Resolution 117-1994 Community Services Dlvision RESOUJTTON NO. 117 -1994 A HESOLU1'ION OF 'l'H}I~ HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I.JF' MnN.kOE COUN'l'Y, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE F'lLING OF A GRAN1' APPLICATION WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PHO'l'EC'I'ION, BOA'l'ING IMPROVEMENT FUND, ~r.IJ D.ij{t;CTING THE EXECUTION OF' RAME BY THE PROPER I\UTHORITIF,s }l'OR THE EMERGENCY REMOVAL OF DERELICT vt:SSEL DV0914S7 IN CUDJOE KEY. Hi If RESOLVED, Py thr! BUCI,cd of County Commissioners of Mvurot.! County, }"lor lda, as fallows: l. ]~~t H~id Board has been no~ified of tho availability vf tUlIds fl'om 1'.he> .fl<.lr idiJ Department of Env ironmentfd Protec.ticm, Boating Intp:r ovoIllen l fund. 1. That the Communjty Services Division, acting for Monroe Coum,y t1i:Hl recEHvea preliminary Rpproval 101' the submission of a \.lrfmt. 1)l>pl ;r;~t.:itm La remove a emE!rgency <lerfi?lj.c;:t. vessel In Cudjoe Key tor which a gr"nt of $3,200.00 will be sought. -'" ~ ''l 3. '1'hRt said Board hereby direct!'> th('! oxm,:ut.ion ~ t'his application ty the Mar.ine ProjecL~ Coordinator. ~(~~ r'rj o = -0 7' :::0 PASSBD AND ADOPTED by tho Board of County Cornmissi~1lers of I Monroe Count,y, F.lor ida, at Q regu] ar manting uf said B~~aheld-.J un the 24th dfiY of March A. D. -; ~94 . ;E; " --.. T_' c-; MAYOR Jack London ~-:0HMJSSI0NEl~ A.Earl Cheal lXlHMISSJONJi:R Wilhelmina Harvey cuMMISSIONER Shirl('!y l'~reeIllan COMM1SSIONER Ma.ry Kay ReJch yes,' ves' - absent yes yes N U1 ,~ './ OUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUN'rY :r~ -:-_~ ""'"- ~ MAYOn/CHAIRMAN ( Sctd, ) Attest: l>.A.NNX 1.. ~OJW!AGE, Clerk ~ C. L1,v'~ CI.ERK ./ A.OPROVt:D AS Tr'l r"......_~ ANt) I.ECtAL ~ FFI "=,'VC\'. ~'I"V' -r^9 f. ,u t;;.r_ Ill.... :)- /,)--- '9 ~