Resolution 782-1989 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 782-1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 48, BLOCK 4, LOT 3, WINDWARD BEACH ESTATES, LITTLE TORCH KEY WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department Report of November 27, 1989, Block 4, Lot 3, Windward Beach Estates, on Grenada Drive, presently use for a boat ramp zoned residential as RU-1 under the zoning code in effect prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the september 15, 1986 Land Develop- ment Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated commercial boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 48 dated November 27 , 1989, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- t~ Af~rs. :' N PASS~AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe cpuntY)j Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th u d~: o~Dec~~r , A.D., 1989. 0\ :z co c 0 u...' L BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~ Mayor / Chairman--...: ...r-;. By (SEAL) Attest: DANNX L.. KOLHAGE, ~lerk ~#-~?U BY M E MaR AND U M TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Block 4, Lot 3, Windward Beach Estates, Little Torch Key, Florida. DATE: November 27, 1989 MEETING DATE: December 12, 1989 PLANNER: Nancy Harvieux BIOLOGIST: Dianna Stevenson Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes No X Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: It is recommended that the ISjNA. boundary be move to the north to in- clude lot 3. After review of the property and the potential development drawing submitted by the applicant, it is possible to develop a single family residence within the guides of Sections 9.5-242 Improved Subdivi- sion. Determination of this boundary does not imply that the applicant may intrude or ignore requirements of the code surrounding development or environment. Background: The applicant is requesting a boundary determination by made on the referenced property. The property is presently located wi thin the Na- tive Area (NA) land use district. The adjacent lot to the South, lot 2, is located within the Improved Subdivision (IS) land use district. Lot 3 would be the only property affected by the boundary determination if the IS/NA line is redrawn to include it. Findings of Fact: Lot 3 is a platted lot which was initially designated as Residential Use prior to the change in land use planning in 1986. On February 28, 1986 the designation was changed to Native bordered by Improved Subdivision and Urban Residential Mobile Home di stricts. On January 19, 1988 the designation was confirmed with the updating of the land use district maps. Information supplied by the applicant reinforces the intent of a single family home. Enclosed are photo's which shows the present state of the property. Surveys done by qualified professionals demonstrated the ability to place the intended single family house on the lot. The ques- tion of vested rights should not be taken into account, but the charac- ter, intent and purpose of the land use district should be the determin- ing factors. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes X No Attached -- Board Policy(ies) Applicable: N.A. Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date X N.A. Alternatives: Not applicable. Attached Documentation:~Yes No 1. Application and proof of payment 2. Photograph of the Site 3. Proposed Boundary Map 4. Land Use District Map 5. Aerial Map 6. Land Use District Map February, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Land Use District Map Pre-September 15, 1986 8. Survey and Sewage system proposed 9. Staff Reports (Planner & Biologist) 10. Correspondence ./~ ( ( APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Arnold and Anna Manger PHONE # ADDRESS c/o Land Use Plan Consultants, Inc. P. O. Box 355, Summerland Key, FL, 33042 KEY LittlE" Torch MM 30 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Windward Beach Estates PLAT BOOK PB 4, PAGE l3l BLOCK 4 LOT(S) 3 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) at end of Grenada Lane, oHihe channel REQUEST CHANGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: NA TO IS Lot is scarified, has water,electricity, and a paved road. The lots adjoining it to the south are developed. The lot already has a boat ramp and partial seawall; the bay-bottom in front of the lot has been disturbed by previous dredging. The only mangroves on the property are on or near the shoreline. Vested riqhts on this property should be recognized by changing designation to IS. PRESENT LAND USE: boat ramp DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: Boundary, elevation and existing structures survey; certified biologist's evaluation of vegetation on site; proposed site plans; photograph, copy of plat; aerial photo; I" = 200' district boundary map; power of agency for LUper . ~ SrGNA~ - ~ ~4"A"L _ DATE 8/26/88 Fee pai? fbt;/df- 7 {2"",'(;fif Q~,,- ~~J~ -- (0 N to L.{) "-T "-T '- , , , , . , , . , . ~i ~ <~! Q : - . ~ i o : ~ Q) ~ -:u ~ I 1 I I I en I "0: ..... . -............: ::s~ l~: ~ ~ : V); ~~ ~' " >- ,I ' ~ = s::i\ i 5 _s <;::: I ~i u u <:::)1 : ~j~ ~ I \~ g I! I : I : I g I ~ ~ Q o w p;j ::> ~ W !i: . (J ol. .~ o. Z ~i 0- ...-4 ~! . : ~ , , , , , . , , , ! ~ ! \..i i '=L! i~ : ~" ~: ;' . . . : : I : ! ~:! . ' "- i : N i ""-i '-.>: ~: "I C"""'-I , ......' c:.! ! , , . . ~~.! i : . : .' i i\.J '-.ie "t::i ~i~ : : , . . . . ..-J ' ~I ~ ~~ ~i ~i ~: ~: : -i : ~l : : : ~: ~~ ~ , , . ! ~ o ~ -- .. .. .. .. .. .. :: .. .. :: .. ~ii .. :: . .. J~i ~: ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , , , . , . . , , , , , , , , , , . . . , . . . . . : I . . ' . . ' . . ' . , ' . , ' . , ' ' , . , , ' , , . , , ' , , ' , . ' . . ' . . ' . . ' . i ! i ! ! ! ! :!i : ,::,:1 !~ ,~!~ ! ~ I ~ w (J ~ ~ o ...::I c:t: e-. o e-. --- ..:..-"aJ .. . - ~- ...' ( ( ,/ ,- , , , , , , , , , , , , , . ... -----------~, , , , , N A"", , , , , , , , ., a " . n ... . . > . .. " - , -= 17 .. Q 17 .. , .., - . ., ; . ., 'tt - it - ." -IE - 14', z , - ~ , .. :II . .. c . .. - ... , . c IS , .. It .. U It .. , N 11 , N 11 N , , .. 'II .. 'II .. P....nt to Section t.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monroe County Code, the boundarle. of the Land U.e olatrlet Map are Interpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly de.crlbed aa: Extend IS boundary line to include lot 3, block 4, Windward Beach Estates. N 1 Director, Growth Management Sheet # 370 Ke~ittle Torch ~ Date BOCC Re.olutlon 1"-200' r ..., . 11 .. n 41 . .. . . 17' .. . 1'1 . . 14 .. 11 lot 11 .. N I 1"=200' t -----------~, , , , , , N A"", , , , ,. , , , , , , , ( , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 11 .. at 41 17' . > - II: a c I -' c ~ c u 14 11 .. 17' . . 1'1 . . . 14 .. 11 lot 11 11 u 11 ( n II 1'1 - - - - - - - --, , , , . .. lot .. Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# Appllc ant: Key: IS d. .~_.,. '''' ;"iiIIIlIIWiio~ /~ ~1.':f>.l. ~. '.- ./ " /"'~ FII e # Mile Marker: ( ( -, c' ':;:,{~'. .~{:~W1l~; :i, N Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. Edition,19 1"=-600' i Panel or Sheet# (Un Applicant: Key: File # Mil e Ma r ker: ,~ !' ~ \ , \" ^ I U R M Ir~, ")"' - -~ LITTLE TORCH ICE ' Y I '~, ' ~r.!p~XL.T~WER 11959 I ;;:.~ h'-2~12~~ 4- \ NA \ a \ . \ I. \ \ I ) I I , \ I J 1 1 ! It! l(l SR i I- h, L' ! j, i i l . ,.. N I 1"= 600' I ( ( . --~ r~ '~r ---. ( \\ \ \ \, ~S"l \ \ \\~ ", \ \ \~.,\ '" t., - .....cr.:- - - -.........., ~c~ )\ ---- -- N. A \~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , " \ -,- \- -' r- J \\' Il' ~ ~ L~" \ ~K- \\ ~l_- " - - r \~ \\\ \S~~ \ - ( \\ \ \ \ ' I J I 0/ I t;\\ \ \\ . \ \ ~ ,.l.. -' ~-/ \>1 ~I- ( ___~ ~ ~ h'~~\ : / ~ t I ~ I " ~ I ( ,--- " ,I, S Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# ~" : Flle# Applicant: Key: @ Mile Marker: ( ( '( . po>. ~ - . .s:- o ""' - c.. .. C>> ..q Z - w ~ -.1 GIt v .., (J'J -... ... t ., .. .... "" " ~ ~(;); -"-- --- lJ) '4;> o #, ...- ~ ~ _ ~ I V _'.. I "J ~ l'" , , .> u ~t '. I. ~......... ~: Z I ~'." q. · . f'll' ... r - ;::..-'. :-' :, .......~ --__,~3 .. z,. "I '- ~ . .' ild J I An r: .~ ,1.' . 'i~} . N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 ~.'~::..' . ~ I 1.'"'200' t Panel or Sheet# ~ Applicant: Key: Flle# Mile Marker: NOl'l IlIVATlON. 'HOW.. THllllY ~ 4,0 A.. ".LATIV. TO TH.)!12. 'OA( L CIIODITlC VIA TICAL Dll,lI F:: ~:~~~~~~~~'t- FO 'Y10) 13L.~ 3 ((,: \' ~ ~ PIP' <-- S' \""" ~~o/1 l;~ s.' . ~\... - i e... ...,~:\ ~~ lI! x 3.1 ~~~~~~ ~~ 7. ! , TR~S :/\ ~'" 1.- \. 5 /." "'we '- o\~ . ~ETAI L.I . ~ t" ~~;~ ~ \ ~. I ~ 0 c::.:.:",..~~ i ?~:.> tc.ss ,'.1- "0' · IS "'<;'~"~"" \.~&r~~ FboNA'L~I},.. ,0- 120',,,,,.. E.:~)' ~,.!! 1"== SE,Tu.+ (12.0~ i>.......T ? J ~ '< ROD LeT 4 '. ~ -' St:T"' ~ 4 - ~ :- Roo ~~ 1,\\ _ - '-.J , .:>c.. eo " KI1-J(;SToN LANE. I I BI:NCH MARK, "PKo NAIL IN pC'lw-=R. P(H.8 ' A. T 'i..W, COH~r:R. OF THIS 1-01 EL. ~.ooC.r-.IC.VD-2~) Of!A.CAipt.Wn Lot], Bloch" I Acr:JJ/IfLiJl.~ to tAe. 'Plat of- (I) Uulwrvul Beadt C"" taif!A.1 'PLai. Book ", 'P~ 1]11 'Pu6.(.,ic 7?~JUU. o/. f!10fVlOe. [oLtJLt!lt JLo.l!i.tk. , 1M Jle.co/lded in. I I i I I I , HEREBY AnEST llull 10 rh. b..I 0' my knO....I.dg. .nd bon., Ih. 'IUI'i'Y "P"..nlod hltlon compl/lI 'Nllh tho mInimum l.chnlcllll.ndl'dl..1 ..llol1h by , .". florid I Ooa,,, 01 Land SurvoVo,.. purlu.nl 10 SocUon .12.027, Florid. Slolulll. Th. tI.,. .r .unr., ... \ t'I '" PR., L I ~ ~b L. I ! , , I '/ SURVEY FOR: To h ..lid. cop/.. mUll h.t.. orlpln.' 01 Surv,yor'. .Ion"ur. and embo...d ,u'lmprlnt 2198 A/VIOLd. <f AIVl.a f!1~ or'. Sign. lUll) '21 APR. &1- . . l512nllur. Oil.) , 1IJ/JWi.d d' Anna {tJnn",,,. Thll IU"'.V P"pVod 10' - -;r--" lhle IU"'&; IUbJ.cllo a 1111. I' arch. ~ Surv'YOI s.al I I ~ .[v. rlflD: Jac.. Pac lA, IT: Pee.... (llO IT: JaG ~1 '. ~, ~f .}~ ~' .. ~'....7f\ . ". o. sox 283 8>OUt-.JDARY SURVEY. J. p. CASE , LAND SURVEYOR ....1" ,. ......"... o.t. Tf', ~ A 't\c... ,: A. NO: '? '? 'Z. OW'O, NO: A, '5~ I 'UUUIRlANOkEV"~A LAN 0 C LEA R I N G 1\ P P L( \. T {.:. ~ITE EVALUATION Survey Evaluation For: Arnold Manger c/o Sweetwater Homes Rt. 3, Box 236 Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 PH.n (305) 872-9520 ( OF A SCA~IL___ LOT Description of Property: Lot 3, Block 4, Windward Beach Estates, Little Torch Key, Section 21, Township 665, Range 29 E, Monroe County~ Fla. Purpose of Clearing: The owner wishes to remove the vegetation within the areas proposed for the house, driveway, and septic system. All remaining native species will be left as Natural Native Landscaping. Location of Lot: Located approx. 100 ft. North of the Northeast corner of th intersection of Kingston and Gro.nada; Approx. one mile from U.S. Hwy. I, at H.M. 28.5, Little Torch Key .~::~~~.{-.. , ',' -' ~ <{; rl c;; . "', ';, t o'leH WOOD LOCATION HAP: .. " c ~ SITE DOCUMENTATION PHOTO Lot 3, Bk.4 ---\.Jindward Beach Estates, Little TorcL1_ Key, Arnold Manger Description of Present Vegetation: Tllis is a scarified lot along Pine Channel. The present vegetation is from reseeding by both native species, and the exotic pest species of Brazilian Pepper {Schinus terebinthifolius>. Native species observed were Green Buttonwood (Conocar~ erectus), BayCedars {Suriana maritima>. Black Torch (Erithalis fruticosa), speci.es of Barrichia, and scattered along the shoreline Sea Purslane (Sesurnium portulacastrum)-:-RedMan'grov..es'l'E EVA I ' v ) . - ,---- ~.J. .. .UATION D,~ (Rh lzophora mang 1 e) and \.Jh 1 te Mangroves . )' , . \ . (Laguncularia racemosa). Llnua D. Ilcrce, BJO Logl.Sl: - ---- P.O. Box lIoq Summerland Key, Fla. 33042 (305) 745-3191 Date: 12/18/86 MOTHER Nl\'l'URE'S EN'''e~PIUSJ.:::J ""~'" 'c' STATE OF FLORIDA ,,F ~}l' DEPART"'--- c.( HEALTH AND REHABILI'... .l( E VICES ~~ APPLICATION FOR ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ~ Permit Application Number ,.......-...--...........-...-....--....................... PART II . SITE PLA N --......--...---.--.----..-.----.-- : II . : I , I , t- . . . j I . I I; m I ,ii :! ! I ;; .: I . : ; : : ~ l11 es: A. mt{!Lt~r . Cl- /~' ~.., ....Y-- . ~u;;rr--- ul'G Ar~ Plan submitted by: (2!nL:IR~2'(i~__ filLE I Approlfed Not Approved ____ Date County Public Unit ALL CHANGES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT , u' m 40 t 5 r fOb 85 tOhor."oleles previous edlll,)rIS whIch r,~8Y not be us('!dl f'oJ'nber 57 ~4'C'02.4015'61 Page 2 of 3 ( ( M E MaR AND U M Date: March 10, 1989 To George Garrett, Coordinator, Environmental Resources Dept. Pat McNeese, Biologist, Environmental Resources Dept. ~"\.:-.~,! \ \ \ From: Re Lot 3, Block 4, Windward Beach Estates; Manger--applica- tion for boundary determination ----------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a boundary determination be made on the referenced property. The property is presently located with- in the Native Area (NA) land use district. The adjacent lot to the south, Lot 2, is located with}n the Improved Subdivision (IS) land use district. Lot 3 would be the only property affected by the boundary determination if the IS/NA line is redrawn to in- clude it. This review was done without benefit of a survey. SITE DESCRIPTION Lot 3 is a vacant disturbed lot of old fill dominated by buttonwood trees. The ground covers and other plants present indicate a mix of upland and wetland character. Basically, the southern portion (approximately 45 feet measuring along Grenada Drive) of the property is a disturbed salt marsh vegetated with Monanthochloe, Distichlis, and Fymbristilis and having wetland soil character. The remainder of the property was apparantly filled to the point where it would be considered upland property vegetated by salt tolerant plants such as buttonwood, Brazilian pepper, tree sea oxeye daisy, blacktorch and others. There is a mangrove fringe along the shoreline. EVALUATION As always, marginal lots such as this one present a difficul ty when attempting to apply the stated purpose of any particular land use district. Section 9.5-213 states that Improved Subdivi- sion property must "have sufficient uplands to accommodate the proposed use in accordance with the required setbacks". Although not sta ted in the application, it is assumed, since a plot plan was submitted, that the applicant would like to build a single family dwelling on the lot. The plot plan appears to show the house located within the disturbed wetland area on the site. It cannot be determined at this time whether the property has suffi- cient uplands for a single family home, since the county code does not mandate a minimum size for homes. Section 9.5-263.(a) states that the 10t must have "sufficient land area and dimen- sions to meet the requirements of chapter 10D-6, Florida Adminis- trative Code, for the installation of on-site wastewater treat- ( ( Garrett/McNeese March 10, 1989 Page Two ment systems". It is unclear and cannot be determined at this time whether this requirement can be met. This property should be thouroughly reviewed by a planner to insure that these require- ments can be met. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the IS/NA boundary be moved to the north to include Lot 3 only. This recommendation is made with the condition that the property be reviewed by the planner for compli- ance with Sections 9.5-213 and 9.5-263 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. cc: Jeanne DuBois mangrove fringe --- - ( ( f I To j From: ! I t Date: 1 ~ Re MEMORANDUM Donald Craig, Asst. County Administrator Nancy Harvieux, Planne:: l"V October 11, 1989 Boundary Determination for Block 4, Lot 3 Windward Beach Estates, Little Torch Key, FL Applicant: Manager BACKGROUND: Applicant has requested a boundary determination from Native (NA) to Improved Subdivision (IS) based on lot condition and vested rights of the owner. Presently the area is developed with single family houses, existing roadways and infrastructure. The lot is disturbed with limited plant growth. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the IS/NA boundary be moved to the north to include Lot 3. After review of the property and the potential development drawing submitted by the applicant, it is possible to develop a single family residence within the guides of Sections 9.5-242 Improved Subdivision. Determination of this boundary does not imply that the applicant may intrude or ignore requirements of the code surrounding development or environment. ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable. FINDINGS OF FACT: Lot #3 is a platted lot which was initially designated as Residential Use prior to the change in land use planning in 1986. On February 28, 1986 the designation was changed to Native bordered by Improved Subdivision and Urban Residential Mobile Home districts. On January 19, 1988 the designation was con- firmed with the updating of the land use district maps. Information supplied by the applicant reinforces the intent of a single family home. Enclosed are photo's which show the present state of the property. Surveys done by qualified profes- sionals demonstrate the ability to place the intended single family house on the lot. The question of vested rights should not be taken into account, but the character, intent and purpose of the land use district should be the determining factors. ~ (" (~ LAND USE PLAN CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 355 SUMMERLAND KEY, FL 33042 JEN E\ERSOLE PRESIDENT TELEPHONE (305)'U~ IBM 87.1- ;n,j'{) February 2, 1989 Pat McNeese, Biologist Building Department 5825 Jr. College Road, West Key West, FL, 33040 Dear Pat: I just developed an old roll of film and found this aerial photo of the Manger's lot on Little Torch, Breezeswept Beach Estates. I called Ruth to ask her to put it in the application file, and she said she had sent it to you. Would you please put this photo in the file for me? The reason I would like to have it in the file is that the photo shows how well the p.r_o_pert.y meets the definition (purpose) of the Improved Subdivision district, i.e., paved street, water lines, electrical lines, and even a partly disturbed shoreline. I know these are more planning issues than environmental/bio10gical ones. Ruth has said that this determination is pretty much up to you. When you make your decision, would you please give me a quick call and let me know, so I can tell the Mangers what the odds are? Thanks. so~ Jen r i ' i , ~~ a"c';;~~ to ....... C' ~\~.:,).tIl cU'Q~~.~~..l ~(, ., 1: , .~~.............:...~~~o~ O#cou...,.'f,',.,.;r ~~~9'" -- ---- ...,-......# 1!lannp lL. iL\olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 13051 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (3051 294.4641 December 26, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. 13051 852.9253 CERTIFIED MAIL RETUR~ RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 P-07{)- qf~ -1',-// and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 /( <' , F<fd- Gentlemen: 7'17- At a Regular Meeting in formal session on December 13, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. ~-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 48, Block 4, Lot 3, Windward Beach Estates, Little Torch Key. i \. I Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. I I h { Very truly yours, 'panny L. KOlhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Cle~k Board of County ommissioners by: Rosal~e L. Deputy Clerk cc: County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additJonal services are desired, and complete items 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return recei t fee will tovide ou th name of the arson deli r d to and the date of delivery, For ad Itlona eas t e 0 owtng services are avel a e. onsu t postm. aster or ees and check box(es) far additional service(s) requested, 1. 0 Show to whom delivered, date. and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) - (Extra charge) 3. Article Addressed to: 4~rticle. umb r " /7) .t1, ";;/2,1: __ ..J./iC~,,- __'' _. -- I'll -IJ.- _ '"';"'"\ 6 T~eOf Service: -"1/\/40 ~VL.tu...., A ....red .~>Dln.ured ex. I' Certified G" 0 COO -'" A;J D Express Mall 0 Return Receip.t ~ if:.. for Merchandise I ~) '3::>2"2'~ Always obtain signature of addressee v'7 or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) 5. Signature X 6. X 7. Addressee '. 19"1" r:. ""!l1 <U.S.G..O. ,....23...,. DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT " ",' c o ~ i ~ PS Form 3811. Apr. 1989 1-- i ! P 070 282 842~ RETEIPr FOF; CFR'ti"!ED MAIL :!'.'},:':FGI/'i,M;[F'I1G\I!DFI' \H;'J;; ""A; M,,\,' ~1 9LJ c i0(~1 _.~--; I I I I ~ o o <Xl M E :, "- U) ~ ,"i".,,,,~ '" 1",1:, P 841 CZU- 070 282 r.H...(;l ,PT F()n CE.RTfFiF;1- MAtt 'I' !.,: 'il:'!~C, ')IVi flACL "~OV:Df I' ,\ ! ( ;! \';r ',;1, A; ~~,\,: . ei'" " I':V.CA. , 100~ltlG ~. '..1/ 1141!4~/J/3~ i'::"" 1'?r~1 ! :'~,' ';!l" I i ~ re/I C-- (j., ,~<~~~~ ;. .('" ;~"~ " '.if; r>~"F'J ~, ,-.' ~ ",", ...-- ".~,' ,.~~" - "';":;'Jf.' :H',':J " o ~If"""- o ,,' ~"'~", Uate.. ~ ,. 90' d~ ':;' E, ~I u)' a.. 1 . ' ,:Complete items 1 and 2 when 8ddltlonal services are desired, and comptete items Put ~~in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse skle. Failure to do ,this wlUp'~t this card from being returned to yOu. Th r r I t f '1, id h n of t ~ ~~' " . ,ng servlcea are eve 8 e; "nsu stet' ees a ' '- . " , , ' ,', ,tdditionalservlcelsl requested. , 1. 0 ShoW' to w~mdeliverad, d.., and addressee', address. 2. 0 R..~rtct8d Delivery (Emu chture) (ex... c/ldrrel 4. rticle Nun; '0... !.1pe of Service: U Regiltered ~"Ified Express Man 3. Al'I8 led to: . J):-eA- f), 'V '. ~ 9ftJ uJu.:t; d.-/. 3~1/ t! t/d. Iways obtain algna'tUreof addteMte agent and DATE VEA 8. Addr....... Addreu (ONLY if requested and fee ptlid) Signature Addresl" ~ PS Form 38n.Apr. 1989 DOMESTIC RlTORN IIECElI"T * u...o.P.O. 1....31-115