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Resolution 744-1989
e_ rr) Q, N c (. o:::t L~ c.. ,. , 0\ ,. ~'.".. . c...:; I..J.J c:. c=:l Li....: A -.J ~ , , -- u.. 744 -1989 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET WHEREAS, it is necessary to conduct a public hearing required by sec- tion 129.03, Florida Statutes, to increase the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that a public hearing was conducted on December 12, 1989 at 5:10 P.M., to increase the General Fund #001 Budget by $612,732.00, and to adopt a supplemental budget amendment as follows: General Fund Adopted Budget Proposed Changes Proposed Revised Budget REVENUES Taxes 001-000000-311100-0 9,322,652.00 Civil Defense 001-000000-331230-0 17,485.00 0.00 9,322,652.00 0.00 795,665.00 0.00 175,000.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 130.00 0.00 210.00 0.00 11,800.00 0.00 17,485.00 0.00 37,000.00 0.00 362,880.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 10,097.00 0.00 881,644.00 0.00 5,565.00 0.00 45,780.00 0.00 88,230.00 Tourist Impact Tax 001-000000-312140-0 795,665.00 Occupational Licenses 001-000000-321000-0 175,000.00 County Pound Licenses, Lower Keys 001-000000-329102-0 400.00 County Pound Licenses, Middle Keys 001-000000-329103-0 130.00 County Pound Licenses, Upper Keys 001-000000-329104-0 210.00 County Pound Shelter Fees, Lower Keys 001-000000-329105-0 11,800.00 Lieu Taxes Federal Housing 001-000000-333100-0 37,000.00 Payments in Lieu 001-000000-333200-0 362,880.00 Payment in Lieu of Taxes-Bureau Fish-Wildlife 001-000000-333201-0 20,000.00 Medical Examiner Grant 001-000000-334290-0 10,097.00 State Revenue Sharing 001-000000-335120-0 881,644.00 Insurance Agents License 001-000000-335130-0 5,565.00 Mobile Homes 001-000000-335140-0 45,780.00 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 001-000000-335150-0 88,230.00 State Sales Tax 001-000000-335180-0 3,698,000.00 Monroe County Land Authority 001-000000-337300-0 7,000.00 Circuit Court Fees 001-000000-341530-0 767,550.00 Public Defenders Fees 001-000000-341531-0 500.00 State Attorney Communications 001-000000-341532-0 20,000.00 County Court Fees 001-000000-341540-0 39,000.00 Reimb. Supervisor of Elections 001-000000-341550-0 6,441.00 Legal Aid Fees 001-000000-341701-0 12,968.00 E911 Subscriber Billing Systems 001-000000-341900-0 150,000.00 Reimb Feeding Prisoners 001-000000-342300-0 803.00 Reimb utilities Juvenile Home 001-000000-342301-0 2,000.00 Airport, Airline Fees & Rentals 001-000000-344100 85,000.00 Airport, Rental Car Leases 001-000000-344102-0 71,000.00 Airport, Concessions 001-000000-344103-0 14,000.00 Airport, Sign Lease 001-000000-344104-0 1,100.00 Trans. Taxi Remittance Human Services 001-000000-346900-0 18,000.00 Interest Income-S.B.A./General Operations 001-000000-361000-0 700,000.00 Rents 001-000000-362000-0 3,947.00 Rental Income - County Home 00l-000000-362003-0 45,000.00 Rents & Leases - Higgs Beach 001-000000-362005-0 28,162.00 Refunds Prior Year 001-000000-369300-0 1,000.00 Misc. Revenue 001-000000-369900-0 15,000.00 Telephone Commissions 001-000000-369901-0 1,995.00 Reimb. Welfare 001-000000-369902-0 4,028.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,698,000.00 7,000.00 767,550.00 500.00 20,000.00 39,000.00 6,441.00 12,968.00 150,000.00 803.00 2,000.00 85,000.00 71,000.00 14,000.00 1,100.00 18,000.00 700,000.00 3,947.00 45,000.00 28,162.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 1,995.00 4,028.00 Transfers from Fine & Forfeiture 001-000000-381101-0 35,000.00 Fire & Ambulance Districts 001-000000-381205-0 290,147.00 Fire Marshal, Public Safety 001-000000-381207-0 16,535.00 Translator, Public Safety 001-000000-381208-0 25,448.00 Transfers for D/P Serv/Road & Bridge 102 001-000000-381500-0 14,000.00 Transfer for D/P Serv/Plan & Zone 716 001-000000-381501-0 146,603.00 Transfer for D/P Serv/Building 716 001-000000-381502-0 72,466.00 Transfer for D/P Serv/Code Enforce 716 001-000000-381503-0 16,898.00 Transfer for D/P Serv/Fire Marshal 716 001-000000-381504-0 3,181.00 Transfer for Dip Serv/Key West Airport 001-000000-381505-0 4,144.00 Transfer for D/P Serv/Card Sound 401 001-000000-381506-0 2,618.00 Data Processing, MSD-Waste 001-000000-381508-0 19,887.00 Chaplin Bldg-Code Enforcement 001-000000-381509-0 7,062.00 Chaplin Bldg-Fire Marshal 001-000000-381510-0 7,062.00 Fire & Amb Districts 001-000000-381511-0 14,425.00 Less 5% Required by Law 001-000000-389001-0 (873,352.00) Balance Brought Forward Cash/General 001-000000-389002-0 7,031,039.00 Prenatal Care 001-000000-389010-0 440.00 TOTAL REVENUES 24,300,635.00 -------------- -------------- 0.00 35,000.00 0.00 290,147.00 0.00 16,535.00 0.00 25,448.00 0.00 14,000.00 0.00 146,603.00 0.00 72,466.00 0.00 16,898.00 0.00 3,181.00 0.00 4,144.00 0.00 2,618.00 0.00 19,887.00 0.00 7,062.00 0.00 7,062.00 0.00 14,425.00 0.00 (873,352.00) 612,732.00 7,643,771.00 0.00 440.00 612,732.00 24,913,367.00 ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- APPROPRIATIONS Board of County Commissioners 001-010000-511 790,535.52 0.00 790,535.52 Fine Arts Council 001-010100-573 52,500.00 0.00 52,500.00 Insurance-Clerk Circuit Court 001-010300-516 203,452.00 0.00 203,452.00 Insurance-Clerk BCC 001-010400-513 92,836.00 0.00 92,836.00 Insurance-Microfilm 001-010500-519 16,518.00 Clerk to Board of County Commissioners 001-020100-513 563,353.00 Clerk Circuit Court 001-020200-516 975,170.00 Clerk Circuit Court-Microfilm 001-020300-519 150,148.00 Clerk County Court 001-020400-516 612,568.00 Data Processing 001-020500-513 313,684.00 Domestic Relations 001-020700-516 57,639.00 Criminal Systems Capital Purchase 001-020805-516 172,052.00 County Attorney 001-030000-514 595,008.99 Property Appraiser 001-040000-513 1,511,516.00 Tax Collector 001-050000-513 2,087,893.00 Circuit Court 001-060100-516 275,695.17 County Court 001-060200-516 54,462.08 Monroe County Jail Overcrowding Project 001-060202-516 170,307.47 State Attorney 001-060300-516 126,500.00 Public Defender 001-060400-516 162,784.00 Supervisor of Elections 001-070100-519 369,739.00 Elections 001-070200-519 102,897.00 County Administrator 001-080000-512 205,870.10 Data Processing Ofc. of Cty. Admin. 001-080002-513 648,508.49 Fiscal Management Div. Office of Co. Ad 001-080003-513 224,928.05 Grants Management 001-080004-513 58,772.80 Personnel/Safety 001-080100-513 234,871.31 Public Works Garage 001-090101-519 611,644.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,518.00 563,353.00 975,170.00 150,148.00 612,568.00 313,684.00 57,639.00 172,052.00 595,008.99 1,511,516.00 2,087,893.00 275,695.17 54,462.08 170,307.47 126,500.00 162,784.00 369,739.00 102,897.00 205,870.10 648,508.49 224,928.05 58,772.80 234,871.31 611,644.08 Public Works Corrections Facilities 001-090201-519 111,031.37 Public Works Facilities Maintenance 001-090301-519 2,288,224.74 Public Works Animal Shelter 001-091001-562 438,874.16 Parks & Beaches 001-092000-572 280,675.55 Summer School Recreation Program 001-092100-574 42,750.00 Historic Fla. Keys Preservation Board 001-092200-564 8,550.00 East Martello Art Gallery & Hist. Museum 001-092300-564 7,615.20 Key West Garden Club-West Martello Towers 001-092400-564 22,444.82 Key West Lighthouse Museum 001-092500-564 12,534.80 Advertising 001-110000-519 5,000.00 Veteran's Affairs 001-120000-553 283,865.87 Medical Examiner 001-130000-527 161,650.00 Disaster Preparedness 001-140100-525 164,254.38 EMS Coordinator 001-141000-525 206,005.44 Public Safety Management 001-141400-525 110,233.85 Chaplin Building 001-141700-513 57,700.00 Emergency Medical Communications 001-150000-526 27,920.00 911 Emergency System 001-150100-524 148,151.00 Emergency Medical Air Transportation 001-150200-526 80,000.00 Communications 001-150500-513 300,500.00 Baker Act Services 001-160100-563 310,129.00 Mental Health 001-160600-563 285,287.00 Monroe Assoc. for Retarded Citizens 001-160700-563 20,300.00 Baker Act Transportation(M.H.C.L.K.) 001-160800-563 83,059.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 111,031.37 2,288,224.74 438,874.16 280,675.55 42,750.00 8,550.00 7,615.20 22,444.82 12,534.80 5,000.00 283,865.87 161,650.00 164,254.38 206,005.44 110,233.85 57,700.00 27,920.00 148,151.00 80,000.00 300,500.00 310,129.00 285,287.00 20,300.00 83,059.00 Juvenile Drug Rehabilitation Program 001-160801-564 80,000.00 0.00 80,000.00 Welfare Administration 001-180100-564 502,211.24 0.00 502,211.24 Welfare Services 001-180200-564 471,200.00 0.00 471,200.00 County Home 001-180300-564 394,878.13 0.00 394,878.13 S.C.S.P. 001-180501-564 27,000.00 0.00 27,000.00 Transportation III-B 001-180600-564 28,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 Transportation 001-180700-564 152,699.41 0.00 152,699.41 Nutrition C-I 001-180800-564 37,000.00 0.00 37,000.00 Nutrition C-II 001-180900-564 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 CCE-IN Home Services 001-181000-564 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 CCDA-Homemakers 001-181100-564 13,710.00 0.00 13,710.00 Homemaker III-D 001-181300-564 1,667.00 0.00 1,667.00 Lower Keys A A R P 001-190100-564 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 Middle Keys A A R P 001-190200-564 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 Upper Keys A A R P 001-190300-564 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 Big Pine A A R P 001-190400-564 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 Older Americans Vol. Program 001-190500-564 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 Legal Aid 00l-210000-564 14,250.00 0.00 14,250.00 Help Line 001-220002-564 10,500.00 0.00 10,500.00 Domestic Abuse Shelter 001-220020-564 14,250.00 0.00 14,250.00 Hospice of the Fla. Keys 001-220100-564 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 AIDS Help, Inc. 001-220300-564 38,000.00 0.00 38,000.00 Big Brothers/Big Sisters 001-2294990564 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 Handicapped Job Placement 001-220500-564 19,950.00 0.00 19,950.00 Extension Service 001-230000-537 123,537.47 Marathon Airport 0 & M 001-240000-542 114,406.00 Budgeted Transfers 001-910200-581 945,412.00 Reserves & Transfers Contingency 001-920000-584990-0 512,998.51 Reserve for County Administrator 001-920000-584991-0 15,000.00 State Cty Health Care 001-920000-584992-0 85,000.00 Reserve for County Attorney 001-920000-584993-0 94,452.00 Reserve for Disasters 001-920000-584994-0 15,000.00 County Prenatal Contingency Fund 001-920000-584995-0 460.00 Reserve for Truman Annex Lease 001-920000-584997-0 32,000.00 Reserve for Indigent Health Care 001-920000-584998-0 320,000.00 Reserve for Salary Adjustment 00l-920000-585992-0 427,000.00 Reclassifications 001-920000-585993-0 35,813.00 Reserve for Cash Balance 001-920000-589991-0 2,749,631.00 Refunds Prior Year 001-921000-519 1,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 24,300,635.00 -------------- -------------- 0.00 123,537.47 0.00 114,406.00 0.00 945,412.00 612,732.00 1,125,730.51 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 85,000.00 0.00 94,452.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 460.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00 320,000.00 0.00 427,000.00 0.00 35,813.00 0.00 2,749,631.00 0.00 1,000.00 24,913,367.00 612,732.00 ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board, is hereby authorized to take the necessary actions to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board on the 12th day of December, A.D. 1989. BOA;DM~~OUNTY COMMISSIONERS ByO~~DA Mayor/Chairman-- (Seal) Attest: ..N7QVEDM; TO POIIM "'/DLEGALS~~ BY ~ (\ Il .~ ______ ~ffil'tt.