Resolution 735-1989 617729 on I I I 4 "'F"n? R 3 RlC Prd... ~lRnning Department RESOLUTION NO. 735-1989 l\ RESOLUTION APPROVING A PLAT OF A SUBDIVI- SION TO BE KNOWN AS CIANCHETTE COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION, LOCATED ON PARCELS A, B, C AND EASEMENTS AB AND CD, OF LANDS BEING A PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP G6~ SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, AS DESCRIBED IN TH~ ~ OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK lOGS, PAGE 943 OF25~:-;:r MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, AND DIRECTING THE~l CLERK TO ACCEPT SUCH PLAT FOR RECORDING IN,:, THE FUBLI C RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA:;; .., ~ ..,., r- ~'T1 ~ -:] c:-:l .) I " -.J " a 1'1 0 ") J:=;. ':) ;0 W :~) WHEREAS, the Monroe County Development Review Committee recommended approval of a final plat creating two lots known as Cianchette Commercial Subdivision, located on a part of Govern- ment Lot 3, Section 10, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Key Vaca, MM 49, and; WHEREAS, the record before the Committee supports that recommendation; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. Pursuant to Section 9.5-84 (c) of the Monroe County Code, the plat of the subdivision to be known as Cianchette Commercial Subdivision, is hereby approved and the Mayor is directed to sign the plat. 2. According to section 9.5-91 of the Monroe County Code, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida,is here- by directed to accept the plat for recording in the official records. 3 . ~ . 0;::; 00 The Monroe County Clerk is also hereby directed ~r.tbrwa~d .:=J ~_: IiPl C'":l I -.J -0 W U1 A ..,., r- ,''1 '-:] =L . " ,------ ;:) n ") C::l ':0 .:J 617729 2k~1 I 14 PAGE'"''''''''' 4 a copy of this resolution to the Department Of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the J~J. day of November, A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~IDA Mayor/Chairman B't It-.ded In OffItI!lI ~ecords e.oi In Monroe County, Florida Itewrd Verified DJUrn '{ !.. 1::0Ur.AGP. Clerk Circ:,!H C(')~l',..t