Resolution 720-1989 James R. Paros Public Safety Division RESOLUTION NO. 720 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND GERALD N. LEGGETT CONCERNING HIS EMPLOYMENT IN THE POSITION OF COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Chairman/Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an Employment Agreement between Gerald N. Leggett and Monroe County, copies of same being attached hereto, concerning his employment in the position of Communications Director. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioner of Monroe COU~,,:J:: at a regular meeting of said Board held on the Nll#/ day of , A.D. 19.J!. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA L ;-~- ..~-..~, BY~~ Mayor / Chairman~~-=~-==-_~.. (Seal) AttestJ)~__1. ~QLHAG~.t ~ ~.ii.~LL~.IJ~ Cler~ Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. ~.; 'ry (J l Hfl ],OtlNOW 1.i il / ,./ 17<::: 8'd 9- 330 68. UdUdH1 ,-jLJ..J tJ311:J MONROE COUNTY STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Agree~nt entered into this '. day of , 1989, for a period of three (3) years, beginning November 1, 1989 and ending October 31, 1992 by and between the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "BOARD" and Gerald N. Leggett, hereinafter referred to as "EMPLOYEE". In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations contained herein, the parties agree as follows: The BOARD hereby employs, engages and hires EMPLOYEE as the Communications Director under the direct Management of the ACA Public Safety Division Director. EMPLOYEE shall carry out to the best of his ability the following functions and duties: In addition to the jurisdiction, authority and duties which may be conferred upon the EMPLOYEE by other provisions of the Monroe County Code, the EMPLOYEE shall have the following jurisdiction, authority and duties, as described in Addendum A - (attached signed copy of job description). 1. EMPLOYEE agrees that he will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of his ability, experience and talents, perform all of the duties that may be required of and from him pursuant to the terms hereof. 2. This BOARD shall pay EMPLOYEE, and EMPLOYEE shall accept from the BOARD, in full payment for EMPLOYEE's services hereunder, compensation as follows: (a) Salary of thirty three thousand six hundred ninety nine dollars ($33,699.00) per annum. (b) Benefits and services received by other Monroe County Employees, including but not limited to life insurance, medical, hospitalization, dental and vision care, retirement, holidays, annual and sick leave and Social Security benefits as provided by the Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures except as expressly amended below: (c) EMPLOYEE, at the direction of the County Administrator, shall represent the County's interests, at national, state and local professional society functions. 3. The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to annual cost of living raises as may be awarded to Monroe County employees each fiscal year beginning October 1. 4. Mfrit raises as may be awarded on an annual basis at the Monroe County Board approved rate, if so recommended by the County Administrator. 5. EMPLOYEE shall devote all of his time, attention, knowledge, and skill, during working hours solely to County matters, and EMPLOYEE shall not engage in the practice of his profession in the private sector. 6. The EMPLOYEE shall have the use of County services and personnel to carry out the functions of his job, including, but not limited to: legal, accounting, secretarial and clerical assistance. (Office space, utilities, telephone services, custodial services, books, library, postage, office supplies, photocopy equipment, furniture, office equipment and computer equipment as may be necessary.) 7. EMPLOYEE shall have the following amenities in addition to those mentioned above: (a) Monroe County owned and maintained vehicle for EMPLOYEE's official use on County business. (b) Nothing in this agreement will prevent, limit or otherwise interfere with the right of the EMPLOYEE to resign at any time, from his position with Monroe County, providing the EMPLOYEE gives the County \ ninety (90) days notice, unless the parties otherwise agree. 8. The BOARD shall reimburse the EMPLOYEE for all travel and lodging expenses on approved County business at the rate specified under Florida statutes. 9. EMPLOYEE may be terminated in the following manner: ( a) For Cause The County Administrator may remove the EMPLOYEE from office for cause as set forth in the Monroe County Employment Policies and Procedures Manual in accordance with the procedure set forth in the County Administration Law of 1974 also known as Part III of Chapter 125 Florida statutes, as amended. (b) Termination Without Cause The County Administrator, with concurrence from the BOARD, may remove the EMPLOYEE at any time without cause by enactment of a resolution at any regularly convened Board Meeting in accordance with the procedures set forth in the County Administration Law of 1974, also known as Part III of Chapter 125, Flor ida statutes, as amended. Upon adoption of said resolution, the Page No.. 2 BOARD shall cause to be paid to the EMPLOYEE six (6) months severance pay, together with payment for accrued annual leave not yet taken by him. Full payment shall be made by the BOARD within twenty (20) days of such termi~tion. Additionally, in the event that said EMPLOYEE is removed for cause under the provisions of 9. (a) above, and' a court of competent jurisdiction renders a judgement which shall become final after appeal, he shall receive his reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred in successfully bringing said suit, if EMPLOYEE is adjudicated not guilty under 9. (a). In the event that the BOARD shall vote to abolish the EMPLOYEE's position during EMPLOYEE's term of office, the same shall be deemed a removal without cause under the provisions of this subsection. 10. Notwithstanding Paragraph 9 the County administrator shall review the EMPLOYEE's performance at the end of the first year's employment. The basis for said review shall be an analysis of the EMPLOYEE's performance as specified in Addendum A. 11. EMPLOYEE may begin the period of his employment on or before November 1, 1989, at the County Administrator's discretion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) By: Mayor/Chairman Attest: By: (Clerk) ~, / 7 J h. (l u. ~.. C L uct{J-- Witness Page No. 3 ,. .-... ,;...-.~.".__--~ ....,......_ "........,.._:""".-,.."".'r-__""""~~_~-.._.~ __. '-- " ~ , ~ DESCRIPl'IOO f...... TITLE: Communications Director Aa:XXJNrABILIT'f : HA.J'OO FtJNCTIONS: This position is directly accountable to the Assistant CoWlty AdministratorlDirector, Diviai~ of Public Safety. Provides management of the Camunicationa ~ through activities and processes of P1anni.ng, controlling, staffing, organizing, repreMnt.iDg, and directing. Directs, coordinates and inflU8X1e8 the operations of the department so as to obtain deai.red resul ts and enhance total performance. EKAMPL1!S OF Yl:lRK: (a ) I. '."_. - (~ (b) (c) . . .:' .~., ! ~. . ~ .~ '",. . Makes day-to-day decisions relating to alloca-; ,: ,:~~;,~}~.', ;~~: tion of departmental resource. and 1IClhefIall' t .... of, .j~k~;: ,r~-:;I.~, ' operations ,~:~':'~:~~h" .,~,~;:~,;;' Supervises departmental staff ,;:.;:'" <._.'. '.. , . ..', ."""~.'" Prepares annual depart:Dental budget aDd 18 . : . '<;~J(f~ responsible for financial II1II..;1 Int of _ ,t." '~>:}~l~ Responsible ~or inventory and control of all,<,<':~:?j~ pr<;>per~y ass1.gned to the depart:a.nt ::~){v ; Ma1.ntalnS a viable radio OOIIIIUnicatiana ~ ' . .<: for COWlty departments and participating egenc1ea~l\::~;' Develops and i.nplements routine maintenance pro- . '.: r cedures for cOWlty radio camunications ayat:ellla .. Provide a radio cormunications installaticn, repair and maintenance facility for county departments and participating agencies Researches and evaluates current market radio comnunications equipnent and systems, and develops procur~nt specifications accordingly. Participates with other coWlty departments and participating agencies in radio camunicationa ' . . t systems problem solving , , \'q~) Research and long-range planning for inprovecv ,~: ~,~~.;:\;:' E~r =:=:;:.:~:: f: ~11~~'~1I laws and re<Jl;1lations for COWlty C7tIIlIled and .';~/' '. '.,.', ,>."~~:~l operated radio coom.mications systems. ,,:,}(~:,<;~~ . ,-~~ ~~~~,::::w,t , ,~.; 7~,~t:t~ '~;,~{:::y~~ ',., :....~-:',L ; '-'. ::~~~~ii" , . ".{~- ~j~! ,.~1,')'1; ,.' . ,.;~:~(]'jt~~ j " I'~'i~ .""':'f:'.-:' ' f:~;,~.f,:':'.' .;: '~s:~~, I."'.'." \... -t'.i"'~ " ."'t~t '~~, ~ (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) ( j) (k) ~ .;. MAJOR QUALIFICATIONS: Requires a degree in Business or Public Mninistration or related field. Five (5) years progressively responsible experience in ccxmunications electronics field .of which three (3) years nust hllve been in an administrative supervisory capacity, or any equivalent canbination of education, related training and experience. Amature Radio License of General Class or higher is required. ! ; .'",JV~ '~"'"".. ...' ..........,." . " .'- t .' :.~ .. \ '. \,~<'; ~ :~~'-z :"~~{ . .;- :~'.' ~';~.' j'~~"l' :,:~-"..:: , 1/ \ .'-~ ., " ...' .~:,.,. ' ," .,. ."; \: \ ~-:' 'i'~ if; "~'~:~'",".: ",''''~~1' " v ":-,': '."~i-:;~;;"' ""~....:;&~J~::~~J'~ '-~ Job Description: Communications Director Page 'l\<<) '/~ APPOOVm BY: ~ 4~ /~istant County Administrator/ ~~isi9 Public Safety 7) APPROVED BY: L.- / C\' \\~ \\)\' \ 0V~-, ".lie;. \~ t, .'x(Z . ~\\'-('y\\~~ Brployee Signature ., ,'j ,,:~tI.,',. 't," ,', :r.' ~'l />>4; Date/ 10/ 12.-/&1 Date J' ('\,/ ,.'/' (, I -,~J,=) .-"('5 J ' Date I ....-... ': ~:. ... "';..i~.:~:'.~. ".J~.." ',' . " , '.")(1,"" ';',' .., '" ~'Sf!' , .. ," ';',,:\..:',1' ""1,1'1' j' ~ " .. .,... . ','.,::,2~;:1 ~,:,:~~:t~~ ~.,.~,1!;i :gi~~~J ~!_)X:~;.; ,.;:.:;:~~~~ ~ 0"1, -e' r..,,:":' . /,:.:. . ....r'i:,.~j .' 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