Resolution 757-1989 Cor ty Services RESOLUTION NO. 757 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT # 3 TO CONTRACT KG- 8 51 BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND THE ALLIANCE FOR AGING, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the Amendment #3 to contract KG-851 between Monroe County and the Alliance for Aging, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 13th day of December , 1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M~OUNTY' FLORIDA By ~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk 4~~)(?~-.,U APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. By ~J::,~ A torney's Office ; W: HJHNOW -, ,; CJ L L: ld LZ 330 69. -J(JUv_JC -,_];..: -~; ;,-.i.-j-1Jj Amendment # 3 to Contract KG-851 b/ THIS AMENDMENT, entered into between the Alliance for Aging, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance", and Monroe County Social Services, hereinafter referred to as the "Provider" amends contract #KG-851. 1. Section II, Paragraph A, Contract Amount, is hereby amended to read: To pay for contracted services according to the conditions of Attachment 1, in an amount not to exceed $416,275 subject to the availability of funds. 2. Attachment I, Section C, Method of Payment, paragraph 1, is hereby amended to read: 1. The Alliance has agreed to pay for contracted services in an amount not to exceed $ 416,275, subject to the availability of funds. i -~ . 3. THIS AMENDMENT shall begin on November 1, 1989. ~ . All provisions in the contract and any attachments thereto in conflict with this amendm~nt shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this amendment. . ~ ~ , All provisions not in conflict with this amendment are still in effect and ~re to be performed at the level specified in the contract are hereby amended to conform with this amendment. J ) 1 ~ a . " ~ , ~ 1 j ~ j 1 1 This amendment and all its attachments are hereby made a part of the contract. 4 ~ (' ~ ~ ~ ,. .~ "I BUDGET SUm1ARY ::hment -I- ,.~ ~ ,. . 'Iorne and. AddrcslJ of. .Agency! i~nroe County -.Socinl services ..315 Whitehead Street <oy Hest, Florida' 33040 ,"' J. ',. ~ , . ~'. ., . . .L___ Con t r ac t No.. KG 851" ... Amondment: NO;-l_ _~"':'x 3-'::'~ 4~ 5~ . n tatr ibu t~t:>n,.of_ Award., by. Ti tle..iond,;, FFY.: ." ".' Arco l\gency Admin'iatration '(1) 1\ . . Cur r en l: Yen r., _ $ '.B~', Prior Yellr CF(FY_,- $ Federal General (2) Revenue " (3) LO,cnl , $ ~,: ' $ TOTl\L (4) $ .$ $ TOTAL ':1. Ti l:lem-a Supportive Serviceo $ N/A $ ..$ . $ N/A ------- Federal Shll re',. Non-Federal Share .; . TOTAL,. .1\., ,Current Year $ 177,573.00 . :D.~,Prior, Year,-CF(FY:....L:...$' . fi/A: $ fJ $ 28,032.00 N/A.' " 28,032.00 $ 205,610.00 _ _ __.$.. NIA $~5,610.00 TOTAL $ 177 ,578.00 ,II:....Title III-Cl N~trition Servic~a 1\. Current Year B. Prior Year(FY_) ~, . . . -. i:.. TOTAL $~13~~5~~.Q~_ $ N/1\ $.134,532:00 $ 16,920.00 $ 151.452.00 $ N/A $ N/A . ',$ 16,920.00 ~' 151 ,452.00. : V . 'r i t leI 1 I -C 2' . j Nutrition Services .. 1 A; Current Year : B. Prior Yenr CF(FY ) . - . ' ;, TOTl\L . " $ 85,534.; 00 $ N/1\ .tr,. $ 85,534.00 $ 14-,483.00 . $ 100.011.PO_ $ N/A $ l{/A . $ 14,483.00 $ 100.017,QO .1 Title 111-0 In Borne Services -. . r . " 1\. Current Year $ l~. 631. 00 $ 2,070.00 .$ 20.701. 00 ~ D. Prior Yt:!aJ: CF (FY_) $ N/A .$ N/1\ $ UtA j ,~ TOTAL $ 18 t 631. 00 $ 2,070.00 $ 20! 701. 00 I ~" :; )I. Total Current Yenr VII. Total CF ~, . !und's awarded ..:.::. ::::. ".:: ...,:. . runde'. awarded.. , : - (Total I-I\, II-A, (Total I-B, III-A, IV-A, V-A) II-a, .III-D, IV-D, V-D) -- VIII. Tota~ General IX. . Revenue. Recvd.." . . Tot'al" I (2) Total :be.-1\ll .,' F.ql!O~~ .;~o,:. be. RecalveC1! .. (Totai~ VI, VII., VIII) $ 416,275.00 . .. .- ~ 416.1.~0 $ NL~_____ . $ _--1t~_ ~ ~ ; RIVhC',d 8/a8 " -:0- .', ". To.' _ _ .. .,;~ . ,., . :~ .... . ~f:. : '!.~ . Amendment Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused th'fs 2- page amendment to the executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. PROVIDER: Monroe County Board of Commissioners ALLIANCE FOR AGING, INC. SIGNED BY: SIGNED BY: NAME: NAME: TITLE: TITLE: , .... DATE: (SEAL) ATTEST: DATE: BY: Deputy Clerk Federal I.D. Number 59-6000749 'I' S TO FORM UFFICIENCY, BY Attorney'S Office ""1.:....>-;'........