Resolution 111-1994 Community Services RESOLUTION NO. III -1994 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE COUNTY COM- MISSION'S POLICY CONCERNING THE MARATHON AIRPORT BUFFERYARD VOLUNTEER PROJECT WHEREAS, the County is the owner of the Marathon Airport and desires to landscape certain areas of the Airport with vegetation native to various Keys ecosystems; WHEREAS, the County's dual purpose for the landscaping is to create a visual and noise buffer and to bring the endangered plants of the County to the attention of visitors and residents alike; and WHEREAS, the COllnty is willing to provide all ~rathon.are~ <...:) \0-_ Z ,: A :- volunteers with an opportunity to do the landscaping~~ ne~s ~ ""~ -~" -0 ." ::0 '7' establish a policy with respect to the work of th~(Yolunt;eerB:! ~ =:-: 0\' ....... ~) therefore, I:l Lv IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMtSSIONKliS ;-. J:::o. :-:;.' now, BE ~ MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Section 1. The landscaping tasks for the Marathon Airport are referred to as the Project in the remainder of this Resolution. The Volunteers must construct the Project in confor- mity to the plans described in Exhibit A and the specifica- tions described in Exhibit B. Both exhibits are attached and made a part of this Resolution. Section 2. County's Proj ect Manager and the Volunteers' coordinator are: Director of Comm\lnity Services Public Service Building 5100 College Road, Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 (305)292-4500 Bob Ernst 7525 Gulfstream Marathon, FL 33050 (305)743-6872 All Project communication needed must be through these individu- als or any assistants they may designate in writing from time to time. Section 3. Project construction must begin at the eastern end of the buffer strip (noted as "Upper Keys Hammock" in Exhibit A). Construction will then move westerly up the strip, after completion of each section in accord with Exhibit A or as agreed upon by the County and the Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteers may not plant any vegetation within 20 feet of the existing fence line in order to provide access to FKEC utility poles. The Volunteers must coordinate with the FKAA all the planting adjacent to the bike path due to the proximity of FKAA's main water line. Section 4. The Volunteers must furnish all labor needed to construct the Project. Section 5. The Volunteers may donate funds for the purchase of vegetation. The County must deposit the donations in a separate Project account. If available the County will provide grant funds to the Volunteers for Project construction. In the event grant funds are not available, the County will not be required to match the Volunteers' donation. Once the donation and matching funds, if any, are deposited in the Project account, the County shall purchase the vegetation and other Project materials, upon the recommendation of the Volunteer Coordinator, for planting by the Volunteers. The County may only purchase the quantity and type of vegetation needed for the Project increment, or increments, authorized by the County's Director of Community Services. All purchases must be made under the version of the County's purchasing manual then in effect. The County shall be responsible for the accounting of all funds received and spent in connection with the project. Section 6. The County must pay for the water necessary to assure the survival of the vegetation until the time it can survive on rainfall alone. The County shall make a water truck available to the Volunteers on the days it is not needed for use elsewhere. The Volunteers are responsible for loading water on the truck, driving the truck to the Project site, and watering the vegetation. In the event the County cannot make the truck available for the amount of time necessary to adequately water the vegetation, the Volunteers must still transport sufficient water - via whatever method they select - to keep the vegetation alive until it can survive on rainfall alone. Section 7. The Volunteers must assist the County in obtaining whatever permits are needed for the Project. The County must issue any County permit needed at no charge. Section 8. If the Volunteers wish to place signs on the Project site that explain the various types of vegetation, they must submit a plan for those signs to the County's Community Service Director for review. The County may pay for the signs out of the same funds, and in the same manner, as the vegetation. Section 9. The execution of a Volunteer Registration form by all Volunteers is needed to provide the Volunteers with workers compensation and liability insurance. Because of that, no person may work on any aspect of the Project without executing the form. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of March 1994. Mayor London yes Mayor Pro Tem Cheal yes Commissioner Harvey absent Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Reich yes (SEAL) Attest: DANNY KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~(!'~~ Deputy...c er a~rman resairlandscape fly ::) +1 , ~ C\l )- <t: 5 u.. o j.- ~ ~ ~ l-: fJ fLOt< * ~ , (J') ~ , o ')- \I) (\Jf-J) -w : u t- U 'J<J:: <C uJ ~ <C o Z - I- Z (( ~ pl l.L- ~ )- W c;( i 3 ill 1: >' ~ O:r: \\\ - :::;:::. ~~ -:::= - ~~ - ~~\\ \\ :=. \' -;::.\\\ --:;- ~~e: \\\\ ~ \\\\ 8\\\ -- {\\= :=\\\ \ l\\\- \\\ \ \\ -;; ?\~ \\\~ , \.- ~ : ~\ .-' :a-. ,. t:= ~ t~ ,.:. ,,-- .., ,- ,,:;::::. '1 \\\\ \., :::= ~'l'- }~~ ,- \\\\ ' - ...- ..-.-~._- \ \\ \ ...- ...- ,;A Ii!I 1',1 - - ',I \ , \::=. L-- :=,~\ \",\ \~ \ \\' :::::: l- "J- et: r (t: o ~ P- 0- ~ D <C~ ~ .=: \ \\ , , \ \,.\ \\\\ :=. ~\~ \\~,~ :::: \\ t9 -- ~ ~ no & ~ ~ ::1. I i t: q 1'1 l! Ii " rl I: :1 II f! Ii Ii i'l I i 'I ! I I If: ' I::, I~- !~ i JJ I [I~,! \ ' I , i LI I : I '-~ ~~ I r..:1 0-- l- I ' :' . 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The plant groupings are designed to allow a person walking on the bike path to see the different plants and their associated communities from the upper Keys, middle Keys, and the lower Keys with in a mile. The plant communities will include wetlands, transition areas, pinelands, and hardwood ham.~ocks. The elevations along the airport lend themselves to this concept of planting communities. At the western end of the airport, the end with the D. A. V . building. the ground is low and frequent ly flooded when it rains. The elevation gradually increases as you walk east. towards Mosquito Control. . A series of utility poles run the enti~e length of Lhe area to be landscaped. They are numbered with the #1 at the west end (D.A.V.) to #30 at the eastern end (Mosquito Control). The poles are approximately 250' apart. The location of the following planting areas will be indicated by the utility pole numbers. The planting of these areas \vill be completed in 125' sections. Each 125' section will be mulched (to be supplied by Monroe County) and then planted with 5 canopy trees. 10 understory trees 10 shrubs. and 20 ground cover. This planting will not include the area of the terminal. Al so. the area in front of the Flight DeparLment will be planted in clusters of trees, 0nly. The total number of trees for this project: 230 canopy trees 460 understory trees 460 shrubs 920 ground cover The soil will be amended with peat moss, cow manure. rooting hormones with trace elements. and time release fertili zer with chelated iron. The plant holes will be dug by a backhoe. The new plants will be watered by truck two times per week for the first month and then one time per week until the rainy season begins, to be supplied by Monroe County. The following plants are available now in limited quantities. Due to Hurricane Andrew the availability changes daily. Also species availabili ty may change with time. It is probable that changes will be needed at the time of planting to allow for this. - Page 1 - " . INITIAL PLANTING SIZE: Trees 6' to 8' in height, 7 gallon to 10 gallon Shrubs ~' to 4', 3 gallon Ground Cover 1', 1 gallon SECTION, , # 1-4 # 4-7 # 7-9 Wetlands Transition Pinelands COMMON NAME Green Buttonwood Silver Buttonwood Pond Apple Live Oak Blolly SHRUBS Sea Grape Maidenbush Necklace Pod Cocoplum Sea ox-eye TREES Green Buttonwood Spanish Stopper Blolly Jamaica 'Dogwood Willow Bustic Myrsine Silver Buttonwood 7 Year Apple Wild Tamarind SHRUBS Necklace Pod Sea Ox-Eye Maidenbush Lantana Limber Caper Bahama Cassia Coral Bean GROUND COVER Golden Creeper Spider Lilly TREES Slash Pines Silver Palm - Page 2 - Conocarpus erecta C. erecta sericea Annona glabra Quercus virginiana Guapira discolor Cocoloba uvifera Savia bahamensis Sophora tomentosa Chrysobalanus icaco Borrichia arborescen Eugenia foetida Piscidia Piscipula Dipholis salicitolia Myrsine floridana Casasia clusifolia Lysiloma bahamensis Lantana involucrata Capparis flexuosa Cassia chapmanLi. Erythrina herbacea Ernodea littoraJis Hymenocallis latifolia Pinus elliotii var. densa Cocothrinax argentata SECTION # 7-9 # 9-14 It 20-24 , COMMUNITY Pinelands COf"IMOl'l Nt\ME Thatch Palm Sweet Acacia SHRUBS Saw Palmetto Coontie Firebush Quail Berry Long Stalk Stopper Mid-Keys Hammock TREES Gumbo Limbo Jamaica Dogwood Black Ironwood Spanish Stopper Strangler Fig Geiger Tree Wild Tamarind Pigeon Plum Crabwood SHRUBS Dwarf Bamboo Grass Cocoplum Limber Caper Bahama Cassia ThrinaK mOrlSll. Acacia farnesiana Serenoa repens Zamia pumila Hamelia patens Crossopetalum ilicifolium psidium longipes Bursera simarouba Krugiodendron ferrel~ Ficus aurea Cordia sebestena Coco10ba diversifolia Ateramnus licidus GROUND COVER Blue Porter weed Stachytarpheta jamaicen Ernodea littoralis Spider Lilly Mid-Keys Hammock TREES Crab wood Autograph Tree Red Stopper Spanish Stopper Paradise Tree Black IromJood Gumbo Limbo Jamaica Dogwood Pigeon Plum Inkwood SHRUBS Myrsine Wild Coffee Lantana Cocoplum Dwarf Bamboo Grass Cassia - Page 3 - Clusia rosea Eugeni.a rhombea Simarouba glauca Bursera Simarollba Exothea p2niculata Psychotria nervosa Lantana camara , SECTION # 20-24 # 24-26 # 26--30 COMMUNITY , COMMON NAME Mid-Keys Hammock GROUND COVER Spider Lilly CLUSTERS AROUM~ FLIGHT DEPARTMENT Geiger Tree Pigeon Plum Gumbo Limbo Wild Tamarind Upper Keys Hammock TREES Mast ic Pigeon Plim Mahogany Lignum vitae Paradise Tree Dahoon Holly Satinleaf Jamaica Caper Wild Tamari.nd Shortleaf Fig SHRUBS Spice wood Lantana Cocoplum Fire Bush Myrsine Dwarf Bamboo Grass GROUND COVER Spider' Lilly Golden Creeper - Page 4 - Mastichodendron foetidissimum Swieteniamahogany Guaicum sanctum Ilex cassin9 Chrysophyllum olivitorme Capparis cynophallophora Ficus citrifolia Calyptranthes pall ens