Resolution 789-1989 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 789 -1989 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS. WHEREAS, i~ is necessary xor ~he Board ox Coun~y Commissioners ox Monroe Coun~y, Florida, ~o make budge~ed ~ransxers se~ up in ~he Monroe Coun~y Budge~ xor xiscal year 1989-1990 and ~o crea~e new i~ems under said budge~, now, ~herexore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ~ha~ ~he budge~ed ~ransxers previously se~ up in ~he amoun~s hereinax~er se~ xor~h be ~ransxerred ~o and xrom ~he xollowing accoun~s: Transxer xrom PROMOTIONAL I~em # 116-110200-559-470, RESERVES FOR PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING The sum ox $ 11,111.00 In~o PROMOTIONAL I~em #116-110200-559-490 TRADE SHOWS Transxer xrom PROMOTIONAL I~em # 116-110200-559-470, RESERVES FOR PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING The sum ox $ 3,000.00 In~o PROMOTIONAL I~em #116-110200-559-445 GOVERNOR'S TOURISM ADVISORY COMMITTEE Transxer xrom PROMOTIONAL I~em # 116-110200-559-481, COLLATERAL MATERIALS The sum ox $ 70,000.00 In~o PROMOTIONAL I~em #116-110200-559-467 MEDIA MATERIALS Transxer xrom PROMOTIONAL I~em # 116-110200-559-481, COLLATERAL MATERIALS The sum ox $ 131,000.00 In~o PROMOTIONAL I~em #116-110200-559-469 ADVERTISING EXPENSES Transxer xrom EVENTS I~em # 107-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum ox $ 98,011.50 In~o EVENTS I~em #107-110300-559-428 FESTIVAL OF THE CONTINENTS 3: ~ "1 C) '-:J :z:: :"1:.'1,..... ..,.., ;::) 0 ~'-' l'"T1 1 C"":l N 0\ .. :r= ''1 \0 -j N -.' \0 Transxer xrom EVENTS I~em # 110-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum oX $ 15,000.00 In~o EVENTS I~em #110-110300-559-428 FESTIVAL OF THE CONTINENTS Transfer from EVENTS Item # 111-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum of $ 29,300.00 Into EVENTS Item #111-110300-559-428 FESTIVAL OF THE CONTINENTS Transfer from EVENTS Item # 109-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum of $ 2,500.00 Into EVENTS Item #109-110300-559-440 MIDDLE KEYS CONCERT SERIES Transfer from EVENTS Item # 110-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum of $ 10,000.00 Into EVENTS Item #110-110300-559-418 RAIN BARREL ARTS & CRAFTS Transfer from 3RD CENT Item # 121-110505-559-990, PROMOTIONAL & ADVERTISING, 3RD CENT The sum of $ 73,000.00 Into 3RD CENT Item # 121-110502-559-414 DISTRICT ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Transfer from 3RD CENT Item # 117-110504-559-990, SPECIAL EVENTS, RESERVES, 3RD CENT The sum of $ 10,000.00 Into 3RD CENT Item # 117-110504-559-413 KEY WEST LITERARY SEMINAR Transfer from TOURIST INFO. SERVICES Item # 121-110502-559-990, TOURIST INFORMATION SERVICES, 3RD CENT The sum of $ 6,333.00 Into 3RD CENT Item # 121-110502-559-342 KEY WEST TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER Transfer from EVENTS Item # 107-110300-559508, MONROE COUNTY FINE ARTS COUNCIL The sum of $ 38,250.00 Into EVENTS Item # 107-110300-559471 RESERVES FOR EVENTS Transfer from EVENTS Item # 108-110300-559508, MONROE COUNTY FINE ARTS COUNCIL The sum of $ 6,750.00 Into EVENTS Item # 108-110300-559471 RESERVES FOR EVENTS Transfer from EVENTS Item # 109-110300-559508, MONROE COUNTY FINE ARTS COUNCIL The sum of $ 11,250.00 Into EVENTS Item # 109-110300-559471 RESERVES FOR EVENTS Transfer from EVENTS Item # 110-110300-559508, MONROE COUNTY FINE ARTS COUNCIL The sum of $ 7,500.00 Into EVENTS Item # 110-110300-559471 RESERVES FOR EVENTS Transfer from EVENTS Item I 111-110300-559508, MONROE COUNTY FINE ARTS COUNCIL The sum of $ 11,250.00 Into EVENTS Item I 111-110300-559471 RESERVES FOR EVENTS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk o~ the Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to e~~ect the trans~er o~ ~unds hereto~ore set ~orth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board o~ County Commissioners o~ Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting o~ said Board held on the 13th day o~ December A. D. 19~. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MOKROE COUNTY, FLORIDA L;- BY, c7tfi<-~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) T KOLHAGE Clerk ATTEST: DAN!~ .u.. , - .' ~~~~.~ CLERK APPROVED BY: ,J.PPROVErl AS r,'J "ORA, /-1- (.... COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR '=> ~i\J\J.-t,~ Atwlr:t Y'X ()j'i.r, ~ \\~ '\ \li\&\D-- N \~ ADMINISTRATIVE IRECTOR