Resolution 007-1986 Jeff Fisher, Extension Director Boating Improvement Fund Liaison RESOLUTION NO. 007 -1986 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN FRANK KEEVAN AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN RE: FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVE- MENT FUND PROJECT TO REPAIR DAYBEACONS IN TAVERNIER CREEK, OCEANSIDE, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby approves and authorizes the Mayor/Chairman of said Board to execute an agreement by and between Frank Keevan and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, in re: Florida Boating Improvement Fund Project to repair daybeacons in Tavernier Creek, Oceanside, Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of January, A. D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B \,::)"'J>..J~~';;:~ y MaYOr~~ a1.rman (Seal) Attestl)ANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~i2L er ' APPROVED AS TO FORA" ANDjl.EGAL surFICc"Cy' BY dtA~~ i Attornev's Off/.( ~_g_R_~_~_n_~_~_I THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS ." '''.....,.........."..............................................."..................-................................................................ day of ..-..".............___.tn....N.._..'.............................................. 1986. by and between FRANK KEEUAN SONs. INC.. Contractor. hereinafter called the "Contractor." and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. of the County of Monroe. State of Florida. hereinafter called the "Owner." WITNESSETH. that the Contractor and the Owner for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials and perform all the work as required by the Specifications for Boating Improvement Fund Project located at Tavernier Creek - Oceanside. Monroe County. Florida. a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The work to be performed under the contract shall be commenced within thirty (30).days from date Owner provides Notice to~roceed and to be completed within one hundred (100) days. 3. Further. the parties agree that if the Notice to Proceed has not been given by Owner to Contractor on or before April 30. 1986. that this Agreement shall be null and void. 4. Further. the work to be performed under the contract is contingent upon receipt of appropriate grant monies from the State Department of Natural~Resources. Boating Improvement Fund. It is also agreed that the Contractor understands the rules of the Department of Natural Resources. Boating Improvement Fund and will comply with said rules along with the rules and procedures instituted by the Owner to insure an orderly progress to the project. 5. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of the contracts the sum of (Two Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Dollars) .~ 2. Cf 7 o. 00 upon completion by Contractor and acceptance by Owner. Page I of 2 Pages 6. The attached Specifications and Plans to~ether with this Agreement, form the contract and they are as fully a part of this contract as if herein ~~peated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first written above. ... .. ...-._~..~ pres~~' (Seal) ,-'-Attest: ~~~.- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA --- B Y _._..__.._........................._..........................._...-..............__._____ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: ~ Clerk APP;;C :( (''7.1:7 By~L Page 2 of 2 Pages COUNTY OF MONROE KEY WEST~ FLORIDA SPECIFICATION~_EQB_8~EBIB_QE_B~R_I~~IGbbBIIQ~_QE --TAVERNIER-CB~~L_=_Qk~8~~IQ~_k~B~U~b_~B8L~B~ -IB~~8~1~8:_EbQ8IRB~~bQ~BQ~_kQ~~Il~_EbQBIQB Sealed bids will Florida all bids will Be publicly opened at a meeting County Administrator, Clerk of Court, and the Director. be received by the Board of County Commi ssi onet-s, , at v.Jhi ch ti me of the County Attorney, Extension.Service 1. ~E:~kIElkBIIQtl~: (A) Beplace and install two daymarks: as green square #7. Existing pile is o.k. (B) Replace and install daymarks: two as green square #9 and two as red triangle #10. E:-:isting piles are o.k. (C) Replace existing red triangle #10 to red triangle #12 with two daymarks. Existing pile is o.k. (D) Replace existinq green square #11 to #13 green square. Existing pile is o.k. (E) All daybeacons contain 2 daymark signs and al~ are 1/2 mile nominal. A drawing of said daybeacons is included in this . specification. ..-..- (F) Pile shall be of timber, treated with C.C.A.~ be able to stand the driving force necessary~ and have a minimum butt diameter of 12" measured 3' from end and minimum tip diameter 8". F'iles should be of sufficient length to provide 4-foot penetra~ion into sea floor and 8-foot elevation above mean high water. " ...... k~BIIElkGIIQ[J: (A) Bidder will certify in bid that the plans and specIfications of the project will comply with the proJ~ct design criteria established by the Department of Natural Rpsou~ces and will, if carried out~ result in completed facilities incorporating acceptable engineering design standards~ which facilities will be stryctually sound, safe and suitable for their location and intended use. ....._.#..-....-.;.~.IN....,..... __.~ .. ....:.........,.-.\.:.-"'4...,..,..~ ~__.. ". o--,~',.<.~,,~~ _,..:,_ (8) Awarded contractor must also certify completion of the project in accordance with.2(A) ~ and in accordance with all relevant permits. 3. Bidder shall speclty in bid estimated number of days .required to comp I ete actual construct ion. .' The Board of County Commissioners reServes the right to accept or reject any and all bids. All bids to remain valid for 120 days after bid selection by the Board of County Commissioners or until contractor is in effect allowing for new dates~ whichever comes sooner. Performance Bond required in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 255. If your bid or prop6sal exceeds $25~OOO~ it will be necessary to post a Performan~e Bond. Consult with the County Clerk of Courts for more information. ---- ~ '..,._,-..., t. ................._:........~,.....4..............:: -:,._......t.,.~..,,.:.i..;',.:.....;,.Jt. ..J,"'.... 6 I ~)!.""'~") 4:. 6! . I I '>j:(): / , '" .\ :.-- - -;- "'C / '-- " / _ :5 'I\,,- _ t'Jr/ \" -------' ~ 0~ '- . ~~/ P ~ / ~ _ ",,- " ... Markers~o:o\l<ts'!-"-/~~ -"60" ~ \,~ _ ''-<<...' 4 'I 6"";":'~"r'::::--"::' v_..",,, _" ~ ,_ 5 "1' "G-i~r- ~ _ _" P _")I.J/)'"P"~s.' P . I' -2G '67'S". .., 'A" C \ ~."'62'''~ ! 1<'/'.0 I J_ - ~~.f/ Jvf 61< J~.f ,,~ ........ _ ;: " 2 6 6 _ 65' ~ ~ - C) ~ ;: {)/ll..m",. RA \ ~ "2" 6 6 "--- 2 \~ l:>!-, r, '" .~.~; ,,\0 " "- S, Cllorage 6 . \ '. \/"1 ofs "r b 5 5 ~ 7 ~; 10 '0 ~ " ./ ~ ,i. a,.~ .12, ~,. ^ Ii. /' 15 ',. 16/ ".~~ '4 , Ii. 16 " "':.~,, 20.1 ' ~"" Il 20 19 i@' 'V ~.-J 17 '~O " .VVV\!'. /7 J\f\!\.J'v'V\. '~18' I 7 . ~ 6. J J' .I\fV\fV J F.f' JV15 f\fV\JV\f' J',f\JVV'J\IV\fVV - , 17 15._ 14 15 . H:A JV '3I1 "',,- 16//' 17 '"? 'JQ'<,'",~q. '^~,i: 14 14 ~ 3 ~8 I" tlrd r' , \ .. / / " "'- Cr" ;' ( ;'d?/ 'i. 20.: 20 "-"-" 17 ~\,;\ (;\6 l0 <.Y ,,23 ~ 1) '5 'i. 4 15 " @ 14 10.7-----,.!~_ '6 . I/,,? ~ ~ !)S45~"' /~b-Y~~~:J;; 19 V;Y3 '~" 15 r::----, 22 16 <' 0 ~ 17 ............~ ) 165 @ 27 2' . 115 / - hrd ~... tlrd 8 3 6_ 'I " '0 II 10 a 3 " 8 9 rky 10 Ii " 14 o : 3 14 '5 16 "- .~ 11 . 16 17 ~~_~____"';;:'^"JVV\.r_", J\l\.fV'V~'VV\.~~~,v79---- '9 18 ( 19 20 _ ;: ~.. 20" 21 LVii E~L'7 ~I~_:" 16 19 '6 :: 0 7 0 ,.- r---, - I~ . "'7~ ~': .,~ '0 -:. c:::. -- _. 13 "rd 14 .".........'.~..@..... !lrd 17 16 ~ 22 22 (] 22 ~ ____-------- ../ I.. " --- ---- /7 IN " 16" '" 13". 'i' 14 (Jd 1 ~ ;5 /.6 14 " .. , 0 - 9~ Reference: Daybeacon Position Tavernier Cr'::?ed Oceanside Daybeacon Lat. 24-5'7l-27. 5 N Long. 80-31-33.0 v.J 01.. - ,r.. ,. Daybeacon 4 U."\t. 24-59-30.0 N Long. 80-31-30.0 IrJ ok Daybeacon 5 Lat. 24-59-32.0 N Long. 80-31-36.0 llJ ok Daybeacon 6 Lat. 24-59-34.5 N Long. 80-:31-34. 5 (1J ok Daybeacon 7 Lat. 24-59-38.0 I'J Long. 80-31-40.0 W ok Daybeacon 8 Lat. 24-59-39.5 N Long. 80-31-37.0 W ok Daybeacon 9 Lat. 24-59-41.0 N. Long. 80-31-44.0 liJ "-".dd Daybeacon 10 Lat. 24-59-47.0 N Long. 80-31-42.5 l'J Daybeacon 13 Lat. 24-59-44.0 N Long. 80-31-45.0 v.J changed from #11 Daybeacon 12 Lat. 24-59-49.0 I'J Long. 80-31-44.0 W add ------ .: - --"'....:,..,. .-.~,-,..~~ ~"~'" . - . -.............. I~ 'tl VI oD ?' !-' ~ z r;C::-iO :c fT1 0 ~ ., r 0 ~i.n';rr. 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