Resolution 116-1994 'J 0n1f111 A I I ) I. Y :'0 rv I cn~; lJ I V J S i.on RI<:SOLUTION NO. . 11'6 -1994 A l{ESOLU'l'JON OF THE BOARD OF COUN']''l COMMISSIONERS ())<' MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING 'l'HE FILING OF A GRAN1' APPLICATION WITH THh: r'l.ORIDA DEPARTMENT (>I" ENVIRONMEN'fAL pnOTECTION, BOATING IMPH(>VEMENT FUND, AND DrR~CTING THE EXECUTION OF SAMR BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES FOl{ 'I'HE INSTALLATION OF EIGH'l'REN CHANNEL MARKERS IN INDIAN KEY CH1\NNEL. B}t; 1'1' RESOLVED, by t.ho Board of County Commj ~;sioners of Monroe Count-y, Florida, as follow~: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of funds fn)m the Florida DepRT.tmant 01 EnvironmentaJ Protect jon, Boating Improvement Fund. 2. That. lhe Community Serv.i ces Division acting for Monroe County has received preliminary approval fOJ' the submission of a grant- application to install eighteen cpannel markers in Indi.an Koy Channel for which a grant of $10,'500.00 will be sought. PASSED AND ADOPTED by Monroe County, Fl.orida, at on tho 24th day of 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of thi.fl application by the Mar.ine Projects Coordinator.. ~ z :::0 ~~ :..~ the Boar.d or County Commis~en's o!5 a regular meeting of said Board helao March A.D.~1.:994. ~ \Ci ~ - " '" :"":J Z-' MAYOR Jack Lonoon COMMISSIONER A.Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER Shirley Freeman COMMISSIONER Mary Kay Reich yeE(. yeS". absent yes yes 2; .... N Vl --, ./ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY'~~ MAYOR/CHAllUo1AN ( SOl~ 1 ) ,DANNY L. K01J:I.AGE, Clerk At.t.m; t. : .a~ c. [}..;J~ C"ImK / f) r..--::;