Resolution 686-1989 Monroe County Sheriff RESOLUTION NO. 686-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNty COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN IRWIN MORSE AND MONROE COUNTY CONCERNING OFFICE SPACE. FOR THE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF CONCERNING A SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION \Q o "'Tl .:- ::::::> z cc u w N ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement by and between Irwin Morse and Monroe County concerning office space in Marathon, Florida for the Sheriff's Department Special Operations Division, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a legular meeting of said Board held on the ell:> l' day of t1Lo..."€..III6~ A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA # .~ By Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND tEGN SUFFICIENCY. , 8Y ~()J,J.J"~'~~.L'''''- \.<{3~ i) AtI;f,'t', OI/Jce ~ -' \ orf'l~1; DVI~g,",,", "'~"E; .... ~- ..~...... ~bi' ~~ttm I atel"". . ..ler.eI i.lo tit.. 21st No' A. D., 19 8 9 r clay 01 Irwin.S. Morse, M.D. .-. - .- '. Ia..i..fter ullecll.ANOLORU, ,..........iaall. c.l.... Tt:NANT, .84 MONROE COUNTY IS TO WITNESS: na.I Laadlorel cIoe. tlti. day I... _to T....." -.-.-'- --,--' SUITE 214 AN 215 CONSISTING OF 900 SOUARE FEET LOCATED AT TOHN SQUARE MALL, r.1ARATHOn, FLORIDA," FOR THE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION. TO ,HA yt: ,~D ,TO HOLD ..id pr...i... for Ibe I.... 01 _ THREE ( 3 ) YEARS DECEHBER I, 1989 ,_.I!~.d!.._N(mh'Mlu:,'D ~f\, J.992 .._ toIal r..tal of SEE SCHEDULE BELOVJ DoU.,. (. I ....iII.i.. I a& .ad for ,Ia. ' " ,.,aW. co ucI .c lb. office of . IJ;'win 'S. Morse, M.~ ....c for Ludlord. .. follo.aa THE RENTAL vnIICH IS PAYABLE MONTHLY ~Nx~RxRRR~RRx~RRxRIRS~ IN ARREARS mKXXmKXKK~KXKNNXK~K1JXM~N~NXI~ AS FOLL01~S: IT IS FURTHER ACREED AND COVENANTED BY AND BE....EEN THE PARTIES IIERETO AS FOL.LO.S: \ .. TeD..I, cOllcurre~dy wilh the execulioa of Ibi. le._, has depoailed witb Landlord the .um of .....................00 Ibe receipl of w1aicb ia bereby aclmowladled by Ludlord, which aum ellall be retained by L....dlord or the paymenl by Ten"I of the renla herein .8"eed 10 be paid by Tenanl ud 'or Ibe 'aith'ul ce by Tenant o' th. ler.... and coveDanla o. Ibia le__. It ia a81'_d Ihat Ludlord, at Landlord'. 0 Ii .1 any lime apply "aid aum cw cw anv pan thereo' lowards the paYlDenl o. lbe renla and all other auma Tenanl under lhis le..e, and towllld. the per'cwmance o. eacb _d every o' Tenanl'a coven_Is und . e.ae, bUI auch covenanla and Tenant'a liability under thia leaae ahall thereby be discbarged onl 0; thai Tenanl ell.1I remain liable 'or any amount. thai auch ~ aUlD ahall be iDaufHcienl to pay; that _y edlausl any or .11 rigtal. and relDediea asainal Tenanl be'ore re. aortiDg 10 aaid aum, but not . ereiD contained ahall require or be dee_d to require Landlord .0 to do;tb.t, ia Ihe J event thi. depoail 01 be utilized 'or .ny aucb pUlpose., tbeD such depo.it Moll be returned by Landlord 10 Ten- .cJ eal withia ya nellt aher the expiralion of th.. terlD o. this Ie...., LaadlCllel ."111111101 be re41uired 10 pay Ta"I .y i7 (I, . OD ..id Ncuril)' depoail. POLICE MATTERS. \\\ t..-: 2. Tit. T...I .iIl .ae ad occupy the pro_i... for -'I' I . la:ualTY ula ASSIGNMENT SPVICE I:X.UIIS.\TIUN OF rllUIISl:1I ItEr.UIII DI:I.A ,. Ctt' rUloiloit:SIlION DEC. 1, JUNE 1, DEC. 1, JUNE 1, DEC. ~, 1989- HAY 30, 1990 1990- NOV. 30, 1990 1990- MAY 30, 1991 1991- NOV. 30, 1991 1991- NOV. 30, 1992 $650.00 PER MONTH $700.00 PER HONTI! $750.00 PE~ MONTH $800.00 PER NONTH $800.00 PER MONTH (l"Q; ~ SALES TAX EXEMPT SECURITY DEPOSIT NOT REQUlRED_ RENTAL INCLUDES USE OF ALL SECURITY DEVICES. a~ fer ao olber UN or purpoae. 3. aitbout tbe WJ:itl.eD conllent u' Landlord 'iral oblained in each case, Ten.nt aIIall nOI .a.ip, transler, IIIOfllage, pledse, or otherwiae encumber or <lio;pose o' thia leaae or the lerm bereo', or underlet Ihe detniaed premises or any pari tbereo' or permil Ibe premiaes to be occupied by other persona. If Ibis lea.e be assigned, or if the demised premiaes or any part Ibereo' be underlel or oc.'upied liy anybody other than the Tenant, the Landrcwd may. aher de'ault by the Trn. aat. collecl r.1 from tbe a.aigoee. undalenanl, or occupanl and Ilpply the nel amount coller-ted to the rent herein re. aerved, bul ao auda colleclion .boll be deemed a waiver o. tbi. covenant, or Ihe aceeplance of the ...ipee. under- len...I, or occupanl a. Tenanl oc . rele... of Ih. Tenanl 'rom Lbe flan"" oblMlvance IInd per'or_ce by Ihe T....I 01 Ibe coveD..I. boreia CODlluned. .. na. Laadlord willlumiell aervicee .. 'ollowa: during normal business hours. only public areas. Such .rvice ah.1l be lIjiven Sft long aa the TeDanl ia nol in de'auh under any o. the eovenanla 0'. lhia le..e, subJer.1 to atrikea, acdclenl., breakdown". catMtropbea, nalion.1 or local elDergeneie., .cl. O. Cod, and cOlldilions ClAd cau.es beyond the cOlltrol o' Ibe Landlord, and upon aucb bappening, no cl.i. lor de_sea or abate_nl 01 real 'or 'ailure to 'Ulniah ..y lIUcla ..vice. shall br ll\IIde by the Tenllt or .llowed lay lla. Ludlord. s. T....nl buiDI exalllined tbe premisea ia falDiliu with Lbe condilion thereof _d relying IIOlely on lIUcb ea..i.. lion will lake ,be.. in Lbeir preaent condition, unlea olherwiee expre..ly ageed upoa ill wrhilla. 6. Tea..t will al Tenaal'. own upenee keep demieed ptemieoa in lood repair and lenanl.ble condilion dUlift' Mid lerm and will replace .1 hie 0_ eapenee any and all b,okell IluG is .ad aboul Mid pr..ia.. and Tenanl will al the te'lDi..tio. o' thia le..e by l.p.e of lime or olherwiae, return aeid Fe.ee 10 LaadJord ia .. Soad cODdilica e. .laeD received, 1_ by fire or wi.dalorlD and ordinuy _llII' excepled. 6A. If Lbe L.ndlord i. uDable to sive poeeeceioD 01 tbe denUaed prellli..a 0. the dale o' Ibe commencemenl o. Ille .'oreaaid lor. by re..on 01 the holdins OVf1l of cay prior leDCJlI or IeD.nlD or 101 any other reaaon; .... abel__1 or di.. i.whoa 01 the r.I 10 be paid laereuDder daall be .1I0wed lenClI1 812der DUCIa circulUlAllcea, bul aotlaina lIIer.i. alllall ..per.ae 10 .lteDd lbe term D. the leu. bcy.d lbe aweed ellpirel.ion dele; ud .eid .balemera' in real ..all be the 'ull H'.a. o' Ludlord'. liabilily 10 Tenant few ClIly lOaD or delDl!l8e 10 TeaMI CJIIl eCCOWlI of pid de ley in obl.iain, po... ~1"lioa o' lb. pr..i.... If Landlord ie UIUIble to 8ive po.....ica o. LIIe dellliHd Femi.e. to TeRClIlI wilbin ninely day. nelll aher dI. c_ae_ent 01 Ibe ter. o. Ibi. J...e, theD Te.eDI ahlllU laave the ri"'-I 10 C41ncelthie leaa. UpOll ..ritlH MIlic. &llereol cI.livered to Leadlonl withi. l.en day. .fl... the I.p.. of .aid IIi...,)' dolY period; &ad, up- aMcla ca.~..tI_, Lea4l0r4..4 T...t .a..1I .e("~' r.lcuecI.d uaclt.." f,CMa .UIi.llilil, - tlti. Ie.... Electricity and air conditioning Cleaning and trash removal from 7. T....... w.1I _.... 110 .h.r..i... .....lill.. ., 1."."._... I. . ,. tal I....dl..,... ...d .11 ."""11_.. ...."'_. w ...pr."._ta. ..c.,. _I, ."'e:.' ..."..'4.""..... tale .'n. c..... .., ,..owebl. w.&hU\l' ..)..ry '0 ..... ".III1H.. .a..1I _ .... ...aia . _, .. ..._ ana, W. ....._ .,.... ...IQ ...... h......' r- - "..... .. - ..,.....- .. ..... ...... 8. II .. ""d.,..* ..... .I'.elI IIpG1l II...... lINt pIlIli.. ...... .... ct. ..",.c.. or '01 ..01. d.. 011 &iI. pr."'.... ~ .... .. T_1lII& .....:: ."..::;... T.... ., .......I.~ .. .i...... _. ,... .._ -.4 ...11 Ita iacllld." ill .., I... .. ....,' · ...,.... · ..... ...... ...- .... 9. I. .h. .".". &iI. "...... .hll ... ""V.,... . .. "-.-4 . ...j.......1I . I ., &hi. .1'._."" ...e....' .... .._ .a..1I Ita ,......... .,.....~. ..... ......a:.. .":,.It · ~....",. ..... UNa Ii.. pr.III'''. '.II.....IlI.,~ '.p.". .i&!li. ....., ...,. ......"... If ..Id "..1... .. .:. ,..4:..~ .:.~..:.: ,:..~ --:It .._ "' .h.1I II. oP"".. ...... ...her l"" ...,... .. c..cel .bi. Ie... ... Ie .,.. ....., _Ia CfYIo.u.....I&It..:::: .h.1I be p..d 0,,1.. .. .h. ..... ., .c" ".. c.._h,. 'I1ae .:..c.I".'. ....... _.,,_.. ....11 lie ."w..c... Ie ..u. . Qu.II'" ..., .._ u... &!I.. "..._ .. .'...'.ltl.... .. c..... .. ...... ... 'bie .....--' UNa... '-- _~. 4 . ".peII"M ......, ....11 .. _....... -- · · .-- - ... 10. Tn.. ~.II ,.,..pal, ..ee.... M4 ~....., .h" .u .......~. e.;.i~.c... ,..... ....... '...1.'......... ....".. _... 01 &!I. t.d.,.I. s..... eo_~, _d ell, ce..._.,...4" _, .... ,II ,hoi, 0.......... aM ...,_. ...U.... '., ..Id ......._. '01 ...., c.'ee..... "."...... .... A!M~_.' at .'...c.. . ..... ,,""MC_, &a. ..... . _ctell ..'" _14 p,........ d""., ..... .... ..~ .a..1I ..I.. "..,.., co.pI, .i. a" cauco'. .11 ...... .....,. _4 .......6GelI 0' .... So...h.....'. Ur04.r",h... M~'."~ .. .... pr."..'I_ ., ,..... a& T........ ... c... .... ......... T..... .IP.... .. f.' .., 1lM:'_.. .. .~ .-.. .. "'....... ......... ..' aM .-. alte .... ... .. ,... .... .., .. ~ .., T....' . .... . ecc......c, .. .. "....... )lJ I. T."."I _,p...: 1\.. T.,...... WIlli ....I, pe, ~i" ... .. .. ..... .~". .......~~UICN_ Gailt_)f"~W*I*_~9I"~_ICIlWIac*II(11n.l"xtN"iMaJrattl\tI. if .,1-Ofel ala. ,.... lIIi- 1.1, rlao'aca -.h.1I .._.. .._ GAd IlAplli.. .. IlOWc:a 1b,1I .... .r.ci?iJae .....~.1J?~c_..... ea4 ..,etalo. a....&1oont .h.1l h.w .... .pIlO. 0' ".cINi.a tb" ~IUlr. 0' &110 ..". 'ClIl' 'or &!Ie Ol'UYO ...,.1 &cr. .. dUll &.DoH 10 ~ ,~. 10..1, d... ..4 pe,.W.. ~ Lara4..... .., dil_ Fecood lID col_. ell eI I~ .-paW .... cela..t fer b, &We bMO .., ..,...... 01 0.....'.1... ' . 12. II d"""1 "'C .... 0' .lti. ...,011 ,T.... ... ..fl_. "!IiC.'. ., ,..."" 'r.. .... ,....i.. ala. .... ,...... III .Il. sood.. ..'0.. ."11''''.' Of 'JeflliclUDP __II, ~C1" ca .&Ad p.II!3A.... .. cblllll CllIotM dOIGa buai.!!l.ao its Hid poo. III..... 0' oh.1I ...If.r .11. '_I ,. lao ,. elf.... Lraa"lctc1 ~,. II' ilo .,.ioa; c&laCcl ,Illio a.aea. i. ,... IlYtIIIlOI 0".04 h. P.'.II"-,J>h 11 1101.0'. 01 La.dl.tI Ill.Y ClII'" _hi prCliQ40aa co alae a5"II' .1 T__., ..,. ,_co III "'....IIIlI..OC. ",,!.bOlt' hla8 liable ." .n.. ".)' .b.,.'.. _d ,.10' .bet FG1DiClllo with GS ",i.b", ea, '..""'0 all., _, at. lA8Iltla. oa .8.10 Il&CI~ 0' Ten_I. .. C1..,.h r:1&:. .".. "poll .lIClt ..,QQ CIld ,~ Cl4Ich 4w.';_ 01 .6_ .. L..II1Nd _, ....-.-. .,ul me.i"lJ Iller ...1 .h.-n'.. Ilpp )'illS lh. ~. lit .... pe,_.' 0' ~ ,a,..tIlCl bv abGaCl pNINIMIl. .... if Lbo 'liB fQQlal belolO F'lc.Qdod .b.II, .0' Ia. '.lIIliaad lip ~adMr4 .... _d.... &b:t CIl~ 10 wda..tI d ecdl ,.bt~ Teece. .U ~'J up .....Cl.ac)'. 11. It i. ..,..d ""_0. .... FI.leo 1It...es ....., I' TOIlS' !:!Jell a.o dj."ic..e4t II bJMt!s,upl . OIl ,...1..., etf ade 'N ".".11' ., en, ..4e,.1 ,oOl~iaau_ " ~pec"l.. F=lilldiaa tM csaJIo II pM'.. _aip_ma .. aek. l&CI..... ., ...ol"..c" I... 01 .. T....., .. laao..W ."acrooO _&u ,bi. 1000 dlelJ " NIII tI4I!lIIClf lIlla" ...c..li_ COG of 19", Of If .. u..o... ." "'1II11..p.., . . ,....-.',';: ....... ..~~no"'d a cletlll$c1 - ~ law ~_l!:llI' ..., r ,~....'.:.-~. 1....1. or ., ..id pr...i.. eIl.11 be .t:c!lld_GHt ., d:Jcorld. C1 iI Tea.., Ib . pocr'.,1D uy 0' fob. cO\ltO~'O fill c_....._. 8' lit.. 10_. Oft T.....'.. ~,. ,. tIo fI3I'aced. fir If lblca t1 dlllt 'GlI1Ia ..._. lilII u....8fle41 a ""- ,. w Gaw.I". "pOR eay IW'V..... h... o4lic:., ,. c.,p~Gl'CC C!l OClOO' ., iho&!ll .. ..... T...." epuaU_ CIlia. ., o~.rw.ao. ~h... Md iR .., ...c:ll 0""'0 lJli. 1eI_ 'It:l'ID ., ,bAa beN. llI' '--<IIla4'fl .,.1_. cbaU ..,410 ",,4 .~ c;:;; It.. doo... .h. L.llIull.d baa !Sill.a TOll '0 flealcQ (I" PO ~OI bc;",wbc"o pow6C1l..n .. ,,~ ee.. ~il'_ Of .'0..1. ."" T.na.' ",.fty diet.', ~1II. ,. c;:a" ulll aen."" Ni~ FlIZI)i/MD .. LaNU,,"; a..:" ab.a uall I a.. IMp. "' or afl.". I. . """I 10 rule'.io ce~ ytecoodllaGD b ala0 'Cl:O\1!N' /I)' .b. pee.,._I- ., &!to "CbI~ . ~ pr........ ,,, a plIo"ite4 rOf iI,. la.. II .It. ,c;tIQII 01 ....i. a~~ obd. ~ ClIlI tolmlD""", l...acatICltd -v C~lat8!' 7 w a 111_ .Ia....h. \"...Illea, ... '~:d sl:.:J pcc!ee. 11M ~"o c.U pIlODD ~ ~'v dMlrllIJCZ ~ . . al 16...10 ,~ V.IDpm8o " ~.. ' , . "UIIlN.." ((\ l[) 14. If ,a.. T......' ..0.... III lha p;ldtmD'" of oa, c' .b ce\'O~e.G 0' .lUllI '~UIU oa4 hy roe... ,......... Lo&tI&.rd ..... . ..plo,. .b. ..".Co. .. aI ..,~ em as'QlCO paa~". o. ~ G:f>>'d1~G &Jv Ibo Toe.... 10 e!ll'&4 ,be 7tiOG5l.k> colloc, .0"". duo ta, .,h. T"aaol, ., to PU'fDimj eA'I lMl1l;1l~ k=" CCN'l" c~ clellill6h. ltlCD la ~, e4 coul oneQII .... T..... d... .... ,. ,., . "A8GllIOb~ .IlIWQOV'C1 '/00 useS all oap'i:GQ() ClOd GCl)Ji40 'lMCf,od r., aM &..&:ad~ fU.... _. ........ .... illl ..'l3ll~i14 .. oJ rooe4, eltCl180bla tIS ,~ l..tirllad. I~. T....' II_a", p'od",1J eDlI _'lIIU 10 ~t=d all ~ '1!l7Ili~C; II_eo. (,S.... .4 ch....11I e4 T_, .~b ....11 . _, ... __pi ~ fd .. !NUll POQIl!J:3D co ~1lI4oV fa I~ plII,lIIlala cllllll'~ ".'. lIIId T..... e"o.c a&ea oekl u.. _, ... ..'.,004 ." diell'C", rUC1:I03Ia.. a e\hcm:l6~. a' aha eWI'_ of ~ L.=cUorcf. Tee., llfl30lirr clI&!'o_l, ....... _4 'e-'lCn ,. llUanU Dc] adl, coSt M<i! ~I ~,~ ~ ClI'"<tO~ .i~'. IIao -, ..." (:lOom. lE1 bQHJ. aI,.. __ _ l:7 .~ .. lbG fl'!'l!lfj~h"" ~ ~9 cO ~ 53e1a d lrb'~ &:1 ICe c::l'l ~ .I.~, CQ d Ill" ~lil"." SI..... &II aplS).. .. p,ae=' d ~ roorol er r:;.:;!Q ~ tt.:.::tool 01 _'/ ~ ,~MWL"m C'fJ ~~ ~~ t::'rlJ ~ ...., ~ 01'. l)' aWe c,.~mati. 'I .., ' 16. N. .0'''.' o' Clay ClCll"dl'loa er ~all!ill3 of ~w !o~ ~ Loodbd Ilb:lU ho deela3d 10 11li'fI1, a o::m.ltmlGl III ,~. ,,,,, _iWG' ~ ~!GIJd .. .., OS~17 GeSAUka r;1 DVCOIClI eI ~b6o I::taa. Tho ,1d1UI u4 ,,,..di.o na~ctd t:r; ~e. I... en CQ!_bU"" c=d ah C:;3 d co 'O~V ~I QU' ~ ~!'l 110 QQll:lIcle e:J t:l4!l4'l1~ &t\3 ri~ ao ~ !dO cl ~a. 17. Laa4I_tl. fI1 IUIY d I\i& ..010. d1ell bovo t!l:!S d~'Q cUe' ro6/J rpc:Q6~!!l cbrba; oll....C;eQehtCII bor;n1 r.Q 011- I.. .ite lMIMO CI 10 ~o ee;cb 'Gp3lm, od1tht3Qe ,.. cbUOliroG ~ co, b cblJ~ cccc:G06:QY 'et thlll ,ao'oav, <\l~. CI ....."..iCdl 1.bG'ifl'J.'. C1 of cold ~U<:!jCflo cg '0 llllIAI~Ao ocJ.d plCltll:::tlo M oav ,Icw ~hbCl Obi", to,o IontCleJ cto cC!,uoo ,I.. .. .Ili. lo.~. fahJ ,,~. ef c~u1 ob3J1 Uh<r.a6n ~h" 'b ~ F'~ cl ~bfl ~..o o~a. ,~~~. ....... CI crfdi'lcAD t::bieb <<b CAl2 ~ClJD O~ &!J~ ~OrA. . 18. All ..r_ol po,.,., placot! e1 p09~ k1 tbo!.'Jo1ollDiceo &bcr.3 dtJoc6bed o!loU tm d LM ,iall eI T~ ef lito ....., 'he'OIIII. .1II" LIJ~IOfd Gtwllt ,,~ ba "01110 ,,. TCoct:ll ," cay dsCMrF 10 ClC,d pot_el pr.,.'" .. .... T~.. aria... "CD cbo hwcSiolll .,. "lliAt 01 C.lel p&~ c:7 'rccJ GZl,/ eaJ c! Cl"ehG~ e! tJfJ'I c:oa..... cg "Q1~ frI4 allo ~Ullll'" . 0' .., AllClf ~rc~ ~WlOOI1.', 19. I. c...I4agdilQ fl' Hid ped~o ~!Oa 104.'>>411. TCil_.' 'I/if 0, obzl~. ros'ol. 'i'elMlll' ..".1 Thd TClIlaa&. Ill' &11 ...... W,II ,.41__U, ~(J h"f1 tIOfe:!!!cr:O '~~Je:ut Cae::> eta I~o. dCQIG". Uell1Wlwa Slid .~p_o. c~i6b co, alie. ., lie cl....d GBGWul' l.c&dlG74 dd b Icl 'c~cq d ~V ~CGr~. HID C1'Qe1~.g,,~, .~ -V /oOl)W'QIID" Ne~.ll-3 M.o pe'." Of ".pc"y 01 e:;'1 ~-=o. eA~ C/!1 (lef~CI~. CClQO~c:i l.l~ C1 tt1~~6 t~r:;:.g Uao tlGa 8f _~tlfilC:V ~ ell'" "..1... ..,. T.aM'. " oeace~~eS 1Ilp:l 6 <<J6eloa ~o::'l cay eel/ll. &::lllUt~ tHJale~' ~ 'Gll!h 0' .TeMIl' (blO .0'11'111. ..rv..... ...,I.,<IIQII. !ic6DOliOo..gaa~o C!J "-"1V1BGOO). C~00I:t3~ro' Uf-t'Cl " cg!o!QO &C':II TQO~' " '&U~Cl '0 c..,I, .ith .... .'or..wud Ja",,,. CSGlld_. md.llQ.ACloo a 'IIlClI.:lIe1ICGill; l~' 'Lc()~IClilS clloll tl&:l ti2J 110&.10 '0 TOMeO ~., ooj1 $-c.... 1...... Of i.Jw,.. '0 ,b PUr::lOill3 C'J F~"V af "III~I e;;bicll ~, bo cCleGQ4 b., &eO c~lO. QGah't:I. eGliSG'~ Q1 'o1lUl.. .1 MY per._. .". . C:~lUi$Q. ~d .bcl TCi&U:l..' ~IU ldO:::llJl!" IlAd r.oep ~ola_ I..olIIdIGc1 "em oU ~t;G.. ~Qe b.h..... I....... i.jl/:7&.O. . ..p~MQ Olbioll ~f esleo (II bo ob~ .,.6e.9' l..aiadle1d .aA - 'Il 'awelf of ~'~Il:.n. ,;,. . .,pot"'.' '/IS Da, loj.oeo " ~~o '" U>:> ~tMI f:1 t,r1~' .. ooU ~~'lID" ..pogo,eee. t!:~O QGo!d iajw'" . ..../I~&l .~ 0~' f8 ~ ,~~ D',~~' \l.T..AT'..... .. \I"U" ,.... .....,,'.. ... t(.......\T...... A..II .....&.."..c.. I"""" ""!liT ,.ANItO..MblT 1\.......PTC'y >11''''''''''''1 ., I..."".... ""V" =V.r' r.......~.. :'a&J'U'l'~ ...""...,. I.A........." ~:)~, ~ " . , . :'.. .' . . \ lilt;"; ~ ~ MUMTI,Ae;t: UK "I,t,", :.1 NOTICt:S RI'I.t.S ANP RU.IILATIClNS WRITTt:N Al'Kt:t:Mt:NT TIM': IItaKS ANP AIiSle;Nli Pt:,u"U'lJL I'UIoIot:SSION ALTt:MATIONS ANII Ka:I',\lKa> t::\Il!'\lt:!\/T PC"I.\lN SI'MMt:NUt:K ,'MI:\IlSt:S I ,It::'" !; 20. TeoT.'- .;....... ..h.1I be NublrC::1 10 any bon. fide mOrlg.KIl wbicb DOW eo"..... ..id "".lIIi... ad wt.lcla ..y ".ra- .he. be 1,1. ....J I"Il0uaea 1.)' lAl.dluld. or wltl.,I)'II.,I...c aow en 1.I.r C lbe IUIlir. p,upen,. 21. Eseepl for Ihe monlhly renlal oOlices. all nOlices shall be ceuified or re,iateled mail or nOlicea delivered in hand 10 Ibe Laodlo.d ur I.aodlord's Alieni and 10 the Tenanl or Tenant'. Alene on Ihe premi.ea. II Ihe premisea ale unoccupied 01 a~ceplance of said nolice ill .efused by Ihe Ten.nl or Tenanl'. A,enl. .aid norice m.y'bc .ened on Ihe Tenaot by posliOI same in a p.uminent place on the Plemisea. Thia para"aph .haU apply 10 nOlice. provided f.u in Ih.. lease or by Ihe laws of ehe St.te of Florida. 22. II ia mUluallyaweed th.1 .11 the Ruin aDd Resulaliona prinled UpOD ~e bee II of dli. in.UWDenl Ab.ll b. ud arc be.eby m.de . pa'l 01 th.N le_e ...d Teoant covenallla ud .pllll. lJl.I he ucl bi. .en.nl. .Ild ..eole will .t .lIla_. ob.ene, perfu.m aad abld. b, a.ld .ulea .lId re ...1.li_.. 23. Thill le.ee coolaio.. Lhe enhre aK'cem".n1 belweeo ~e partiea berelO and .11 previoulI DeSOli.lion.le.diDS theldo. .nd il m.y be moc1ilied 0111, by IUI .greemenl an WlilioS aigned ADd .caled by Ludlord ADd Tenul. No .ur.eMer of lJl. demiaed prelN.... or 0' the rem"Ioder of the letlD O. thi. le..e. 1Ib.1I be v.lid 1tA1... acc:.pled by L_dlorcl i. writ - inS' 24. It i. under.tood and .sreed belweeo Lbe poorlie. herelo Ib.1 time i. tb. e..enee of .11 of ~. ler_ aad provi.ioa. of Lbi. le..e. 2~. Thi. lea.e ADd all proviaioD., coveDants and condiliona the,eo' a1tall be biodioS upon and iDu,e 10 Ilte beaef" 0' Lbe hei,.. le..1 represenl.live.. ..uccea.lIf. ud .alli.1I 0' &he parlie. be,elo. ..cep' thai 00 pc,aon. 'illD, corpora'ioo. or courl ofbcer bolding under or 'h.ough Teoanl in viol.lion of 8IIY 0' the lerm., provision. or c:ondilion. o. thia Ie.... ahall bave .oy ril!Jal, iole.eal 0' equil, io 01 '0 tbi.le.... ,he lerm. 01 thi. le..e or ~e premin. cov..d bJ thi. I_.e. 26. Subjecl 10 the lerlDlI, "ondiliona aDd covenanlll of Ibill I.aae. Landlord .I'eell thai Teaan' aII.1I ud may ptIace- .bly bave, buld and enJoy Ibe p.elW"e" .bove deacribed. w.lbou' biodranee or molea'alion by L.ndlord. 27. ADd il ia lurlber agreed Lb.1 thia le_e i. made b, the l.andlord ud acceplcd b, alae TenADI WIder the ehallDel uoder"laAdinA and ..,eemenl Lb.t Ibe L.ndlord ah.lI beve the risbl and privile8'll 10 .ulke and build addiliODa 10 ,be bui Idlng 01 wblch Ibe demitled ..pace i" a part. ADd lDake sucb alte,a,ioo. ud rep.inl '0 aaid buildlDS .. .l may de.. wia;e aod .dvia.ble wllhoul ..ny li.bilily 10 Lhe Tenanl therefor. 28. The lermo l.and lo.d lWd Tenaal .. bereio cODIMio.d sh.1I include .iogullll .nd/ or plural, _aculioo. lemioUle, and/ or oeule., bei... .utx:eaao... eaeculora. .dminialralorll, pe,aonal ,epr..eal.live. and/ or ...p. wlt..ve, lJlc .coOlesl (to require.. or ..1111\16. 29. In Lbe evenl ..ny portiOD of ewaid leaaed premises i. luen by any condemoa,ioo or emioeol dom.in proceeding... Ibe (nuoimuPl) monlhly renlal hdeln ..pcc,ihed 10 be p..id .b.1I be ralably reduced IIccordiog to tbe area of the le_ed p.eani..e.. wbid, is lalLen. IIIIL! Tenanl ..h..1I be coulled 10 00 olher con..ider.,ion by re...on 01 aucb le.lr.iD8t _d ADY d..mage.. ..ulfe.ed by T<; n 1111 I on .....'ounl of Lbe '...aing of any portioo o' said le".ed premillea lIDd ...y d&Ullag.. 10 allY auuclur"s e.ecled 00 stU.1 leas"d J'remilte... re..peclively, Ibal "hall be aw..ded 10 Tenaal in .aid proceedioKti ..bell be p..id 10 1111.1 recei ved by l..udlord. and Tenlll\l IIh.1I bave DO .igbl Iherein or &hereto or 10 aDY pan the,eof, and Ten. 111\1 doea hereby .ellnqu.sh .nd aSltiWl 10 l.andlord aJl of Tenanl's riithl" aDd equitiea in and 10 any sucb dllolllagCla. Any .elll..1 b....ed upon Ihe pe.cenl"l\e 0' 11'0.... Itllle.. IIpecllied in Llti.. lea..e '0 be paid sb.lllo DO way be reduced or .IIeO:led by Ib" IUIUI\ of ..IIY po.llon 01 Ihe p.emi..es by condenlD.lloo 0' elllillen' domain proceedlnga. Should all 0' Ihe leased IlJemlses b., I.ell by emineol domaio. Iheo tllld in Ihal eveol TenAD.I aha.ll b~ eotilled '0 00 dfllll.... or any ('on..lde.811011 by re..eoo of ncb luiDg. es"epl Ih. ctIDcellalloo ADd ,.munallon of Ibl. leaae ao of lb. dale o. ..Id IdinK. 30. Ten"1I1 awees 10 l4Urrendcr 10 1.1UIdlord, al Ihe end 01 the lerm of this le.s" and/ or upon any cADcellalioo of thi. le....e, It..ld le.....,d premilles 10 _ good coodilioo .s aaid premiaea were III Ibe beginoillll o. Ibe lenn of Ibia .Ie.a., or- dlU"y we'" and te"', ...d dlllll..ge by lire III1d wind"lonn or ,olbe. .cl.. of Cod. "scepled. Tenanl "I\.eea Ib.l, If TeoUI due.. nOI ..orrende. 10 l.lIn.llu.d. ..I die eod ul Ihe lem. 01 Ibll. le.."e, or upon any Cllllccll"lIon uf Ihe lenn of IbiS Ie..". aoud le.....,d prenll..elt. then Teow'I will "ay 10 I.llIIdluld all datllaKe.. Ih..1 LlIDdlord lOllY suflu on ..ccounl 01 TeoMI'. f..dure 10 so ..u"ender 10 Lat.dlord puasc:..aioo of eaid le..ed prcmi..e.., and will iode/llnify ADd ..ave Landlord baJ1ll- Ie.... Irom III1d .fotaln"l .11 c1oum.. lII..de by ...y ..u.,ceeding lenlUlI 01 said premi..e. na..in"l LtUldlord 00 accowll .01 del.y of I...ndlurd 10 Jehverull\ po....e....IOI. 0' ....id "remi"c.. 10 .aid auceeedin" leaenl IW ler .. ncb del.y 10 oc:ca.loned by 1...I..r.. .., 1'''n....I lu..... ..""..nde. ......I pron....e,;. J I. Tell....1 lurlher "l'1lle.. Ih..1 T..II....t..," l'''y ..II hen.. ,,' "Olllr...'IO... aubt:onu"clo,,,. meeh.n'"... labore.a. 111..1"'. i ..llIIen. and olhe. IIeolt. 01 hILl' chIII' ..(;[er, ..Id ""II IIldemni 'y Landlord ~gain"l .11 leglll co"te Md charge." b..1I d premium.. for .el........ of Iieo.., illcludinK cuun..el fee. reallOnably IRcurred lR and abouI ,he deleD.e of DAY aUII 10 de..- ,'h..r19nj\ Ihe 5.ud presl.....,.. or any I'lIfl Iher.,ol from any henll, judwneol.. or eocllmbr...ce.. eauaed 0' .uffe,ed by Ten. .nl. It i.. undersloo.1 11110.1 ..greed bel ween Ihe "..lie.. hereto Ib..I Ihe cosl. Md cbarges above rcfencd '0 aII.1I be coo- b.d..,,,d .... .elll 01.... ..nd ..h..lIl,,' ....,lu.I...11II ..ny hen ,... ...nt. . Th~ Tenlllll he.e.... "h..1I nul h..ve IlAY "ulhu.ily I" . re..le lIDY lien.. for labo. or m.le.ial on Ihe Laodlord'. inlereal ,n Ih.' ..bove de..cr,b~,d prop"'IY, ....d ..II pe...onti cOlltraCllnK, wilh Ihe Ten...' for the de~uuctioo or ,emoval of -., bui ldinj\ or 'or Ih.. e......ion. ""I>I..II..llOn, aherllllon, or ..,p~r 01 MY bUlldln~ or olher .mprovemenl. 00 Ihe above described prellli....... ..1I.IIIIIIIIIIII,.,i..IOIen. .'ontra. lorti. mech..nlcs, and I..borera, ar.. he,ehy ch..,gcd wllb oOllce Ih..1 Ibel mu..1 luol< III Ihe Tenanl ...d lu Ihe Tenll"I'.. IIlter"..I.. only 10 Lb" ..bove dell.'f1bed properly 10 a".:ure ,h. paymenl 0 ..ny bill lor worl done or m..le.i..1 lurnl..heJ durlllg II.., "'llt.1 period c,e.led by ,hia le.ae. . T~nant may terminate this agreement/lease by giving Landlord nlnety (90) days written notice of Tenant's intent to vacate the premises. Termination 32. IN ~ITNrss \\IIUtEIlF, Lhe plll'Iin berelo, b..n WK'led. ....Ied 11110.1 delivered Ihill lealle in . .'Iorida, un Ihe J..y IlIId year lar"I ..bove w.illeD. L,J2 ~ ~, ""'7.. '..I.~."w.d d a-<-~-h. ~t:...c'~ /' lJy - Irwin S. Morse, M.D. liy: (Sl:AL) Mayor/chairman - of the 'Bc)ard of County Commissioners of 'Monroe County, Florida "ilnea.e.. .... 10 1'en"ol . --.---.--.- ----...-----.-..-.-..-- / U7'~~ ~~ / /- /. fJ -rP 'j ""APf61l0VED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFF CIENCY. (SEAL ).,.__ ATI'EST: Clerk [fY ~~"~ Orli~f' - . .. . Cii:.. .. 1 l. rh. ..de._lk., ..ntl ..., T...... . ....d I... .n. ,,_. ........ cow... ..I.".t~.. .,..l&bW.., .t.w..... C"orrldare, Of twll, ,.... ,"n I....... .nd ..,... '0 .nd Iro... I" .......d ........... I '. _ _...",..d .. .___.,... _, 3. "0 .wn..... '" ......, ",oll',lIon. .hell b. .".ch.d '0 .... .....14. ..,1. 01 .... b..1I41... ."...... .... ,.1.. _Il..n c_.r4 ... .... L.ndln. ". c..".i"a, ....Rd.. .hede.. VI' eer..n. .hall b. ....d.d to .. ,,~ en. .. \III.. 'n C'o....c....ft -&Ill. .", .'ndow.. .OW .. .... cI....... ....~.... _...he.. the fN'. ........n C'on..nt ., .... Landi_d. SUlth ......ftl.... pro'.C'Uo".. ew'''".. blind., ......... aCI..".,.' .,.., h.ew.. ..... ~. .t . 4I~U',. .,.... d..'.,., .nd CO.Of, .nd ....ched In.... menn.' apple".. b, .... L......... J. ... ...n. .d..,II.._... noli.... ... ....., 1.".'1... ...11 ... .."'''''.d. In.c"".4. p.I....... ... .UI..4 .., .n, T....... .n .n. p_ .. .... ......... ., .....d. .. .... ...n..... ....mI... o. b...ldJ... ..,.Ih..... .... ,.Ior _Ill.n c.n..... 01 .... L.ndl...d. I.. lhe ...... 01... "......... 01... '....1... _, an, T.nena, L.,....,ei me, ..mo.,,. ..... without enr ".b,'II,. .nd nul, e...... .... ..pen.. .ftC'....ct It, auth ,.mo".1 10.... T...... Of T........ wi.. aaU,. ...... ,.... 'nte,IOf .'In. Oft 40.. end dll.e'Of'. lebl., .hall b. In.erAb.d. p.I..d. CN .IIl..eI .. the ..pen.. o' ..... T......... ..... ....U b. .t . ..... co..... .nd .1,.. .cup'.bl. ... .... Land. or". 4. T'" ........ ...h doo,.. .1a,II.h'.. _Indo... .nd doo.. the. ,.11...1 ... .dml. II.... .nd ... ..... .h. ha.... ..........,.. .. ....., ......, pl.c.. ....... ......dl... ....11 no' be co..,.d or .....I...'..d... .n, T.non.. ..... .hell .n. bOll'... ......1. or 0."" ."...... b. pl....4 o"'he __...111.. S. .r... ...., .nd w..h elu.... end o'he, plumb',. "..w.. .hell ftCJI b. ..d 'or an, pwpo... a.he, .....nt.... ,. whlf:h ...., ..,. eon...w'.ct and na ....pl,.., ,Ybb..h, ....., 0' olh., .ub...ne<<. ...... b. thrown .he,..n. AU darne,.. ...uIU,. fro", .n, m...... 01 Ih. ........ eMU b. b_", br .he T....nt who. 0' who.. ..,.,.nl., ....top.., .I.n... ....lIor., .. lIe.n.... ....... haw. eau..d .he .a"., ,. "0 T....n. .hall _,Ia. p.'n.. drill 1"'0. or In .n, _., d.'.c. .n, par1 ., .... d.mU.d ........... Of .he b..,ldl... .1 ....ch ...., ,.... . ..... No bo...... c"t"ne, or ..,."",... 0' ..... _"-II be pe'nUlI.d, ..crpt with .he ,..,Of ..,t...n ('on..n. 0' the Landlord. and a. U ...r dt.r.cl. 7. No b.c rc I... y.hlele,. 0' .N....I. of 8n, lu"" .h.1I b. bro~h' 1"0 ., ..pl In or .bCl.... lhe '"."".... and no coolll... ...... b. dolW CH pe..- mUt.d b, en, T.n.n. on ...d pr.m..... No T.....n. ....... "a..... o. p.,m.. an, unu'\M1 or oblerUon.b.. odo,. '0 b. produc.d .,.on.. p..m..'. f,,,,,, th. de ""..11 pr."" .... I. "0 T.....n. Ihall ...11.. 0' p.rmit '0 b. Ifted... an. un,.."". ~ d'.'wb'.. no.... 01 d,.'\.W'b 0' .....".,. wUh OC(~nt. 0' IhI. _ ne........ .,.. bwiJd'nal . pi"""'.' 0' .ho.. ".,1,. bUll....a wUh them. wh..t'w, b, thl' uae of any muau,.1 in.,'u....n4, ,.dlo. "Uu" nw~hlf". "'''''''I.c.1 no..., _hallh.. .......... 0' In .n, olhe, ..,. No T....n&, ...... Itwow .nyltu.,. 0.... 0' lhe do... .lndow.. or .1I,a..IM., _ down.... pe.......,.. t. No "'d1l,o...1 10~1a. or boll. 0' .n. Ialm ...... be pl....d 1Ipo" ..,. 0' .he doo,. o. .Indo.. .., .n, T._..., no. .hall .n, 10........ b. med. .n ....1... lot II. or lhe nMC"twn.em lhe,.o'. Each T...."' """1, .on thl' 1.'m....Uon of hi. ....ner. I..'orl .. the L.nd'ord all II... .f o'lIe.. and '011.., .ooml. ..1"'... '..n..h.d 10. ., Olh.,.,.. 1N0("...d b,. ....h Tlnant, and In the ..,... 01 the I... .t en, ...,. .. 'won......d. .uc" T....... .hall po, 10 .h. L.ftdlu,d lhe eo.1 .h....o'. 10. AU ,.mo".II. o. It. c."~I~ In 0' out 01 .n)' ..,... f'f"I"'I. 'wnl..... 0' bulk. ........., 0' .". "..e'lpUo" mua. t.k. plee-t' dwl.,. th. ho.... whlth .h. LancUo,d 01 .1. ....na mey del.,mlne from lime 10 Um.. Ttw L...Ucwd ,...",.. lh. '.Ch. ta ....c'lb. the 'lWellhl .nd po....on 01.11 ..r... .h,..h ...... be pl.c.d IIpon l- Inch 'hleh pl."" ."Ip. '0 d.....b... .... ....i..... Th. mu..... 01..1..0' ...... II...... or b"'la, _11...1 .n, Ia,nd Iftw.1 b. ....d. .fle, ..."'.ou. nolh.. to .h. Me......, of the bulld'nc. Any dama.. don. to lhe bUlldi,. Of' 10 tlw t...nle or 10 oetw, p.r.on. In brl",- ana 'n or ,.mo,,"~ '.'... Iwni"... 0' oth., bwlly or hea", arti"a.. .halt b. paul '0. br Tenanl. , 11. No T.....ne .hall oreupy Of pe,mil any portion 01 Ih.. p'.m.... d9ml..d to him to b. u..d 'or manul.c'....... 0' fo, Uw po.....lon. ,'o,a._. men""aclw.. 0' ..1. o. IIquo, 0' na,col.c. 0' .. a bub., 0' nwn'cw. .hop, or .. an employ",.n. b,,!,.8~ No Tenan. .hall .,.... Of par any.,... ..10'... on .ho d.m,..d ....mI.... ....p' .ho.. .10...11, .o,kl... 10' .uch T....... on ..Id p,......,.. ..... "'..'11.. 101 '.bo,... ,'''1... ... .dd'..... ..,.. ....ml.... IJ. Each T..nenl. befor. elo..... .nd '..v... Ih. .aid pr.m.... ., any tlnw. .hell .... thai all wlndo.. .,. ~Io..d.. All ..rw.....nd OC'cupa.... ",uet ab..'''. ."let ca'. no, 10 ...". I.....' whldow. open _h.n .. ralna. and 10' any d.lault D' I:a,el...,.... an .hI.. ,..p.cla, 0' an, ot lhe",. ..." _Ia. ..od ..., Inj..y ..........d b, o.ho, ..non... .nd '0 I" L.ndlord lor do_.. '0 p...... pl....,I... or OIhe, p.'U oil... ......dl.... ,......,... fro... ""aul. or c...I...n.... U. E...h T.n.n. .h.lI. .. hh ..p.n... ...oyjd. .....IIcl.1 ...h. 101 .... .....10'... 01 Ih. L.ndlorcl "...1. dol... J.nllor ..,,,1... or 0''''' cl..nl.... and aft .......1.. '..pal,. 0' ....'.tlon. In ...d de""..d pI.IN.... 14. The ,,,.ml... .hell not b. "..d 'or .._It.... lod.tn. w .'..pln. or '0' .n, Immo,.' ., '1I..a' P....O.... U. T'" ,......'._m. o. T........ will b. ....nd.d 10 .nI. ....on .pplle.llo.. .1 Ih. 0111... .1 .h. b..ildl... It......o,... ....11 fIO' po,'or.. .n, ..,k or d. ..."hl"l o.....d. ol.h. '....1.' d..I... ........ ......., .p.c,.1 ,n..,..cti.n. ',om.he .111... 01.... L.Nllord. ... C...y...I.... .ollcill.... .nd p_ddll... ,.. .h. b...ld.... I. .........II.d .nd ....h T....... ...... c..p...I. I. ...."... .h. .._. . 7. T._nt .h." he.. .he ,... u.. 01 .he ....11 chu... ,.....II.d In .... b...ldlnc, b.. .... L.ndl...d In no wi.. ....,....... .... .II,cl..." .1 .he ..Id ....U chut.. end ehall b. an no _...' ,..pon..bl. 'Of' .ny deme._ or d.la, which m., u... ',om I..... u.. .....of. '1. Ttw L.ndlord .p.eUlcaUt- ,.~.,,,.. .he "."1 ,~ ...fue. .dm'''.''t~ l~ 'h<< t!tuA1dhlll .ft.., 7 P' "'" dally, 01' on 5t...-1.". 01' Oft ..... hoUd.,... 10 .n,. p.,.on 01' pe,.one who cannot .....n1.h ..I~.'.eIOl" idllnl'flcellon, Of' 10 any p.,.on 01 p.,.an. who. fo' an, olhe' ,...on .n lho LendIOf'd'. 2ffcmen.. .howd be dllnled .("c~.. 10 lhe> p".m..... The Landlord. 'or Ih. prol.cUon of the Tena..... and Chell ,"..cta ....., ",..c...b.. hour. end ,n- .."... dwi,. .... ru..... on Sund.,.. and HoUday., ""hen .11 pe'.o", .ne.".. end d.p.'.... th. Ouald.... ....... b. '.ca...~,.cI to enl.. t...... ...m.a. U.. oIhl".. '0 .,tuch It..,. .... .0...... 0' "om whl~h the)' .... I...l"'l, .nd Che lime 0' .nUance or depor.we aft. R.s....r ..o".d." '0# .hat PWllV.. 'i- b, .he L.nd..,d. , I . T Landlord m. .In p...... the I ..d ...... b.. .d. Itle the,e. ..U , . I .nabl ....... LV. ne ... Id p'. ... :;J fa- .JO. Ttw Landlord r...'''., Uw '1.... 10 mall. euch olhe, and furthe, ,...onabl. ,uS.. end '.........allon. .. In .,. JIiMS."..,nl ....y from IIIIW 10 tl.... li' \(,7 be .wecUuI '0' Itw ....l~. c.r. and el..nh...... 0' lhe p.m..... ...... '0' Ihe p'...,~.Ilon 01 co04 orde, ....'..In. end .n, .uch othe, 01 '.....wr ....a.. f' .nd ,......lIon. ....11 ... blndl... "'0" Ih. p."I.. h.,olo .lIh lha ...... ''''10' .nd .".... .. II ...., ...d ...... In.....d "'t.l.. ...... 11_ .f .... .... .......n he...,. 21. "0 TefW"l. nor 8'" of the T.R8ftl'. ..,.anla. e~lo~.... .C.nt.. vl."ew.. 01 Ile.n..... ..... .. .ft, tame b,.,. or .....p UIpOn Ih. d.IN..d p'."." an, ,nflemmable. cOmb"'.llbl.. or .apl~.lv. Ihlld, ctw",'c.l. or ...t.nc.. .. II i . oJ w I ! . to ., ... Q Ct ..J 0\ c :0 .- ::J m Ct ~ II: e o ... .. Q 's. " W