Resolution 599-1989 James R. Paros, ACA Public Safety Division RESOLUTION NO. 599 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCXv1MISSIONERS OF IDNROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPI'ING AND AU'IHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A SUPPLEMENl'AL PROPOSAL FOR MASTER FIRE PLAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BY AND BEIWEEN VARLEY-CAMPBELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCH-ITS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Ca1MISSIONERS OF MONROE ())UNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby accepts and authorizes the Mayor and Chairman of the Board to execute a Supplemental Proposal for M3.ster Fire Plan Developnent Services by and between Varley--campbell & Associates, Inc. and the Board of County Corrrnissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND AOOPTED by the Board of County Conmissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11th day of October , A.D. 1989. BOARD OF ())UNTY CCXv1MISSIONERS OF IDNROE ())UNTY, FLORIDA BY: /JlI~~-- MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Clerk fj~ ~u. ~~,~7,;,~,t!)'J ;~;~~;:C~ m",J{'iJl~___ AI.'. ,'~! ~; \~;!.hr! j\iNO 91: Z d 6lL~JO .' : i; >~,~ ;-.; '-i ,;'! .'j . .~ ',', , , -I ~ " /' " ~ 1 { . ',,; ;~ ',j 1 , :l '~ > ~J . .I . ~ ~ \ ~ 1 '~ j '* j ..;. .. .; -lI < .. ~ ~ < ~ '. SUPPLEMENTAL PROPOSAL FOR MASTER FIRE PLAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA June 13, 1989 (Revised September 11, 1989) Varley-Campbell & Associates, Inc. (Consultant) is presently en- gaged in providing fire protection engineering, public fire ser- vice consulting and building code consulting services to the Board of County Commissioners, County of Monroe, Florida (Client) with the scope of a contract dated December 2, 1986 and authorized by Resolution No. 359-1986. Currently the Monroe County Growth Management Division is ad- dressing changes in the county's Impact and User Fees. It has be- come important to consider providing appropriate support for the fire department and emergency medical services of the the county through impact fees. This is a proposal to extend the present Master Fire Plan consulting contract to include an Impact Fee Study for Fire/Rescue/Emergency Services. Generally it is very important for local government to lay the foundation for impact fees within a comprehensive development plan and implement them through regulations that are consistent with the plan. The utilization of a comprehensive plan in establishing impact fees, is an effective means for accommodating the concept of a "rational nexus", the requirement that there be a reasonable relationship between the way in which impact fees are collected and the way that they are expended. Accordingly it is particu- larly suitable that matters of impact fees be addressed as part of the development of the Monroe County Master Fire Protection Plan. SCOPE OF WORK It is proposed that the scope of the existing contract be expanded to include a study of impact fee needs and application to the fire/emergency service as part of the Monroe County Master Fire Protection Plan. The following will be included in the implementa- tion of this study: 1. Identify in a quantitative terms the effects of typical de- velopment programs on the capital requirements of the fire/emergency services. These capital requirements may include such facilities as fire stations and station sites, emergency com- munication facilities, fire apparatus and related equipment, pub- lic fire protection water supply and distribution systems, etc. 2. Undertake a review of documentation of impact fee and user fee development and implementation. - 3. Relate these capital requirements to other capital and oper- ating fund applications, and correlated them to other existing and anticipated revenue sources of the emergency services. VARLBY-CAKPBELL & ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 . SUPPLBMENTAL PROPOSAL FOR JlASTBR FIRE PLAIf June 13, 1989 DaVBLOPIIBNT SBRVXCBS FOR MONROE COUNTY FLORXDA(Rev. Sep.11, 1989) 4. Meet with representatives of Monroe County Emergency Service and other appropriate county organizations in the course of fire protection plan impact fee study. Three such meetings are antici- pated in this proposal. 5. Develop conclusions and prepare necessary sections of the Monroe County Fire Protection Plan report identifying a rec- ommended approach to utilizing impact fees as part of the base revenue supporting the emergency services function. This may be presented as a supplemental report submitted after to Monroe County Master Plan report has been submitted. The report will in- clude calculation of the fire/safety emergency services impact fee based upon defensible quantitative analyses of the needs for such services required to serve new development. PERFORMANCE This Work will be started within 14 days after we have received authorization to proceed. It will be completed within 60 days from the time work is started. Within this time drafts of the master plan report section relating to impact fees will be pre- pared and submitted for review as part of the master plans study effort, or a separate draft impact fee report will be submitted following the submittal of the master plan study. CONTRACTUAL AND FEE INFORMATION VARLEY-CAMPBELL & ASSOCIATES proposes to provide the professional services described in the above proposal for an additional fee of $6,000.00 to the present contract. The terms and conditions of the present contract remain applicable, and when approved, this amendment will become effective as of the effective date this ex- isting contract. SUBMITTED BY: APPRO'" 'D AS TO FORM L SUFFICIENCY. BY ACCEPTED: COUNTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA BY: (SEAL) ATTEST: By: Deputy Clerk ( Signed) Title Date VARLEY-CAMPBELL & ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 2