Resolution 081-1994 Commissioner A. Earl Cheal RESOLUTION NO. 081 -1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA OPPOSING REORGANIZATION OF PARK DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, there are eleven Florida state parks and related areas located in Monroe County, all within Park District 7 of the Division of Recreation and parks of the DEP; and WHEREAS, this network of state park areas within Monroe County make an important contribution to the recreation and education of its citizens and visitors as well as substantial financial aid to the Monroe County Land Authority; and WHEREAS, this network of Keys' parks within District 7 was, also, established to provide protection for the significant, threatened and irreplaceable resources of the Florid~ Keys, \Ci __ including: ~; J::>. "'Ti ::;D .,' ":' r'~ John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park estabg~ed ~ '~'- protect the third largest coral reef in the world upon-~which I the .~~ economy of Monroe County so heavily depends and the ~~e pa~ ~ which as the largest revenue producer in the state pa~k syst~ :', underwrites an important part of the Florida park system.. N ::~ ~ ~ \.;J ':=0 Windley Key Fossil Reef State Geological sl:tE{' l.N .", protecting the world's most significant exposure of paleontological fossil coral which, annually, attracts several hundred international scientists to the Keys. Bahia Honda State Park preserving "one of the three or four most. beautiful beaches in the U. S.", so christened repeatedly, by national travel magazines; and WHEREAS, a number of the Monroe County state parks and areas preserve the last stands in the U. S. of the West Indian Hammock, 'those stately Caribbean forests, the endangered species many of which are found only in the Florida Keys, and the marine systems found only in sub-tropical waters; and WHEREAS, the Division of Recreation and Parks of DEP is proposing a reorganization of Florida park districts which will merge District 7 with present. District 5 to the north, reducing District 7 and its headquarters on Key Largo to a "sub-area" with reduced staff and responsibilities, establishing the new District Headquarters, with decision making authority for the Florida Keys in Hobe Saund, 150 miles to. the narth ef Menree Ceunty; and WHEREAS, the Flerida Keys were designated by the legislatian in Chapter 380, F.S. as an Area ef Critical State Cencern and therefere deserves the utmest attentien by all state agencies; and WHEREAS, the natural systems of the ceral islands and the ceral reef system af the Flerida Keys ferm a unique ecesystem different frem any ether ecesystem in Flerida; and WHEREAS, Manrae Ceunty has first hand knawledge af the magnitude af the preblems and the en site effert necessary to. preserve the natural Flerida Keys; and WHEREAS, Park District 7 and its Key Largo headquarters have performed their responsibilities teward the Florida Keys' resources with distinction and in effective ceeperatien with Monree Ceunty, its staff and its citizen.s; NOW, THEREFORE, the Monroe County Cemmission urges the DEP to retain the present Park District 7 with its present geegraphic designation, staff and responsibilities which, clearly, must include, in addition to. efficient management of the parks and related areas, an unrelenting effort to. preserve t.he natural resources of the Flerida Keys and Monroe Ceunty. The Caunty Clerk is hereby requested to ferward a copy ef this reselution to. Ms. Virginia Weatherall, Secretary ef the Department of Envirenmental Pretectien. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Beard of Ceunty Commissioners ef Menroe County, Florida at a regular meeting ef the Beard held on the 16th day ef February, 1994. Mayor London Mayor Pre Tern Cheal Commissiener Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissiener Reich yes yes yes yes yes (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY~ C. Oru~ Deputy Clerk "'-, parks. res/AGE ~1u:OFORM ANDrJil~ -HI i) __ . - Att<<ngy'$ Offitffl