Resolution 731-1989 Commissioner Mike Puto RESOLUTION NO. 731-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~US- Sl!ONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, URGING FLDRIDA CITIZENS TO SUPPORT THE CONSTITU- q'IONAL AMENDMENT 113 ON THE NOVEMBER 1990 _LLOT LIMITING UNFUNDED STATE MANDATES ON ~TIES AND COUNTIES. .t: WHEREAS, since 1981, the Florida Legislature has placed 288 unfunded mandates upon cities and counties in Florida with over 86 percent having an undetermined fiscal impact on cities and counties; and WHEREAS, "unfunded mandates" are governmental actions required of cities and counties by state law without adequate funding resources; and WHEREAS, cities and counties are continuously forced to adjust local service priorities, and raise local taxes and user fees to pay for such unfunded state mandated programs; and WHEREAS, cities and counties are forced to pass these increased costs for delivery of state-mandated programs to the citizens; and WHEREAS, the Florida Constitution preempts all taxing .. sources to the state (except ad valorem property taxes) it becomes irresponsible for state government to require and mandate programs to other governments without sharing the fiscal responsibility and political consequences of their actions; and WHEREAS, there can be no certainty and predictability in the growth planning process if the state can continue to mandate new and expensive programs without regard to adequate funding; and WHEREAS, the priorities and programs of local citizens of cities and counties have often been curtailed when limited local funds have to be diverted to pay for a state mandated program; and WHEREAS, the state constitution "preempts" all taxing powers to the state (other than local property taxes) and the state has been unwilling to allow sufficient local discretionary taxing powers directly to municipalities and has refused to adjust unfair and antiquated formula allocations of revenue-sharing programs; and WHEREAS, unfunded mandates are not fair to the local property owner or the locally elected official who is trying to address local priorities and problems with a limited amount of financial resources; and WHEREAS, during the 1988 Legislative Session nearly 100 members of the Legislature cosigned or supported a proposed constitutional amendment to limit the Legislature's ability to mandate programs and costs to city and county governments; and WHEREAS, during the 1989 Legislative Session a proposed amendment to the constitution was passed to give Florida citizens an opportunity to vote in 1990 on a proposal that would limit unfunded state legislative mandates on cities and counties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That the Board calls upon all citizens of the state to become aware of the seriousness of unfunded mandates and to be prepared to support the amendment to the Florida state constitution on the matter that will appear on the ballot in the November 1990 election. Section 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Delegation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the tlJI.I1IL day of -11.>1&. ~&r , 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~~~_COUNT~ FLORIDA By: ok~' Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~L~..~~~.L'. MMO~1::c= AND r1 tJt/ BY ,II" Attomev's o,,~e