Resolution 086-1994 MeHA RESOLUTION NO. 086 -1994 r"T1 ::::;:: 0 = :7 ;0 -' -_ " LV WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Co~sioners apwoved Ordinance number 012-1993 - SlllP on March 24, 1993 and; ". ~ ,= _"I h:.~:: -.l ' ~ WHEREAS, Ordinance number 012-1993 - SHIP created~the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee on March 24, 1993 and; A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCENTIVE PLAN, PREPARED BY THE MONROE COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITIEE. -" w z ;- ~~?? TO \Ci .c.. -r, WHEREAS, Ordinance number 012-1993 - SHIP tasks the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee with the review of the established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted local Comprehensive Plan of the County to recommend specific initiatives to encomage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value and; WHEREAS, the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee developed the recommendations through 8 months of meetings and subsequently adopted, at a public hearing on December 21, 1993, the Incentive Plan recommendations and; WHEREAS, the Florida Housing Finance Agency requires the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Incentive Plan to be adopted by the local governing body and submitted no later than March 23, 1994, for continued funding compliance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that the County hereby accepts, effective this date, the Incentive PI~ prepared by the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee and directs Growth Management staff to initiate the County/State approved process for the Land Development Regulations within the County's Comprehensive Land Plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florid~ at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd day of March . A.D., 199~ Mayor London yes Mayor Pro Tern Cheal yes Conrnissioner Freeman yes Carmissioner Harvey yes Coomissioner F.eich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO CO TY, FLORIDA ~ proved as to form and legal sufficiency: Mayor/Chairman eLL- ATTEST: DANNY L. KOlliAGE, Date: 3 D Ku./'11 Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Summary of Statutory Required Incentives Incentive #1-The affordable housing dermition in the appointing resolution- Page 1 AHAC REC #1) No action was taken to modify the present definition Section 9.5-4, Monroe County Code (Land Development Regulations), which is sited in the appointing resolution. Incentive #2- Expedited processing of permits for affordable housing projects - Pages 3,5,7,9 AHAC REC #2) Page 3 -The unused allotment of permits for affordable housing set-aside units should be rolled over and allowed to accumulate each year. AHAC REC #3) Page 5 - If there is a roll over of available affordable housing from previous quarters, applicants should be able to be issued permits without having to go through ROGO, until the surplus has been depleted. AHAC REC #4) Page 7 - If there are fewer requests for affordable housing units than available awards for affordable housing, the county should issue the permits immediately and not bother to rank them, etc. AHAC REC #5) Page 9 - An ombudsman should be provided in the Planning Department to assist people applying for affordable housing permits. Incentive #3- The modification of impact fee requirements, including reduction or waiver of fees and alternative methods of fee payment - Pages 11, 13 AHAC REC #6) Page 11 - Any reduction in impact fees for affordable housing is made with a corresponding increase in impact fees for non- affordable housing. AHAC REC #7) Page 13- Ask the Board of County Commissioners to request that the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority waive fees for affordable housing projects. Incentive #4- The allowance of increased density levels - Pages 15, 17, 19,21 AHAC REC #8) Page 15 - Increase density levels in SC zones to allow for the density in UC zones. AHAC REC #9) Page 17 - Where parcels of land are equal to or greater than an acre, allow for an accessory dwelling unit to be built which is 35% of the total square footage of the primary dwelling unit or 500 square feet, whichever is less. 1 AHAC REC # 1 0) Page 19 - Allow for future conversion of existing transient units to affordable residential dwelling units, while maintaining their existing non-confonning density levels and their present FEMA conditions. AHAC REC #11) Page 21 - When density allows, allow for adjoining lots in IS neighborhoods to be replatted as one lot and permit the construction of duplex rather than 2 single family homes. Incentive #5- The reservation of infrastructure capacity for housing for very low-income persons and low-Income persons - Page 23 AHAC REC #12) No action was taken. Incentive #6- The transfer of development rights as a financing mechanism for housing for very low-income persons and low-income persons - Page 25 AHA C REC # 13) No action was taken to modify present regulation. Incentive #7- The reduction of parking and setback requirements - Page 27 AHAC REC #14) Incorporate a mechanism that does not discourage the development of affordable housing in commercial areas by strict setback requirements or parking limitations. Incentive #8- The allowance of zero-lot-Hoe configuratioDS - Page 29 AHAC REC #15) No action was taken to modify present regulation. Incentive #9- The modification of street requirements - Page 31 AHAC REC #16) No action was taken to modify present regulation. Incentive #10- The establishment of a process by which . local government considers before adoption, policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions that have a significant impact on tbe cost .f housing - Page 33 AHAC REC #17 ) There was a consensus by the committee that the establishment of a process by which a local government considers before adoptio~ polices, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions that have a significant impact on the cost of housing, is necessary. Incentive #11- The preparation of a printed inventory of locally owned public lands suitable for atTordable housing - Page 35 AHAC REC #18) The Monroe County Housing Authority shall coordinate, in conjunction with the Land Authority and Monroe County Planning Department, the annual preparation of a printed inventory of locally owned (Monroe County) public lands. The Monroe County Housing Authority shall coordinate, in conjunction with the Land Authority and Monroe County Planning Department, the 2 annual preparation of a printed inventory of locally owned (federal and state) public lands. Incentive Other - Page 37 AHAC REe. #19) Qualify affordable status at initial occupancy and change of occupancy only. Incentive Other - Page 39 AHAC REe. #20) Federal and State agencies must directly contribute to the provision of affordable housing in the form of an annual fee or buildable land because their increasing number of employees have a direct impact on the housing market in Monroe County. Incentive Other - Page 41 AHAC REe. #21) Change the affordable housing set-aside from 20010 of buildable units to 300..10. Incentive Other - Page 43 AHAC REe. #22) Tbe Land Authority shall actively pursue, identify and purchase lands suitable for affordable housing. Tbe Land Authority shall make buildable land available to non-profit home building organizations at either no cost or token payment for such properties to be developed with low-cost, low income homes for sale, and that said homes shall remain affordable for the maximum extent allowable by law. 3 AHAC ROC. '1 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COl\ll\'HTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECO~Il\IENDATION \\'ORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: # 1 - The affordable housing definition in the appointing resolution. III. Current Status: The local government currently does-X.. does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County Affordable Housing Program defines affordable hOUSUlg in section 9.5-4(a-5) as the following: Housing which is financailIy accessible to a household with an income of no greater than one hundred twenty (120) percent of the median adjusted gross household income for Monroe County at 8 cost (rent, mortgage, loan~ taxe~ insurance) of no greater than (30) percent per month for the above mentioned income threshold. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Disadvantages: 1 Incentive Plan \Vorksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or welfare. Benefits: Negligible Effects: VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation:S (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). VTII. Reconunendation of Advisory Committee: No action was taken to modify present definition. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Signed: ~.r~ /' ,.. Date: /2- 6 -9.3 , 2 MIAC RB:;. 12 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMrvllTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECO~l1\tENDA TIO~ WORKSHEET l. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County n. Incentive Under Consideration: #2 - Expedited processing of pell1'llts for affordable housing projects. The unused allotment of pennits for affordable housing set-aside units should be rolled over and allowed to accumulate each year. In. Current Status: The local government currently doesl does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County Ordinance #016-92 rations the number of new dwelling units per year. 200.10 is reserved for affordable units. Affordable reservations not used after one year go to the market rate. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Incentive would allow for the accumulation of permits, allow larger projects to develop and take advantage of lower costs. A shared pool of affordable permits may help address geographic need and allow the permits to go to areas with the greatest housing shortage. Disadvantages: Market rate people may have to wait longer to get a permit. 3 , lnccntive Plan \Vorkshcet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety. or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working residents of Monroe County. Negligible Effects: None noted. VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ Indeterminate reduction (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Would achieve an economy of scale allowing for savings that could be passed on to eligible households. VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Scbedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signe~~~ - Date: ./~ -~ - c; ~ 4 ~ AHAC ROC. 13 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CO~t~IlTTEE INCENTiVE PLAN RECOMi\tENDATION '''ORKSHEET ---- --------- I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: #2 - Expedited processing of penn its for affordable housing projects. If there is a roll over of available affordable housing from previous quarterst applicants should be able to be issued pennits without having to go through ROGO, until the surplus has been depleted. m. Current Status: The local government currently does -X- does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County Ordinance #016-92 rations the number ofpennits that may be issued quarterlYt if all the available permits are not issued (they roll to the next quarter on a yearly basis), the applicant has to be included in the following quarters' processing of permits. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: TIlis incentive would expedite permitting, making it easier to create affordable housing because there would be no restrictions when processing surplus permits from previous quarters. Disadvantages: None 5 i Incentive Plan \Vorksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety. or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working resident of Monroe County. Negligible Effects: If there were more applicants than available. permits low-scoring applications may prevail. VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ Indeterminate reduction (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Reduction associated with time value and money. VITI. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed:~~~ Date: /:L -~ -s 3 6 ~ mAC ROC. 14 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CO~f!\lITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOMl\-IENDA TION \VORKSHEET I. Name of~al Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: #2 - Expedited processing of permits for affordable housing projects. If there are fewer requests for affordable housing units than available awards for affordable housing, the county should issue the pennits immediately and not bother to rank them, etc. III. Current Status: The local government currently does -X-does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County Ordinance #016-92 rations the number of permits that may be issued quarterly, even if there are fewer applicants than permits available, applicants must wait for the evaluation and a public hearing to be completed. V. Explanation of Advantage&fI)isadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Pennitting would be expedited and paper work reduced. Disadvantages: None 7 i j Incentive Plan \Vorksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working residents of Monroe County. Negligible Effects: None noted. VIl. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ Indeterminate reduction (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Reduction associated \\ith time value and money. vrn. Recommendation of Advisory Conunittee: Approve as presented. LX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed: ~___ ~ ~ ..,/ -r Date: /)..-" - ~ 3 8 AHAC ROC. 15 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CO~t~tlTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN REC01\1~1.ENDA TION WORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County . II. Incentiv~ Under Consideration: #2 - Expedited processing of pemuts for affordable housing projects. An ombudsman should be provided in the Planning Department to assist people applying for affordable housing permits. Ill. Current Status: The local government currently does _ does not X have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: The building permit process is a long. complicated procedure especially when attempting to build under the affordable housing program. This person would assist people applying for affordable housing permits, thereby reducing the length of time in the process. Disadvantages: County budget may need to be adjuste~. 9 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or welfare. Benefits: This person would educate and assist p~ople attempting to build affordable housing. . Negligible Effects: None noted. VlI. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ 500.00 (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Savings associated with decreased need to rely on hired professionals (lawyers, architec~ etc.) to assist in permitting, passing the savings on to eligible households. VITI. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: None noted. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: By next budget cycle-October 1994. Signed:~.g- ~ Date: /:2- - t" - , 3 10 AHAC ~. 16 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COJ\II\HTTEE INCENTiVE PLAN RECOl\tl\1ENDA TION '\'ORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: #3 The modification of impact fee requirements. including reduction or waiver of fees and alternative methods of payment. Any reduction in impact fees for affordable housing is made with a corresponding increase in impact fees for non-affordable housing. Ill. Current Status: The local government currently does--X-does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Affordable housing does not have to pay County impact fees. but the impact still exists. There is no source of money at this time specified to make up the shortfall. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: This incentive would assure production of acceptable infrastructure. Disadvantages: The cost of market rate housing would increase. 11 Incentive Plan \Vorksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public healt~ safety, or welfare. Benefits: Incentive could potentially increase the supply of safe and decent housing by cutting production costs. Negligible Effects: None noted. VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ 2.000.00 (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Cost of impact fees would be waived, not deferred. VTII. Recommendation of Advisory Conunittee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed~ ~~ Date: J :>- - ~ - 7 "1 12 AHAC ROC. 17 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CO~I1\flTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN REC01\t1\IENDATION \VORKSIIEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County ll. Incentive Under Consideration: #3 The modification of impact fee requirements, including reduction or waiver of fees and alternative methods of payment. Ask the Board of County Commissioners to request that the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority waive fees for affordable housing projects. Ill. Current Status: The local government currently does _ does not _ have a program for this incentive. N/A IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: N/A V. Explanation of AdvantagesfDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: This incentive would lower the cost of producing affordable housing. Disadvantages: None 13 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 Vl. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, afety, or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working residents of Monroe County. Good potential for units to remain affordable in the future. Increase mixture of housing stock. Negligible Effects: None noted. VlI. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ Indeterminate substantial amount (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Would achieve an economy of scale allowing for savings that could be passed on to eligible households. VIII. Recommendation of AdvisoI)' Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate imptemenetation. Signed: ~.-~~ Date: /2. -~ - tj f 16 AHAC R&;. #9 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CO~Il\lITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\Il\1ENDA TIO~ \\'ORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County n. . Incentive Under Consideration: #4 TIle Allowance of increased density levels. Where parcels of land are equal to or greater than an acre. allow for an accessory dwe1ling unit to be built which is 35% of the total square footage of the primary dwelling unit or 500 square feet, whichever is less. III. Current Status: The local government currently does _ does not X- have a program for this incentive. Units are not distinguished by size. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incenti ve. Advantages: Trus incentive would increase the number of dwelling units in Monroe County without creating more buildings/development/sub- divisions. Disadvantages: None " 17 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Pro\oide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing. It would reduce sprawl, concentrate housing where infrastructure already exists and reduce demand for housing on more environmentally sensitive lands thereby promoting land conservation. Negligible Effects: Limited number of property owners would be affected by this incentive. vn. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ Substantial savings (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Savings achieved by reduction of land costs and reduction in infrastructure costs. VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed/ ~ ,.;;;;=. ~ Date: /~-td - ~ ) 18 AHAC ROC. 110 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADV1SORY COI\ll\HTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\ll\tENDA TION \VORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: #4 The Allowance of increased density levels. Allow for future conversion of existing transient units to affordable residential dwelling units, while maintaining their existing non-confonning density levels and their present FEMA conditions. lIT. Current Status: The local government currently does _ does not -L have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Transient units are allowed to occur at higher density than permanent residences and therefore are not allowed to convert to permanent units. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Presently, owners are allowing many transient properties to faU into disrepair because renovation to meet FEMA requirements, etc. is too costly. This incentive, and the waiving of FEMA and density standards would allow for the up-grading of property while increasing the number of residential dwelling units. Disadvantages: None 19 Incentive Plan \Vorkshcet Page 2 Vl. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety. or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working residents of Monroe Colmty, while decreasing the existence of dilapidated transient property. Negligible Effects: None noted. VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ N/A (Specify bow the savings benefit the eligible housebold(s). VIlI. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed: /~~ 8- ~ Date: /~-~ - 7 ~ 20 AHAC ROC. III AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMllTEE INCENTiVE PLAN RECOl\tl\lENDATION \VORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: #4 The allowance 'of increased density levels. When density allows. allow for adjoining lots in IS neighborhoods to be repIatted as one lot and permit the construction of a duplex rather than 2 single family homes. III. Current Status: The local government currently does _ does not X- have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: This incentive would increase the flexibility of the property owner and reduce per unit construction costs, reduce lot coverage and make for more efficient use of yard layout with less clearing necessary. Also. would reduce the demand for illegal units. Disadvantages: None 21 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public healtl4 safety, or welfare. Benefits: This incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working residents of Monroe ~ounty. Negligible Effects: None noted. VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ Substantial reduction (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Incentive would reduce construction and infrastructure costs. VITI. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed~~ 2r ~ - Date: /'2, _~ -'5 ? 22 AHAC ~. 112 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COl\fMITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\1I\tENDA TION \VORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: # 5 - The reservation of infrastructure capacity for housing for very low-income persons and low-income persons. III. Current Status: The tocal government cWTently does _ does not lL have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages ofCbanging or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Di sadvantages: 23 Incentive Plan \Vorksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health. safety, or welfare. Benefits: Negligible Effects: Vll. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation: $ (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: No action was taken. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Signed:;:;?~ 3 ~ Date: /;2.. -" - c; '5 24 AHAC ROC. 113 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CO~'Il\UTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\I~tENDA TION \\'ORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: # 6 - The transfer of development rights as a fmancing mechanism for housing for very low-income persons and low- income persons. III. Current Status: The local government currently does -X.. does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County has TDR provisions, but in essence, awards free TOR's to affordable housing projects by means of density bonuses. v. Explanation of AdvantagesIDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Disadvantages: 25 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public healtl\ safety, or welfare. Benefits: Negligible Effects: VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation:$ (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). VITI. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: No action was taken to modify present regulation. Incentive Plan \\'orkshect Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe gnd decent housing for working residents of Monroe County, by cutting production costs. Negligible Effects: None noted. vn. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ 1.995.00 (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Waive impact fees. VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. AHAC ROC. #14 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COI\tI\tITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl'Vtl\tENDA TION \\'ORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: #7 The reduction of parking and setback requirements. Incorporate a mechanism that does not discourage the development of affordable housing iD commercial areas by strict setback requirements or parking limitations. m. Current Status: The local government currently does -X- does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Parking requirements allow sharing of spaces - set backs are not affected. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: This incentive grants flexibility to allow design to accommodate actual need. Disadvantages: Insufficient parking may be provided. 21 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or welfare. Benefits: Incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working residents of Monroe County. Negligible Effects: None noted. VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recorrunendation:$ Parcel specific reductions (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible hou.sehoJd(s). Incentive reduces land costs. VIll. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed: ~ ~~- Date: /3- ~ - <<i f 28 , . I , AHN:. ROC. 115 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CO~IMITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOMMENDATION WORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: #8 The allowance of zero-lot-line configurations. Ill. Current Status: The local government currently doesl does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County allows for zero-lot line configuration for single family homes and therefore are permitted as of right in nearly every residential zoning district. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Disadvantages: 29 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public heal~ safety, or welfare. Benefits: Negligible Effects: Vll. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation:$ (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Vlll. Reconunendation of Advisory Committee: No action was taken to modify present regulation. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Signed: ~...,~..zr- ~ Date: I ~- ~- y ~ 30 AHAC RFJ:. #16 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COl\Il\-lITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\1'IENDA TION \VORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County ll. Incentive Under Consideration: # 9 - The modification of street requirements. III. Current Status: The local government currently does X does not_ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County has provisions to vary street requirements, and allows private streets to be built at the appropriate standards for traffic usage. V. Explanation of AdvantagesIDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Disadvantages: 31. Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or welfare. Benefits: Negligible Effects: vn. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation: $ (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). vrn. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: No action was taken to modify present regulation. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Signed: ~ ;;;;r-'r~ Date: /.)... - ~ - "f !5 32 AHAC ~. 117 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMl\llTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\tl\tENDA TION '''ORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: # 10 - The establishment of a process by which a local govemment considers before adoption, polices, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions that have a significant impact on the cost of housing. III. Current Status: The local government currently does _ does not .x have a program for this incentive. ~ IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Cbanging or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Disadvantages: 33 Incentive Plan \Vorkshcet Page 2 VI. Pro\;de an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety. or welfare. Benefits: Negligible Effects: VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recon1Dlendation:$ (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: There was a consensus by the committee that the establishment of a process by which a local government considers before adoptio~ polices, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions that have a significant impact on the cost of housing. is necessary. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Signed: Date: / ':t -~ - ~ 3' 34 AHAC R&;. #18 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITIEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOMMENDATION WORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: # 11 - The preparation of a printed inventory of locally owned public lands suitable for affordable housing. The Monroe County Housing Authority shall coordinate, in conjunction with the Land Authority and Monroe County Planning Department, the annual preparation of a printed inventory of locally owned (Monroe County) public lands. The Monroe County Housing Authority shall coordinate, in conjunction with the Land Authority and Monroe County Planning Department, the annual preparation of a printed inventory of locally owned (federal and state) public lands. Ill. Current Status: The local government currently does _ does not _ have a program for this incentive. N/A IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: N/A V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: This would provide a clear concise database of potentially buildable land that could be made available for affordable housing projects and possibly service other agencies and their needs. Disadvantages: None 35 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public healt~ safety, or welfare. Benefits: If lots were pre-identified and/or designated for affordable housing, the process of construction of affordable units would be expedited, therefore increasing the supply of affordable units in Monroe County. Negligible Effects: None noted. VlI. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation:$ N/A (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Vlll. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. lX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed: ~/y..::r ~ J Date: ./~ -~ -., S 36 AHAC RB:;. #19 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COl\'lMITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\ll\-fENDATION \\'ORKSHEET ----------- ---------- I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consider"ation: Other Qualify affordable status at initial occupancy and change of occupancy only. III. Current Status: The local government currently does Ldoes not_ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Current regulations require affordable housing to be occupied by qualified people who must be requaJified annually. v. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: This incentive would allow the homeowner a chance to improve hislher financial status without jeopardizingllosing their home. This incentive is does not invade the privacy of the homeowner by requiring yearlydocumentation of household affordable status. and it also eliminates the disincentive to apply. Disadvantages: None 37 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as (0 the negligible effect or benefit to public health. safety, or welfare. Benefits: Time,and paper work spent on yearly qualifying procedures would be reduced. Negligible Effects: None noted. VII. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation:$ N/A (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). VIII. Reconunendation of Advisory Committee: This incentive will correct one of the biggest deterrents to people applying for affordable housing. Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed: ~.......- ~~~ Date: /..:2 ~ - ~ 3" 38 AHAC REX;. , 20 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COi\t1\HTTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOl\1l\tENDA TION \\'ORKSHEET I. . Name of Local Entity: Monroe County n. Incentive Under Consideration: Other Federal and State agencies must directly contJibute to the provision of affordable housing in the form of an annual fee or buildable land because their increasing number of employees have a direct impact on the housing market in Monroe County. In. Current Status: The local government currently doe~ _ does not L have a program for this incentive. Government is the largest employer in the County and government employees add to the demand for housing. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Before creating a position in the Keys the state and federal government would have to consider housing that person. This would create additional resources for housing. Disadvantages: None 39 Incentive Plan \\'orksheet Page 2 VI. Pro\;de an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public beal~ safety, or welfare. Benefits: Federal and State employers would bave to take responsibility for making housing a priority when considering the creation of jobs in the Keys. Negligible Effects: None noted. VIl. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Reconunendation:$ N/A (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed: ~~ ..:sor- ~ Date: /~ -~-<; ~ 40 AHAC ROC. # 21 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COM~IITTEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECO~t~IENDA TION \VORKSHEET l. Name of L9cal Entity: Monroe County II. Incentive Under Consideration: Other Change the affordable housing sct~aside from 20% of buildable units to 30%. III. Current Status: The local government currently doesl does not _ have a program for this incentive. IV. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: Monroe County ordinance # 019-92 rations the number of new units per year, of these, 20% are reserved for affordable housing. V. Explanation of AdvantagesIDisadvantages of Cbanging or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: The number of available affordable housing units would be increased. Disadvantages: The number of new market rate housing units would be decreased. 41 Incentive Plan Worksheet Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health. safety, or welfare. . Benefits: Incentive would potentially increase the supply of affordable units to be built in Monroe County. The changes recommended, combined with removing of deterrents to the creation of affordable housing, will increase the demand for affordable housing in Monroe County. Negligible Effects:None noted. VB. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ Indeterminate amount (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). Per unit costs will be reduced. VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. lX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed:~... ~~ Date: /::24 -> ~ - 42 AI-IAC ~. #22 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMIITEE INCENTIVE PLAN RECOMMENDATION WORKSHEET I. Name of Local Entity: Monroe County n. Incentive Under Consideration: Other The Land Authority shall actively pursue~ identify and purchase lands suitable for affordable housing. The Land Authority shall make buildable land available to non-profit home building organi7.ations at either no cost or token payment for such properties to be developed with low-cost, low income homes for sale, and that said homes shall remain affordable for the maximum extent allowable by law. m. Current Status: The local government currently does-X.. does not _ have a program for this incentive. N. Explanation of existing regulation regarding this incentive: The Land Authority charters allows for the purchase of land for affordable housing. V. Explanation of AdvantageslDisadvantages of Changing or Adopting this incentive. Advantages: Incentive would provide a pre-identified reserved list of land for affordable housing. Also, would increase potential of combination of grantlloan programs in the creation of affordable housing. Disadvantages: None 43 Incenti\c Plan \\'orkshect Page 2 VI. Provide an explanation as to the negligible effect or benefit to public health, safety, or \\'clfare. Benefits: This incentive would increase the supply of safe and decent housing for working residents of Monroe County. . I .. j;~' (I.: Negligible Effects:None noted. -! ,; '. ~ : ' ~! vn. Housing Cost Reduction Anticipated from Implementing this Recommendation: $ N/A (Specify how the savings benefit the eligible household(s). VIII. Recommendation of Advisory Committee: Approve as presented. IX. Recommend Schedule for Implementation: Immediate implementation. Signed:~ -=:G-~ Date: ./~'~-7~ . ':0. 1..) !Jl-:-rf 44