Resolution 781-1989 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 781-1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 46, TRACT 23, TROPIC ISLAND RANCHETTS, BIG PINE KEY WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department Report of November 20, 1989, Tract 23, Tropic Island Ranchetts subdivision, presently vacant, was zoned General Use (GU) under the zoning code in effect prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Deve1op- ment Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated commercial boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 46 dated November 20, 1989, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe c~unt~ Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th , dbY o~December, A.D., 1989. ..- N c....J ~ ~.. c: C:: :.z:: o 1:: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ok~' Mayor/Chairman L , Uu' --' ~ lJ.. By (SEAL) Attest: P~,~,~QIMG~l Q~:i ~~1~1.j)1': C e ' 8'1' M E MaR AND U M TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AIA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Tract 23, Tropic Island Ranchetts, Big Pine Key DATE: November 20, 1989 MEETING DATE: December 12, 1989 PLANNER: Nancy Harvieux BIOLOGIST: Dianna Stevenson Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No~ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: The parcel should be designated ing the parcels into two land north to engulf all of lot 23. environmental conditions Native tent and character of the area. as Native (NA). The boundary line divid- use designations should be move to the Based on the past and present land use designation would best reflect the in- Background: The applicant has request a boundary determination on the reference lot located on Big Pine Key. In 1981 the land use was General Use (GU) and the surrounding lots were designated Business Uses. Since 1986 the land use designation has been a combiIiation of Suburban Commercial and Na- tive. The lot is dissected by a line dividing land use district bounda- ries. Suburban Commercial (SC) bounds the northwest corner of the par- cel. The remaining land is designated as Native Area (NA). The appli- cant feels the lands character is best reflected with a commercial land use district designation. Findings of Fact: Properties to the north and west are Suburban Commercial in intent and character. The properties to the east and south are appropriately desig- nated Native. The land in question is consistent with the characteris- tics of a native area. The land as described by the biologist, consists of low hammock species and has mosquito ditches throughout. In 1981 the land use was General Use (GU). In 1986 the land use was changed to NA/SC to reflect the character of the communi ty. Lot 23 appears to meet all of the criteria for the NA land use district and not the SC district. Action bY:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: ___Yes~No Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable: N.A. Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date X N.A. Alternatives: Not applicable. Attached Documentation: X Yes___No 1. Application and fee. 2. Proposed boundary change map. 3. Land Use District map. 4. Pre-September 15, 1986 zoning maps. 5. Land use district map February 28, 1986 (Pattison) 6. Aerial Map. 7. Staff reports. 8. Correspondence. , I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;~~~p I I I I ;>~ ~ ,( . . . . 4 . I , r---------------l I I I 'Ie I I I I I r----------------------___ I I I I 17 .. -- - ..... , , 1. ,., I' \ \ \ , , " ......-, I , I " I \ I .. I I I " " I ", ", ", ; .. 11 111 NA I I I I . I' I I I I I :# III I J II " I I . .. .. BIG PINE KEY ft I I 111 1 1 . ,L-l-.L.--L._L_J.,__.L~r:LL -_L.t _,L__Ll_ ~_ Pur.UIInt to Section 9.5-24(a)(2)(h) of the Monroe Count, Code, the boundarle. of the Land u.. DI.trlct Map are Interpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly described at: Move boundary line to include tract 23 into the SC district Tropic Island Ranchetts. 1 . Director, Growth Management Sheet # 344 Key Big Pine Date BOCC Re.olutlon 1"-200' ... . ", t'~o.S-<I <..,r'. ""''-. '''' t~"- ,,",j~~"I "n ( .,," v ~C'"' :1.....~ -T- '" . ~~c.. .,~ T u.~ R Db, ~~ ~S ~G..- _ .L r)c. ".~. ~~)( v'f~ I 1 ~ \G ~ ( N E \<. E 'I FL 3 3. ~ ~ S APP~ICATION FOR LAND USE DIS~ICT MAP DETERMINATION 0..9 Q.f\.\ -: ~";.:;;..=..;..... APPLICANT l\<b~ l'\~CYYY\~.s~N ~TI \. CU~~-An ~~~Ji1. tsl G. '?ll\) E. KEy I-s~~-s-~~3 PHONE # S?'7d - j~~~ a/a ---J<::xJ.n. 1l.l~jltfOr"V ?S ~_-AQ. S MM ?;I ADDRESS KEY OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? l)c .e~"'Ls.. l ~ E SUBDIVISION --rRa'?lC \<;'LA~1) ~~~C-H E\:rs PLAT BOOK Nd- ?~o....--tt:od. PAGE BLOCK Nt A LOT(S) TR. A c\ ~3 MASC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY)~ dlh~h~.s~ \lOv\t)""'\.~D ~~~~ ~no...:.\. \ XCI ASJ REQUEST CHANGE FROM N A / S c:.._ TO S C. I . REASON FOR REQ~EST' 1-\.; 6 In, ~r ~~ b...l2.rt L\~. \S C.O ",,"-men. ~ ~ 0 ~Qli:c.Js ~cl...-'<::t. M. <rVj;~~ . b <:::'~~MC'lol) blLS'\V).QSS-c?s. f. ~\~'n c \~ ~ Co:" V'I\..ffi c l.oD . ?o ~" \' Q r+ 4'" rz. -%.0 ~I>C'.QQ (1) \ s \Ill /) , +" m ~ <t: ~\) CE"tn i'n -'<l:lC 0",0 ~(jI2~ cl;t WC\\)Q 8,t>",t"Q ~f'P b_lo'>'_I:_M~. PRESENT LAND USE: LA. N U S-e A DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: ~e e. a1€,\J'<::", QV'. ~ S . C\:e. . SIGNATURE -,.jDo...,^~~ ~ Fee paid $, ~ D C::l ~ 0 ' DATE ~ - s.~-~<J RECEIVED JUt:] 11989 PLANNING DEPT. BY LA.ND~~S~ DIVISION - , ( (- BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Monroe Count)', Florida NC? 4568-If J R' .._,_ LU_J.,t.C.nLL!-...L..___ LlL_~LLLCI_iliLp--ClI1j.!"LKI.IYLt(n.l.- $ _Lt2a.:.Cr..L-____n___m_......__ , ,.~.:L. t .ii_ ~ _ !~_ _~.n." _ __...._ _ 00_ __ __ ____.__. n__..n___.____ _.n_.____...._..n._..n._____...__ _n__"'"'' $ ._____.._____._____n._ _____n_._______ .._.. . _ .00_ ..' _._ __00___ __00__ '00_'" __ .__.. ___... ..:n___nn______n__n____n___noo__....___..n____n_n....noonoon_ $ n__n_____.._______.._.._...._____..~._ t, ~.' e __.___ ___. I. ____,_ --.-..--00,.'7----.-0000....- _00___0000 OFFICER By _____.._ ,____oo..._:~~:J.tt.L~_A:--nn.-....--..- TOTAL $ J='-Q:J~d::::~::::::::::::: oj RiCHARD THOMPSON R! 7 BOX 1'078 1 5 5 ',"IV Ff-li~.A')E.Lf'H;,I\, Oli 44663 ....--~- ~ ,,-' ?~ / I J, I _56_7100 / _ __--= __ . H __ 19 I . I \ --.I --- 2412 :J, I..) tht.' I -+ ( ) (\\ i ',:"1 of [\1_;1. 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N ~ 1"-200.-i 1IM......I1I1... - -_. . h_"""O__ ....._.._.. .... Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet:# :: \.J '--1 Appllc ant: Key:_ FII e :# @ Mile Marker: ( ( '2-L~ \ 8Jj \ . ~. ,- _/ BU.2 ~Jj BU-2 T ~ BU.2 Q BU-cR /-~ LE!- B '. \a --82) .~, ~ ':;;;;\ '-=---;-J \4'8~ R O..~ a MD "5.:z 8' tii::'if,T' "--.-/ '\ B V"f;;j 12-?~ . 9.81/ '- ~~. uu-.-c ~ /-z:e ~', ....- ----.......-... I -,~'; /, &,:A lIJ \/~ 8t.1-2 ~. GU 'i .- - -:: , , " , I I -I I j ,. , , Monroe County Zoning Maps. ~\ Pre-September 15, 1986 ~ I 1"=200'1 Panel or Sheet# IG ~ Flle# AppUcant: J'~C\ L ". ThllMPS-O'l Key: 'K I Q .\)", t.> k (!~ Mile Marker: ."f J - (. \. -,.........Il....Uftl..-. '1".. t- L J sc ----- I . I : J l r. -- ~ 1 L. - ..... - , - -....... --I ,.....- ..-J I I i I . I 1- K'_ - Z 2n - - ',,- ;,- -, - - ..-, ...-.... ., --" ..------- .d--'--1 I I I I ; ~...... I t " I I / ,1// sc ,-, I ...... \ ./ / ( I I )MG I. I \ ~.. I - I \ ~ ~ ."...... r ....- - ,- I +- I I I I I I I J ,\ / \ '" -- --/----' i- ~ .,. 1/ ,~. ,. " , " '" " "- .J ,~ ,. ,.. ,., --- .,; \'- , , '-. ,... / \ , \ I \ I I - ...... r- ( 1...", -..-- _.-~--__e~ __. /- N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February Pane' or Sheet# ,:Y 0--' 0J J Flle# ~ Applicant: Key: @ 28,1986 ~ 1"= 600' ~ Mile Marker: _ . 4.. ( N , 1--600' i Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. Edltlon,19 Panel or Sheet# Appllc.nt: Key: File # __ Mile Marker: ( ( ., MEMORANDUM To :George Garrett, Coordinator, Environmental Resources Division ~ r,-~ From:Dianna Stevenson, Biologist, Environmental ResourcesJ~ Division Date: August 3, 1989 Re :Tract 23, Tropical Island Ranchetts, Big Pine Key; Lisa L. Thompson -- Application for Boundary Determination. INTRODUCTION: The applicant is requesting a boundary determination on the above referenced property. The property is located within Native Area (NA) and Suburban Commercial (SC) land use districts. The area zoned SC is located on the northwest corner of the tract and is approximately 700 square feet. ~ The total area of the tract is 40,000 square feet. The applicant feels the tract should be entirely included within the SC land use district. A site inspec- tion was made on June 28, 1989. SITE DESCRIPTION: Tract 23 is vacant lot located on the southeastern boundary of an SC land use district. Tracts 24 and 25 to the north are vacant. The tracts across the street to the west are occupied with commer- cial uses, one of which is the Big Pine Flea Market. To the east of Tract 23 is a large NA district which extends south to Coupon Bight. It appears that the area was once a Pineland community, since a few native slash pines are present as well as pineland associated plants. However, the tract is now predominantly vegetated with Low Hammock species. Mosqui to ditches transect the tract and have created areas of dense Saw grass. Black and White mangroves have also established themselves along the edges of the ditches. No invasive exotic species were noted. ( ( EVALUATION: Tract 23 in no way reflects the purpose or intent of an SC land use district. The property is predominantly Low Hammock habitat with areas of Fresh Water wetlands. The presence of these wet- lands and the mosquito ditches would bring this property under Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) and Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) jurisdiction. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the NA land use designation for tract 23 is accurate. The small area zoned SC is inaccurate and should be moved to exclude the northwest corner of the tract. CC Maria Pullman (' ( MEMORANDUM To Donald Craig, Asst. County Administrator Nancy Harvieux, Planner~ From: Date: October lO, 1989 Re Boundary Determination for Tract 23, Tropic Island Ranchetts, Big Pine Key, Florida Site Visit: October 5, 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Background: The applicant has request a boundary determination on the reference lot located on Big Pine Key. In 1981 the land use was General Use (GU) and the surrounding lots were designated Busi- ness Uses. Since 1986 the land use designation has been a combi- nation of Suburban Commercial and Native. The lot is dissected by a line dividing land use district boundaries. Suburban Commer- cial (SC) bounds the northwest corner of the parcel. The remain- ing land is designated as Native (NA). The applicant feels the lands character is best reflected with a commercial land use district designation. Recommendation: The parcel should be designated as Native (NA). The boundary line dividing the parcels into two land use designations should be moved to the north to engulf all of lot 23. Based on the past and present land use and environmental conditions Native designa- tion would best reflect the intent and character of the area. Alternatives: Not applicable. Findings of Fact: Properties to the north and west are Suburban Commercial in intent and character. The properties to the east and south are appropriately designated Native. The land in question is consis- tent with the characteristics of a native area. The land, as described by the biOlogist, consists of low hammock species and has mosquito ditches throughout. In 1981 the land use was General Use (GU). In 1986 the land use was changed to NA/SC to reflect the character of the communi- ty. Lot 23 appears to meet all of the criteria for the NA land use district and not the SC district. ( ( .. , ~ J CITIZEN =-:-;~~_. ",--- -- --~ ~.,;... ,,-r--.-_' ~ ,,~~.- .'-.:~~ '~.,~li ..' I ~~. oil :::*-~c;.~..,..- , .~~~-_. , .~:::~. '-:. -- "'~"N' rt~II~)>>~' ~-" Ill,.. \.":;~:;,.~::- y REQUEST TOR PLAN BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MA YOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 C:~y~!: ~~~,~2E (305) 2944641 Planning Department 5825 Jr. College Rd. West Wing III, Stock Island MAP INFO Citizen's Name _ Ms. Joan Tucker Business La.r~~L!ls'~_l;lJt_9rfl}.~t~9J.1_ Date and time: of r"'~quc3t ___,_l\pri 1 ,,21 Phone # ..~-J._~,=-~~~_.~_u,_ Da te. Ap~:j)u.?-~,,_)2B9___ - .-.. .._--~._------------- Ci tizen' s Mailing Address _--1"<?~r'!. TucJ:~:;:__"___h______ .-__-1': O. _I3?~_ ~1!'. o. __ n______ '--,__ Big Pi.'~~ I[.~Y'u_f~__~~.Q1.~___.. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Key __ Big P~ne Key Mil e Marker _._____._~_Q___________ Oceanside or Bayside Subdi vi sion TroQical I sland Ranch~j::'t~l?_._, ____.______________._ Tracts _~.~~!1d 24 REfF s r']j4io~olj02().O an~Ll.lL't?.Q:,QQ9_1Q~____ PB ----.E9,tJllaJ_t~d STP.FF COMr-1ENTS The Land Use Desiguation ot' the a!)ov\.~ described property is SC and 1'lA which means Sub Urba.n Commercial fWel l'!3.tive Area as the enclosed Land- Use District map shows. Enclosed is information from (-.he NOIH'OP CounLy Code, land development regulations regarding uses and dens:L tJes in these distl'icts. Please NOTE* Environmental cri L~eria must be assessed to determine buildable area. It will be necessary fc'r a biologist and surveyor to make a si te visi t to these propel'ties 1:0 determine exactly v/here the SC/NA bO\J.nd['.ry line is and 11O\-v mu'_'h of a development right the NA por- tion of the lots have. Staff Person :Ricl'!_C!..~~Q.:!.~enz i_er i, P l anni n9 .~1;_e_<;:')!I1i c.l_9!:L:. Should you have any further qu(!nLi')l1s, please contact the Land Use Plan- ning Division office at (30S) 294-4G41 PKtension 130. OieeLc f?2 J)<----Lt:;y Cif)//v(+' ~ - I -J r\ )~, f ;',:"'---;ec /)'-----? r {...- !~5( tJ! {{,-;t/)~Lj ,7 .-. - ........~..;.~ Ii~ c.oUNry .. ........ C ~\li.~;,. CVIO&;;.~G-~ " ~:f.' ): . 100:...... ...../; ~ ..........'It....cf. "COVtl1'l. . !1l~9 - - -...... , 1J9annp 1.. If{olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (3051 294.4641 December 26, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. 1305/ 852.9253 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Departmerrt of Community Affairs~ 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 ( , , 0'37 and Department of Community Affairs p Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 . ()1() ~ a% d - JiVcJ Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on December 13, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 781-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planninq Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation] Number 46, Tract 23, Tropic Island Ranchetts, Big pine Ke~. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, . I Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court "'and ex officio Clerk Board 0 County Commissioners by: Rosalie L. Deputy Clerk cc: County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete items 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return recei t fee will ravide au the name of the erson delivered to and the date of deliverv. For ad Itlona ees t e 01 oWing services are aval able. on suit postmaster or ees and check box/es) for additional service(s) requested. 1. [J Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) (Extra charge) rticle Number -0 Ll- J5t(/;t:se~ ~ 7e/0 ~ 2>~ ~v~ &J &;2$77 5. X 6. X 7. PS Form 3811, ",' .. * U.S.G.P.O. 1989-238.815 (( ,~. ~UH (' nnH! r: M""n \". .;;, ,":f if ,'['a':; ['fir. ':,i[U P 070 282 84DL~ ,,':1< ,,: ,'..r~,'c, ^ ':? ~( ~ :l! 1 n~,_.;' " " a) M "f1,,". :)r r;.\lC E " ~ '" "" r Yo' "'ad o. . "--1 ype of Service: g~istered ~ertlfied o Express Mail o Insured o COD o Return Receipt for Merchandise Alwt'ly's obtain signature of addressee .;Ir agent and PATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) ~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT " " a) M o ~ '" ~ P 070 282 839 'J.~ Rft ElPT FOR C;-ti-IT1F1HJ Mt-,IL ",S'~ '<\'~[ "U I~I-'h'.;t F'IWV;Df 'J \ ~:'; i "-:;t.-'':'-::-:) " . ''1 U 95 00 )'.;!rl ,,', . IJdk. l . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when addftlonal Mfvlc.. are Haired, end complete Item. 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Sp,ace on ,the .' F.llure:to do thi$ wHl pnwentthll c.,-d from being returned to you. The r turn ra I' . , r the de e 0 d liver . For ad Itlona ees t 0 an C Be ox as or additionsl servioe/a) req. .. . 1. 0 Show to whom delivered, date, and tddre......addrea:.. 2. (Extra charge) 3. Article Addressed to: :.D (! fJ ;2().~r;q() ~ cf/ 3~Yi Addressee ~ PS Form 3811, Apr. 1989 .U.S.Q.RO.1""""1 VI obt.in IIgnlttUreof .ddreuee ~t and DATE DELIVERED. .. 8. A die...... A_. (ONLY if rtf/U'l!sted IUId f.. paid) DOMEsTIC IlETUIIN......,.