,J Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 p o?r; ;{~? t7?tJ and Department of Community Affairs ./J() ?IJ:??11? I Post Office Box 990 ('l Key West, Florida 33041 Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on October 11, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 5~1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 36, part of Government Lot 2, Little Torch Key, RE #113130, 113190, 113200, and 1139090. ) ') Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. very truly yours, . Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of unty Commissioners ) ~ by: Rosal~e L. C Deputy Clerk cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File _ to: , ~ c_-~,.." ~#I_ "71/1 Ce..nurh.",:Pltlil. -r;,1,.1..A1I~'I, k a; a", .., 6. Ignatu(e "" Add.... X 8. X 7. D... of '# P 070 287 770 RECEiPT FOR CERTIFlf" ;Mi- "i(} lNSURANC~ COVERAGE PROV:[I! I' :-lOT For~ INTERNA110NAl MAIL iSnc Revers'e) '- " I se. I Stre~t d.N~: -l2 .~ I~~,:~ , i Postdge I . I Cpr11tipd Fee I ~~r~~l \ ,"6S_J I \i 'ill i-) "~ ~j~ .J :.1' "'Ulver',' feee 1 PI FonII3811. Nor. 1988 . u.8.G.P.o. "'-212-'" ,+ DOnstl1e IiIrruM ........ ",' .:,,,-f ',i !lei,",_ v F-ce ""i_'li'll q,,( ,n '" en P 070 287 771 RECEIPT FORCEIHIFIED MAil N:.IINSURMCl r;OVERAEF PROV!rJ[f) \1 'Ii ;\'i!::UI.jl[;fJI\! MA,: ;-:,';'1 :"se,' .- n I , -1 1..J>. . '" . i 13'"j1!' ~o t!;Ql< 'It/) - I !' '''0<' r '/. lJ') 1 - -, I ':B ~~ I I I I . "I' " ':'jC .. '~' ~ ~I co co i!l E " ~ V> ~ ,"i; "'V'~ ,~!,; '," " 3.. '0, I\L Po ~L__ g I Pnst"l:lrk ill E " ~ V> ~ . 1. 1 110: ," :f-'Yf ,.,.' O. ,;~-~.: 1 I. ", "".""" ~;.;, ~ f) ,SIrX -. . I , ,(., ~..., ~t. ,...., .