Resolution 194-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 194 - 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EXPRESSING CONCERNS TO THE GOVERNOR AND CABINET ABOUT A LARGE- SCALE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH MIAMI- DADE COUNTY, PROPOSED BY ATLANTIC CIVIL, INC., REFERRED TO AS THE FLORIDA CITY DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI), AND REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOT APPROVE ANY ELEMENT OR PHASE OF THE PROJECT THAT MAY ADVERSELY IMPACT MONROE COUNTY AND UNDERMINE THE COUNTY'S ABILITY TO FULLY MEET THE COMMITMENTS OF ITS PARTNERSHIP WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO REVISE RULE 28.20, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. WHEREAS, Atlantic Civil, Inc. proposes to develop 1,465 acres of a 3,187 acre tract located approximately at the junction of Card Sound Road, U.S. 1 and the Florida's Turnpike in south Miami-Dade County, hereinafter called the "Florida City DRI"; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Florida City DRI development consists of 6,000 dwelling units, 300,000 square feet of retail, 90,000 square feet of office, an 1,800 seat theater, 240 hotel rooms, a Kindergarten to 8th grade school, a high school, and 60 acres of parks to be developed over a ten-year period; and, WHEREAS, the proposed development requires approval as a Development of Regional Impact under Chapter 380, Florida Statutes; and, WHEREAS, the subject parcel requires amendments of the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and, the 2005 Urban Development Boundary (UDB), as it is located outside the 2005 Urban Development Boundary subject to compliance review under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and, WHEREAS, a significant amount of vacant, developable land already exists with existing or programmed infrastructure and public services within the existing UDB north of the subject development to easily accommodate the demand for tens of thousands of new dwellings and large scale commercial, office, and other non- residential development in South Miami-Dade without having to expand the existing UDB further towards the Florida Keys and environmentally sensitive lands; and, WHEREAS, an expansion of the UDB will only further encourage urban sprawl and leap-frog development, and the additional loss of valuable, irreplaceable agriculture lands and open space in Southwest Miami-Dade County; and, Document 1 0 Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the expansion of the 2005 Urban Development Boundary will lead to further requests to expand the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) in Southwest Miami-Dade County to the further detriment of Monroe County and the fragile Everglades, Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay, and Florida Keys ecosystem; and, WHEREAS, the proposed development, which is all located within the 100- year flood plain, has potential adverse impacts for the full implementation of the Everglades Restoration Plan as it may well change the existing flood water holding capacity of the area, and the historic drainage and flow patterns of surface water to the Everglades, Florida Bay, and Biscayne Bay; and, WHEREAS, stormwater from such development could lead to increased stormwater pollution loading into Florida Bay and the Everglades, further degrading the quality of water surrounding the Florida Keys which is vital for sustaining the commercial fishing and tourism economy of the Florida Keys; and, WHEREAS, the proposed development is in a location approximate to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority's well fields that provide Monroe County with its primary source of drinking water and may have potential detrimental impacts on the yield capacity of this well system, which is already severely constrained; and, WHEREAS, the project is located within an area recommended in the Miami- Dade Hurricane Evacuation Plan for evacuation during a Category 2 or greater hurricane; and, WHEREAS, the proposed development will utilize SW 360th St. to create a main exit point at the critical junction of Highway 1 and Card Sound Rd, which is the sole hurricane evacuation route from the Florida Keys; and, WHEREAS, the loading of additional evacuation traffic from this proposed development at this critical road junction may detrimentally place the safety of the persons living and visiting the Florida Keys at much greater risk by increasing hurricane evacuation times and the possibility of life-threatening traffic jams during evacuation; and, WHEREAS, future development in the Florida Keys is directly tied to the time necessary to evacuate the Florida Keys, as evacuation is mandatory for residents and visitors for any Category 3 or greater hurricane; and, WHEREAS, under the current Hurricane Evacuation Model, the Florida Keys are already over the 24 hour standard that is required by the State of Florida and the County's Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, increasing the evacuation times for the Florida Keys resulting from the impacts of this development may even further limit the development of the Florida Keys in a manner that detrimentally impacts the Florida Keys economy and the capabilities of the County and its municipal governments to acquire environmentally sensitive lands, provide needed work force housing, and generate Document I 0 Page 2 of 4 sufficient revenues to fund wastewater improvements to meet the stringent 2010 wastewater treatment standards mandated by the State; and, WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners is concerned that such an adverse impact may jeopardize the ability of the County to fully meet the commitments of the partnership that the County recently entered into with the State of Florida to revise Rule 28.20, Florida Administrative Code governing the Florida Keys Areas of State Critical Concern; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The intensity and location of development proposed under the Florida City DRI may have significant adverse primary impacts on the Florida Keys in terms of hurricane evacuation, potable water supply, the Everglades Restoration Program, and Florida Bay and Biscayne Bay water quality. Section 2: The project will only further encourage and induce additional urban sprawl in South Miami-Dade by expanding the Urban Development Boundaries eventually leading to the elimination of the last acres of open space and agricultural lands remaining in South Miami Dade County and placing even further unnecessary strains on the viability of the Everglades and Florida Bay ecosystem. Section 3: If approved as proposed, the project and similar large-scale developments already occurring unimpeded in South Miami-Dade County may well threaten the County's long-term ability for sustainable development in terms of providing economic and housing opportunities for residents without compromising the biodiversity of the natural environment and continued ability of the natural and man-made systems to sustain livable communities in the Florida Keys for future generations. Section 4: The County representatives to the South Florida Regional Planning Council and County staff have been directed to monitor the DRI review and approval process for this project and will provide specific input on the final DRI application and supporting amendments to the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan Future Land Use Map and 2005 Urban Development Boundary; and will provide specific recommendations to the South Florida Regional Planning Council, Miami-Dade County Commission, and other appropriate governing or advisory bodies. Section 5: The County has submitted a resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, South Florida Regional Planning Council, and Miami-Dade County Commission identifying the County's concerns and issues and requesting that they be fully addressed by the applicant in its project assessment for the DRI and applications for amendments to the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan Future Land Use Map and 2005 Urban Development Boundary . Section 6: The County is extremely concerned that any adverse impacts on the County's hurricane evacuation times and potable water supply may result in further Document 1 0 Page 3 of4 reductions by the State of Florida on the number of permits that the County may issue, severely limiting the County's capability to provide affordable housing and acquire significant upland habitat. Such negative consequences would undercut the County's ability to meet the commitments of its partnership agreement recently entered into with the State of Florida to revise Rule 28.20, Florida Administrative Code. Section 7: The County requests that Florida Department Community Affairs in reviewing this proposed project and associated comprehensive plan amendments under Chapters 163 and 380, Florida Statutes, fully consider the possible adverse impacts on Monroe County, particularly on hurricane evacuation times, potable water supply and Florida Bay and Everglades water quality. Should any potential significant adverse impacts on Monroe County be identified in the review process, the County requests that the project and associated comprehensive plan amendments either be modified to mitigate any adverse impacts or be denied. Section 8: The County Administrator is requested to send an executed copy of this resolution to the Governor and Cabinet and the Secretary of the Florida Department of Community Affairs requesting that the State of Florida fully address the County's concerns as expressed in this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of May, 2004. yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~(~ Mayor/Chairperson By !:j ~ a::: N UJ -t 0 N c.:J ..J W 4: u.. L.U z: :I:"":~ -l u.... a:::: 0.. ..:::) .:z: 0:: ~ e:: :;:) 0 11) ,uO J . U LL. ,- -:'::w 0 :z: '- _.J 0 ::::> :CUo:: LLJ ..., < :z: .....J ..:r 0 C) ~ %: l.L. c= c:-...I JOHN R. COLLINS COUNTY ATTORNEY Date (10 \ 'Y I o~ Document 1 0 Page 4 of 4 ! , " ., i! , Ii u I; .,. I , " i I I . ;-..'." ~;, II!II'- . 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QUESTION 10 - 'GENERAL PROJECTOESCRIPTtON . . t : Proiect DescriDtlon As shown on the Location Map the Subject-Property is located east of US-tand north of Card Sound Road in unincorporated Miami-Dade County. The Subject Parcel is bounded on' the northi;)y SW' 352nd Street; on the east by SW 149th. .152nd 156th Avenues; on the south by SW 376th Street, predominantly; and, on, the west by SW ' 167th Avenue.' ' L h' , ' , , The' Subject Parcel. consists of approximately '1,465 acres ,andis' portion of approximately 3,187 acres owned by the APplicant. ,The Subject Property includes a 25o-acre lake. and 'S9me mitigation for past fill and mining activities. The1,845-aCres' owned by the Applicant outside the DRI bOlindarY are. contrOlled by mitigatiOn conservation easements and ~nnot be ~veloped, ' Approximately 1,23 acres ofolitparcels 'are encompassed with'in the DRI boundary including a parcel owned by FP&.L which 'extends eastlwestthrough the parcel. . . . " The Property nas been heavily impacted by p~st and present agriCUltural activities, as shpwn on the Aerial Photograph. The entire subject property is located within the 10Q. year flood prone area and is'desig,nated Zone A . .Oevelopment Proqram The Applicant proposes development of the following mix of uses: ". ~= ,- Table 1 Florida qity DR. , '. : ProPOSed ~velopment Proaram . Land Use Phase I ' Phase II Total 2005 - 2010 " 2()11 - '2015 Residential Single Family 2,100 du ,2.100 du 4,200 du, Multi-familY 900 du: 900 du 1.800 du RetaH 120,000 sf, 180,000 sf 300 000 sf Office I ' 30.000 sf 60 000 sf . " 90.000 sf Theater - 1,800 seats. 1.800 seats Hotel 120 rooms 120 rOQms 240 moms' School K-Sth Hiah School ' Parks eo acres 60 acres , ~., r .. .. . - . . /- '. Netes. . GLA - Gross Leasable Artla. G!.A Is approximately 85% of GFA (Gross FloOr Area) for offlce and retail USes. Therefore1he GFA equivalent Is approxlinatelY',1,5 percent greater lhan,shown above. The project will be developed over ten years with build-out occurring in the year 2015, , ten years after the issuance of a Development Order (DO). ' Ie '. Florlda City DRt Pre-AppIIcatlon Conference Summary Materials February 2004 ' Page 3 I f .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . QU~STION 21 . TRANSPORTATION Florida City DRI is a proposed mixed-use development with the characteristics of a Tmditlonal Neighborhood Deve.lopment environment. The project will be developed in 2 phases. Buildout for Phase I is anticipated by 2013. Project bUildout,is anticipated to occur by the year 2020~ The proposed development program ,is s~own In the following table. A transportation methodology meeting with all the review agencies w.iII be held as part of the Pre- Application Conferen~. The intent of t~is transportation methodology ,is to establish the approved methodology and assumptions that will be used as' the basis for preparing Question 21: Transportation, of the Application for Development Approval (ADA) for this Project. Studv Areal ExistiriQ R()adwav Network For traffic analysis purposes, the preliminary study area for the Project will be bound by Campbell Drive (SW 312 Street) to the north, the Miami-Dad6/Monroe County Line to the south, A1lapatah Road (SW 112 Avenue) to the east, and RedlandRoad (SW 187 Avenue) to the west. The study area is shown on Map J . Transportation Study Area: ' , . The roadway segments to be analyzed will be subject to the measurement of the Project's significant Impact. According to DRI,rules, ~significant Impact" Is measured as development traffic volumes Consuming 5% or more of the roadways Service Volume (as described., in the corresponding 'section). For roadways (and intersections) under study. the followintfconditions will be analyzed: " Existing conditions. · Future conditions without the proJect. Future. conditions with the project. 1. Existing Trafflc Counts Consistent with the adopted practices of the Miami-Dade Couhty Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP), PM peak periOd average annual traffic conditions will be analyzed for, all scenarios. For purposes of this study; 2004 will represent existing traffic Conditions. Existing traffic, counts will be obtained from the Miami-Dade County Concurrency database. the latest avall.able Miami-Dade County and Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) traffic counfvolumedata. recent transportation studies in the area, and, where necessary. 24-hour machine counts and/or peak hour intersection turning movement counts to be taken by David Plummer and Associates. Counts taken 'between 2000 and 2003 will be adjusted to 2004 conditions using the area ' background traffic growth rate. When needed; existing traffic counts will be converted to directional , peak period counts by applying actual "K" and .D" (actors published in the Miami-Dade County Concurrency worksheets. . . 2. 'Level of Service' Standards The Level of Service (LOS) standards adopted in the Miami-Dade County CDMP will be considered the required minimum LOS for all roadways. FJori~a City DRI Pre-Appllcatlen Conference Summary Materials Fel;iruary 2004 Page 22 r II- r ~ ,. ,. L f r~ ~> ~:. i::: ~: I, f ~ ., " ~, ~, f ~. r. ~ I, I ~ .. p ,. ~ " r r ~ ,. ,~ ~ b i , f i t .. ~.