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Resolution 737-1989
o Public Works RJ:t~SOLUTION NO. 737-1989 A RESOLU'.rION OF THE B01\RD OF COUNTY COMMI SS lONERS OF MONROE COUN'l'Y , FLORIDA, AtrrnORIZING T.HE MAYOR/ CHAIRMAN OF THF: BOARD TO KXECUTE A CO~n'RACT BY AND BJo;TWEEN PlNEWOOD F':NTERPRISES, INC. AND MONROE COUWIT CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A.N ANIMAL CON'I~OL FACILI'I.'Y ON BIG PINE KEY. HE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUN'l~ OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN'I'Y, FLORIDA, that the 'o1ayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized 'to execute a contract by and between Pinewood Enterpri sea J Ine. and Monroe County concerning t:he construction of an Animal Control E'acil'tiy on Big PirH:! Key, ~, copy of sante being attached hereto. PASSED .l\ND ADOPTED by .the Board (J,f Coun'ty Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a r"'~~ruJ a.r meeting of said Boa.rd held. on the 2~1nd day of November, A. n. 19B9. C:() .,." 't;) ro ,. I o ':"'J Q:;) L..W ~_.J_ BOARD OF COUN"IT COMMISSIONER OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .::::; .;:r. o n~~_._....._.____ Mayor/ellai rman -L BY (Seal) }\'t:test: DANNY l.,. KOf-<HA.GI'~, Clerk ~b.~, A/WIOVED AS TO FOIfM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. / 1 BY (~i>) 7 .---;~~/. - _ ') Wee .~:' "o" / /,/~ ,/ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered 1989 , A.D., by and between Monroe first part (hereinafter sometimes PINEWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC. party of the second part (hereinafter "Contractor") . CONTRACT into this 22nd day of NOV , County, Florida, party of the called the "Owner"), and sometimes' called the WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, mutually agree as follows: 1.01 1. 02 A. B. 1.03 SCOPE OF THE WORK The Contractor shall furnish all equipment, machinery, tools, transportation and perform all of the the Specification entitled: labor, materials, apparatus, and work described in CONSTRUCTION OF ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY BIG PINE KEY MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA and shall do everything required by this Contract and other Contract Documents. THE CONTRACT SUM The OWner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of the Contract, in lawful money United States, as follows: faithful of the Based upon the price shown in the Proposal heretofore submitted to the OWner by the Contractor, a copy of said Proposal being a part of these Contract Documents, the aggregate amount of this Contract is the sum of One Hundred Nineteen Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Six and NO/lOO Dollars ($ll9,286.0~. COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall commence work within 10 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. B. The Contractor shall prosecute faithfulness and diligence and shall not later than l20 calendar days Notice to Proceed:--- the work with complete the work after receipt of 14 l.04 A. B. C. CONTRACTOR'S ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS The Contractor hereby agrees that he has carefully examined the sites and has made investigations to fully satisfy himself that such sites are correct and suitable ones for this work and he assumes full responsibility therefore. The provisions of the Contract shall control any inconsistent provisions containea in the specifications. All Specifications have been read and carefully considered by the Contractor, who understands the same and agrees to their sufficiency for the work to be done. Under no circumstances, conditions, or situations shall this Contract be more strongly construed against the Owner than against the Contractor and his Surety. Any ambiguity or uncertainty in the Specifications shall be interpreted and construed by the Owner, and his decision shall be final and binding upon all parties. It is understood and agreed that the passing, approval, and/or acceptance of any part of the work or material by the Owner shall not operate as a waiver by the Owner of strict compliance with the terms of this Contract, and Specifications covering said work; and the Owner may require the Contractor and/or his surety to repair, replace, restore, and/or make to comply strictly and in all things with the Contract and Specifications any and all of said work and/or materials which within a period of one year from and after the date of the passing, approval, and/or acceptance of any such work or material, are found to be defective or to fail in any way to comply with this Contract or with the Specifications. This provision shall not apply to materials or equipment normally expected to deteriorate or wear out and become subject to normal repair and replacement before their condition is discovered. Failure on the part of the Contractor and/or his Surety, immediately after Notice to either, to repair or replace any such defective materials and workmanship shall entitle the Owner, if it sees fit, to replace or repair the same and recover the reasonable cost of such replacement and/or repair from the Contractor and/or his surety, who shall in any event be jointly and severally liable to the Owner for all damage, loss, and expense caused to the OWner by reason of the Contractor's breach of this Contract and/or his failure to comply strictly and in all things with this Contract and with the Specifications. 15 ,f ~; ,)~ ~ '~ ~~," I 1 ",';~ 1.04 B. 1. 06 ,~ , ~.~ ...... '~ ,) . ~ j i ~ "I ~ . j ~ J ,j .J. . . ~ .~ .} LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is mutually agreed time is of the essence of this Contract and should the Contractor fail to complete the emergency repairs within the specified time, or any authorized extension thereof, there shall be deducted from the compensation otherwise to be paid to the Contractor, and the Owner will retain th~ amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per calendar day as fixed, calendar day as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing beyond the specified time for completion or any authorized extension thereof, which sum shall represent the actual damages which the Owner will have sustained by failure of the Contractor to complete the work within the specified time; it being further agreed that said sum is not a penalty, but is the stipulated amount of damages sustained by the Owner in the event of such default by the Contractor. For the purposes of this acceptance of the work scheduled for production. Article, shall be the day of considered final a day PARTIAL AND FINAL PAYMENTS In accordance with the provisions fully General Conditions, and subject to deductions as provided, the Owner Contractor as follows: set forth in the additions and shall pay the 1. Within 30 days after receipt of the Contractor's request for partial payment by the Owner, the OWner shall make partial paYments to the Contractor, on the basis of the estimate of work as approved by the Owner, for work performed during the preceding calendar month, less ten percent (10%) of the amount of such estimate which is to be retained by the OWner until all work has been performed strictly in accordance with this Agreement and until such work has been accepted by the OWner. 2. Upon submission by the Contractor of evidence satisfactory to the OWner that all payrolls, material bills and other costs incurred by the Contractor in connection with the construction of the work have been paid in full, and also, after all guarantees that may be required in the specifications have been furnished and are found acceptable by the OWner, final paYment on account of this Agreement shall be made within sixty (60) days after completion by the Contractor of all work covered by this 16 ';.~ ";'~ , .~ 'f';:: 1. 07 A. 1. 08 A. " " p ';1 ,:1 { , 1 .; . ,:1 ~ .;).~~ '~~ ] , '4 ',/ I '~ ;~ ;~ '.~ '; :! '1 '1 "i ,( i i -I j I I J Agreement and acceptance of such work by the Owner. ADDITIONAL BOND It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that if, at any time after the execution of this Agreement and the Performance and PaYment 'Bonds hereto attached for its faithful performance, the Owner shall deem the surety or sureties upon such bonds to be unsatisfactory, or if, for any reason, such bond(s) ceases to be adequate to cover the performance of the work, the Contractor shall, at his expense, and within three days after the receipt of Notice from the Owner to do so, furnish an additional bond or bonds, in such form and amount, and with such sureties as shall be satisfactory to the Owner. In such event, no further payment to the Contractor shall be deemed due under this Agreement until such new or additional security for the faithful performance of the work shall be furnished in manner and form satisfactory to the Owner. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents, as stated in the Instructions to Bidders and attached hereto, are as fully a part of this Contract as if herein repeated. An enumeration of the Drawings accompanying these Contract Documents follows: Sheet No. Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Site and Location Plans Existing Site Elevation Electrical & Floor Plan Front Elevation Elevations & Typical Section Front & Side Elevation of Kennels Floor & Roof Framing Proposed Septic System Landscape Plan 17 :"l':.~.... _',_. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed on the day and date first above written in four (4) each of which shall, without proof or accounting counterparts, be deemed an original Contract* this Agreement counterparts, for the other MONROE COUNTY Party of the Q):t~l:>:t~ First Part ;,./ By: Attest: (Seal) Signed, Sealed and Witnessed in the presence of:** PINEWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC. Party of the Second Part By: Title Attest: (Seal) (*) In the event that the Contractor is a Corporation, there shall be attached to each counterpart a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, authorizing the officer who signs the Contract to do so in its behalf. (**) Two witnesses are required when Contractor is sole ownership or partnership. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIE:!C~" , " , --, ~/ 8R~{ T~~-d Attom.y'. Offir. - 18 ':'~':::;';"':".'-'::"'>..-,,,,: CERTIF~v.,;E OF INSURANCE 10/03/139 ~tl.. 'HIS crrt 1Ir Ir~^, E I~ I~SUf() A~ ^ MM TFR OF ItlFOnl.1ATION OtRY Arm CONrEHS NO niGHTS UPON TIlE CERllfIC^IF HOLUr:.R 11 liS r;HTlIFlCATr:. UOFS tlor AMEnD. EXTEND OR AllER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY 'HE POLICIES BELOW Jl II II' .1 ()1 11\11;01'1(; T hl<:) (V~ C{ I' 0 flnX i?JlI/. 't 1{\Hnl HON ~~;H(mr.:S F 1,~UOr~ii:~ COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ~;i):~';~IY A U S F & G COt'1PNUE!; IDE SUB,CODE ~~;.;~~:IY B SUilEO ~~~~~lY C ..~ . f' INF \,J<)(;{) ENT" Tt',lC PO H():< 1/11 F31G fINE .<EY FL 330113 ~~;~~~IY D FeCT FUND ~~;~~~lY E COVERAGES 1 HI'; I'; TO crRTlry lllA 1 HIE' POllf':IES or ItISURANCE IIS1ED 8E'LOW HAVE AF.EtI ISSUED TO 1 HE It~SURED tlAt.1EO ABOVE FOR THE POI.ICY PERIOD 111ll\CA1FU. N01WITllS1ANDltlG AI~Y REQUIf'lEMEN1, TERM OR CONDll10lJ or AlJY COfllRACl OR alliER DOCUMEIH WIlH RESPECT 10 WHICH THIS CH,llfIC^IE tMY BE ISSUED OR MAY pEfHAIN, THE ItISURANCE ArrORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, Fyr:\ USIOflS AIm COfJOITIOtlS OF SUCH POLICIES, L1MIlS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS co LTR TYPE OF IUSURAIlCE POLICY UUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRA TlOIl O^ TE I~Af,M{)OI-(YJ P.' TE (".,,~.','~f'lIVY' ALL LIMITS IN THOYSAND~ n GEUfRAL L1ARILlTY J (: r' 1 ()7'~ ~:i[;r.:;nO X cOt,,,.IFI1r:'M GFtlERAL llARlllTY ( I ^1~.1C; Mf\DF X or:C\Jn ~l / 1 q / B9 .3/1/1/90 GFIIERAL AGGREGATE s 1,000 rRonUCTS.COMPfOPO:; AGGREGATE S rERSOflAL to ADVEnT ISlllG INJURY S EACH OCCURREIlCE sl,OOO n~.fH 11 S ~ C()llTflACTORS PilOT FHlE D^MM";E (Any Of1~ '\f~l $ MElJICJ\L EXPftJSE ,Any nnl1 {'lCf~onl S COMOltlED SitJGtE $ L1Mll OODI\.Y IfJJURY (PPf p~'<}nnl AUTOMOBI\.E LIABILITY MIY AUTO AlL ovmHl AUTOS HlflED AUIOS IIOIl (WJrlED AU ros nODIL Y IllJIJflY (Pm f\ccidcnq SCHEDU\.fD AUTOS PROPlnTY DAMAr,E S GARAGE L1ARlllTY EACH OCCURnENCE $ AGGnEGA1E f xcec;s UABILlTY \ \ I' nTHFR THAN UMORELLA FOnM I\/lr.:,'"]' () l....O 1 1 ,I I) I 109 J e,l] :I/U9 STATUTORY AND S S I (Jr1 ..(-< 1>>/ f'I I(lN/A lEACH ACCIDENT) (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYI $ WORKER S COMPENSATION EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER OESCRIPTlON OF OPERA TlONS/LOCATIONSIVEHICLESIRESTRlCTlOtlS/SPECIAL ITEMS GENEJH-\L & Ff'.Ir; ltlEEH ING cot.,rrHN:TOn CANCELLA lION n. HI T'OP CCH 111 t y {\lltJ: F.'(l1~"'l1r \,1 i 11 g I T f' 11 hi i c: I (;'" y t'J<~'''', t r L FJlclg (If. Zoning p. t'1 j IIp U ~::;'... Cp Fll dg . :r~ O'I.() SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THI EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TI MAIL -'l' DAYS WRlTTEN tlOTlCE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO TH l.EFT. BOP FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION 0 L1^BILlTY or A1N KIND UPOf~ THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES -;UTH~~IZ 0 R;;'RJSENT;~j t l,; 4 . y,r tl'V If,'?" ;(/",/-.'1l.3'/ . i.\lda F~,3e Hulrm,?s UA _____ _ ______,___----,..,. .,______'_._ __~!_~,g.!!l?,~~~,ION 1 CERTIFICATE HOLDER ACORD 25._SJ3~1!.L__-_-- -- -:l~~- . . • , . . . . . . :-' • . i 44 • I ' .0 :4 4 4 J - , - -' • , , .1,4 , • • 7..._...-____•11,SAL„,„._.___„..____-...---- - •----- -''' _ ..,- ----.-..-----, . -./.- • . . k . . .'. .' t 1 : - • • STATE OF FLORIDA • .• ' I-DEPARTMENT OF•PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ', . , .11C'• • ' C 0 N S t R U C T I ON INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD • -r- %. ,.•-, '--'••:"4. • .--'. ,DATC, .'.. .- .',..::: ,.,-"; -r-. - „*.:,... :., iLLILCENSENP. 'L. 7 - •....•F' 'ff '.et A. 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S1,21PtalifiglieCEV;IiittgLlit , Caffil48A - ,......,•i•• ' . ***PAIDSHARRY F.KNIONT*** 36.00 CK 09/26/dniniab*1744141VailgmAttleyoutiriu.... ..c,,.,...r... . . - ACCOUNT • NUMBER • I S 06495 . . . .: .......:+i•;:t -- •: 3,f.t.,.., LOCATION: AM 31 INDUSTRIAL ROAD • . . .-. . • • . :. .0 :,, • . . -. . . • gll2•-; - R iEle E E • • • •_ -- -• .,.•:l*;..•t"•1.-.!i!.i1y.-. ,••ifs. ucbtViriCA 4h RPUlrMUSTBPOSTDCONSPICUOUSLYINyounPLACEOFBUSINESS - ,•:-, 'W.7.•••••..- • . . . • *i . . ,- . • • • . . • . . . r,,iVa ,. ...)1.,, ' • . . - • , 2714' - ., . . - • • . - • :-1 • ..-. • .- . 11 , . 7 • . , . • ' . • - . . - - • . • . 4)• .. .......,,, • .. . . . . . 0 . . . • . . . . • .• ..y., . . _ . ,..,, , - , • ,......_ - ,, ) , _. 2) • .,... .. , ;- �. • \�. i ,' • Control 2 J C A 5 I Certificate of Competency r f/�[ No. - for-Monroe County H� ,ENG 1200A a C.ertIficate - Oct 11, 1989 . • Fee Thie S1o0.o0 : a :;larttia ce i0 t Fee P id 0.0n ' F f3uildinR Off el I • I. y) I • ,I .. Secretary I This Certifies that Rec.#465102' 1 ; Pinewood• Enterprises,, inc. . $743 • . BROOKS W. THOP'MESI P.O. Box:141 . - _ i _ Biq Pine Key,' Florida 33043 5. - • QUALIFIPI) as a ENGINEERING, GONTR.ACIUR CLASS I in good standing, and this certificate of competency is valid and,in force-until October 31, 1990 i ?ig, t ;t, 'a;, y OUNT1t oCCUpA TONAL LICENs't T ; 1989-t9/0 ' ; - 1 7',»} -0.1i,-•Yrr:` i} Ni '. < ;N q®NROL COUNTY STATE or PLorlIDA ,-1 fax iTiy`iii4il•F= \ I"r, ,, r �: r �j` t;' r?HIaLICENSEEXPIRES steTEhaERr30# ^1990 ' � 7r��- 7^w • r 3u1 i'!i d 1 .% r il .,,�" ! i CO9Ti4NY.. ,`"4f Etr -t ' ~¢ a iiQIPIioytES$ t• 10 • ; r` PENALTY .>,.} k 1j tt!!Nr•taMa iOp EMPLOYEES:'; HEREt t TgANSFEftPEEts '} � ���` • r: T• ;1" r is 6 / dti °.: ' f}�s + , L i $ h Q \,;1 41! ' • i - ..= G '' " Sic ,4. ,,t ,' • . t l�R A } 'CEpTiICAt�'NUM9Ep ,+ • toTAt.nut= t, • t' ' ' Tad% <kiL�f;a 4'.. ..'' yl4' • •t •• `v`- >;15,tr� . tr - : `e a ARItiF1 .EN1a s "t { '•" . . Alt 'tC_�MMi.Eeetsoaa, 2 `l14tl3 t� : } ,f►x^ ', ► '''�' " K�Y1AIrhst♦ FL t 30 i±l1"4 : ,•fitq A4�* � ,. tp-Yxn A kibXt:ktPr'bAM ?<i;t `;�f -•r -Ar ; fix., '• P., •4.�' ti -, :Mi.q..,. i 'Lit ,-, • PiNEMOOD EN1lER011 Sea t�1 r; t . , r4� t ,� 1 t • 1ibVE1LIE RSEErg13i.H REBY .t;,. ,y , tyOf1ME8 BROOKS t Y�A t'AR•-S, �t�,'�• � •.�, LLG N3E8 I_1'0' ENBA E° 'NIT E BUSINESS - , PO Bog' , 41 .e ^ '' '''r ,tY1:, a,t ry', •_ . ,�._,� I T R9EE>�s1oN ,+dll OC u aT&e OF ,: 816 ;PINE ,KEY':;"FL 3 42`+ ,,1,,_;.. • k .4 'ENg ogiq • C As • C T , Oc0l 81 , S##PATH#HARRY.F..KNI HT*** gg sA��,1 r'o�TE�o frAv.b+e1' r 18.00 CK 09/�6/ �� quo T ` : •ACCUUt+it- NUMBER: 13 -08143 4 ©CAI.IUMt MM 31 INDUStRIAL ROAD" .E R I.1 F I C A T E •R g1Etf1 n MUST BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY IN 1 OU R UR PLACE OF BUSINESS r :'k r f, i r a :,- X`- �—. ) . < i1 't ~ PROPOSAL ~ For ; J j CONSTRUCTION OF ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY ON BIG PINE KEY ...- Submi tted Nov. 8, ,19 89 ~ Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Gentlemen: The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that the only person or persons interested in the Proposal, as principal or principals, is or are named herein and that no other person than herein mentioned has any interest in the Proposal of the Contract to which the work pertains; that this Proposal is made without connection or arrangement with any other person, company, or parties making a bid or proposal and that the Proposal is in all respects fair and made in good faith without collusion or fraud. ! The Bidder further declares that he has examined the site of the work and that from personal knowledge and experience, has fully satisfied himself that such site is correct and suitable for this work and he assumes full responsibility thereof; that he has examined the Specifications for the work and from his own experience'or from professional advice has fully satisfied himself that the Specifications are sufficient for the work to be done and he has examined the other Contractual Documents relating thereto, including the Instructions to Bidder, Proposal, Contract, Performance Bond, General Conditions, Specifications, and has read all addenda prior to the opening of bids, and that he has satisfied himself fully, relative to all matters and conditions with respect to the work to which this Proposal pertains. The Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Proposal is acceptedr to contract with Monroe County, Florida, (Owner) in the form of contract specified, to furnish all necessary materials, all equipment, all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportatiun, and labor necessary to complete the work specified in the Proposal and the Contract, and called for by the Specifications and in the manner specified. The Bidder further proposes and agrees to comply in all respects with the time limits for commencement and completion of the work as stated in the Contract Form. '., ., 10 The Bidder further agrees that the deductions for liquidated damages, as stated in the Contract Form, constitute fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages to reimburse the Owner for additional costs to the Owner resulting from the work not being completed within the time limit stated in the Contract Form. .~ The Bidder further agrees to execute a Contract and furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond in the amount of one-hundred percent (100%) of the total amount of the accepted bid within ten '(10) consecutive calendar days after written notice being given by the Owner of the award of the Contract. The undersigned agrees to accept in full compensation therefor the total of the Lump Sum prices and extended unit prices for the items named in the following schedule. It is understood that the unit prices quoted or established for a particular item are to be used for computing the amount to be paid to the Contractor based on the quantities actually constructed as determined by the applicable measurement and payment portion of the technical specifications. Payment will be based upon items listed in the Bid Form. , ~ Bidders Certificate of Competency No. 25451/EN9200A Bidders Occupational License No. 301-362-16/301-362-17 (C9CO-14885) "~ , ; ~; . . l , !i "1 .~ \~ 1 1 " ) j 1 t f ~ I ~ l '1 , i I I 11 .. BID FORM Contractor shall submit Lump Sum Bids for all of the following items: I will perform the following items of work for the following amounts: A. Base Bid: All work shown on the Drawing9~and described in the specifications including labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools and apparatus necessary to complete the construction of the 650 sq. ft. one story raised building and utility connections to existing. All work shall be completed not later than 120 calendar days. S.ix and No/l00. One 1i1.1nd/Zed N-inei..e.e.n 7 hOIl-6and two lillnd/l.ed Eighty Do llar s ($ ';:'119,286.00'::-::--::'::--::'::' ) (Words) B. Bid Alternate 1: All work as described in Base Bid, to be completed not later than 90 calendar days. and 30/100. One llund/Zed 7wenly live 7holl"~and two Hund/l.e.d f..illy Dollars ($ ':'125,250.30::--:;''''::::' ) (Words) C. Bid Alternate 2: All work as described in Base Bid, to be completed not later than 60 calendar days. . ':~ :? o Hund eel 7h 't 0 7h and Z ll'nd--_J - _.J and 60/100. ne /I. ""-/I. Y ne OU-6 wo TLU 'U:U fou,u..~ Dollars ($ *131,214.60'::-;;';:--:; ) (Words) 12 .. ... i::;. ..:;.,;;-. :~^~-';~'..'~-...;.;...,,:'~ .>\ '1 ,.,~ .~ "; } ~ .~ " '~ " ! ) , ;'{ 1 I .... "! t 'j , . '~ "3 l .~ , '~ i ~ i 1 ~ ,. , , ~ 1'1~~""".' "....., Acknowledgement is hereby made of the following Addenda since issuance of the Specifications: received Addendum No. 1 Dated: 10/24Addendum No. Dated: 11 /02Addendum No. Dated: Addendum No. 2 Dated: Addendum No. Dated: Addendum No. Dated: Pincwood [nte~p~i~e~, Inc. L.S. /:/ (Na~f Bid~r) Affix .$~~lJ , . -,~ / ;.;~~ L.S. (Signature of Officer) P~e~.i.de.nt L.S. (Title of Officer) Address: P. O. Box 141 City: B.i.q PiJU?_ KClI, S tat e : 1 fo/1...i.da The full names and residences of persons and firms interested in the foregoing bid, as principals, are as follows: B IJ 7 P e HGhJk Lane 7 ~o , 1 fo /1...i.da , 1 f 0 /1...i.da SU.6an R. 7 omme-1 Sed7 ~ea-1. HGhJk Lane, [-1'ta.i..tv" Name of the executive who will give personal attention to the work: B~ook~ IJ. 7homme-1, P/Z..e-1.i.dent 13 PROPOSAL 1017. CONS7R!K7 ION 01 ,4NIflAL CON7ROL lACILI71} ON BIg PINE /([1} P mewood [nte/tpuheh, Inc. - Bidde//. P. O. Box 141 Big Pine Key, If 33043 R[1ER[NC[S - PR[VIOliS PROJ[C7S AIlRP Building on Big Pine Key [xpanh ion I-o//. PumpeA. 7 l/Uck at I i//..chou-1e on Big P.me /(ey Puglic WO~~~kh WatC/tfine [xtenhion I-//..om il. S. One to Cudjoe LandI-iLl S.i..te (1984) Bahia Honda Ba:th.hoUM2. P//.ojeci. - Randy Peg/1aJn Bahia Honda Concehhion Stand - Randy Peg//..aJn St. I//..ancih 01- the KeYh [p,i..hcopaf.. Chu//.cn ';;"::'N07[,' W.i..:f..h /1R.gWld to Ou//.. l.mancia1 Statement, the Cli//..//..ent l-ihca1 yeW/. hah not geen comp1.e.Led w> 01- thih date, howeve//.., we w.i1.f ge happy to tu/Ulihh thih .ml-olUTla:t..ion hhoufd we ge ClhJwz.ded thih P//..oject, .immediately upon .i..t-1 compila:t..ion. ':HHf P inl!llJood c.ntC/tp/1....i.he..6, Inc. w.i1.f not ge /l.ehpOn-1i.e1e I-o//.. util.il.y extenhion 1-12.12.-1, Impaci. 1-e.e.-1, pelUTlil I-e.eh (County o//.. Stah!.) 0/1. l.fo/l...i.da Key-1 I/queduci. development I- e..e-1. ':f ':~ ro- i -;-f, ' "I~~"'''-'''