Resolution 041-1986 RE$Q)CUtIQ)N NQ). 041 -1986 WHEREA.$, the BQ)ARD Q)f tQ)UNtM tQ)mmI$$IQ)NER$ Q)f ffiQ)NRQ)E tQ)UNty, fCQ)RIDA, has receiveD an application from RQ)BERt t. KRIEtER anD, WHEREA.$, in compliance with $tate $tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the fallowing Biological Assessment into the RecorD, as follows: The applicant would like to provide boat mooring facilities for the future residents of a planned multi-family development, A boat basin-type marina is proposed to satisfy this goal. The marina will be trapezoidal in shape with the landward end measuring 17- ft. wide and the waterward end measuring either 250 ft. wide or 270 ft. wide, depending on whether you go by Page 2 or Page 3, of the proposed plans. The basin will measure 160 ft. from the entrance to the landward end, The floor of the basin will slope from a depth of 4 ft. mean low water (MLW) at the land- ward end to 8 ft. MLW at the waterward end. A series of 16 finger piers measuring 19 ft. by 3 ft, each, will line three sides of the basin. The finger piers will combine with a double row of mooring piles, to create 30 slips measuring 45 ft. long and 2 slips measuring 20 ft. long. The basin sides will be bulkheaded with vertical concrete walls. A 5 ft, wide concrete cap will be placed on top of the wall. The application states that the land will be graded to prevent storm- water runoff into open water, The plans do not reflect this aspect of the proposed design. A sanitary pump-out facility will be provided in the marina, however, no fueling facilities will be provided. Liveaboard boats will not be per- mitted in the marina. Both barge mounted and land based equipment will be used to build the proposed marina. Most of the spoil will be placed on the applicant's uplands, however, some will be placed in wetlands. Turbidity curtains will be utilized to maintain water quality while the project is under construction. The project site is located in the Rock Harbor area of Key Largo in the Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision.:The subdivision is located on a small peninsula, which projects off the eastern side of Key Largo, known as Point Charles. Rock Harbor, which is a shallow tidal lagoon, is formed by Point Charles and Key Largo. Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision is located near the base (north end) of the Point Charles peninsula. A network composed of three pairs of parallel canals provide waterfront access to a majority of the lots within Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision. The canals cut completely across the Point Charles peninsula, such that their western ends connect to Rock Harbor and their eastern ends connect to the Atlantic Ocean. The natural waterbodies at both ends of the canal system, are within John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and designated as Class III, Outstanding Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.041, 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code), Development within the subdivision consists of a mixture of commercial, single family residential and multi-family residential projects. Of these, single family residential projects are the most common. Resolution Robert C. Krieter Page Two In the recent past, major modifications of the Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision have been made by the applicant. Most prominent among these is the creation of the southernmost pair of canals. Permit number 44-34296 authorized this work. Immediately across the canal from the project site, a boat basin has been authorized to be excavated by permit number 440715699, issued to the applicant. The applicant has also received permit number 440879645, which authorized construction of a network of docks within two existing boat basins on the new canal. An Intent to Issue notice was sent out on this application (file no. 44069669) on October 25, 1984, but to date, no permit has been issued, The project site is located on a roughly rectangular parcel of land measuring 800f ft. by 250f feet. The long axis of the land is oriented from the northeast to the southwest. The southeast side of the land is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the southwest end is bordered by the entrance to the central canal in Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision. At the southern corner of the property, a spit projects out several hundred feet into the Atlantic Ocean. Elevations on the applicant's property are, with the exception of the immediate shoreline area, a fairly uniform 2f ft. above mean high water (MEW). Substrate on the property consists of crushed limestone fill over Key Largo Limestone bedrock. The fill is thickest on the southeast side of the property. Prior to being filled, approximately 20 years ago, it appears that roughly the southeastern half of the main body of the land and all of the spit, lay below MEW. On the side of the project site, which faces the canal, the shoreline consists of a 10f ft. wide intertidal shelf formed by bedrock. On the waterward edge of the shelf a near vertical drop to the bottom of the canal is found. The landward edge of the shelf is formed by a low escarpment which consists of the eroded edge of the fill that was placed on the property. Very little large vegetation is found on the intertidal shelf, partic- ularly the waterward side of the shelf. Beginning at about the escarpment on the landward side of the shelf, a 25f ft, wide zone of vegetation composed primarily of buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), sea daisy (Barrichia frutescens) fringe-rush (Fimbristylis spathacea) and knot grass (Paspalum distichum). Many of these plants are also found growing further landward, however, upland vegetation is also found with them and dominates. The section of shoreline at the project site which faces the ocean is armored by a boulder revetment. Erosion has apparently not been com- pletely stopped by the revetment, however, for the most part, this section of shoreline appears to be fairly stable. Fauna on the ocean front revetment includes bleeding tooth snails (Nerita peloronta), zebra periwinkles (Littorina ziczac), beaded periwinkles (Tectarius muricatus), false cerith (Butillaria minima) and fuzzy chitons (Acanthopleura granulata). Beginning at the top of the revetment, a line of trees composed of buttonwood, white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa), bay cedar (Suriana maritima) and a few Australian pines is found. Just behind the shoreline trees is a zone vegetated by sea daisy (Borrichia arborescens and B. Frutescens), and knot grass. Starting approximately 50 Ft. landward of the MEW line, upland plants become dominant components of the flora. Out from the toe of the revetment, the seafloor slopes down gradually. Seagrass beds begin just a short distance seaward of the revetment. In the corner formed by the oceanfront shoreline and the spit, there is a tendency for large quantities of wrack to accumulate. Rusolution Robert C. Krieter Page Three Construction related activities are likely to result in elevated levels of turbidity in the waters near the project site. Proper use of turbidity curtains will tend to reduce this impact, however, the strong currents in the canal at the project site, will make it difficult to efficiently utilize them. Excavating the basin with a fill plug at the canal edge would control turbidity much more efficiently, Depending on which version of the boat basin plans is examined, the pro- posed boat basin will either come very near the Atlantic shoreline or will actually intrude into the shoreline area. In either case, the shoreline wetlands will probably be disturbed. Use of the proposed marina will result in discharges of toxic metals, hydrocarbons, organic debris, detergents and miscellaneous debris. Although a strong current will be flowing past the mouth of the boat basin, the size of the basin is likely to produce a dead pocket of rela- tively stangnant water where pollutants can accumulate. BE It RE$~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F C~UNtY C~rnmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNtY, FC~RIDA, ~ha~ ~he above Biological Assessmen~ has heen reaD in~o ~he recorD anD Duly consiDereD pursuan~ ~o FloriDa $~a~u~e 253.124 hy ~he BoarD of Coun~y Commissioners of ntonroe Coun~y, FloriDa, ~his 1* h ~ay nf ;:;;j,r~ a~J ' 19 r"' at a regularly $cl1./ln1.~ nre.ting. B~ARD ~F C~UNtY C~rnmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNtY, FC~RIDA . .... I~ ~.aJ---"v~~ " .... - ..~ \ ~ mAY~R ($EAC) ~ Cucien C. Pro y Coun~y A~~orney (305) 2944641 ,BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Jerry Hernandez. District 3 Mayor Pro tern Alison Fahrer. District 4 Mayor Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~~V~D' ~R~~,~2E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (ROBER!' C. KRIEI'ER) ~ 3. Application for Permit (OOATBASIN/MARINA) ..........- 4. Site Plan ~ 5. Location Map ~ 6. DER Assessment ~ Date /... d;1 ~-~ BY~~ lID,,' ~~R~\l7ISW,~ ll" ~ ,~~\ '... -. (~ ,~\ :,...,'~ ""''1-':,,] . . " ...",.. JAN 24 1CJS!:1 COUNTY ATTY. .; I MEMORANDUM RECEf\/ED DATE: 10 January 1986 JAN 1 4 1986 MONROE. COUf~ PlANNIt-.iG DE TO: Charles Pattison, Director 9i FROM: Robert Smith, Biologist JLS~ SUBJECT: Krieter, Boat Basin (marina) LEGAL: Tract 4, Sections 32 and 33, Township 6lS, Range 39E Key Largo ZONING: BU-l I, INTRODUCTION This application for a boat basin, which involves excavating greater than 100 cubic yards within a body of water, should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to section 19-111 (b)(4) of the Monroe County Code, II. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes to construct a boat basin (marina). The proposed marina will have 19 slips. To create this marina, the applicant desires to excavate 3078 cubic yards of material, all of which will be landward of the Mean High Water Line (MHWL), Projects involving excavations for the creation of marinas or boat basins which involve greater than 100 yards of material are considered as an extent ion of navigable waters and as such, pursuant to section 19-1ll(b) (4) of the Monroe County Code, require review by the Board of County Commissioners. The project will involve the construction of 225 linear feet of a 5 feet wide concrete cap to be set on top of caprock. The basin aperture will be 250 feet, so that the basin itself will be sloped at an angle such as to accomplish maximum flushing. Boat mooring will be accomplished by constructing nine finger piers which will be 3 ft, x 19 ft; 28 mooring piles will be placed within the basin, The site in question was inspected on 7-14-84 and resulted in the following: The site is bordered on the east by a fill spit which protrudes into the Atlantic Ocean, the west by a residential subdivision, the north by a scarified tract of land, and the south by a residential canal system, The site was vegetated very minimally by grasses and sedges with an occasional buttonwood, Other plants found on site included Florida holly, Australian pine, bay cedar, beach morning glory, sea ox eye daisy, and Sesuvium, Subtidal vegetation included red and black man- groves, Laurencia, Acetabularia, sea urchins, and nerite snails, The proposed spoil site is adjacent to the proposed marina, This site is in a disturbed state with predominently Florida holly seedlings present. . ,'J Page Two Krieter, Boat Basin (marina) 10 January 1986 III, EVALUATION The anticipated short term impact should be a raise in the level of turbidity in the near shore waters, This canal system was designed to utilize a rather large tidal flux for flushing purposes, which it does do. Since the system does main- tain strong flushing, a high velocity turbidity screen should be able to control the increased turbidity during construction. The long term effect should be a raise in the level of heavy metals, petrochemicals, and fuel byproducts, Since this system exhibits a good flushing action, this should not be significant, Stormwater runoff on the project site could be controlled by the construction of a small reverse swale berm adjacent to the bulkhead, Domestic pollution could be controlled by the installation of a sewage pumpout facility. It should be noted that the application has been amended considerably by the U,S.A.C,O,E. and the F.D,E,R, during their review of the project. IV, RECOMMENDATION The biologist recommends conditional approval, Conditions: 1. High velocity turbidity screens be employed during construction. 2. A sewage pumpout facility be constructed on site. 3. A reverse swale berm be constructed adjacent to the bulkhead to limit stormwater runoff. 4. No liveaboard boats shall utilize this facility. 5. Riprap shall be placed at the toe of the bulkhead and rock cut, V, OTHER The applicant has secured permits from the U,S,C,O.E, and the F,D,E,R, for this project. Attachments: 1) application 2) Plans 3) F,D,E,R, bioreport and permit 4) A.C,O,E, permit /vcm . m ""-'-;-I~ ,\ . I:) f ~,.., !~ ~~'l'..I.~ :\ " ~ ~ ,#,:, ~ ~ ,.' :'; ~ . .., ,', '11 "" .~. ' .... If "r.T"'~f"~__~ STATE OF FLORIDA " DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ,,' i,.. 'I','..'. ,\ ",')" ,.... ... \tlO/IR~", .... 0' '~ .. ...~, - 'S ~ _ " 'l:. ;,;, '-); 41 ',~ "', /;(, 0 t>" '/,1 u ' ,rI~;~I.A ~ '{.' :rlr, i, %" q ,.q J'~l1\'&,l~ rr 4r, OF fLOIl' ,. , ". \ r , : ,', ,; \ ' ..... - ; t ; ~ 'l_~ ; ( ! t .. i'J . BUU (;fiAIlAM L.:.~' GOVERNOR AUf; 1 1985 ,.....-. VICTORIA J, TSCHINKEL /-n-~~/ SECRETARY TWIN TOWERS OFFICE BUILOING 1600 liLAI R STONl ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 313018241 L: ,.I.''';:~.'-' '~-~( ,-~. r:_('\~"7(j!)k PERMITTEE: Robert C. Kreiter c/o Roberts Egan and Routa, 217 South Adams Street Tallahassee, Florida 32307 permi t Number: Da te of Issue: Expiration Date: 440758679 7/30/85 5 years from issuance P.A. County: Project: Monroe Dredging, Dock Construction .' This permit is i:isued under th'2 vrovislons of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, Public Law 92-500, and Florida Administrative Code Rules 17-3 and 17-4. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform till? work or 0gerate the facility shown on the application and approved drawing<s), plans, and other documen ts at tached he ('eta or on file wi th the departmen t and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To construct a 19 slip marIna facility by: excavating 3078 cubic yards of material to create a basin approximately 50 ft. wide and 250 ft. long with a bottom elevation ranging from -6 ft. to -8 ft. NGVD; constructing a vertical concret~ bulkhead across the back of the basin; and constructing 9 finger piers) ft. wide by 19 ft. long and associated mooring pilings. LOCATION: Point Charles, Atlantlc Ocean, Key Largo, Monroe County, Section 33, Township 61 South, Range 39 East, not in an aquatic preserve, Class III waters. Page 1 of 6. I'Win tlfl" F/urid<1lJlld VUII/ ()//<1/t,y 01 /,/11: I - ,~.,~",~""",_,,,,, _ ,kt", ' ' I ,~~.,....~.,. ,.....IiI.). ,-, i I.,,~ i 1 I ! / ~~Jit~:~. ~ 7- ~ \.) G .5:'^ \~ a J.,fC>~.d ,'"'4""3-::>0 ~I J &~ \n rJ. Vl '/ I ",'___...l..~_""" ....., ~ --- :-0- ::.J 'l ~ ~ ~ ~ it I J N 6' ~~i (I () I ,)tJ I r, - ,,( , '" ' ...J ~~ (! /\- ) I U [..I t7 ;--;("0 . 'I) _J 0 ,__~CINl, S -'-=" ~ : .J. I ' a,_. ~,~ "2 I 0 , ,I A CL =....~ ~:. ~ 0"8 -., I 0 I (\, -H - ~I)'. IL , '::- . 0 ,D- ,"- ---~ .. \Jl - , 'Jl, tl --,--' ." . ~ ' I \f , ,0 1 I It: rJ ~l \ 4~r ~" '~-- ~V~~J try!- t~.::{, , - I I I-J I~ c: rJ \I) .r j Il', 1.1- ~I .~ '" ',0 :d ~~ . J UJ n.~ j ,1'] l) \, rJ1, 11~11J () ) ~, ,,') \.J ~ -;J i! . !J l' ... 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I PERMIT NO. ... ~ ....... ~ , oAr ..' >,j., Ii.. " , , , 1[1 ,) ') ~! " I ~ "Q ,,,l,.,,~~,....>i;~'''''.iItt.l~,jp.,~ ~ ~ aB ~ I) 11 f: 1 I I I I ,,. i \u -t-., "1 " ~~I , " " " jJ' to ,( ,. .; L' ......, , ,i.1 .,-' ; II . . ('{ ~ ~' .~ , \ '"' "" n \, 1) \), I 'j ~ " 3 I \ i '} \ ; 'If ' ! 44075~()7U \' ~ i: ,\ II; t" ,I '. I j J,I ,,1 ~~ (f1 C~ c::l W I f- oJ' we ,- ~ \ CI ('.1 ,-6, '",-Y C~ - ~ ...... I ,;:,.:: 0-: if. /) () .1 I ~} pI V) I \) , o I \ ('J t~l II ~J ~ U ~I I ~ ~/) ;.1' .....,5 ~i ~::JO REVISED MAR 19 1985 , ,,,",~;,cj,,..!.~':'iJi~J~Itt'=~<~~iRMi,. ~ipPLicATI-ON-'APPRAISAL: .: ~ "."..1i.lB~ File No.: 440758679 County: Monroe Date: 1-11-85 Applicant Name: Robert C. Krieter Address: PO Box 1886, Key Largo" FL 33037 Agent (if applicable): Roberts, Egan & Routa Law Firm Address: 217 S. Adam St., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Location of project: Section(s) 33 Township 61S Range 39E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Key Larqo (Point Charles) Water Body: Atlantic Ocean Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: None Outstanding Florida Waters: John Pcnnekump Coral Reef State Park On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 1-8-85 Original Application: Yes__ No X Revised Application: Yes XNo Date: 11-2-84 Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section l7-4.2~, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C, Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D, Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term imoact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or mini~ize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev,6/79) .' ..",,;..;.;..-.~ ...~tc~;"'" ,. ~1: ~c...~yv Pa ge''!"woc=';;o,. .. ~ l i.l II ... ~ j..,. , .J..:I,j,ll~lJIola~ A. The applicant would like to provide boat mooring facilities for the future residents of a planned multi-family development. A boat basin-type marina is propused to satisfy this goal. The marina will be trapezoidal in shape with the landward end measuring i70 ft. wide and the waterward end measuring either 250 ft. wide or 270 ft. wide,ldepending on whether you go by Page 2 or Page 3, of the propos~d plans. The basin will measure 160 ft. from the entrance to the landward end. The floor of the basin will slope from a depth of 4 ft. mean low water (MLW) at the landward end to 8 ft. MLW at the waterward end, A series of 16 finger piers measuring 19 ft. by 3 ft. each, will line three sides of the basin. The finger piers will ~ combine with a double row of mooring piles, to create 30 slips measuring 45 ft. long and 2 slips measuring 20 ft. long. The basin sides will be bulkheaded with vertical concrete walls. A 5 ft. wide concrete cap will be placed on top of the wall, The application states that the land will be graded to prevent stormwater runoff into open water. The plans do not reflect this aspect of the proposed design. A sanitary pump-out facility will be provided in the marina, however, no fueling facilities will be provided. Live- aboard boats will not be permitted in the marina. Both barge mounted and land based equipment will be used to build the proposed marina. Most of the spoil will be placed on the applicant's uplands, however, some will be placed in wetlands. Turbidity curtains will be utilized to maintain water quality while the project is under construction. B. The project s~tc is located in the Rock Harbor area of Key Largo in the Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision. The subdivision is located on a small peninsula, which projects off the eastern side of Key Largo, known as Point Charles. Rock Hurbor, which is a shallow tidal lagoon, is formed by Point Charles and Key Largo. Key Largo Ocean Shores sub- division is loc~tod near tho base (north end) of the Point Charles peninsulu. A network composed of three pairs of parallel canals provide waterfront uccess to a majority of the lots within Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision. The canuls cut completely across the Point Charles peninsula, such that their western ends connect to Rock Hurbor and their eastern ends connect to the Atlantic Ocean, The natural waterbodies at both end> of the ~, ' " ..,........ '''''~Siil'''''' ' "'I' I I ' ~"~'.~'''11-(;'''nroelG'Ccftfh-i1.;.j;'':x~~I'r:a~go :: Page Three ~;' , ". M: li.a 'I.,. k. .j;i:..k.JN........I.,..~ I .i, t..t~i;,~iI1_l_ canal system, are within John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and designated as Class III, Outstandin0 Florida ~aters (Chapters 17-3.041, 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code) , Development within the subdivision consists of a mixture of conunercial, single fLlmily residential and multi-family residential projects. Of these, single family residential projects are the most conunon. In the recent past, major modifications to the Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision have been made by the applicant. - Most prominant among these is the creation of the southern- most pair of canals, Permit number 44-34296 authorized this work. Immediately across the canLll from the project site, a boat basin has been authorized to be excavated by permit number 440715699, issued to the Llpplicant. Tne applicant has also received permit number 441)879645, which authorizes construction of a network of docks within two existing boat basins on the new canal. An Intent to Issue notice was sent out on this application (file no. 440697669) on October 25, 1984, but to date, no permit has been issued. C. The project site is located on a roughly rectangular parcel of land measuring 800+ ft. by 250+ feet. The long axis of the land is oriented from the northeast to the southwest. The southeast side of the land is bordered by the Atlar.tic Ocean and the southwest end is bordered by the entrance to the central canal in Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision. At the southern corner of the property, a spit projects out several hundred feet into the Atlantic Ocean. Elevations on the applicant's property are, with the exception of the inunediate shoreline area, Cl fairly uniform 2+ ft. above mean high wClter (MEW). Substrate on the property consists of crushed limestone fill over Key Largo Limestone bedrock. The ~ill is thickest on the southeast side of the property. Prior to being filled, approximately 20 years ago, it appears that roughly the southeastern half of the main body 0 f the land ,:md a 11 of the spit, lay be low MHW. On the side of the project site, which faces the canal, the shoreline consists of a 10+ ft. wide intertidal shelf formed by bedrock. On the waterward edge of the shelf a near .... ~ ..-......-.....,.; ..tIOt"~nt:y' ;';':''j(e~rL~i-go Page Four l r ' ..1 , 'i ! 1m ,; J '.~\L ~~~,,~ ~ll. 1i ~. .f1f.n;m......... vertical drop to the bottom of the canal is found. The landward edge of the shelf is formed by a low escarpment which consists of the eroded edge of the fill that was placed on the property. Very little large vegetation is found on the intertidal shelf, particularly the waterward side of the shelf. Beginning at about the escarpment on the landward" side of the shelf, a 25+ ft. wide zone of vegetation composed primarily of buttonwood (Conocarpus ~recta), sea daisy (Borrichia frutescens) fringe-rush (Fimbristylis spathacea) and knot grass (Paspalum distichum). Many of these plants are also found growing further landward, however, upland vegetation is also found with them and dominates. The section of shoreline at the project site which faces the ocean is armored by a boulder revetment. Erosion has apparently not been completely stopped by the revetment, however, for the most part, this section of shoreline appears to be fairly stable, Fauna on the ocean front revetment includes bleeding tooth snails (Nerita peloronta), zebra periwinkles (Littorina ziczac), beaded per;wi nkles (Tcctarius muricatus), false cerith (Butillaria minima) ilnd fuzzy chitons (Acanthopleura granulata). Beginning at the top of the revetment, a line of trees composod of buttonwood, white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa), bay cedar (Suriana maritima) and a few Australian pines is found. Just behind the shoreline trees is a zone vegetated by seil daisy (Borrichi~ arborescens and B. frutescens), and knot grass. Starting approximately 50 ft. landward of the MHW line, upland plants become dominant components of the flora. Out from the toe of the revetment, the seafloor slopes down gradually. Seagrass beds begin just a short distance seaward of the revetme}1t. In the corner formed by the oceanfront shoreline and the spit, there is a tendency for large quan- tities of wrack to accumulate. D. Construction related activities are likely to result in elevated levels of turbidity in the waters near the project site. Proper use of turbidity curtains will tend to reduce this impact, however, the strong currents in the canal at the project site, will m~kc it diffic\llt to efficiently utilize them. Excav<1tinq tho basin with a fill plug at the canal edge would control turbidity much more efficiently. Depending on which version of the boat basin plans is examined, the proposed boat basin will either come very near the Atlantic shoreline ()r will actually intrude into the shoreline '~ ~"'~~;~~~~"7~*2~'i;i~;go! Page Five , I ,:;: :.n:nnn i, i L:J"".,.j,ij,il,...U ,,' 1.,:::r1m'~ area. In either case, the shoreline wetlands will probably be disturbed. Use of the proposed marina will result in discharges of toxic metals, hydrocarbons, organic debris, detergents and miscellaneous debris, Although a strong current will be flowing past the mouth of the boat basin, the size of the basin is likely to produce a dead pocket of relatively stagnant water where pollutants can accumulate. , ,- li ~ 71~1 DA~ID BISHOF, ENV. /SPEC. DATE: 985 READe. l't. v.... READ: DEB/dvo /", __"'No. 3C-2519 EffectIM D.te KRIETER. Robert C. JUN07~ JUN 07 1989 "'lM of AppllC8nt ExpImIon D... (1f GPpIicIlIbz.) J DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT RefeniDctowritt8nrequestdated September 8. 1983 fora permit to: (X) Perform work ill or affecting navigable waten of the United States, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, punuant to Section 10 of the Riven and Harbors Act of March 3, 1889 1.tS U.S. C. 40.7); (X>> Diacharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army actiq tbroUCh the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act 1.tS U.S. C. 1344); 1 ) TraJUlport dredpd material for the purpose of dumpiDg it into oceaD waten upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army acting through the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972186 Stat. 1062; P.L. 92-632); Mr. Robert C. Krieter Post Office Box 1886 Key Largo, Florida 33037 is hereby authorized by the Secretary of the Army: to construct a bulkhead, construct finger piers, place mooring pilings, place riprap, and excavate a boat basin I I , I I , j I I I j ; I ; 1 ! I I , I l I I I j I I I in a manmade canal off Hawk Channel at Sections 32 and 33, Township 61 South, Range 39 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Flori da '. in accordance with the plans and drawings attached hereto which are incorporated in and made a part of this permit (on draw- ing.. 6i1J. (iz. numb.r or ot"--r "tinie. uunti(icGCion marks. I four sheets, entitled H83C-2517N, revised January 12, 1984 subject to the following conditions: I. General Conditions: a. That aU activities identified and authorized herein shall be consistent witb the terms and conditions of tbis permit; and that any activities not specifically identified and autborized herein sball constitute a violation of tbe terms and conditions of this ~rmit ~bicb may result in the modification. sUllpension or revocation of thill permit. in whole or in part. All let fortb more llpeclflcally In General Conditions j or k hereto. and in tbe inlltitution of lIucb legal proceedingll 811 tbe United States Govern- ment may conllider appropriate, wbether or not thill permit bail been previoullly modified. lIullpended or revoked in whole or in part. ENG FORM 1721, Sep 82 EDITION OF 1 JUL 1715 OBSOLETE fER 1146,2._1 1