Resolution 718-1989 Pi.3.nnlng Department RESOLU'l'ION NO. 718 -1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 45, TRACT A, ANCHOR DRIVE, KEY LARGO. WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department Report of November 8, 1989, Tract A, Anchor Drive subdivision, at the inter- section of Anchor Drive and Ocean Reef Drive, containing the Ocean Reef Medical Center was correctly zoned commercial as BU-2 under the Zon2ng Code in effect prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Development Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated commercial boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 45 dated November 8, 1989, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe C ():: C c L County, Florida, at a regular meeting ~ 22~ day of November, A.D., 1989. c::c of said Board held on the C~"' '..J- -l u- -..0 I ~ ....... 0 :x: ,"\,.. % ~ c 0 1: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,OEJ10NROE COJJNTY, FLORIDA o/t.--- --~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN~ ;.. .~ By (SEAL) Attest: D~:tiX :r. ~OLRAGE, ~lerk I)~ I B~ J:i~ E (II 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for the Medical Center at Ocean Reef DATE: November 8, 1989 MEETING DATE: November 21, 1989 PLANNER: Lorenzo Aghemo BIOLOGIST: Robert Smith Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes No X Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: To extend the Suburban Commercial (SC) boundary, so as to include sub- ject property in the Suburban Commercial District. Background: Subject property was properly zoned for commercial use with the designa- tion of BU-2 under the previous Monroe County Code. With the adoption of the current County Code, the Medical Center operat- ing in the subject property became a non-conforming use. On July 25, 1989, the Medical Center submitted an application to expand their facilities, which was denied in accordance with Section 9.5-143(c). Findings of Fact: 1) The property has a long established commercial use - medical center facility. 2) The property was correctly zoned commercial as BU-2 under the previ- ous Monroe County Code. 3) The current district boundaries were placed in error since the Pattison maps are not clearly determined, and did not follow previ- ous commercial boundary. 4) Adoption of the current Code made the existing use on the property a non-conforming use. 5) The current use will be consistent with Section 9.5-235, Suburban Commercial District. fi) Correction of the boundary line placement will comply with the Land Development Regulations objective of eliminating non-conformities. Alternatives: 1) Apply for a map amendment. 2) Apply for a text amendment that would allow office use in the Urban Residential District. Attached Documentation: X Yes No 1. Proposed Land use change. 2. Land use district map January 1988 3. Strip maps, Real estate data, Inc. 24th edition 1988. 4. Zoning map Pre-September 15, 1986. 5. Aerial Map. 6. Land use district map, February 28, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Application and proof of payment 8. Staff report 9. Photograph of the site 10. Correspondence I ~~'~ : ..J, , !t '......... /- " / , ,/ { UR ) .;;/l ----'--L -_J Pursuant to Section 9.5-24(a)(2Hh) of the Monro. County Cod., the boundarle. of the Land u.e District MBp are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described as: Extend boundary line to include Tract A into the Suburban Commercial (SC) District. Anchor Drive, Key Largo tI~ N 1 Dlr.ctor, ~owth Management She. t ill 56 Key Key Largo Date BOCC Re.olutlon 1-:z 200' . ( ( ( .r UR > N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet # 5' Appllc ant: g{)S~_ p Fa.to.lo~ Key: ()~ ~. FII e # - Cfrud0AJ ~ J 1"=200' i Mile Marker: ____ f- ( ( r " r ;. \'" ,)' ~ do "IV '" q;r ~-I' 911., ~'-, ~- ""', '''', '", ., ~ ~ ,. , j, / <' . / ~r ~t" ..:;,~ "~'{i . ~.' ~ t .t.. 'I .. '""..... ~ I.", (~ir /. ... .f)' ~. . ". .., '" .1'-'" ...r "~ . 0'" ... " 't'~....' "'. ~. / ... , ~)~. to". ~~ f'.d'..;' "''''''L ,~ 4',p" -'" ~:I\ "" .." _ -<" ~f1 - '" .~"'I~ r,l' (l'..- ,f. ,~ ~ ;, ~ ,~ ,,'" 'J " , L_ .. Cl ... r- .. ... .. '" ..~ ,1/ ,1~/''r~,. ".~.,."'~.,,~I."I'J,: ~ . (...,~ 1-...~.~. I C; .'0'" ." /' 'i N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Real Estate Data, Inc. Florida Edltlon,19_ Panel or Sheet:# Applicant: YOg~ fJ. 8(J..uJ;~ Key: Dtt!JJAA ~-t Flle:# ~ CuJit Mile Marker: 1" :a N I 1"= '00' f ( ( GU 1; . ~, . . . " ~ . , . .. ~ ~ . , (- " 7r' Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 Panel or SheetN Appll cant: 80S o/J-A fJ Key: Oeth,.. RJ-'6. F ~ W Flle# ~awbS - ~"uJ ~ Mile Marker: ( T <. ( , N ~ ~ T 1"=600' i Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Real Estate Data, Inc. Panel or Sheet# Applicant: ~0o~0I)J,... P. Key: Oe-ea;;:'R,eRj Florida Edition,19 n- FHe:# -;- 9~~- Mile Marker: ( \. / f I" ( ,. I / - ...~ ~.2 \ IS "- \ ~ - N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# Flle# Applicant: Slos:€(1},- ~ 9awl1!> - Key: O~ ~ Mile Marker: __. . @ , 1"", 600' ~ ( ( r \, r APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT THE MEDICAL CENTER AT OCEAN REEF PHONE # 367-2600 30 OCEAN REEF DRIVE ADDRESS SUBDIVISION PLAT BOOK TRACT A ANCHOR DRIVE SUBDIVISION, OCEAN REEF PLAT NO. 10 6 PAGE 118 BLOCK LOT(S) MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) (ATTACHED) REQUEST CHANGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: UR TO SC TO BE IN A_SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL ZONE. MEDICAL CENTER IS MORE CLEARLY DEFINED PRESENT LAND USE: UR DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: CENTER LOCATED NEXT TO CHAPEL, ACROSS THE STREET FROM OCEAN REEF PLAZA ON OCEAN DRIVE. DATE AUGUST 29. 1989 SIGNATURE ? Fee paid ,.:J" 5-(J . (7 (? bc~.L., ~~~_*L/(,,;, 77'- ot ~ I c,. 7 t.,. 1b::0'vLL-t(/ ;2 -;0 ":!- 4F3o I ~) ~ .....~"'r.1VED ~f'\ '- L t'. . NOV 7 1989 ;PtAi;~I~fi~G 'Dt'P"t. : LAND' us '7DJVISION 5;~v~--_-~:_:.~.. ~~.'_"___.__ .:oi-:\'; .( . '.< .. ..~..."'" _ .1... " . _. \ .... ,.... ,'. . .~:\:.I.:J, "_'~_''':''''i*~~_ '~..,I'f':'1~;{'~"""',,_.,-:~.. . ~f \ .~. . " -. ..... .'f f'" '. ,-,.~. .. .' .., . _.)'..:i".........~.;; ...t. ~~.. ~~~"'<t. "" " \. . . . :...1~:/1\.:.: ~~ . -", ~.... . . ;.. . . . " ". '" 0':." .. . " :'. ~. .-.I.~~.......,,~ ~ .". .." . - .:. ,: :'. ::."i'~'';';l~'::'.. .. ~,:~.?~."'. . ...~-h;.T~.{/~~~-:- . --t=~:l~:t!~;:~a.q~:~:~~:. :..._-.~... ,.,\>;:~~:~f~~ii:~~;~ . - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Monroe County, Flarida N4? 4607]2 :f1CE OF :cEIVED fr {. :I ... LORIDA ' I ...._.Date ___..&..=....3.0___._.. 1 <i.2. -\~ ("'" -,.-. . . JR: ~~ a '\-...... ~.. -- . . .- -..--..-.--.--.-------.--------. $ .-.~-~--:..~..-.-- . _lliJ&T--A~11~.~.~------ $ _....._____...._.____._____ f'1 I '" _1(." ~~~~:::1Q----------------- $ ------------- c b~ \ ~I~-OFFICER ~ By~_~_. . n. TOTAL $ :_~:~<:?::::~:= '-- 'I 'j 11 Jl ,I n c :D :D -< . III o Z III 'tl :D Z -; Z G) ..:~~........ ... - .~ .';- -:..::-~~-~.:.'..~.. :.;-. ~.::: .-/-. ..:: ',:"'-:S.";""~::\ ~ :..-;=; '. : ..... . 01\ -- ;.:. p' .:.:}..J~' ~. '. ,';::~.:, ~ ~"":"':-;~. '::' ...:.-;: II' :.. ':-:......:. :. ...~. ...;,.A.:.. -.' - 'c~_ ';....jJ..-;~ 'J.",:-:..-,{-~-4 ';1':'''~:;:; :i.;i::t.,;~.;r'.-:;;:..,:,...;:'::_..,--:. ( ~~v~:Q' ~~~~~E (3051294-4641 ( ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 1 Mayor Pro tern Gene Lytton, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 ,I. -~ Planning Department 3R800 Over.seas Hwy.,Rt.3 Tavernier, FL 33070 MEMORANDUM To :Don Craig, Planning Director From:Lorenzo Aghemo, Senior Planner ~. Date:November 6, 1989 Re :Boundary determination for the Medical Center at Ocean Reef, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Background: Subject property was properly zoned for commercial use with the designation of BU-2 under the previous Monroe County Code. With the adoption of the current County Code, the Medical Center operating in the subject property became a non-conforming use. On July 25, 1989, the Medical Center submitted an application to expand their existing facilities, which was denied in accordance with Section 9.5-143(c). Recommendation: To extend the "SC" boundary so as to include subject property in the "Suburban Commercial District". Alternatives: 1) Apply for a map amendment; 2) Apply for a text amendment that would allow office use in the Urban Residential District. Findings of Fact: 1) The property has a long established commercial use center facility. medical 2) The property was correctly zoned commercial as BU-2 under the previous Monroe County Code. ( ( 3) The current district boundaries were placed in error since the "Pattison Maps" are not clearly determined, and did not follow previ- ous commercial boundary. 4) Adoption of the current Code made the existing use on the property a non-conforming use. 5) The current use will be consistent with Section 9.5-235, "Sub- urban Commercial" district. 6) Correction of the boundary line placement will comply with the Land Development Regulations objective of eliminating non-conformities. LA:ar RECEIVED NOV 7 1989 PLANNING DEPT BY LAND ~S" DlVIS/o"N ~- ( ( ~-rl\FF_~~X.~IS OF LAND Uf)_~~I~~I~_MAP DETERMINATION Fee paid Date APPLICANT Medical Center at Ocean Reef Club PHONE * 367-2600 ADDRESS 30 Ocean Reef Drive KEY North Key Largo MM OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? SUBDIVISION Anchor Drive Subdivision , PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 118 BLOCK LOT{S) Tract A MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM UR TO SC 1. BACKGROUND DATA: A. PRESENT LAND USE DISTRICT: Urban Residential B. CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: Developed with mixed uses: commercial, institutional (church), public use (fire department), residential, recreational C. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS: SITE The subiect parcel is effectively a built environment which is landscaped. SURROUNDING Built environment. The boundary determination will increase the landscape buffer requirements and result in a positive enhancement to the environment. RECEI\/ED NOV 7 i989 PLANNING DEPT 8Y LAND U~r:-DI'~!<::'r)N ---_.~-.-- - . ... --------... ( ( ST~FF ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT PAGE 2 O. PRE-SEPT. 1~, 1986 ZONING: BU-Z E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: UR F. ACTION ON "0" IF ANY: None G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MAPS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: Urban Residential H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR PROPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 1986? YES X NO. DETAILS: 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: To move district boundary line in order to include sub;ect property in the "Suburban Commercial" district 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The property has a long established commercial use - medical center facility; 2) The property was correctly zoned commercial as BU-Z under the previous Monroe County Code; 3) Tte current district boundaries were placed in error since the "Pattison Maps" are not clearly defined. and did not follow previous commercial boundary; 4) Adoption of the current Code made the existing use on the property a non-conforming use; 5 The current use will be consistent with Sec.9.5-235, "Suburban Commercial" district; 6) Correction of the boundary line placement will comply with the Land Development Regulations ob;ectives of eliminating non-conformities~ STAFF REVIEWERS: PLANNERwReAJ20 ~lfeI10, ~ ~ .DATE BIOLOGIST,..eo/Jeei SAUTft , DATE ( " (- ( ( ( ( , . -:-:- ).. . "~.~ ( ( I nE MEDICAL CENTER AT OCEAN REEF, INC. Charles S. Arms, President John 8. Campbell. Vice President Barbara Jacobs. Secretary R'chard Blacklldge, Treasurer LOIs McClure, Chairperson, Executive Committee James P. Willis, Member, Executive CommIttee James F. 8agg. MD WIllIam M. Baker Arthur T Evans. M 0 RIchard M. FaJrbanl<s Robert S. FIsher ( Marjorie Garbl6ch Paul J. Hanna Evan D. Jennings. II Chester W. Kitchings Robert A Klepper Olin "Pete" Perdue ,";1\ -~:; . ;.. .,,'. A..-' ~;tVst . J:L : ArtIlurP. Rlchar~n , -:y,: EJilal>elh Thr~r ~ ',~ J MJ. TOdotoVK:h ) ; i ~l'!>:. ..;J'l'ePf-'l- J~c~. A?~~~~r It September 27, 1989 '''\CT'''' n ."'\..-,q t.,: . i.......;) ~(L' .;, ~ ~ t~;:\~:~ c: ~-: ~~:.)~;;< --::'/ Mr. Lorenzo Aghemo Monroe County Building & Zoning 88800 Overseas Highway Tavernier, Florida 33070 ? 1..,.\ J J f'~ ; ~\~ G ;:". j ~~ ~ ::.' ~'J BY ~ RE: Ocean Reef Medical Center Addition Dear Mr. Aghemo, Pursuant to your letter of August 16, 1989, we have completed the necessary forms and have resubmitted them to you on August 29. However, we wish you to be advised that we are vested and that zoning is B-U2 according to Order dated August 19, 1988. In that this Order was ratified by the Monroe County Commission, we see no reason why you cannot proceed with the business of reviewing our plans accordingly, as we are most anxious to get along with this construction in order that we can better provide quality medical care to the Ocean Reef community and others. The Medical Center is available to and provides care to the many employees of the Ocean Reef Club, private enterprises located at Ocean Reef and the many private contractors having jobs on Ocean Reef. Our records indicate that the majority of these people live in Monroe County. Your favorable consideration of this request is most appreciated. Sincerely, . CP~ ~ ~1, Joseph P.(~---- ~'1E:D cc: C.W. Broeman, II N (!V 7 1989 PLANNING DEPT. LAND U5,€ UlVISION _,BY \ ' ~ .. -' :J 30 OCEAN REEF DRIVE. KEY LARGO. FLORIDA 33037 . TELEPHONE (305) 367-2600 r \. ( TIT T L E & TIT T L E, P. A Altorneys and Counsellors at Law FRED TfITLE CHARLES P. TI'ITLE GUS H. CROWELL POST OFrlCE DRAWER 535 91760 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY T A Vlm.NIER, FLORIDA 33070 (305)!l52-3206 KEYS (305)233-2643 MIAMI FACSIMILE (305)852-3242 September 28. 1989 Mr. Donald Craig Assistant County Administrator 5825 Jr. College Road Wmg ill - Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 ,~".. . ~ . "- .' 1 '. ~Ili!., ""r" r1 " ':I ( 1.;'; r- :.., r "'"'t1!'.._. .... 1 ~ " ~ ,,.,, ....,,' 1 ..~. , -::II ., . .... ' '. .i ;~ . ~ .J t1 '"1 :--.--. ~.~ :: r: ," .... .:!,.J ' -1.,i J. ~ "'J JIJ;'l,g Re: Ocean Reef Club, Inc. - Vested Rights :') r: :~-" C) :) '! (""l r""' -. ....." \.... l -~ -- 0 . - ..).... .'ION.,......- , II' ri{);. t',~! ..' 1"-', \I i.) . ... .....U,..II'~ , I L-\NI'JJ;\' ~ r"'l;~"~I;-:.: . -, J ~~l.n" ~'/ . r {J ~ Dear Mr. Craig: This letter is to hopefully clarify the meaning of a positive determination of vested rights for the Ocean Reef complex, by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. I have previously forwarded to your office on September 12, 1989, via FAX, copies of the enclosed exhibits. Nevertheless. to keep you from having to search around for those copies sent two weeks ago, I am enclosing exhibits numbered 1 through 5 to assist you in expediting a reply to this letter. As an example, I am using a recent application filed by Ocean Reef Club Medical Center for a 240 square foot addition to that existing facility. The exhibits are as follows: Exhibi t 1. A letter dated August 16, 1989 from Mr. Lorenzo Aghemo to Mr. Joe Jacobs at the Ocean Reef Medical Center. Exhibit 2. Old zoning map with the site of the Medical Center indicated. Exhibit 3. New zoning map with the site of the Medical Center indicated. 1 RICE1V-E:u NOV 7 1989 Pi!AN1~It\lG DEPT, LAND usrtDlvlSION 'BY ( ( Exhibit 4. A copy of the amended hearing officer's order as approved by the BCC. Aerial photograph of the subject property with the Medical Center site highlighted in green. Exhibit 5. In Exhibit 1 the first sentence in the second paragraph of that letter says the current zoning is "Urban Residential". When I asked Mr. Aghemo where he got the idea that the property was zoned UR, he informed me that the information came from the highest authority and in the Planning Department that is you. Let me now call your attention to Exhibit 4 from the BCC approved hearing officer's order. In the center of the page, I have highlighted the "RU-3" line in a chart set out more fully on page 6 of the final order. The numbers in that line indicate that Ocean Reef is vested to be completed utilizing the rules and regulations existing in the MCC prior to September 15, 1986. To reach any other conclusion would be to render these numbers unrealistic and useless. These 276 units are to be placed on parcels of land within the Ocean Reef complex according to the zoning and use existing prior to the advent of the new Plan and without regard to the zoning assigned by the new Plan to the effected parcels. Two-thirds of the way down the page on Exhibit 4, I have highlighted the words "use and density categories". I suggest that you read the entire paragraph carefully. It seems rather elementary that "zoningll determines "use" of a property and therefore the terms "zoning" and "use" are synonymous. When the County Commission approved the order of its hearing officer, that permitted Ocean Reef to be completed just as this paragraph says and the zoning classifications assigned within the Ocean Reef complex under the new Plan all evaporated and are non-existent. The Ocean Reef complex is vested under the rules, regulations and criteria, including uses and densities, which existed prior to September 1 5, 1986. This was true under the Case Law and the Statutory Law of the State of Florida without regard to the vested rights procedure in the new Plan and we have even been granted a positive determination of vested rights under that procedure also. You can readily understand that the resolution of this matter has been dragging for a very long time and our previous telephone and personal conversations over the months have accomplished nothing. The past and present position of your department has become unusually and unnecessarily burdensome to Ocean Reef and to the hundreds of residents who own property and live there. The present position of your department as it affects this small addition to the Medical Center is a prime example but there are numerous others. 2 ( ( Because we are now in a big hurry for an expeditious reply to this letter, I will transmit to you on the afternoon of September 28, 1989, via FAX, a copy of this letter and the enclosed exhibits. The original letter and exhibits will be delivered to your courier on the afternoon of September 28, 1989, so that you may receive it from your courier on Friday moming, September 29. I will follow the same procedure with regard to Mr. Randy Ludacer in the County Attorney's office. I think: we all know that a simple telephone call from you to Mr. Ludacer on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week should resolve the matter one way or the other. May I respectfully request that you telephone that resolution to me and I would much appreciate receiving a letter response in my mail on Friday moming, October 6th. I really don't mean to lean on you, but its been a long time. Let us please get it settled so that we can both move on to other things. Very truly yours, t~ d:~ Fred Tittle FT/jc Enclosures pc: Randy Ludacer, Esquire Joe Jacobs, Ocean Reef Medical Center Lorenzo Aghemo 3 ( ~~~!)' ~.~~,~~E f 30~1 29. .6.1 11r. Joe Jacobs C/o. Ocean Reef Medical Center 30 Ocean Reef Drive Ocean Reef Club North Key Largo, FL. 33037 Dear Mr. Jacobs, ( BOARD OF COU!\fTY COMMiSSIONERS Wilholmina Harley, District 1 Mayor Pro Tom Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MA YOR Mike Puta. District 4 John Stormont, District 5 Planning Department 88800 Overseas Hwy, Rt.3 Tavernier, FL 33070 AUgUst 16, 1989 Thank you for your application of 7-25-89 regarding a 240 square foot addition to the Ocean Reef Medical Center. We regret to inform you that your application cannot be approved, based on the current zoning (Urban Residential) of the parcel on which the medical center is located. .~ccording to current Monroe County Code, the "urban residential land use district" does not allow office uses, therefore the medical center (office use) is considered as a non-conforming use, and as such, according to Sec. 9.5-l43(c), "Non- conforming uses shall not be extended. This prohibitioll shall be con- strued so as to prevent: (1) Enlargement of non-conforming uses by additions to the structure in which such non-conforming Uses are locat- ed." As per our discussions, you have the right to apply for a Boundary Determination in order to correct a Possible mistake in the placement of land use district boundary lines. We are enclosing the application necessary for the procedure and are more than happy to assist you in any way Possible. You also have the right to appeal this decision. appeal, you should write letters to Mr. Donald County Administrator, Growth Management Division, Brown, County Administrator, at 5825 Jr. College Road, Key West, FL. 33040, within 20 days of the date of this "EXHIBIT 1" If you choose to Craig, Assistant and Capt. Tom Stock Island, letter. RECEIVED NOV 7 1989 'PLANNING DEPi. 'LAND USE'DIVISIO~ :3Y ~ _ ~-'. -- ( -- ( If you have any questions, or need assistance from this office, please call me at 852-3298. Encl. dmb/LA Sincerely, ~tUtMS/~!; ~ Lor?nzo hC:;c/-_ . Scnlor P anner cc: Donald Craig Robert Herman Howard Tupper Ty Symroski .' 1Ivt..~ ,~W~~~.i.Sk"~l~;~~'I"h'~r..'>"'r\"'~~';""" . .. '. . 1 ~~\'!~p;J~' :'~;~I~~;f{.f~t:\~fA ~~~t4i~~~;h~\'il::~~:~1\';;If1..;;: ~:.:~; \:~ ::. .... }:l:J,'>~,~~i I'; .' ".{':J,p.)' \~)jt"'l'" "I' -"'t'" "-l~ " ., . - " .' J. . . ,~'d~;l1J~:i ,-.'h"'~~"I'~~~.J.!'~/!!~I"~"~ ~:I\";'-'~r .~.: ,::' ..1;::" l.'i ni::'~".. ' . ,.,.~Ji.I~~ . ,'."fJ ( 'ft'". ~ 1: ~ ..., .~ ,.~l. . ~ .~~. ~ . , .. ..,,,.... .. I ./ ~~ ;'J.~ J~ ~'t~\.:~.=:\; {f '.~{~..:t ".~) ....~ ,.[,' 4.,1 ~ It ..... ;" ::~ :.. ,....: ,\'1:". '. ;).....t ...~i~~~r-:~I~~:?:.:i~r..;11..II.I}.t'.;\1I; /J;~t ~:~(.I\ 'I', '{...... ..;~ .......1..:.. . , , : . !~r~ I'~ it" J'~.\r=-:~,'rA~~:~..\ il';;1. ;..... I. ~I,~'r..' I' . .;~ . "\".1:;. ~i.:.''':,~'' . ,~ ;t~ ~ .._...>J"^..~I-r;'" J~,..I ". i ... '... ". .,. T." .' '. 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(305) 852-9253 December 6, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Rhyne Building p.O ( 7- cfoa -Fdd. 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 and Department of Community Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 Affairs p ,.., , --01 I -~c.'o.- 6~3 Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on November 22, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 718-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 45, Tract A, Anchor Drive, Key Largo. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, . i \ I . I Danny L. Kolhag~ Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board 0 ounty Commissioners ./ I by: RosalJ.e L. Co Deputy Clerk . cc: County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File l ~ ~Rllh ~~ ~~. . &'1'10 &J;;....~))~ .. 1'0. oo.p. _.. --Cn hn?r~-' . - - I \7"..,,(. .:r~""7 6. neture __ X i j I I I I::: DOMElIncllllTUllN MCar. I ~ __.___. ___1 g .., . u.a.G.P.O. 1888-212-815,. P 017 802 823 ~e RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAll (See Reverse) Cert led Fee ( S\.~ ~ ~ ~ QD ......... , ~ ~ Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee '" '" '" ~ .. c ~ .., o C> '" '" E 5 "- I/> l1. P 017 802 822 '-t'~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO,lNSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FDA INTEANATIONAL MAil (See ReVf1f::.r::/ :.;(3~ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Dale Delivered Return Receipt showing to whom. Date, and Address of Dehvery oro ~ .~ i'- ~ .m ~ \) ~ TOTAL Postage and Fees o o Postmark or Date '" '" E 5 "- ...... +