Resolution 011-1986 '" RESOLUTION NO. 011-1986 WHEREAS, the BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIVA, ~ ~eeeived an applieation n~om MARK BISNOW and, WHEREAS, .in eOmpUilitee wilh State Statute, );t )A neee!.l.6aJz.!f M paJz.:t On the pvunUting p~oeedUJte to ~ead the no.u.ow.ing B.iolog.ieai. AMe!.l.6ment .into the Reeo~d, M nO.u.OW.6: The applicant proposes to construct 159 l.f. of riprap revetment along his Snake Creek shoreline, requiring 136 cu. yds.of boulders (40 cu. yds. waterward of MEW) and 75 cu. yds. of backfill (all landward of MEW). Crushed limerock will be utilized as backfill for construction purposes. In addition, filter cloth material will be installed. An approximate slope of 1:1 will be maintained by the proposed shoreline structure. The revetment will tie into an existing seawall on mouth of an adjoining canal, and into the existing other end (north end). The alignment is to follow high water line, encroaching a maximum distance of the MHWL. the same lot at the shoreline (MEW) on the the approximate mean 3" beyond (seaward of) Construction techniques are to involve deployment of a clamshell bucket for boulder placement. Turbidity screens will be in place to isolate the project site during construction activities. The applicant intends to stabilize his shoreline and prevent further erosion by completion of the subject revetment construction. The project site is located in the Venetian Shores Subdivision on Plantation Key. Said subdivision borders Snake Creek (Class III Waters) and is characterized by a network (10+) of long dead-end canals. Snake Creek separates Plantation Key from Windley Key to the west, and provides navigational access to both the Atlantic Ocean and Florida Bay. The project site is located at the mouth of a canal with its southern property line bordering the canal. The adjacent canal front lot to the east exhibits a seawalled shoreline and an existing residence. Along the Snake Creek shoreline, the adjoining lot is currently undeveloped. A permit was issued in October, 1985 for a seawall with riprap in the creek and a bulkhead with a cantilevered dock along a contiguous canal (Chestnut, Permit #441025915). The project site is located on a 165' (approx.) wide lot with 130 1.f. of frontage on Snake Creek. The lot currently supports a single family residence and is characterized by a grassed lawn. Scattered boulders are present along the shoreline and numerous additional boulders are stockpiled at the uplands limit for the proposed revetment construction. Sparse growth of sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) was noted around the boulders and existing 4' high escarpment. The canal shoreline exhibits apparently a few years old. littoral shelf in the canal. in this location. 121 1.f. of vertical bulkhead in place, Said bulkhead extends out to the edge of the The existing shelf is relatively narrow The existing Snake Creek shoreline exhibits a littoral shelf of 15 ft. to 20 ft. (approx.) widths. The waterward half displays scattered growth of Thalassia testudinum, Batophora sp., Penicillus sp. and Halimeda sp. Resolution No. Mark Bisnow Page Two In contrast, the landwardmost half of the shelf (proposed revetment site) contains little to no vegetative growth on a coarse limerock substrate. One lone white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) was present in this area. Probable impacts of the project are primarily construction-related, in- cluding but not limited to, generation of turbidity, displacement of submerged sediments, destruction of benthic flora, and disturbance of shoreline vegetation and existing communities. In consideration of the existing condition of the project site and the current worth of the available resources, it is doubtful that the construction itself and the addition of riprap boulders will cause significant damage or result in long term adverse impacts. Use of turbidity screens will greatly reduce the area of impact and will aid in rendering any elevated turbidity levels to be temporary and localized. The newly placed riprap will serve as replacement habitat and will aid in stabilization of the shoreline and filled uplands. BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIVA, that th~ abov~ Blotogleal ~~~~m~nt ha6 b~~n nead lnto th~ n~eond and duty eOn6ldeJt~d puMuant to FtoJU.da S.ta;tu:t~ 253.124 by th~ Boand 06 County Comm.-W~loneJL.6 06 MOl1JtO~ County, FtoJU.da, ttu!., 10th day 06 January , 19 86 at a n~gutaJL.ty ~ eh~dut~d m~eting. BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIVA .~~"" -,;;o~ o-~ (SEALl ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE Cl , erk 7 ~!L CLERK ~~. · , rL-I2f I ~UCTEN c. PROBY '~ COUNTY ATTORNEY ~- :\tO~ROE COUNTY @ PLANNING. DUII..DING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, TilE DEPOSIT 010' I-'ILL. OR STRUCTUItAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ~ WATERS OR WETLANDS Of' MONROE COUNTY. 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date 3) Phone number Mark Bisnow 161 Stromboli Drive Aug.20, 1985 (305) 664-9628 Islamorada, FL 33036 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & certification number. Glen Boe & Associates, Inc. Cert. No. 1730~ P. O. Box 3406 .~'.- "-.,--. Marathon Shores, FL 33052 (305) 743-9121 ... 5) Legal description of property: ". Zoning, 14 635 371=' (if acreage) RU-1 K PlantatiClllbdi':. Venetian Shores No.2 ey, ,l)u VISion, Lot, 1 & Block, 1 3 Section, Township. Range, Street, road or mile marker, 161 Strtmbtli Drive ( 6) Describe thE! proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. See attached Remarks. volume of material .red~ed!excavated o c.y. 0 c.y. waterward landward ofM.H.W. ofM.H.W. filled! deoesi ted 40 c~. 171 waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. c.y. 7) Name. address & zip code of adjoining property owners whostl property affronts water way. (1) Douglas Chestnut (2) Mrs. Max Joehnkes . 1430 West County Road C 110 East Long Grove Road St. Paul, MN 55113 Barrington, IL 60010 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: N/A b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. Florida Department of Environmental Regulation U. S. Army Corps of Engineers This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. n) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 81/1 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan. top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application. and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true.. c,ompJete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All ?rOV1SlOn~ of laws and ~rdinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. fhe granting of a perr:ut does not p.resume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county. state or federal law regulating constructIOn or performance of construction of this type of facility. I?Jt t:/l if:' 1L-1,'~ Signature of applicanllagcnt 1/ __ ~~1. J~ /fSJ Date 1d~H ;). C\- J- Ft-'e & receipt Approved by Director Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction (305) 294.4641 ,BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey. District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Jerry Hernandez. District 3 Mayor Pro tern Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Ken Sorensen, District 5 OHv~!; ~R~~,~~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (MARK BISNOW) I~ ~ 3. Application for Permit (RIPRAP REVETMENT) 4. Site Plan ~ ~ 5. Location Map 6. DER Assessment ~ Date /~-/:J -35 By /?1. o~ Biologist recommends approval. Please note conditions listed on page two of his report. Also, the applicant has permits from the Department of Environmental Regulation and the Army Corps of Engineers. 1.,\ MEMORANDUM RECEIVED DATE: 9 December 1985 DEe 1 J 1985 Mo.\JROE COUNT PLANNING DER TO: Charles Pattison, Director FROM: Robert Smith, Biologist fl-~ ~ BY SUBJECT: Bisnow, riprap revetment LEGAL: Lot 16, Block 13, Venetian Shores Subdivision, Plantation Key ZONING: RU-l I. INTRODUCTION This application for a riprap revetment which involved fill below the Mean High Water Line (MHWL) should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to section 19-1ll(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. II. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes to construct a riprap revetment on his property. The construction of the revetment will involve the placement of 136 yds. of riprap boulders (40 yards waterward of the MHWL) and 75 yds. of associated clean backfill. The placement of any fill waterward of the MHWL requires review by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to section 19-1l1(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. The site in question was inspected on 10-3-85 and resulted in the following: The lot is bordered on the north and east by residentially zoned and used property. To the south is a residential canal. The west side of the property abuts Snake Creek. The property, while on Snake Creek, currently has a house on it and has been altered in the past subsequently does not fall within the Shoreline Protection Zone (SPZ) as defined in section 4-18 of the Monroe County Code. The applicant's shoreline exhibited extensive erosion with the result of a fairly wide intertidal escarpment shelf (15-20 ft.). Subtidal vegetation was basically depauperate with but small scattered patches of Halimeda, Penicillus, and Batophora present. Vegetation present on site was almost exclusively grass (lawn). The applicant proposes to use a clam bucket to set the boulders and will wrap the riprap with filter cloth. Turbidity screens will be utilized to control construc- tion related turbidity. III. EVALUATION The anticipated impact of the project as proposed will be to eliminate approximately 450 square foot of intertidal shelf area. In the subject case, this would not be Page Two 9 December 1985 Bisnow, riprap revetment significant biologically speaking. The long term effect will be to enhance the biological productivity of the area by the placement of a solid substrate for the colonization of organisms. The short term effect will be to increase the turbidity in the nearshore water. Since the applicant will be utilizing turbidity screens, this should not be significant. IV. RECOMMENDATION The biologist recommends approval. Conditions: 1. Turbidity screens be utilized during construction. 2. A reverse swale berm be constructed with the backfill such as not to allow runoff into the water. V. OTHER The applicant has permits from the Army Corps of Engineers (A.C.O.E.) and the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (F.D.E.R.). /vcm Enclosures: 1) application 2) plans 3) F.D.E.R. bioreport and permit 4) A.C.O.E. permit 5) Applicant's remarks / / . . / ,/ A~1LW ". AMHW ~O~ OF BA/ " \~\~ ~O~'~ e \ \ ~ e. \ ~_ "" \ ~ , . , e . . , . . . . . . . . , " \..p '.. o? ~ .. \ ~ ~ -. ~ .. (" e. \ .,(\ '. . 7 ~\. ... :.\>C ~ x\'" ... \ ~~,,~ ... \ ~~(J~ . N UR\'1't. c:;~ROV\~O~ \ \ \// ..0 ~~ \ <'"(" ~ PLAN \ \ \~~ \ \ ~'~~ ~\~~ (J~ . ~~ . . FILTER CLOTH SECTION A-A HATCHING INDICAT5 PROPOSED BACKFILL MHW +1.0 t~ L W 3: r ~ 3: ::c ~ 31 31 6' " HARK BISiWI--i PLAN SCALE 111 = 40' GLEN BOE & ASSOC., INC. RIPRAP REV E HI E NT 0 25 50 75 P . o . BOX 3406 MARATHOli SHORES. SECTION SCALE 1" = 1 I FLORIDA 33052 PLAN AND SECTION 0 5 10 (305) 743-9121 ("tlrrT .... " ,... .... DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEN'l'l\L REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION l\PPHAISl\L ~p~@ ~ ~L(-f''){ Fila..No.: 441092635 County: Monroe Dolte: 10-30-85 Applicant Name: Mark Bisnow Address: 161 Stromboli Dr., Islamorada, FL 33036 Agent (if applicable): Glen Boe & Associates, Inc. Address: PO Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 Location of project: Section(s) 'fownship Range -- I, Local Reference: 161 Stromboli Dr., Venetians Shores, p~antation Key Section(s) Township Range Water Body: Snake Creek Water Classification of Project Area: --1~-- Adjacent Waters: III ,. Aquatic Preserve: NA " Outstanding Florid~waters~ Florida Keys Special Waters , On site inspection by: 'I'err i Kranzer, DLlv id B isho f Date of Inspection: 10-1~2----- oriqinal Application: Yes~ NO_ Revised Application: Yes~No~ Date: Date of 2nd Insp. --- Biological and Water Quality As~~~sm~ A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submergc~ lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submcrgeli land) as defined in section 17-4.02 and'Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include con~ents concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. c. Biophysical features of specific proiect site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact a5 well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of pcoject. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) BISNOW, MARK 1441092635 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct 159 l.f. of riprap revetmen~ along his Snake Creek shoreline, requiring 136 yds. of lioulders (40 cu. yds. waterward of MllW) and 75 cu. yds. bf backfill (all landward of MHW) . Crushed limerock will be utilized as backfill for construc~ion purposes. In addition, filter cloth material will be-installed. An approximate slope of 1:1 will be . maintained by the proposed shoreline structure. cu. The revetment will tie into an existing seawall on the same lot at the mouth of an adjoining canal, and into the existing shoreline (MHW) on the other end (north end). The alignment is to follow the approximate mean high water line, encroaching a maximum distance of 3' beyond (seaward of) the MHWL. Construction techniques are to involve deployment of a clamshell bucket for bOUlder placement. Turbidity screens will be in place to isolate the project site during construction activities. " .'. The applicant intends to stabilize his shoreline and prevent further erosion by completion of the subject revetment construc- tion. B. The project site is located in the Venetian Shores Subdivision on Plantation Key. Said subdivision borders Snake Creek (Class III Waters) qnd is characterized by a network (10+) of long dead-end canals. Snake Creek separates Plantation Key from Windley Key to the west, and provides navigational access to both the Atlant ic Ocean .a.nd F lor id.l Day. The project site is located at the mouth of a canal with its southern property line bordering the canal. The adjacent canal front lot to the east exhibits a seawalled shoreline and an existing residence. Along the Snake Creek shoreline, the 9djoining lot is currently undeveloped. A permit was issued ~n Octo~er, 1985 for a seawall with riprap in the creek and a bulkh~ad with a cantilevered dock along a contiguous canal (Chestnut, Permit #441025915). C. The project site is located on a 1651 (approx.) wide lot with 130 l.f. of frontage on Snake Creek. The lot currently supports a single family residence and is characterized by a grassed lawn. Scattered boulders are present along the shoreline and numerous additional boulders a~e stockpiled at the uplands limit for the proposed revetment construction. Sparse growth of sea purslane (Scsuviu~ E9rtul~~~stru~) w~s noted around the boulders and existing 41 high escarpment. ~mow. MARK 1441092635 Monroe County Page Three .- _ Plantation Key -. The canal shoreline exhibits. 121 1. f. of vertical bulkhead in plac~, apparently a few years old. Said bulkhead extends out to the edge of the littoral shelf in the canal. The existing shelf is relatively narrow in this location. The existing Snake Creek shoreline exhibits a littoral shelf of 15 ft. ,to 20 ft. (approx.) widths. The waterward half displays/scattered growth of Thalassia testudinum, Batophora . sp., Penicillus sp. and Halimeda sp. In contrast, the landwardmost half of the shelf (proposed revetment site) contains little to no vegetative growth on a coarse limerock substrate. One lone white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) was present in this area. D~ Probable impacts of the project ar0 primarilY construction- related, including but not limited to, generation of turbidity, displacement ~f submerged sediments, destruction of benthic flora, and disturbance of shoreline v~getation and existing conununities. .~. In conside~ation~of the existing condition of the project site and the current worth of the available resources, it is doubtful that the construction itself and the addition of rip- rap boulders will cause significant damage or result in long term adverse impact~. Use of turbidity screens will greatly reduce the area of impact and will aid in rendering any elevated turbidity levels to be temporary and localized. The newly placed riprap will serve as replacement habitat and will aid in stabilization of the shoreline and filled uplands. '- STATE OF FLORIDA cO"-/ 1> . '. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Y''- @~~M SOUTH FLORIDA BRMCH OFFICE GOVERNOR 7.., GOLF COU"SE BOULEVARD flUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33e15C>g:J59 VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY ,/ / PERMI'rl'EE: Mr. Mark BislXJW c/o Glen Bee & Assoc., Inc. P. O.Box 3406 Marathon Shores, FL 33052 PERMIT/CERrIFICATIOO 00. 441092635 DATE OF ISSUE: November 13, 1985 APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE: November 30, 1987 Department of r~aturul Resources pursuant to Section 253.77, F.S. Oil / I - I 8 ~, For ORlGIi':Al. ~r G' caJNrY: Monroe LATITUDE,/I.!N;I'illDE : 24057127"N 80035 '22''W By o SECTION!TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 14/63S/37E . Division of State Lands PROJEcr: Rip-rap Revetment . This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter{s) 403, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule{s) 17-3, 17-4, and 17-12. The above named permittee is hereby autoorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawings{s), plans, and other doctJl\ents attached hereto or on file with the department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: Install 159 foot of rip-rap revetment requiring the placement of 75 cubic yards of backfill and 136 cubic yards of limerock boulders (40 cubic yards waterward of HIM) on Snake Creek (Class III Outstanding Florida Waters) . ~ RECEIVED i. .J -/ _,' 1.)( J DER Form 17-1.201(5) Effective November 30, 1982 Pale 1 of 5 Dt'p.)rt~~:f:'i~t cf ~Li:'~r,-:: ; ':...:';rLC'~ Divi:.iun (It S~:-.t_. Ldrld, ') )..trl\''''L'~t FIOrldJ !<v:>)flJI elll';.., Prole,linr/ Flori, I" 0" l Yo"r nll"li', "I I if,- , . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SOUTH FLORIDA AREA OFFICE. JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 1327 CLEWISTON. FLORIDA 3341410 September 24, 1985 RE"lV TO AnENTION 01 Regulatory Section Miami 85NW30207 / Mr. Mark Bisnow c/o GLEN BOE & ASSOCIATES, INC. P. O. Box 3406 Marathon Shores, Florida 33052 @~oo f-A- r,-- Dear Mr. Bisnow: , Reference is made to your application for a Department of the Army permit concerning: construction o~a riprap revetment Ln Snake Creek at 161 Stromboli Drive, Plantat~on Key, Monroe County, Florida. Your proposal.~is authorized by a Nationwide Permit 1.n accordance with the enclosed copy of our regulations as stated in 33 CFR Part 330.5(a)(13). ~ , I. A separate Department of the Army permit is not required providing the work is done in accordance with the enclosed drawings, the conditions listed in 33 CFR 330.S(b)(1-9), and the following conditions: Activities authorized by a Nationwide Permit may:be initiated only after the State permit/certifi- cation pursuant to Chapters 253 and 403 of Florida Statutes and concurrence with coastal zone consistency pursuant to 15 CFR 930, if applicable, has been granted by the State of Florida. The State shall not be deemed to waive its right to certify any activity proposed under Corps Nationwide Permits for failure to issue a State permit or certification within 60 days of application to the State. Waivers shall only be effective when specifically exercised by the State. ... This letter does n0t obviate the requiremen~ to obtain any state or local permits which may be necessary for your proposed work. You should check state permitting requirements with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. A list of addresses of the appropriate state offices is enclosed for your use and information. Thank you for your cooperation with the Corps permit program. Sincerely, fi1~'~j ~"I:f ~1 i c h a e 1 S 1 a on Chief, Regu atory Section Enclosures / /. / MARK BISNOW RIPRAP REVETMENT REMARKS The applicant owns and resides in a home in Venetian Shores Subdivision. A canal is adjacent on the south and Snake Creek is adjacent on the west. The canal-side shoreline has been stabilized with a seawall, but the Snake Creek frontage is unstabilized and has experienced significant erosion. The applicant seeks authorization to construct a riprap revet- , ment along the unstabilized shoreline of his property. Boulders will be set with a clam bucket and will straddle the apparent , mean high water lire. The waterward extent of construction will be limited to 31 b~yond the MHWL. After the boulders have been set, filter cloth ~ill be placed behind them and the void be- ~ tween the boulders an~ the existing bank will be filled with crushed limerock. Stakes have been placed in the field to delineate the toe of the proposed structure. Prior to the start of coristruction, turbidity curtains will be deployed to isolate the tconstruction site from ambient waters. These will remain in place until all construction-induced turbidity has subsided. Very little turbidity is expected since the shoreline substrate contains very little silt. The purpose of the project is to stabilize the bank and stop the erosion.