Resolution 673-1989 J.T.P.A. RESOLUTION NO. 673 - 1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, REG~ING THE JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT TITLE I/OLDER WORKERS PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between Monroe County and the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium, regarding the JTPA Title I/Older Workers Program, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the '~t day of IJtJvew,~, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA rfP~~ By Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -/2.l~)J~ ; ) 1 ~00~i JOHNOW >i }J1J , 'iNVQ AIfIiROVEO A:, ,'; : i-fM i;~.r,.'..::~7';;~i;e Atr.;rw ;cyc.. /7 '" 6tr.lld (l 0 6&. OHOJ-Jd (lOj U311.:1 '"'I.... ~., . JOB TRAIN:!IIG PARTNERSHIP ACT CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM AND SERVICE PROVIDER SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM 72~O N.W. 36 Street, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 33166 SERVICE PROVIDER MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wing II, Public Services Building Key West, Florida 33040 TITLE OF SERVICE PROVIDER'S PROG~j: "JTPA/Older Worker" CONTRACT Af10UNT JTPA TITLE I $20,750 CONTRACT NUt~BER I-PY'89-15-00 INDEX CODE NUMBER 208090 ARTI CLE I TERMS OF CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS does hereby agree to implement and operate a program entitled "JTPA/Older Worker" in accordance with all regulations defined by the United States Department of Labor and the State of Florida for programs operating under funds generated by the Job Training Partnership Act (0TPA) of 1982. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS also agrees to impleme~t and operate the program in accordance with all regulations defined in Article V of this Contract. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF PERFORI,1ANCE This Contract is negotiated between the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORT!Ur~ and MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS from the first (1st) day of July, 1989, to the thirtieth (30th) day of April, 1990 at which time all performance other than follow-up activities for employment verification and close-out procedures which are required of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COtllf.aSSIONERS in this Contract shall be completed. All close-out procedures stipulated in Article IV of the Service Pr~vider Policies and Procedures Manual shall be completed no later than July 31, 1990. Page 1 .... ART! CLE II I REIMBURSEMENT COSTS The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, in consideration for the promi se of serv ices to be rendered by MONROE COUtITY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, does hereby agree to reimburse allowable costs incurred by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS in the p~rformance of this program. Maximum reimbursement shall not exceed ~20,750. ARTICLE IV ALLOWABLE REIMBURSEMENTS Reimbursements are allowable under the following stipulations; (a) Allowable reimbursements shall be defined as those costs which are permitted by: (1) The United States Government in the Federal Management Circulars, the Cod~ of F~deral Regulations, and the Office of Management and Budget (arm) Circulars; and (2) The State of Florida; and (3) The South Florida Employment and Training Consortium as documen- ted in the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual which is part of this Contract. (6) All reimbursement costs shall be paid from federal funds provided through the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982. Costs incurred by the program cannot be allocated to any other program(s) nor can costs incurred by other program(s) be allocated to this program. (C~ All reimbursement costs shall be charged to itemized benchmarks as defined in the Exhibit(s) of this Contract. Reimbursement costs shall not exceed the maximum dollar amounts allocated for each benchmark in the Exhibit(s); except as provided in Article IV, Section D of this Contract. (D) Contract Amt=ndments affecting itemized benchmarks as well as amend- ments affecting the total amount shall be at the the sole discretion of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. (E) In the event the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, the State of Florida, and/or U. S. Department of Labor disallows any funds that were reimbursed and/or advanced to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS as a result of fiscal audits of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUHTY CO!'il'HSSIONERS's program then MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS agrees to reimburse and indemnify the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM for any disallowed funds relating to th~ fiscal audits of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMr~ISSIONERS's prugrams, upon completion of the audit appeals. In the event that the SOUTH FLORIDA El4PLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM is to sue MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS for breach of the terms of this contract, and/or for violation of the regulations and/or policies and procedures incorporated in this contract, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~:t4ISSIOr,ERS agrees to reimburse the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM for reasonable costs including attorneys' fees if the SOUTH FLORIDA H1PLOYMElH AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM prevails in the lawsuit. Page ~ (F) MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall be required to notify the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM within two (2) working days of any actual or potential litigation or grievance involving a participant or funds under this contracti further, that the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall have the right to intervene in such litigation or grievance. ARTICLE V REGULATIONS MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS does hereby agree to perform all activities related to the program as defined in this Contract in accordance with the following policies and procedures (A through E) which are in effect at the inception of this Contract or as may be promulgated during its life: (A) The Job Training Partnership Act as amended ~PL 97-300)i 20 CFR Parts 626, C27, 628, 629, 630, 631, C32, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, and 638i and Federal regulations promulgated pursuant to the Job Training Partnership Act. (B) Directives, regulations, and rules issued by the State of Florida. (C) The Service Provider Policies and Procedures r.1anual as edited and provided by the SOVTH FLORIDA EMPLOYHENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIU~~ for the JTPA Program. !D) Program Directives issued by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORT IUM. (E) Assurances and Certifications of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM; All of these poliCies and procedures are in effect at the inception of this Con- tract and may be amended during the effective period of this Contract. All re- gulations and manuals which appear in Article V, paragraphs A, B, and C of this Contract are incorporated into this Contract by reference; thereby forming an integral part of this Contract. ARTI CLE V I SERVICE DELIVERY MONROE COUrlTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS does hereby agree to implement and operate the program entitled "JTPA/Older Workerll by delivering those services listed below, in compliance with the conditions herein stated: (A) MONROE COUr~TY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS is obligated to accomplish those program objectives which have been defined in the Exhibit(s) of this Contract. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS is also obligated to accomplish those objectives within the period of this contract, July 1, 1989 through April 30, 1990, except for employment verification activities which shall be accomplished no later than June 30, 1990, at no additional cost to this contract. Page 3 (B) MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMM 155 lONERS is ob 1 i ga ted to i nsu re tllat the enrollment of participants meets the standards established in the MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY Cor-1M I SSIONERS IS Afti nnat ive Acti on Plan and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and does not discriminate against these participants on the basis of race, color. national orgin, sex, age or handicap. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COt1MISSIONERS will comply wi th the tenets of Equal Employment Opportunity. HONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS is obligated to insure that all operational documents submitted to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYr1ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM rema i n in force duri ng the 1 ife of this Contract. ,..., \ "') (0) MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COI~MISSIONERS is obligated to insure that the Personnel Pol icies and Procedures developed by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS are applicable and are equally enforced for both JTPA and non-JTPA personnel. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall also insure that each employee and enrollee under this contract is informed of his or her rights and benefits in connection with the program including the right to grieve or file a complaint. Procedures for processing grievances or complaints are outlined in the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. (E) These obligations shall be monitored by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRA I N I NG CONSORT IUM th rough the Mon th 1 y Expend i tu re Report, the Statement of Sources and Application of Program Generated Income, and the Competency Attainment Transmittal Document. The Honthly Expenditure Report and the Statement of Sources and Appli- cation of Program Generated Income Report shall be submitted to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMElH AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM by the twentieth (20th) calendar day of each month. The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYf,lENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM may cite the Service Provider as being out of compliance when data being reported causes the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM to judge that the goals and objectives of the program may not be achieved or when otherwise reports submitted disclose existing or potential prob- lems. The Service Provider shall be requested to submit a Corrective Action Plan within five (5) working days when such citations are made. (F) MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY Cm1NISSIONERS does hereby agree to operate within the centralized intake system established by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. (G) MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI SSIONERS does hereby agree to prominently incorporate the name of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM and the Private Industry Council (PIC) of SOUTH FLORIDA when developing radio or television coverage, any form of media press release or public information materials concerning MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY Cm~~ISSIONERS's program entitled "JTPA/Older Worker". These materials shall include announcements and articles in newspapers and magazines, and the printing of informational pamphlets, flyers, and posters. Copies of these materials shall be forwarded to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM at the time of distribution. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS does hereby agree to prominantly display a sign, the type and style of which to be approved in advance by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMEIJT AND TRAIN:NG CONSORTIUM at the location of the JTPA/Older Worker project. Agency does hereb~' voluntarily agree to purchase said sign from the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM at the cost of the sign. Page 4 (H) MONROE CQUlln BOARD OF COUNTY COHM!SSIONERS does hereby agree to accurately complete and submit all reports required by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMHH AND TRAINING CONSORTI UM in accordance wi th the procedures stipulated in the Service Provider Policies and Procedures ~'anua1. (I) MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI SSI ONERS does hereby agree to accurately report all program income generated by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS's program entitled "JTPA/Older Worker" to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. All program income sha 11 revert to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUH unless authorized in writing otherwise by the Executive Director of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAI~ING CONSORTIUM. ARTICLE VI I SUSPENSION OR DE-OBLIGATION OF FUNDS The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM has the authority to sus- pend or de-obligate funds allocated to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS for breach of any provision of this Contract in accordance with Article VIII of this Contract. The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall be the sole judge for determining whether MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS has compl ied with the terms and conditions governing this Contract. Reasons for suspension or de-obligation shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: (A) When it is determined that MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS has not complied with the obligations listed in this Contract, including the Services Delivery obligations as stipulated in Article VI of this Contract; (B) When it is determined that HONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS has not complied with the requirements for corrective action as stipulated by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM; (C) When it is determined that the program administrator(s) representing MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS have abused the purpose of the Job Training Partnership Act; (D) When it is determined that there is evidence of misfeasance in con- junction with regulations established in Article V of this Contract; or (E) When it is determined that MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS has not spent and wi 11 not spend and/or justify the total amount of funds obligated to the program within the period of performance. Page 5 ART! Clf V II I SUSPENSION AND/OR TERNINATlON OF CONTRACT (A) Suspension and/or Termination For Cause If, through any cause, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall fail to fulfill, in a timely and proper manner, its obligations lAnder this Contract, or if MONROE COUtiTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1MISSIONERS shall violate any of the covenants or stipulations of this Contract, the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall thereupon have the right to suspend and/or terminate this Contract; provided that the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM adheres to those stipulations outlined in Article VIII, Section B of this Contract for suspension and to those stipulations outlined in Article VIII, Section C of this Contract for termination. (B) Procedures for Suspens i on for Cause by the SOUTH FLORIDA EI~PLOyt.1ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM: The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMEIH AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall have the right to suspend partial or total funds which have been allocated to ~10NROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMr'lISSIONERS under the provision of this Contractual Agreement in accordance with Article VII of this Contractual Agreement. This suspension may occur at any time during the effective period of performance of the Contract and shall be effective immediately upon the mailing of a notification by certified mail of said suspension or the receipt of a hand delivered notification of said suspension. This written notification shall be provided to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS by the SOUTH FLORIDA EHPLOYMElH AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. The procedure for appealing a decision to suspend funds shall be the same as the procedures for appeal outlined in Article VIII, Section C, below. (C) Procedures for Termination for Cause or Convenience by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM: If the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM determines to exercise the right of termination for cause or convenience, the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall notify MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, in writing by certified mail or hand delivered, of the anticipated action, the reason(s) for the action, and shall indicate that MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS has the right to appeal this action. ~lONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM~lISSIONERS shall be required to submit a written notification by certified mail or hand delivered requestins a De-obligation Hearing within five (5) working days after receipt of the letter from the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORT!U~l indicating the anticipated action. In the event MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS does not request a hearing within the five (5) working day period, the decision of the SOUTH FLORIDA EI1PLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORT!U~~ to terminate shall become final. Once the Hearing is completed, the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall notify MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM~ISSIONERS of the recommendation of the De-obligation Hearing COlTunittee within five (5) working days after the Hearing has been conducted. The recommendation shall be presented to the Membership of the SOUTH FLORIDA H1PLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM at thei r next scheduled meeting for final determination. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUtHY COMMISSIONERS shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any service satisfactorily performed hereunder through the date of termination, which shall be the date of final dec i s i on of the Consort i urn members. Such ccmpensa t ion sha 11 not be provided to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COf>4J.lISSIONERS until such time as MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS fulfills its obl igations to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYI~ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUt~ relatiVE: to the close-out procedures listed in Article IV of the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. Page 6 Notwithstanding tht: above, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMI"'ISSIONERS shall not be rel ieved of 1 iabil ity to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOmEtn AND TRAINING CONSORTIUt.l for any damages sustaineu by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM or by a third party by virtu~ of any breach of Contract by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS unt il thE: charges for such damage:5 have been pa i d by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNT V COMMISSIONERS. The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM may withhold any payments to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS until such time as the exact amount of damages due the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM from MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNT V COMMI SSIONERS is determi ned. Thi s 1 i abil i ty shall include damages awarded to a third party by virtue of a final determination issued by the State of Florida, the U.S. Department of Labor, or an Administrative Law Judge. (D) Termination for Convenience of MONROE COUNT V BOARD OF COUNTY COMt-H SSl ONERS. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOHERS may request to terminate this contract at any time by giving at least thirty (30) days advance notice, in writing by certified mail, or hand delivered to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOY~ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. Requests for voluntary de-obligation of partial or total funds shall require ratification by the Membership of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINIUG CONSORTIUM. Once the request has been approved by the Membership of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall notify trlONROE courlTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS to begin the close-out of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS's program entitled IIJTPA/Older WorkerlJ. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any services satisfactorily performed hereunder through the date specified in the notice as the effective date of such termination. Such compensation shall not be provided to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS until such time as MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS fulfills its obligations to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM relative to the close-out procedures listed in Article IV of the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. (E) Te:rmination for Convenience of the SOUTH FLORIDA EHPLOYMElH M:D TRAINING CONSORTIUM. The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIU~1 shall have the right to terminate this Contract for convenience when it is determined to be in the best interest of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUN; provided that the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOnlENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM adheres to those stipulations outlined in Article VIII, Section C of this Contract. (F) Termination for Non-Award or Reduction of Funds. If, for any reason, the State of Florida or the U.S. Departm~nt of Labor does not award the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAIlHNG CONSORTIUM funds for distribution or if such funds are awarded at reduced amounts, or reduced during the Fiscal Year, the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOn1ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM may termi nate thi s Contract by giving at least twenty-four (24) hours advance notice, in writing by certified mail or hand delivered, to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS has no right to appeal a termination under this section, and the date of termination shall be the date of receipt of the letter. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any services satisfactorily performed hereunder through the date specified in the notice as the effective date of such termination. Such compensation shall not be provided to MONROE COUllTY BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONEP.S until such time as MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS fulfills its obligations to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM relative to the close-out procedures listed in Article IV of the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. Page T ARTICLE IX INSURANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS ~1ONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUt-:TY COMMISSIONERS, operating in the capacity of a governmental jurisdiction, shall maintain insurance and bonding specified by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. A governmental jurisdiction shall include a public educational institution which is sponsored by a state or lv~al 9vvernmental jurisdiction. ARTICLE X SUB-CONTRACT AGREEMENTS MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS does hereby agree to give advance written notification to the SOUTH FLOR:DA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM in regards to any sub-contract agreement signed by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS and an independent agency when such an agreement involves the uti1ization of funds provided through this Contract. The written notification shall include all information identified in the Service P,.o\,-ider Policies and Procedures Manual. The notification shall include a copy of the non-executed sub-c0ntract agreement. No sub-contract agreement shall be signed by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~IISSIONERS until the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM provides a written notification which approves the form and content of the sub-contract agreement. Any expenditures incurred by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~jmSSIONERS in conjunction with a sub-contract agreement prior to receipt of written approval from the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOn1ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall be the responsibility of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY Cm1NISSIONERS and may not be reimbursed wi th JTPA funds; nor shall they be reported to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIU~I as an inclusion with subsequent expenditures. The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall approve sub-contract agrf:~ments as to form and content only. The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAH:- ING CONSORTIUM shall not be considered a legal third party to a sub-contract agreement and shall not assume any liabilities which may arise as a result of such agreements. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMllISSIONERS may not sell its assets or assign its rights under this Agreement without prior approval from the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYME1H AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. ARTI CLE X I ~1AINTENANCE OF RECORDS All financial participant and prugrammatic records pertaining to the funds pro- vided under this Contract shall be maintained by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMr-t!SSIONERS during the effective period of performance of this Contract and for a period of thre~ (3) years subsequent to the expiration of this Contract or until all audit exceptions, grievances or litigations which may have been presented as a result of this Contractual Agreement have been adequately resolved to the satisfaction of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, whichever period is longer. Duri ng thi s peri od, the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYME:n AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, the State of Florida, or the U.S. Department of Labor may request copies of any and all of these records. MONROE COW:TY BOARD OF COUNTY COMi~ISSIONERS shall be responsible for providing copies of these records at the time of the request. In the event that MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS will cease all operations as a result af the expiration of the Contract, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMmSSIONERS shall be required to prepare all records for storage in accordance with the Servic~ Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. Once these Page 8 r'ec.ords are sccurtd by the SOUTH FLORIDA H1PLOYMEIH AND TRAINING CONSORTWI1, MOrlROE COUNTY BOAF:D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall not be 1 iable for the maintenance uf these records. MONROE coorny BOARD OF COUNTY COMNISSIONERS agrees and understands that it, or any of its agents 0r sub-contractors, would be in violation of federal regulations if it willfully obstructs or impedes, or E:ndeavors to obstruct or impede, an investigation or inquiry performed by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM in conjunction with the regulations. This stipulation includes the withholding of information contained in the records maintained by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS agrees to maintain and to allow public access tv all documents, papers, letters or other material subject to the prvvisions of Chapter 119, F.S., and made or received by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS in conjunction with this contract. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMt4ISSIONERS shall not use or disclose any information concerning a recipient of services under this contract for any purpuse not in conformity with Federal and State requirements, except on written consent of thE: recipient or his/her responsible parent or guardian when authorized by law. ART! CLE X I I MONITORING OF MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.s PROGRAM The SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMEUT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM has the authority to moni- tor, audit or perform an investigation of the program entitled JTPA/Older Worker which is conducted by the NONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMr,lISSIONERS at any time without prior notification in accordance with its authority provided in the federal regulations. The records of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall be subject at all times to inspection, review, or audit by personnel duly authorized by the SOUTH FLORIDA EHPLOYNENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, the State of Florida, or the U.S. Departnlent of Labor. . In the event that the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM deter- mines that MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~V1ISSIONERS is not in compliance with any obligations listed in this Contract, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS shall be required to take appropriate corrective action. This de- termination may be made at any time during the effective period of the Contract. If corrective action is required, t~ONROE COU~TY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall be obligated to establish and implement appropriate measures to insure that those areas of non-compliance are corrected. Corrective action shall be completed by MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CONNlSSIONERS within thirty (30) days after the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINIrlG CONSORTIUN has determi ned that MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUUTY COHMISSIONERS is not in compl iance; however, the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAU:ItIG CO~:SORTIU~' has the authori ty to determi ne that the timeframe for completion of the correctiVE action may be reduced or extended. The previsions of this Article in no way limit the right of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYHENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM to suspend or terminate funding in accordance with Article VIII of this contract. ART! CLE X I II INDEMNIFICATION MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, as a governmental Service Provider, agrees to indemnify the SOUTH FLOR IDA EMPLOYMENT AriD TRAINI NG CONSORTIU~i for damages or payments, and costs and expenses arising out of breach of this contract. Page 9 r~ONROE COUllTY BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS, as a governmental Service Provider, agrees to absolutely indemnify the SCUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYf.1EtJT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM for damages or payments, including costs and expenses arising out of the acts, omissions of the Service Provider, its employees, clients, agents or persons under its control to the extent and limit provided in Section 768.2fl of the State of Florida Statutes. ARTICLE XIV DOCUMENTATION FOR CONTRACT INVOICES , All documentation to be submitted to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM for Contract invoices shall be submitted in accordance with the pro- visions outlined in the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual and in Exhibit(s) of this Contract. Th~ State of Florida or the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOY- MENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall perform audits or have audits performed on this Contract and a copy of the audit findings will be supplied to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS upon completion of said audit. Any final adjustments to be necessary shall be made based on such audit findings. ARTI CLE X V CONTRACT ~1ENDMENTS MOt{ROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMmSSIONERS may request an amendment to this Contract to conform with any contingencies which may require such amendment. Once a contract amendment is submitted, the SOUTH FLORIDA E14PLOYMENT AIm TRAINING CONSORTIUM'S Executive Director has the authority to approve. disapprove. or to request further justification for such amendment. Amendments require review, approval and execution by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. After approval, the appropriate signatures of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUI~ and MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CONMISSIONERS shall be ascertained and the amendment shall be written and incorporated into this Contract. thereby becoming an integral part of it. No amendments shall be effective until approved and signed by the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYI~ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYNENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM may request MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS to provide contract amendments to the SOUTH FLORIDA UWLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM at any time during the performance period of the Contractual Agreement. ARTICLE XVI NOTICES Notifications and letters addressed to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM shall be delivered or mailed to: SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM 7220 N.W. 36 Street. Suite 300 Miami. Florida 33166 Notifications and letters addressed to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall be mailed to: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JTPA/Older Wurker Wing II. Public Services Building Key West, Florida 33040 ARTICLE XVI I Page 10 . , WAIVERS No waiver of any provision hereof shall be deemed to have been made unless such waiver be in writing signed by the Executive Director of the Consortium. The failure of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMDJT AND TRAIfHNG CONSORTIUM to insist upon tht strict performance of any of the provisions or conditions of this Contract, shall not be construed a5 waiving or relinquishing in the future any such covenants or conditions but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE XVII I CONTINGENCY CLAUSE Funding for this contract is contingent on the availability of funds and con- tinued authorization for program activities. and is subject to amendment or termination due to lack of funds or authorization. reduction of funds. and/or change in regulations. ARTICLE XIX AUDITS MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall assure that all expenditures f11ade under the terms of this contract are included in the scope of an annual audi t of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI SSIONERS in accordance wi th the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-128. MOHROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall provide a copy of its annual audit to the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOn'ENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. Not withstanding this annual audit. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS does hereby agree that records relating to this contract may be audited or reviewed by the SOUTH FLORIDA ENPLOmElH AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. the State of Florida. agencies of the United States Government. or their designees. ARTICLE XX METHOD OF PAYMENT Fixed Unit Price The fixed unit price fee(s) comply with the prOVlslons of 20 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 629.38(e)(2) which stipulate that costs billed as a single unit chdrge need not be prorated among the various cost categories but may be charged entirely to the training cost category if the agreement is for training, is fixed unit price. and stipulates that full payment for the full unit price will be made only upon comple~ion of training by a participant and placement of the participant into unsubsidized employment in the occupation trained for at not less than the wage specified. It is agreed by the Service Provider and the SFETC that if the Service Provider fails to place and achieve the first retention benchmark for at least 50% of the total number of placements required by this contract, then the training covered by this contract shall be determined to have failed. If a determination of failure is made, all costs paid under this contract shall be prorated among the various cost categories (administration, training and support services) established in the Act and the governing regulations and may not be charged entirely to the training cost category. Page 11 SIGNATORY FORN AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR: HONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROGRAM ENTITLED: "JTPA/Older Workerll (These Signatures Shall be the Same As Those Names Which Appear in the List of Authorized Signatures Provided in the Operation ents on File with the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSO I la. lb. o Signatures of Authoriz 2a. John Stormont 2b. Thomas W. Brown o Typed Names of Authorized Officials 0 3a. Mayor 3c. County Administrator o Full Titl es of Authorized Officials 0 4a. 4b. ~/J?' /J~~ Signature of Person Attesting 19nature of Person Attesting Signature that Appears on Line 1a Signature that Appears on Line 1b 1. Danny L. Kolhage, do hereby agree that the following information is true: (Typed Name of Secretary/Clerk) 1) That I am the Secretary/Clerk of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COr~HISSIONERS as the SERVICE PROVIDER herein: That MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMr~ISSIONERS's governing body possesses legal authority to enter into this Contract; That MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IS governi ng body conducted a duly constituted meeting on the 1st day of November , 19 89 : - That at the said meeting, the governing body authorized the execution of this contract, including all the understandings and assurances contained herein, by enacting one of the following parliamentary procedures: ____ the governing body passed a motion authorizing execution of the Contract X the governing body adopted a resolution authorizing execution of the Contract; That the governing body has directed those persons whose names appear on Lines 1a. and lb. above the act in their official capacity on behalf of MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS in connection with this Contract. 2) 3) 4) 5) (PLACE SEAL HERE) BY: 5. (Signature of Secretary/Clerk) Danny L. Kolhage (Typed Name of Secretary/Clerk) I do hereby, certify that the Secretary/Clerk appeared before me on the day of ,19 , and placed (hiS/her) signature on line 5 above. (Signature of Notary) (PLACE SEAL HERE) My Commission Expires: SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM BY: BY: (Contracts Officer) (Executive Director) APPROVED AS ro FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIEN~ ~yf57~ . , AltOI'M . 0 'It:fI Page 12 EXHIBIT OJT - OLDER WORKERS A. 1. \-IORK STATEMENT MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, hereinafter referred to as the S<..:n';ce Provider, does hereby agree to provide for individuals fifty-five years old and older an On-The-Job Training Program (OJT) t at .employer worksitest under the terms of the OJT agreements developed and mon,tored by thp. Sprvice Provider's staff. The occupational training area and length of each participant's training will be determined by the terms of the OJT agreement executed by thE:: Service Provider and the employert with the approval of SFETC stafft subject to all the restrictions specified ir, the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. " '-. The number and mix of participants to be served will be approximately as specified i~ the attachment to this Exhibit. All training will bE: carried out in accord with the requirements of the SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM (SFETC). All participants will be prepared to meet the entry-level hiring criteria for each OJT training area. '" j. 4. The Service Provider shall be responsible for: o Conducti n9 appropri ate outreach and recruitment to meet the partic- ipant mix requirements specified in the attachment to this Exhibitt on a sufficient scale to fill all vacancies in the project. o Assessing participants' needs for supportive services and providing bus passes or transportation allowances or referrals for supportive services as needed at no charge to this JTPA contract. o Providing Pre-employment skills training based on each applicant's needs to enhance their job readiness and subsequent job retention. o Providing job development and placement services as needed to meet or exceed the contract I s performance standards for OJT enrcllrr.ents and training-related job placements. o Providing ongoing monitoring of training and sufficient vocational and other supportive counseling to insure that participants remain sufficiently motivated to continue their participation in the program, receive assistance as needed to make progress, and develop sufficient skills to enhance their employability potential. o Providing sufficient post-placement counseling and assistance in the 60 days following entry into unsubsidized employmentt to enhance participants' prospects for job retention. B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The Service Provider will be required to meet the following performance standards: 1. At least seventy-five percent (75%) of the participants 55 years old and older enrolled, and not fewer than 10 participantst must complete the trainingt must be placed and must be retained by the OJT employer in the occupation trained fort or be placed in an unsubsidized pOSition in the occupation for which training was provided with another employert and be retained in the unsubsidized position for a minimum of 60 calendar days, at or above a placement wage of $3.50 an hour. A placement wage between the federal minimum wage, as amended from time to time, and $3.50 per hour will be accepted only in cases where a waiver is granted by SFETC for a specific OJT agreement for a specified participant employed by a specified employer. Page 1 ') ... The average (mean) hourly wage at placement for all older workers trained under thi~ Exhibit and placed into unsubsidized employment after training shall be $4.47. 3. If more participants are enrolled than reflected in the attachment to this Exhibit, the performance standards stated above will be applied to the total number of participants enrolled. Th~ overage (mean) length of training for all older workers trained under this contract shall be at least 120 hours. Future funding to the Service Provider for OJT services may be largely dependent upon the Service Provider's achievement under this contractual agreement of the minimum requirements noted above, related to the foll owi ng: a) Average length of training for all older workers trained under this contractual exhibit, and b) Percentage of the total number of adults enrolled who are placed into the occupation for which training was provided and who are retained for a minimum of 60 calendar days, and c) Average wage at placement of all older worker participan~s trained and placed under this Contractual Exhibit. 4. 5. C. METHOD OF PAYMENT 1. Fixed Unit Price For the OJT activity, the SFETC will provide the Service Provider with a fixed unit price fee of $1,642 for each placement which meets the criteria specified in Section B, Perfonnance Standards, above, up to the maximums specified herein. This amount will be paid to the Service Provider according to the schedule of payment benchmarks delineated belew, up to the total maximum amounts shown. This fixed unit price fee, however, shall be reduced to $1,478 for any placement which falls into one or both of the following categories: a) The participant entered unsubsidized employment prior to the completion of training. b) The participant is placed at a wage which is lower than $3.50 per hour. Benchmark 1 - Enrollment Payments will be made for participants who meet the criteria for enroll- ment, up to the maximum allowable payment for this benchmark. Enrollment is defined as follows: o The participant shall havE: been determined eligible for training as per assessment by the SFETC designated Intake agency. o All applicable MIS paperwork shall have been submitted to the Client Services Division of the SFETC. o A fully executed hire-first agreement shall have been received at the SFETC office which indicates that the participant is on an employer's payroll. o The participant shall have attended a minimum of two (2) days of training/employment while on an employer's payroll, after the employer and Service Provider have completed all procedures for OJT specified in the Service Provider Policies ~nd Procedures M~nua1. Payments for participants achieving this benchmark will be $493 per enrollment, up to a total maximum enrollment fee of $4,930. Page 2 Benchmark 2 - 50% AttendancE: in OJT Payments will be made for this benchmark fo,' participants who have achieved Benchmark 1 and who further attend at least 50% of the re:quired number of days of training for the appropriate OJT area, as specified in the executed OJT Agreement for each participant, up to the maximum allowable payment for this benchmark. Attendance shall be documented by submission of copies of the applicable attendance records as specified in the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. Payments for participants achieving this benchmark will be $410 per partic- ipant, up to a total maximum of $4,100. Benchmark 3 - Interim Placement/Retention Payments will be made for this benchmark for participants who have achieved Benchmarks 1 and 2, who have completed training and have been placed in unsubsidized employment, in thE occupation for which they have been trained, for at least thirty (30) calendar days, at a wage rate not less than $3.50 per hour or at a rate between the federal minimum wage and S3.50 per hour for specific placed participants for whom waivers were granted as ' d~scribed above in Part B, above, and in the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. Placements will be verified by the employer's return of the employment verification form that will be submitted by the Service Provider to SFETC. SFETC reserves the right to further verify employment. Payments for participants achieving this benchmark will be $493 per partic- ipant for any participant who entered unsubsidized employment after completing training and was p1ace:d at a wage equal to or higher than the minimum wage of $3.50, up to a total maximum of S4,930. Payments for participants who do not meet both of the aforementioned criteria for full payment of the fixed unit price fee will be reduced to $164 per participant. Benchmark 4 - Placement/Retention Payments will be made for this benchmark for participants who have achieved all of the above three benchmarks and have remained in unsubsidized employment in the occupation for which training was provided for a total of at least sixty (60) consecutive days including the thirty (30) calendar days required in Benchmark 3, Interim Placement/Retention. Placements will be verified by the employer's return of the employment verification form that will be submitted by the project to SFETC. SFETC reserves the right to further verify employment. Payments for participants achieving this benchmark will be $246 per partic- ipant, up to a total maximum of $2,460. 2. Wage Reimbursements to Employers A total maximum of $6,000 shall be paid to the Service Provider for wage reimbursements to OJT employers. 3. Supportive Services The SFETC will reimburse MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS for the costs of providing participants with supportive services. These reimbursements shall be made upon submission of proper documentation i ndi cati ng that the project compl i ed with the SFETC procedures for such supporti ve servi ces. The maximum SFETC shall reimburse the project for these costs shall be $750. 4. Total Amount Both parties do hereby agree that a total maximum of $23,170 may be paid to the ServicE Provider to cover the costs of fixed unit price fees and wage reimbursements, but that a lesser amount may be paid based upon the actual number of participants aged 55 and older completing the benchmarks enumerated in this Exhibit. Page 3 ; - Attachment to OJT Workstatement Service Provider Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Older Workers The Service Provider agrees to provide an On-The-Job Training Program (OJT), at employer worksites to be detennined during the effective period of this contractual agreement, under the terms of the OJT agreements developed and monitored by the Service Provider's staff. The occupational training areas shall be according to the following mix, as categorized by the three-digit Dictionary of Occupational Title (DOT) codes: OCCUPATIONAL TITLE DOT CODE NO. OF PARTICIPANTS Clerk/Receptionist 209 5 Library Assistant 100 2 Desk Clerk 238 1 Teacher Aide 090 2 Secretary 201 3 TOTAL 13 The training wage, training outline, and length of each participant's training will be determined by the terms of the OJT agreement executed by the Service Provider and the employer, in accordance with the approved outlines, wages, and length of training attached hereto, subject to all the restrictions specified in the Service Provider Policies and Procedures Manual. 8-4-89 /" ./' OCCUPATION DOT CODE SVP STARTING WAGE ENDING WAGE Clerk/Receptionist 209.3~2-026 4 $5.00 $5.00 TRAINING OUTLINE APPROXIMATE ~KILL~ TO BE ACQUIRED: ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING TRAINING HOURS PER SKIll Answering phone and routing calls in a courteous and professional manner. 20 - - Assisting employeeA with acquisition of forms and p=~cedures as instructed. 20 , i-.a..... ~.l.ning filing systems for correspondence, applicatioo.:-' and personnel files. 40 .. Providing minor typing tasks and giving necessary testing to applicants. 40 6. Prov.l.ding and assisting in other general clerical and receptionist 40 duties. JOB DESCRIPTION Under direct superv~sion, individual will be able to perform general receptionist An~ c...er.l.cal dut.l.es . ..__ .. . ~ OCCUPATION DOT CeDE SVP STARTING WAGE ENDING WAGE Library Asst Train ee 100-367 . 01~ 7 6.88 HR 6.88 HR TRAINING OUTliNE APPROX I MATE SKILlS TO BE ACQUIRED: : OH-THE-JOB-TRAINING TRAINING HOURS : PER SKILL Provides information service regarding books, tapes, and card catalogs. 30 Verifies bibliographic information on request. 30 1='ilp~ -" in catalo~ drawers 30 Assists public in catalog department or limited loan or reserve desk operation. : 30 Other duties as assigned. . Performs varie.tv of clerical tasks well public contact. as as in re!!ard to librarv procedures. . . , JOB DESCRIPTION OCCUPATION DOT CODE SVP STARTING WAGE ENDING WAGE Front Desk Clerk 238.362-010 4 S5.25 HR I TRAINING OUTLINE f .. . APPROXIMATE !~!tt! TO BE ACQUIRED: ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING TRAINING HOURS PER SKill Registers and assiqns rooms to quests. '0 DatE' stamnc: c:or1-c: ~nn .....,.Ir.. ;"',.,.,...;"'''' .....;1 ~..~ 20 Transmits and receives messages usinq various office eouioment Reception duties: including answering questions pertaininq to shopping, dining, entertainment and travel dire 60 Keeps record of room availabilit~ and quests acc 20 Cc::-.;:.:t.cs bill. collects oavment ""'M . . f',.,... 40 JOB DESCRIPTION OCCUPATION DOT CODE SVP STARTING WAGE ENDING WAGE Teacher Aide 090-227.. 010 8 $4.50 $4.50 TRAINING OUTLINE SKILLS TO BE ACQUIRED: ON-THE-JOB-TRAIHING APPROXIMATE TRAINING HOURS PER SKIll work ersonal care and Other duties as assi ned 20 JOB DESCRIPTION Assisting teacher/counselor with instruction and assistance of life skills for mentally disabled adult-re iden s OCCUPATION DOT CODE SVP STARTI NG WAGE ENDING WAGE Secretary 201.362-030 6 $5.00 . $5.00 TRAINING OUTLINE APPROX H~ATE ...". . . r -:-0 BE ACQ.UIRED: ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING TRAINING HOURS ..". ...... ! PER SKILL Answering telephone and gives information to callers 40 Routes incoming mail, prepares outgoing mail 20 Types, files and operation of copy machine 40 Provides assistance to staff in preparation of monthly reports 40 Other duties as assigned 20 .< JOB DESCRIPTION ~erforms minor administrative and oeneral office duties