Resolution 088-1994 MCFA RESOLUTION 088 -1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD 0F ..g w COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE PRE~TION AND SUBMISSION OF A COMPETITIVE GRANT APPL~TIO~O -~' THE FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY (FHF A) Fc:9R 25 FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME} _' u PROGRAM DISASTER RELIEF SET-ASIDE SPECIAL ALLOCA TIeN' FUNDS AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF APPLIcATION ~ DOCUMENTS BY THE APPROPRIATE COUNTY AUTHORITIES. -'1 rrl o ~..J ~ ~- , , c 7) WHEREAS, the Special Programs Office of the Monroe County Housing Authority under the Governmentallnterlocal Agreement for Affordable Housing has advised the Board of County Commissioners of the county's eligibility to apply for one-time emergency housing funds under the HOME program; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County regular HOME application in the amount of $1,499,750 is currently ranked number two in the statewide competitive process; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been authorized by Congress and Presidential decree to allocate HOME Emergency Disaster Relief Funds to South Florida communities whose housing stock has been adversely impacted by Hurricane Andrew; and WHEREAS, the Florida Housing Finance Agency (FHF A) has been designated the State of Florida's agency for the administration ofHUD HOME Emergency Disaster Relief funds for eligible counties and local municipalities; and WHEREAS, the FHF A Board and staff have agreed to a competitive set aside of $1,060,000 for Broward, Collier and Monroe Counties for HOME rental activities to mitigate the impact of Hurricane Andrew on its existing housing stock; and WHEREAS, the FHF A Board and staff have amended the Emergency HOME Disaster Relief Grant for utilization of HOME funds for homeownership activities only in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the HOME Emergency Disaster Relief funds do not require match funds to be provided by eligible communities; and WHEREAS, over 33% of the 10,847 housing units located in unincorporated Monroe County are classified as mobile home/trailers and other, according to the 1990 U.S. Census and the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan- Housing Element; and WHEREAS, approximately 68% of these mobile homes were constructed and installed prior to 1978 which means they were constructed prior to the passage of the Comprehensive HUD Construction Standards passed in 1976 and implemented in 1977 and 1978; and WHEREAS, the age and construction standards utilized for the majority of the county's mobile home stock, which provides the majority of the county's affordable housing stock, is rapidly deteriorating to a substandard housing condition; and WHEREAS, the program design criteria for any HOME activity in Monroe County will require all eligible low income recipients to have sufficient income to obtain a first mortgage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, that 1. The Monroe County Housing Authority, pursuant to the GOVERNMENTAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, select applicants, prepare and submit a HOME Emergency Disaster Relief application on behalf of Monroe County to address the affordable housing needs of the county's low income residents. 2. The county's application strategies, based on fund availability, will be prioritized to (first) address trailer substitution to a permanent home structure for existing owners of substandard mobile homes and lots; (second) address the needs of existing affordable housing program participants as required; and (third) first-time homeownership applicants not included in the county's previous HOME application. 3. The Monroe County Growth Management Division is directed to assist in the necessary technical support from a building and planning perspective for the trailer substitution program. 4. The County Administrator and Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, shall be authorized to execute any required documents on behalf of the county as the applicant. 5. The Monroe County Housing Authority shall be eligible for reimbursement for any and all costs associated with the preparation of said application in an amount not to exceed $21,200. Such funds shall be made available from the county's CDBG Program Income Fund 100. 6. The Monroe County Housing Authority shall be eligible for reimbursement for any costs associated with the administrative costs of said grant upon award by the Florida Housing Finance Agency, in an amount not to exceed $53,000, or 5% of grant funds, whichever is less. Such funds shall be made available from the county's CDBG Program Income Fund 100. 7. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission, by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd of March A.D. 1994. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROV~~ X TO FORf,>, N ANDe!U~IENCY. Attom~Y'$ OffiCII BY: ~ (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOIBAGE, CLERK By~C,~~ Deputy,c er Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes