Resolution 780-1989 Peter Horton, A.C.A. Division of Community Services RESOLUTION NO. 780-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO TERMINATE THE LEASE BETWEEN CHARLES PIERCE AND MONROE COUNTY PERTAINING TO HANGAR SPACE AT THE MARATHON AIRPORT FACILITY AND TO TAKE WHATEVER LEGAL STEPS ARE NECESSARY, INCLUDING THE INSTITUTING OF A LAWSUIT, AGAINST CHARLES PIERCE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby authorizes the County Attorney to terminate the lease between Charles Pierce and Monroe County pertaining to hangar space at the Marathon Airport facility and to take whatever steps are necessary, including the instituting of a lawsuit, against Charles Pierce, a copy of the lease dated March 7, 1986, as amended, is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held day of December , A.D. 1989. on the 13th BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY, ~~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (Seal) Attest: P-~ ~ ~QLHAGEJ Clerk. 01,: ~. ~ P.Y L t: ld lZ 8:]0 69. '-'''11 j UdUJ-1U ,J.:J dJ I ".-~... .,. '.....,~-_._-_._--_..__........ 1'!'iii" ", :', .'. . ftf'......,."",;.;, ,'" ,.', "i " Art Skelly Director of Airports , RESOLUTION NO. 063 -1986 .- . A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE rvr.AYOR AND CHAIR- MAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}mISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BFTWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, AND -rINELOG- VILL^GE~ INC., CONCERNING HANGAR SPACE AT THE HARATHON AIRPORT. ~,':' tT RESOLVED BY 1'11J~ BOARD O:F COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS OF ~ONRO:: lJNTY, FLOFIDA, that the Mayor and Chairman of said Board is hel j I,. authorized to execute a Lease Agreement by and between The C ': r.y of Monroe, State of Florida, and Pinelog Village, Inc. , copy of same being attached hereto, concerning hangar space .'! the Marathon Airport. I L., ~ED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Honro,[ ( ,unty, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on thl ~,.~-fj_ day of /JJu'L-lL, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~~ By aYOr~:~irman ~ (Seal Attes' ~J10Jl'.rl: I}. ~'.\_~ij--~/:.'~-~,:-:~, (~-~~.:'_\{ /,-) : ':L.) I '" IL 1,i /~ /,/ " 1.~ ~/' -'_' ,,1_ -"'~f'.'- / i {.r ' / erk /7 , i/I ,/ /" /lI.-( , /l,t'~n VEDAS TO FORM 'tJ "'.FGAL :urF~CI"k ~y. /) . ,~" L .-<-c..A..-''__ (/j,1... 1- if I I , , Att.7rnrl('s Office .! j' . LEASE AGREEMENT . THIS INDENTURE, made vP7~ A. D. and entered into this ?d da y 0 f 1986, by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, here~~fter called the Lessor, party of the first part, (!h~-r~ and 'nl~l 9g ull.l._..~, 1118 L'/ r. 6. BVI\ lJ8, mailing ~~ rr~tXV'L whose Jaddress ii~ 'D " 'DIll llJ, Marathon, lIoyC:'VI lIt:', 11..... l0381 ~.3o so Florida, hereinafter called the Lessee, party of the second part, WIT N E SSE T H: That the Lessor of these presents leases unto said Lessee a parcel of land at the Marathon Airport, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida, measuring 100 feet in width and 35 feet in depth, as shown on Exhibit A (property map) which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described leased premise unto the Lessee for a term of five (5) years from the date hereof. The Lessee hereby covenants and agrees to pay the Lessor rent in the sum of Seven Hundred Sixty Dollars ($760.00) per year, plus applicable sales tax, for the use of said premises during the term of this lease, said rent to be payable in advance on the first day of each year during said term. The Lessor hereby covenants and agrees with the Lessee as follows: 1. The Lessee shall have the right to maintain an aircraft shelter on the leased premises. 2. The Lessee shall have reasonable ingress, egress and access privileges to the leased premises. 3. The Lessee, on keeping the covenants and agreements by him herein contained, shall have quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the demised premises without any interruptions by the Lessor, or by any person or persons claiming by, through or under it. The Lessee hereby covenants and agrees with the Lessor as rollows: A. To pay the Lessor the rent at the times and in the manner provided for by this lease. -'"1:i~d:\~~ '~ ~, '" ..------..,-~~"':"._- ."-;g;;,~1:.~~~;"r.':-"n ",-_. J"''-'I'.''''''''''-''''''''''~''''-'' ,.......,..'I\..i.,_...-,....~~. ;",W-. , ~',":,f;_~_\,:;.~..;;.~........ It That no construction mortgage or lien of any nature will be placed up~n the hangar located on tbe leased premises. . . That the said hangar shall be used only for the purpose of h:)uBing airplanes and providing for the care, ;-epair and maint el'ance of such privately owned airplanes. D To .pay all utilities, including gas, electricity, water and pnbage disposal charges, if any, as well as all installation char~~e:3 that may be required for any such utilities. To make no improper or unlawful or offensive use of said pn~mises, and to permit the Lessor or its agents to inspect the le~sed premises at all reasonable times for t6e purpose of view~ng the condition thereof. F. The Lessee agrees to hold the Lessor harmless from any liab: l :. ty by reason of his use of said hangar, including any liati~Lty ~rising out of any accident incurred or caused by his '.~quipn,;nt, employees, invitees, guests, personnel and/or facili- ties. and ~ill maintain public liability insurance in a reason- /' able l.IDOunt sufficient to protect the Lessor, but no less than Sloe ,(:()O/$300,OOO. .'. The Lessee will maintain the integrity of the structure so 13 to meet all applicable local building codes. t is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the Les.';() and Lessee as follows: That at the expiration of the term of this lease, the Les E'''' will quietly and peaceably deliver upon possession of the leased premises, however, in the event the Marathon Airport shollJ be permanently closed, and the lands therein ceased to be used as an airport during the term of this lease, the Lessee shatl retain title to and shall have the right to remove the hangar located on the leased premises. 2, This lease shall be binding upon the parties hereto, thetf successors, executors, administrators and assigns. 3. This lease shall be automatically cancelled, and the tit J.E to the improvements on the leased premises shall revert to the Lessor, should the Lessee fail to occupy or evidence that the 2 " 'C"'~I~~"_=':=~--'-;"':'CC::::"';:";;;-=;'--'--"";';;;;';;;=.:;;::.;;::.::.- " .----------~-~.~~-~i-:-~--;;::;:::=---~-.------~--------.~~.--- .. / prem'i ;:es are not abandoned for a continuous period of any six (0) montIls during the term of this lease, notwithstanding anything conti! :.ned in paragraph 1 herein. ~'" Rentel rates under this lease shall be subject to revii~h and adjustment every three (3) years. 5, At the expiration of this lease, Lessee shall have the option to renew this lease for an additional five (5) year period subj" (' t: to a review of rates and charges. ':N WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused thes,= 'Jresents to be executed in its name, and the party of the seco"d part has signed these presents, in duplicate, all as of the:,q and year first above written. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ___.- _H ..,..... _.~ ~. MAYOR/CHAIR~~N ( SEA. ) Atte: t: DAI-TNY L. .;,-C'LII1~.GEJ Clerk " / ',/ \ "~" ~ ,~/- '1-A',.'. (~c /~" . (; I: ,., / /;// i ~/ 07"'7' Lv, / ~ RK ,. ,I / / PINELOG VILLAGE, INC. By ~ y . i) ,I () ~'V'.J'; J~.. ...J:. f-~' \;j' harles 'J. Pierce --' 1'{'(7'::".-:te-ACu-"j~~) ~ ( SEA L ) Att€!t: SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AI,- L ~UFF~Ea .Q BY A""",.y'. Of(;CfI ~ ! 3 ~ 61 ::: Q) 41 (J L H I III ~-------I .~ ~ , . , -, , --- ;1- I "i ~ , .. I 0 ell - , --- o en u 0 .c:. , ~ - U C . .. I Be i: 0 0 0 .. I ~..... . 0 0- wO u' ..- d I .... A. - "C < CII ; I ~ , a: . u .,.. Il . .. I .. I --_ I o 10 Q. N I . "-:-1' 01 I II "" ~I --.- I I I '-.<~- . fIJ X ....I 'l( a.. .u..; ~ ~l... j ....., oJ: ...... . - '- .......... . '"'" .................... ::-.. ......... 1 ~ I ~- , I;.: .\. I en t--: '- ~ )( LU < ... ~ o >j~ 4(~f5 ~ (? z.c: :J.... .( (Xu ')00 ~ti ':> ~ ~. -- . I !r ""1----' l ,\ , I . i Jl I .. I ~ -(~ I cr.:;> --' <'1: I - c.:.'J1 I I ~. < l)&'l( , ~ u. , I I I , I ~ , ~ t I ......... . ..... I t ~~ 1 ~~- I -- I I II 1 lC ~ r f::::J -.......:- . '1 _.S 0 ... , ... II c. : -........ C::...~) :II- U ~ "'~ <l( , ....., !~~ l I N II) I --~ .. i tlc:?" .. ~ '" .. - s,. , , :f. \ ...D 0 ,'-t......... I 0 -~ ". ..~ -..::~ . -- I It. ........-.....~ c I · 1 \~, l'-",,-l::.1 .-.-:~ ~-.. . "- .1 I I l ~ ~ c)o -'--. Ii i · 0 ~ I.! '~ ri .. . I --I' - ~ .'---...... '.'1 lI.l I I -c. ~. '---.. A:l",.. -- . " 0 , .-.c I 0 .~ I U il <( I. I .. ,I j II ."or I I 0 ::::::-- ...... .. I ..:, -c: ~, i"l"' ~- > , - ex:. I -< r :, 4( t . ., , i" ~-. ,'7' r xTn n T T "^" -.........-----_._--.._..~---_. l'~:"".~"'"I!r'''''''''IfI!II "II1"II,",1"""""''''''' ~""'".,. - - f I"~~ ,.- ..4lIIl......... I ~ I I i . ,/ " ;'-1 -, -.-- ---- ..L \ \ \ \ \ I I . i CI]. <ll ...-l H m ..d u -~ .a: '< <.? Z < ::t UJ UJ ZIZ 00 NN a: = ~ <( LU UJ ...I ...I (JU .CJ 0 Z f.W - r/} "'0 !c.. ><0 w a: 0.. \ " "., \ Q \ cr 7<( ~> l-W ~..J >:J I <(0 m , .. o " 0' Q o t--10 .... .... -' EXHIBIT "A" continued ~~ . z I ' - '? ..... .&...-.....-~ . ._-~. ~ -"'-"---~H . ~ '~rn""",_.J - 1~ '~,a ,'(,,, :0;"-:"': ""1,Y'7~~'~~...C';,~~~~'.~";~, '::. . Art Skelly Director of Airports RESOLUTION NO. 145 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO AGREEl1ENT BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE AND CHARLES PIERCE (f/k/a PINELOG VILLAGE, INC.) PERTAINING TO HANGAR SPACE AT THE ~'~P~THON AIRPORT FACILITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF !'.ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to execute an Addendum to Agreement by and between the Ccunty of Monroe and Charles Pierce (f/k/a Pinelog Village, .'.nc. ), a copy of same being attached hereto t pertaining to hangar i:pace at the Marathon Airport facility. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of ~1onroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of April, A.D. 1988. HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By "") /~' / r-'~, /"/ ", "" ,,' ./7 /~. '-- '-""'<;;"7- .' ,., ,'.'. " . ./ ' ,- "-'--"~I VMayo~t6hairman b (SeaJ) Attest:DANNY L. I=~L:Il:G~, Clerk _.~~t.ss..o ~I^-- ~ c.. Clerk ..".,....~. ~ '..i,' ". . J... . "..', 1 . . . '. .. /. . /' L (/lL~//' -~"~~".._. ,,-- J . ' '(" ", . c. ~.~..... '......<-'V...'.'- ;, ' "'. " -. . '. ., ' . '-".',,\1 :; L_.... - f1 ADDENDUM TO-AGREEMENT . THIS ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _::=:'J--tk- day of ~~~ , 1988, by and between the COUNTY OF MONROE, and CHARLES PIERCE (f/k/a PINELOG VILLAGE, INC.), whose new mailing address is Hurricane Harbour, Marathon, F10irda 33050 ~y amending the Lease Agreement between the parties dated March 7, 1986 as follows: All reference to Pinelog Village, Inc. in e&e Lease Agreement between the parties dated March 7, 1986, is hereby amended to read Charles Pierce. In all other respects, the Lease Agreement between the parties, dated March 7, 1986, remains in full force and effect. COUNTY OF MONROE /') ~~ ;t/ ,,~ / / /7 ./- -/--- , ., / . , V~?;;-'<. v"-"'--f / BY: -' /Ij,/) Mayor harrman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) Att t . DAl\Ti\n{ I r ,,- TT,~ ~7~, ('1'1'1,: e s. ~ ,1 ~ . ..... " ". . '- .::-Jlfd f%~~ lY - CHARLES PIERCE BY: ~~~ _,7Y'l~~ / c/ . ~/O--c:-cil., ,/r;i~L/lJ-,L'-L-et Witnesses "CC''':~ ''71) AS TO FORM ,~". ..r: /!l.. s!JrnC':7.C . ./ . "_ _~ C lA.-- (J IL ,,~f!"n;""!'''; C::;"i(;'t:~ t./ !