Resolution 748-1989 Community ~ervices RESOLUTION NO. 74R -l989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND LOUISE G.W. HEFLIN; AND PAUL SANTANA REGARDING MS. HEFLIN'S PLACEMENT IN BAYSHORE MANOR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the agreement between Monroe County and Louise G.W. Heflin; and Paul Santana, regarding Ms. Heflin's placement in Bayshore Manor, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 13th day of December , 1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~eGUNTY. FLORIDA By~. ~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Jl2~. ~Jf &./ By i()(jNOW -1--; lJ LO: Zd lZ 33Q 68. '"-" ;.J : J "... J Ii U.ilU BAYSHORE MANOR A/K/A MONROE COUNTY HOME ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY - LEVEL II A G R E E MEN T This agreement entered into this 1st day of Noverrber , 19~, by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called "County" and lDuise G. W. Heflin , hereinafter called "Resident", and Paul Santana hereinafter called "Responsible Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the resident desires to use the facility of the county known as the Monroe County Horne, a/k/a Bayshore Manor, and WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the application of the resi- dent for admission to the Monroe County Home and has determined that the resident is eligible for admission to said home, now therefore, In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and premis- es herein contained, the parties agree as follows: A. BAYSHORE MANOR 1. To furnish room, board, linens, prescribed medicines and general personal care. 2. To arrange for the transfer of the resident to the hospital of the resident's choice when ordered by the attending physician or the health of the resident requires same, and to immediately notify any responsible party (as designated herein) of such transfer. 3. To make refunds on a per diem basis in accord with date of discharge from the home. Refunds cannot be made as long as personal belongings remain in the resident's room. Refunds cannot be made as long as there are outstanding expenditures for services received by the resident. 4. In the event of closure of the facility for any reason, a pro-rated per diem refund shall be made in accord with date of closure within seven (7) days. 5. Residents will be notified in writing thirty (30) days in advance of any basic rate change. 6. Bayshore Manor is not affiliated with any religious organization. 7 . Other: After resident's assets are exhausted. County will pay Medicare deductible, 80% of balance after rcedicare for lst l4 days of hospital care, 80% of balance after rcedicare for physicians services. To reirrburse resident ten ($lO.OO) dollars per IIDnth for personal spending IIDney. B. THE RESIDENT OR RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1. To provide such personal clothing and effects as needed or desired by the resident. 2. To pay the monthly rate agreed upon and such charges as determined by the Monroe County Home to be necessary for the operation of the home. 3. That, upon certification by a physician or the administrator of the home, the resident is no longer capable of meeting the requirements for occupancy in this facility, the resident, next of kin, legal representative or agency acting on the resident's behalf, will have to make arrangements for the immediate transfer to an appropriate facility. In the event a resident has no person to represent him/her, this facility shall assist resident in contracting an appropriate Social Service Agency for place- ment. Applicant agrees to vacate the facility within forty-eight (48) hours after disquali- fication. 4. To comply with all requirements as set forth in the application made by the resident. 5. To comply with all rules and regulations esta- blished by the County for operation and control of said home. 6. Agrees, if not paying the maximum rate, to pay any increase in income during the course of residency, up to the maximum rate. The maximum rate as established October 1, 1985, is $1,195.00 per month. 7. Individual monthly rents not to exceed the maximum rate, will be established by evaluation of the applicant's income, asset, resources and need. 8. Other: 'T'o pay C:llr1r;:mtee Reserve Life Medicare SuPPlarent r1nn MPc'li ~r1rp prPmi ume;. deductible and any other nedical oosts not- (Y)'uprro by insurance including all rredications until her assets are depleted. C. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS The resident and/or County $ 1 lqt; nn facili ties. . responsible party agrees to pay , per month as rent for use of the PAYMENT WILL BE FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: l. Personal funds of resident 2. Responsible party will pay 3. Unearned income of resident will pay: Social Security $ Civil Service Annuity $ V.A. Pension $ Other $ 2 V. STANVARV AVMTSSION 'WAIVER The Coun~y, ~h~ough i~~ emptoyee~, ha~ ag~eed to exe~e~~e ~uc.1L ~ea~onabte c.a~e towa~d ~he. ~e~.i.den~ a~ h.i.~ o~ hell known c.ond~- .t.i.on may 1l2qui.~e. Howev e.1l~ .thi~ home i~ .i.n no ~ e.n~ e an .i.n~UJU,1l 06 hi.4 Oil he~ ~a6 e..ty . o~ wet&a..'Le. and a~~ume~ no tiabit~t.y a~ ~uc..h. The management. 06 th.i~ home witt not be Ile~pon~ible 60~ any vatuabte.4 o~ money le.6t. in t.he. po~~e.~~ion 06 t.hi~ pell~on wh~te he o~ ~he i~ a Ile.~ident 06 t.hi~ home. E. TERMINATION 16 ~e~ident i~ ab~ent. 6hom the home in exc..e~~ 06 60u~t.een (141 c.ont.inuou~ day~, ~uc.h ab~enee ~halt automat..ic.atly t.eAm~nat.e t.h.i.~ aglleement. and the ~e~.i.dent. ~hatl Ilemove. atl 06 h~~ o~ he.~ p~o.peJr.t.y Oil betong~ng~ ~mmed~at.ely. 16 ~e~~dent. 6a~l~ to ~emove ~ame, the ~e~~dent. doe~ he~eby.aut.hollize the Count.y t.o ~emove ~a~d p~opellt.y. o~ betonging~ and delivell ~ame to Ile~pon~ibte pallt.y. F. MEVICAL SERVICES The pallt.ie~ agllee t.hat. Mon~oe Count.y ~hatt not. be Ile~- pon~ibte 601l Oil a~~ume any Ile~pon~ibility &Oll payment 06 any med.i.c.at Oil ho~pit.at ~ellv~c.e~ unte~~ ~peci6.i.c.atly aglleed t.o by the pa~t.ie~ Oil t.heill Ileplle~ent.at.ive~ at. t.he t.ime 06 t.he Ilendell.ing 0& .4 ellvic.e. G. VURATI0N OF AGREEMENT Eit.hell pallt.Y,may. tellminate thi~ aglleement on thillty (30) day~ wll.i.t.t.en not.ic.e. Ot.h~wi~e, ~ witt Ilemain in e66ec.t until a di66ellent aglleement i~ execut.ed. Howevell, thi~ dOe6 not mean t.hat. a Ile~ident. wilt fie 601lc.ed t.o Ilemain in the 6ac.itity. ~ga~n~t h.i~/hell witl 60Jt any, lengt.h 06 t..tme. Th~~ agJteement may, be amended by.wlli~en and executed applloval 06 ~uc..h amendment. by, botk pallt..i.e~ Oil t.he~ Ilep~e~ent.at..ive~ at t.he time 06 the amendment. _~~O-A-Ll ~ ~ (i .~ e' "-) I .,' .. ~. '.(~ ~Q~F RE "'. SlG~A~TV 3 ._._._....~......_'l'" 4",:...". I' . VA T E: 11-1-89 , Replte.6entat-<.ve County Home a/k/a anolt aa~ S-<.gnatulte 0 Execut-<.ve V~ltectolt--Monltoe County Soc~al Seltv~ce.6 A PPROV EV: 11-1-89 o County Adm~n~.6tltatolt , " Th~.6 ~.6 to celtt~6Y that th~.6 Adm~.6.6~on Aglteement a.6 appltoved by the County Home and the County Adm~n~.6tltatolt wa.6 ltat~6~ed by the Monltoe County Boaltd 06 ,County Comm~.6.6~onelt.6 at the~1t meet~ng held on the 13th day 06 December , 1989 S-<.gnatulte 06 the Cha-<.ltman Monltoe County Boaltd 06 County Comm~.6.6~onelt.6 (SEAL) ATTEST: Danny.L. Kolhage, Clerk By: Deputy Clerk 14PM~~ro A ~ID A:M4I . . E, lUFF, NCy' m, -... ./j '; )-;~~;~-::-.,----- 4 ,_~,'__" ,.:..~.:J , - ,\lCNROE CCUNTY HC,\IE JWHCR Ct'LLfGE ROAr KEY WEST. FLORIt'A AaIISSH\'J Cf.lTEPIA ANV POLICIES The Monll.oe COlULty Home, AcU.ltt Congll.egJt.Clte. Li.ving FacALLty 6011. the Ef..deJLiy, Level. 11, he/luna6.tell. lI.e6 Vllted .to ~ tlte Fac.LUty, A.A Uc.elt6 e.d tllJLOugh the State 06 F.f..OIUda. VepaJLtment o~ HeaLth and Re.hab-i.Uta..U.ve Se.Il.vic.e6, lteJLun- a6tell. lI.e6 eJt/led .to ~ HRS, and ope/la,ted by .the BaMd 06 COUlL-ttj Cammi.A.6.i.oneJL6 06 Monll.o e COUlt.ty, F 101Uda. TILe. FaUUttj .i.,~ gaveJme.d .i.n ac.c.all.danc.e wah .the lI.equilt.eme..rr,t6 06 Chapte/l 400, PaJLt 11, FloJU.da Sta,tue6 and tlte Rule6 and Reg~- 1a.t.i.0t1.6 ~ adopted btj th e BaMd 06 ManlLo e Coun.ty CommA.A~.taneJL6 hell.una6teJt lI.e6eJt/led to ~ COUYL.ttj, c.OYL.tained helLe..tn. Re6.tde.nt 06 MOl111.oe Cowtty, FlOJU.da, ~.i.x;ttj (60) yect!l.h 06 age 011. aIde)!., ambula.tolttj, .trl Ite~onable hea1.th, .tn need 06 a home and havillg no 6amily able to meet theilr. needh, able to c.Me 6011. .them6 etv e6 to a c.eJl;tain degll.ee and not .tn need 06 nuJt6.tng c.Me, c.onva.te6 c.a.n.-t c.alLe, .tempolLaJuj o.t emeJtg enc.y ~ heLteJt .6haU be eLig.i.ble 6011. adm,u.6.ton to .the 6acJ..Li.}:.y .tn ac.c.ondanc.e v.U;th the te.JUn.6 and c.onc:lU.iot1.6 c.ort:tahted henein. AppUc.a.t.i.olt6 Me ac.c.epted on a non-cU6c.tWn.tna,tolUJ ba6A.A .tnc1.udUtg bu;t not Limaed to ~ex, c.olon, Jt.a.c.e on cJt.eed. The 6ac.U.U:.tj .6haU plLOv.i.de a homeLike. a..tm0.6phelt.e (lI.oom and bOalLd), peJL60nal. l~eJLV.tC.e.6 and a c.ompll.e.het1.6.i.ve pnogltam to meet datj .to day need6 06 the ambu1.a.tontj aged on an .i.ltCuv.tdual. b~.i6 - conducive. :to glLOup UV.tng. PeJL6onal. S eJtv.i.c.e6 meaJt6 .6 e/lv.tc.e6, .tn addU:.i.on :to hOu..6btg and 600d .6eJLv.i.c.e wlUc.h .i.nc1.ude bu;t all.e not .um.ued .to: peJt..601lal. ~.6A.A.tanc.e. wah ba.tlUng, dlLe6.6.tng, ambu1.a.t.i.on, hOlL6 ekeeping, .6 up e/lVA.A.to n , emotional..6 ec..LLJLUtj, and aJ1.tj o.theJt 1I.e1.a.ted .6eJtv.i.c.e6 wlUc.h :the 6acJ..Li.}:.y matj den.tne. PeJL~OI1a.t .6eJtv.i.c.e dOe6 no.t inc.1.ude mec:Uc.al. .6eJtvic.e6. ELIGIBILITY ANV A~ISSION POLICIES The adm.<.6.6ion 06 eac.h ne6ideJt.t :to .thi6 6acll.)..:ty MutU. be undeJt :th€. -6UpeJt- '.!.<.6.i..on 06 the. Adm.tIlM:tJt.a,ton 06 the Fac.i..Uttj witlUn .the c.on6.tne6 06 tIle 6oUow.t.ng g ene1Utf. poUc.i.e6: (1 ) A 1I.e6.t.dellx/ appUc.al1..t m(l;~t: (a) Not have a c.ommUluc.abf.e d.i.,~ ea~ e .in a .tJr.CUt6- 6 e!l.abte .6.tag e. (b) Have a c.he6:t x-Jtatj 011. .6un te6,t (TB) w.L.tlUn n.t.nety (90) day.6 pllioJt .to adm.t.M.i.oll to the 6 acLUty . ., ~ (c.) Be a .':.e,~.idellt 06 IIlotVloe. COlUltLj, Feoft..i.da 60,'1. t't.t teetH aile (1) ljeaJl and 6Ull.lLi6h vvu.6.icatioll 06 6ame. (d) Fl(IUu.~h pno06 06 Heed 601l ,the. 6aci.LLtlj and .that theJle i6 HO 6amily abie. to me.et thw ne.e~ 601l ade.qlut.te calle. Ie) FU:Ul..i..~h wILi..tten med.i..cal. examination 61l0m it Uce.l!.6 e.d phlj6ictan 160JUn w.i.U be. 6UJlJ1.i6hed) which 6haU ceJLU6Y that thiUlt. med.i..cal. conci{;t{.ol1 i6 .ouch ,that the.y w.i.U mee..t .the Ile- qlU.ltcme.n..t6 06 the 6ac<LU:.y and tha.,t .6eJlvice..~ be.YOlld .tha.,t cv'l.e pvun..i..tte.d in the 6aciUty aile not lleqtUJt.ed. (6) Be. ambulatollY - .that ,L6 the concLLUon 06 b e..tng pItY.6ica.U.y and emouona.U.y able to a.!lM e 61l0m a hotU.-U:ontal. OIL .6UUng pO.6ilion, and in an emeJlgencfl to e.xLt the. blU1.cUng to a POillt 06 .6a6u.y. Tw would -include. tho.6e. ind.i..viduaL~ who may be able to ambulate. w..i.,.th the aM..i..6.taHce 06 pllO.6tlteti.C de.viCe6 .6uch a.6 cJUL:tche6, wal.keJl,~ OIL whe.el cha.-{M. Ig) Be. .6ixty (60) ye.aM 06 age. OIL oldeJt and 6UlU1..i..6h age veJvi.6.{.- ca.,Uon by e..UhVl pllOpeJt ide.nil6icaUon, docwne.n.:t6, 011. by in6oJUnaU.on 61lom otheJl pubUc ageHctU .6ltch a.6 the. Soual. S e.CJJ.4Uy Admirti.6btaU.on. (h) FWlrti.6h pll006 06 hO.6pUa1...<.zaU.on and me.cUcal. wUllaJ1ce. which ..i..6 e.qual. .to OIL be..tteJt thall COVeJlOoge. 066eJte.d by Med.i..c.aJI.e.. Ii) Exe.cu.te. a w/t..U..te.n. contllact wUIt tlLi6 6aciUty at the. .time 06 adm..i..6.6ion, Olt pJUOIl theJle.to, b e:twe.en ,the. 6acftUy ang .tlte. 1te..6.i.den..t OIL W de6ignee OIL legal. lle.plte6en..taU.ve.. A copy 06 con:tJt.ac;t to be execLLted ..i..6 a;ttac.hed heJleto and made a paJr..t. th eJt eo 6 . (2) THE ArMINISTRATOR SHALL: (al Main-tain a wlLUte.n. ltec.o,'I.d ill .the ltuide.rz,t'.6 pVL6onal. 6,Ue 06 aU 6.i.llaJ1uai. MJtang emenu w..i.,.tlt the lle..6ideJl.t, IU/-, next 06 fUll, OIL .~pOn.601l, wUh copie~ execated by and 6Wlrti.6hed to each paJt..tlj. Tlti.6 ,~haU inc.tude detcU.e.e.d Ilecon~ 06 any 6und6 on poltopeJt.ty held 601t the ItMident 60ft .6a6e ke.eping .ut ac.coltdallc.e w.i..th CflapteJl .JOO F.S. Patt II. (1) The 6aci..e..Lty mlj hold peJL60Hai. 6LHtd~ 60lt the Jt.e..~ide.n..t not to exce.ed $100.00. (2) The. 6aci.Li-ty ~h(lU. HO.t accept all~( otlteJt 6Wl~ O,'t - 3- P!tOpVLty except lU ~e.t 60ILth ..tn 1 above. (b) M,~ e66 no addltiona.t chevtg e6, e.xpen6 e6 O/t 0 tltVL 6-{.llanua.t'. Uabu.LUe6 ..tn e.xc.e6.6 06 .the. pItOv.<.,~..tOl1h {'Ilcf.uded ,tH the adm,u.6..tolt c.onbtact. (c.) Ve.te.-'l.mine. and incfude a.6 a mbumum, the. 6oUowing p/tov.<.,~ion,~ and .6 VLvic.e6 in the. ba.6ic. adm,u~ion c.ontll.act w,uh eac.h /tC6idmt, ne.x,t 06 /Un O/t .6pOYL6o/t: ( 1 ) The. dcUly, we.e.k1.y, o/t monthly /tate., and 1te.6wtd pltov,uiolt 601t unU!.l e.d pOILUOYL6 thVLe.O 6. (2) A wting 06 .6 VLvic.eI.> to be. pltovide.d. (3) Soua1.. c.ompoltmt6 appltoptUa.te. to the. ne.e.d..6 06 the. 1te6 ide.nt..6 . (d) Apply ,the. 60Uowil'lg lLeI.>.tJr.icUoM to ac'.m,u.6iolt and Ita entia tt 0 6 /te6 id en,t6 : 1. A Itel.>idmt who ma.n-i.6e6,t6 ~uc.h de.glte.e. 06 behaviolt that he. -i..6 a dangVL to h1m.6e1.6 Olt o.theJL6, Olt whMe. behaviol!. i..6 .6 0 LUtac.c.eptable. 0 l!. cU.J.,tWtbing a.6 to int VL6 VL e will the ade.qua.te. c.Me. OlL c.om60Jt-t 06 othVL lte6ide.nt..6 ilt the 6ac<LUy .6hctU not be. admille.d Olt Itaained, and .6ha.U be. Ite.move.d 6ltom the 6acility. 2. No lte6ide.nt .6hctU pO~.6e1.>~ OlL C.OYL6wne. a1.c.hoUc. be.VVLagel.> Olt any c.ol'WtoUe.d .6ub,~.taltc.e. in the 6ac..-i.LUy W.<.,tllOl.d h...iA phy~iuaJt '.6 oltdeJt. 3. No 1te..~ide.i1.t ~hae..e. be. he1.d in the. 6ac..-i.LUy agtU.ll.6t 17J..6 w..LU, uI11.e6.6 undVL CotULt. OlLdVt. 4. No /te..6ide.nt .6hctU be. acfm..i;tte.d to Olt lLeXcUJted in a 6aciU:ty who lteql.u./tel.> ~Vtvic.e..6 beyond tllO.6e. the. 6ac)lity i6 Uc.eJ1..6ed to p!tOvide.. ThAA 6acUUy may not pita vide. nWl.6ing c.Me Ult- lel.>.6 60lt a twpOltCVty ..LUHeI.>.6. not ,to exce.e.d .6 e.ven (1) da.y,~. 5. A lte.~ide.H.t ab~ e.H.t .),'tom tlu~ 6actUty .ut exce6.6 06 6oWLte.e.n (14) da!I~. due. .to ho.~p.t.tili::a.tiC'n olt abcmdollment MIette. be. tvuninated (1..6 a lte6iden..t in t/u.~ 6a.cil..i,ty. SUdl 1te.-~ide.Ht may It.e.-appe.y nOIt. adm-L6.6ioll 6oUotIJing t/l.e. ,~ame pltoce.cU.tlte. a6 .that 06 et Hew appUc.aH,t. (3) The. molttfLe.y It.ate. nalt app,U.ca.nt6/ It.e6ideILt.l~~I!(t,U be. acl.jU!.l,te.d to .the ab,il,i.-ty 06 the. appC.i.CetILt/!I.C6idcnt .to pay. AppUccmt6/JtC6idell.t~ tv..i..tfr. '. . -.J- tl1c.ome-~ eM,~ than tlte ma:%:-imwn may be. cttCG't\J<.'d to pay that amoun.t a.6 the-ill. mOl1tht'y Ita te, thi6wouid ,iJ~c..e.eLde. allY .tnc.ltea..-~ e6 .t11. tfteA)l. .(1lc.C'me dult,(,ng th e. C.OUM e 06 thebt lte~..{.d(,.I1C.Y, IIp ,to the max,imwn Ita.t e. (a) The mOllthty ba.6.tc. Ita..-te ,~haLf. be e,6tabtL~fte.d a.:t the beg'<'lzn.<.ng 06 :the 6i6 c.al qeaJt and ,~/taU plte.va..U. thMugh oed .the. qe.aJt. (b) Monthly /ta..tM ,~hail. be /te.v.<.eJ,4)e.d and admende.d bq :the. 80aJtd 06 Mon/to e. County Commi6.6.<.oneJr..6. k) O'he.n AppUc.ant/ Re6.<.de.n:t /te.C.UVe6 .<.nc.cme and hct6 aM e.t6 le.M :than :the. mauinwn mOI1:thi~{ /ta..-te., .6uppie- me.ntal .6Uppotd will be ac.c.e.pte.d 6/tom the.i.Jr. 6amilq, oth vr... a.6.6i6ta.nc.e. ag enue6 Oft /tep/te,6 enta..-uv e6 . (d) 16 :thVte. i6 no .6uppieme.nta..-f. '~UppOfL.t avail.abie, eac.h appUc.an:t/ /te6.<.den:t will. then be c.on.6.<.dVLed on an in- dividual ba.6i6 . (e) AU. /te6iden..t6 e.xc.e.p.:t .thM e. paq.<.ng the, max.unwn /tate 0Jr.. :tho.6 e who do have. o:thvr... a.6.6 et.6 01l.. /te6oWtC.e6, will be /tehnbu1l..6e.d .:te.n (70.00) doUaM pvr... month by :the County 601l.. .theUt peMonal lL6 e. (4) Upon c.eJLt.i.6,[c.a.:t..<.01t by the Ac'.mini~.tlLat01l.. 06 :the 6acA.LUy w..i-th the c.onc.WUtanc.e 06 :the Fxe.c.u.,.uve. V.tJte.c.toJt 06 the MOI1.Jwe. County VepaAt- men:t 06 Souat svr...v.<.c.e6, :tha.t ail. c.tU.-tvu.a and /teqtU1teme.n..t.6 .6e.t 60tdh hVtun have. be.e.n c.ompUe.d w..{,th arzd/olt met, the. appUc.ant .6haU. be admille.d to the 6acA.LUy. Subj ec.:t to a.de.qua..-te 6ac.,i,U;Ue6 bung avail.ab.te and e.xe.c.uUOI1. 06 :the. acfmi6,!J.<.ol1. aglte.ement by the 1l..e6.<.de.nt and the. County. OPf1().T10MAL STANVATWS The 6auWy .!Jha.U 066eJt c.e.O.6e. .6UpVtv..i-!J.ton and UV.tng C.OIlcU.UOIt.6 ct6 i6 nec.e6.6aJty to tit e. c.ond..i-tLolI 0 6 the. /te~idellt. Tll-l6 .t1lc.ellde6 MlpCltVi6..i.OI1. 06 d..i.et6 ct6 to qua.Uty alld qlLCUI,tUy, wa.:tdz6lLilleH (tvelt .the geJlCltae. heattft, . .6a6etq and weU bung on Jle6..i.dell-t.6. TfICYle .6haU be. a da.UY cuvaltene6.6 06 tlte lte..~.{deJ1.t.!J by de6.<.gnctted .6ta66 06 the 6ac.i.L<-ty M to the. appanent wete. bung 06 the, ..i.ncU..v..i.duat.6 w..i..th .6u66.i.c.i.erzt pJtov.<A..i..on 60lL contac.t.ing the 1te6..i.de.nt'.~ " ' - 5- phy~iciLtIl, i~ the. Jt~id~Ilt luu no.t aiJt.eady done M, a,t al1lj ,time tlteJI.e appeaJv~ to be ,~-4Jni6ican.t devia.tion 6JtOm 1tJ.J., nOJtma1. appeaJtO.nce all. ~ta.te 06 fte.a.tth and wee.f b~ing. ApPJtoplliCLte no,tice On ~uch in6tanCe.6 61tali. be ltecoJtded in the peJl60nal JtecoJtcM 06 ,the individual. WJri.,.tte;t agJteemena bwvee;tthe 6ac.{LLty and each 06 La Jte6ident6 .6halt pJtovide tha.t, upon CeJL.ti6iCa.tiOI1 by a phY.6ic.i.an that ,the Jte6ideltt -iA no .t0119eJt capalb.te 06 meeti.ng ,the JtequiJtemen.:U 6011. occupancy in .th-iA 6ac<LUy, the Jte6ide.n.t, ne:a 06 !Un, .tegal ILepJte6elt.ta.ti.ve, 011. agel1cy acting on ,the Jte6ide.n.t'.6 be.hai.6, will be noti6ied that the Jte6ident will have ,to make aNtang em ~ 6 OIL hnmedia.te .tJt.alt6 6 eJt ,to an appILoptri.a.te calle .6 ettiHg . In th e ev e.n.t a ILe6 id e.n.t hct6 no p eJl6 011 ,to ILepJte6 ent 1Um, th-W 6 acA.LUy .oltalt be ILe6pon.oib.te 60IL Jte6 VVtal :to an appJz.Opllia.te ,~oc.i.ai. .0 Vtvice ag mcy 6011. p.tac em ent. The adm-iA.oion 06 a Jte6iden:t :to :t1U6 6aUUty and h-W pILe6ence .theJtun .6halt no:t con6Vt on :the 6ac.i.LUy, i-t6 admin)J.d.JtMoIL, ernp.toyee6 OIL ILepILe6e.n:ta.ti.Ve6 any au:tholLUy :to manage, Me OIL cU6po.oe 06 any pILopeJLt.y 06 :the Jte6ide.nt; nOIL .ohali. .ouch adm-iA.oion 011. pILe6 e.nce con6Vt 011 any 06 .ouch pe.MOIt6 any au:tholLUy OIL Jte6polt6ibi-Uttj 6011. :the peJl60Hal a66a..i.1t.6 06 the ILe6ideJtt, except wha.t may be neCe6.oaILY 6011. :the .6a6e and oILdVllIj managemelt.t 06 :the 6aciLUy OIL 601L the .oa6uy 06 the ILe6ide.n:t. Th-iA 6aUUty, adm.i..rti.6.tJt.a;toJt, emp.toyee 011. ILepJte6e.nta.tive. :thVte06, may not act ct6 :the coWL:t appointe.d gUalLdian, :t.Ju.l.6:tee, 011. COn6 Vtva.tOIL 601L any lLe6ident 06 .the. 6aciLUIj OIL CU1Y 06 .ouch ILe6ideJ'Lt '.0 PlLopwy. Th-iA 6aci-U.-ty .6hali. be oltganize.d on a pJt06e.6.oioHai. bct6.<A COIU.<A.te;t.t lIJi.:th good bu.oine6.o pJtacUce6. Th-W 6ac.<uty .6hali. be ILe6POIl,6ib.te. 601L plWvidi.ng .6 eltvice6 601t Jte,~ide;l.t6 ct6 Ile.quiJz.e.d con.o-iA:teJt.t w.uh ,the. reve1. 0 6 ,~e.ll.vice~ 066 eILed. Th-W 6aUUty .oha.U empf.o!J Olt othe.JrI\JL~e. aMculge 601t tlte ,~e'lvice. 06 ~uclt peJr.6 oHnet ct6 aJre ltequiJred to pJropelte.!J ,~.ta6 6 ,tlte. 6 acil..i..t!J. AV.I1NlST1<ATIVE STAMfA1<fS T/t.i6 6acAlitl} .6ha.tl be ul1deJI.the. COJ'LtfWt 06 an adm,i.It.i6tMtOJt. (1) The 6aci.Utlj aIL itA duel} de6.i.gllate.d .'lepJre6 eltta.ti.ve .61taU. mai.llta.<.1l the ~(lee.cw'{llg wJr.,i.ttell Jr.eCO'l.d6 alld allY o.tltc.>,'l. ,'l.ecoJrd Jrequ.hr.ed bytlte. C01Ul.tU (lJr HRSill a r.,e.ace., 60Jtm and .~y~ tern ,'". . I -0- O)1.ciUla..'LiCy empiuyedi..1l good b(l..~.i..llc-~.~ p.'tacti..c.e.L lal An adn.i..,~,~.i..oll and '~c.hal!fle ,'l.cg'uteJt tih.ung name6 06 JleA.i..den:U and da.te acin.i..,tted,i..den.u'6y.i..lIg -tn6(1!una.uon abou;t eac.h, tlte p.tac.e 6JWm wh.i..c.h the ILM.i..de.n.t W(t6 acfm.i..,tted; ,the da-te and ,'le.allon 60IL clWc.haltge, adequa-te .i..den,ti..6.i..c.a;V.on 06 the 6a~ttj to wlU.c.1t the ILeA.i..dent ,u cU6 c.haJtg ed OIL tJuVt6 6 ellILed. Ibl A pe~ona.t 6-Ue 60Jt. eac.h ILeA.i..dent c.ol't6,Ut.i..ng 06 appJtOplLi..a;te da-ta, .i..nci.ucU.ng .i..den,ti..6.i..c.a;V.on 06 nex..t 06 fUn, and aLe. da.ta ILequ.i..Jt.ed DOlt the FtoJti..da. CeJr,u6.i..c.a-te 06 Vea-th. Ve;tlLiiA 06 the ILe6~Ma.f., adm'u.6.i..on, peJr,unent non-mecUc.a.t and mecU.c.a.t .i..n- 601Una.t.i..on c.onc.eJUt.i..ng the Jt.e6.i..de.n:t .6haLe. be ma.i.n- tcu..ned wah the geneJutt o'uc.ae. .ltec.oJt.d 00 each, .i..nc1u.d.i..ng c.op.i..e6 06 aLe. agJt.eement6 oJt. c.ontJt.a.cU, ac.c.ount ILec.oJt.d6 and a c.uMen..t .i..nve.ntolLY 06 pelL6ona.t plLOpeJLty hud 601L .6a6 e- keep.i..ng. I c.) A 6aw..a.y ac.cJ.dent/ .i..ncJ.de.nt lLec.olLd 6-Ue, contcu..tUng a clealt del.lc.JUpt.i..on 06 eac.h ac.udent/.i..ncJ.de.nt and any othell .i..ncJ.dent .i..nvotv.i..ng -hazaltdo!.L6 OIL de6.i..a.n:t behav.i..olL 06 a ILeI.l.i..dent OIL .6ta66 membell wah namel.l 06 .i..ndi..v.i..dua.t.6 involved, deA c..'Li...p.t.i..on 06 mecUc.a.t OIL o.thell .6 ellvic.e6 pJtOvided and the .6tep.6 taken i6 any to pILeven.t ILe.c.UJtJtaltc.e. (dJ PVL60nnu Jt.ec.olLd 06 each .6ta66 membell. ThiA lLec.olLd w.i..il. be kept updated and c.ontcu..n oJti..gina.t emp.e.oyment appUc.a;V.on wah 1Le.6eJleJIc.e6 nUJtnMhed. (eJ A lLec.olLd 06 peJt.6onne1. poUc<.e6, incfudi.Jtg .6ta-teme.nt6 06 poUc<.eI.l and wOlLk M.6.i..gnme.n.t6 nO,"!. eac.h pO-6Won. ( 6 J A Jt.e.c.oILd 06 monthe.y 6.i..,'le cL'Li.,U~, .i..1l cf..i..c.aullg .the da-te, hoUJt and gene.Jr.ai. del.lc.Jtipt.i..on 06 eac.h dute., the extent 06 the .6,ta66 involved and ,tlte. n~e 06 pvv~on .i..1L c.hMge. (g) Financi..al ILe.c.oILcb wlU.c.1t ide.nunY aU .i..llc.eme. 06 tlte 6acULty by .6oultc.e and dMC.Jr,i...b.i..lIg ate. e.xpeJtdi.tuIL~ by c.ate.goILy .i..n .6uc.h a manllelL a,~ to be audi...table by ba~.i..c ac.c.oult.ullg pJWcedUltM. .~.~. . : - 7- FINANCIAL STANr^~v.s The. adm-i.H.w.t,'ta.toll 0 ~ .tlu..!> 6aciLi..-ttj ~ hail. mcU.H.tcU.1I 6L!> c.a.t llec.olld.6 ,i.n ac.c.ollcUtnc.e w-Lth .the 1l('.qu.i.ltemen'U 06 Chapte.Jt .JOO, F .s. PMt II. ThVle. .6ha.te be. a. Ile.c.ognized .6~(.6.tem 06 ac.c.ounting tt..6e.d to a.C.C.UIla.teltj 1le.6le.ct de..tcU.U 06 the. bl..lJ-tHe,M. The. 6a.cUU./j 6hall.: 11) Be a.dminMteJte.d 011 a .6oUl1d 6il1al1c..i.a.l ba.6-t6 COM-t6.ten.t w-Lth good bU.6ine.6.6 pllac:UCe.6. 121 Spe.u6Y Lt!> 1le.6und POUUe.6 a.6 paJL.t 06 ,the. acb11-t6.6.ton co 1'Ltlta.ct. (3) Speu6/j tha;t 110 acfrn.trLiA.tIlMOIl, cOMu.ttal'Lt, .6ta66 membeJt OIL lleplle.6 e.ntaLi.v e. .6 hall. : lal Pay 0J1/j commi-6.6iol't, bOIlU.6, Ile.ba;te OIL gJta,ttU.,t/j to an/j oJtgaluza..t,um, agenc/j, phy.6.tuOJ1, .6ta.66 OIL otheJt pe!l.60n 601L lLe6~ 06 ~~ 1Le.6.tden.t to the 6ac..iLU/j. I b) Reque.6t OIL a.c.cept 0J1/j lle.numeJta..ti.on, Ileba;te., g.t6t bene6il OIL a.dva.I'Ltage 06 a.1l/j 60lUn 61l0m an/j vendolL OIL otheJt .6uppUelL bec.aU.6e. 66 the pUILcha.6e, Ilen.ta.l OIL loan 06 e.qu.ipme.nt, ,~UppUe.6 OIL .6 eJtv.tCe.6 60lt the 6au..u.t/j Olt lte.6ideJJ.t HO.t COI1..6-t6ten.t wilh nOltma.l bU.6bte.6.6 pltoacti.c.e.. PERSONNEL ST AN 'CA RVS The. adm..ini6tJUttolL 06 thi6 6adU;t~ .6hall. opeJLa..te the. 6ac..iLU/j in a.c.c.oltdOJ1c.e wilh the. ex.-i.6:ti.ng MonlWe. County PeMonl'tet PoUUe.6 and Pltocedulte6. , VI ITA PY ST AN VA RVS Thi6 6a.c..ili;t/j .6hail. have. wJr1..tte.n poUci.e.6 aJ1d plloc.edulle.6 SOIL pltOv.tcU.ng plLapelL nu.:tJL..Ui.ona.l c.alte 0 6 .i...t~ lte6idb1.t~. (11 The. 6o.ttowing Jte.qu...iAemeJtu!lha.te. be. me.t: [A) The admiIU.6,f...'ta.toJt OJt a pe/L.60n de.6-tglla.te.d by .the. a.dmil1...wtJta.to,'l. .~ha.e.e. be Jte,6polz-!l.tbie. Salt the. .to.tal cii.e.tMlj .6 eJtvice alld the day to da.~ .6UPe!l.v.t!l.i.on a 6 cii.e.taJtLj .6 e/l:v.tce. The de.~-igHa.te.d reMOn .61ta.U be Jte.6roll.6ible 60JtCOOJtcii.Ila.t.i.llg di.etMlj .6 eJtvice.6 wLth otlteJt .!l e.Jtv.i.c(',!l j dc-v e.f.C'P-tllg (t'0![1~ a.~,!l-tgnme/l.t!l. .' ~ I, '''.. - 8- TIl(' peJl.~()1l dC,~,i.~illail'(l bef t:ll'. ,tdmi.Il.t,~ i,'lato,'l ~lt,ti1 pe.'l~('!U71 It.i.-6/he!1. '(httc.~ III tt .~a~e and ~a,u.ta..'lU maim e.lt. (61 TllC?/'lape.u.-ttc. die..U cw p''le~ c..'l..lbed. bU the.. pltlj,~,lc.-i.al1 ~ha.e.e. be ,lit .tlte.. !tMide.ltt',~ 'tec.o!td alld ,~e.JLved a.6 oltde.JLed. (e) Pegu.-f,M. &.w .6haU mee..t ItlLtJLi.ttonal lleed.6 06 .'lehideILi-6 ..ttt ac.c.o!tdaHc.e t...,<..tlt .tlte c.uMellt !tec.oYl11le.nded t:i..e.ta..'t~1 Allowanc.e 06 .tlte F c'ocl. and Ntl,t't.i;Uon BoaJtd, NCLttonal. Re.6 eaJtc.h Counc.i..t., adjMted naIL age, .6 ex, altd ac:t.tvily. The.JLape.u.ttc. d.teU~ltaU. meet .the.6 e nu..tJr..iUonal ,~taltda..'td~ .to tlte extent that .{,,~ medic.illy pOMible. (V) The. di.e..:ta..'ty allowanc.e ,~haU be met by the lL~eh 06 .6tandaJt...i..zed lLec.ipeh 066v-v{.H9 a vaJt...i..ety 06 600d6 adapted to the 600d hab.u~, p!te6 eJte.nc.e.6 and phy.6ic.al ab.i.LU...i..e.6 06 the lLe...6idenU. (f) An up to cia;te maJtual app:l.Oved by /-IRS .6ha.U. be Med a.6 the .6tandalld !te6 e.JLe.nc.e in plamung !tegui.all aJtd the!tareu.t...i..c. dieU. (F J Va.ted me.nM .6 ha.U. be planned a.t leCUlt olle week .tn adVOJlc.e 601L !tegui.all and ,the.JLapettt.tc. cU.e..t~; and c.oMe..c.ted a..~ .6e.JLved aJ1d kept on 6ile nOIL .~ix mOlttlL6. SuppUe.6 06 non-peJU..~hable. 600d to meet Ilttt/u..Uonal l1ee.d.6 06 lLe...6idvUA 601L one (1 J week peJvi.od .~ha..e..e. be on han.d. (G) Food .6hall be.. .6e.JLved CLtt!tO..c:t.tve1y a.t .6a6e and palatable. .tempeJta..twteh. AU. ,'tehidVl,U .6hall. be en- c.ou!tag e.d .to ea..t a.t table~ .tn cli.lling M.eCL~. A ,~upply 06 arp,'l.Opltia.te. eating wa...'te .61tai..e be on hand to .6 e.JLve. aU. lte6..i..dell;t~. (/-I J ft..e.e matte.JL~ pefL.ta...i..nillg to 6 t.:'C' d. ,~e'tv..i..c.e~ IlCtt:,e. c.amp cy (I),ult tlte.. p!tOV..i..~.lOI1-6 06 Cltapte.,'t 10-13, Fe.oJt..i..da. San..i..ta/l.lj Code. , ... . . . .~:'\.". -9- RIGHT TO HEARING AruJ app.e..i,cant who .w cLi..6stLtiA 6.i.ed witfl the deCL!!.i.Ort ILendelLed by .the Vepa/LDnen.t 06 ManILa e COUttty Socia..l S elLv.iCe6, haJ.J .the JUg fLt .to ILeque6t 0.. ILev.i.ellJ 06 .tfuu.J1. ca,!! e by .the So ci.a..l S elLv.i.Ce6 Ex ecu.ti.v e V.vr.ectolL. Thi.h ILev.iew ~ha.U be done witfun 6.i.ve 151 wolLfung day,!! 0..6.telL ,the lteque6t .fA ILecuved 6ILom the appUcant. I6 .the V.vr.ectoIL' ~ ILev.ieLIJ daM /tot ILMolve '" the appUca.nt'.!! comp.i.cUJU:, the appUcalU: then hcv!! .the Jti..gh-t .to ILeque.6t 0. Faitr. HecvUng. FAIR HEAPING PROCEDURE WUfun ten (10 I wOILfUng da.y~ a6telL a comp.i.a..ilU: .0!! Itece<.~ed 6ILom an applicant, 0. heaJL.i..ng will be he-f.d .in ,the 06 6.i.ce 06 the COUlu:y Adm.i.n-<.6tJr.a;toJr.. The pU.llpO.6 e 06 tlU6 heaJUn9 will be to a1.1.ow the appuca.;u: 0.. 6ai.N oppoJt.tu.ttUy to vo.i.ce lU6/helL compia..ittt be60ILe 0.. heaM.ng commUtee. TlU6commi.t:tee mu C.On6.wt 06 the County Adm.i.I1M.:tlt.(I.,tOJr, the C.i.eltb.. 06 .the BC'Md 06 MorlJl.Oe COUlU:Y CoTTl11l.i..6.6.i.orteJfA and Orte (11 County Comm..iA~.iOrtVl.. The O.tna..l deu~.i.on .6ha..U. be made by the hecvUng corrm.utee wUfun ten (701 day,!! and a copy 06 ~ame -6ha.U be 6Wt.JU.~hed to the applicaYLt by UIUted StatM McUl OIL pVL6ona..l deLtvell.Y. A~ 06 th.i.~ date, 1 have ILead the Adm.i~~.ion CJr..i.teIL.i.a and Pol.i.c.i.e.6: .~ . ~- S~gn~ Re~-<. n ~~~ ~~. '''~::'~~,4~' W-<. 3.6 Date Date Vate