Resolution 120-1994 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 120 -1994 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 92, LOT 7, BLOCK 1, TAVERNIER HARBOR, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 92. ~ -C:>. 'Tl ...1." 2:: :'1 CJ ::--:-:t ..._~, w -' ::::= I OJ - , '.:,) L\.~ ._.m, WHEREAS, the property described as Lot 7, Block 1, Tavernler (}l Harbor, Key Largo, Monroe CountYI Florida, is currently zoned Im- proved Subdivision (IS), with sub-indicators 'D' (detached dwell- ingjduplex) and 'M' (masonry) i and WHEREAS, the staff recommends approval of the boundary changes as indicated in Staff Recommendation by Ty Symroski, Develop- ment Review Coordinator, and Tiffany Stankiewicz, Planning Technician, dated February 24, 1994, to Suburban Commercial (SC) i and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries which indicate that the property is Improved Subdivision (IS-DM) I were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Development Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previously demarcated BU-2 boundary; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The action of the Planning Director, which recommends approv- al of a boundary change in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpre- tation Number 92, dated February 24, 1994, is hereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code; and is therefore approved; and that 2) The above described property should have been originally designated as Suburban Commercial (SC) and not Improved Subdivision (IS-DM) as currently indicated; and that 3) The above conclusion of law, is predicated upon the finding of facts and conclusions outlined in the staff recommendation which this Board hereby adopts as its own. 4) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department, 5) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of 2 Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe March County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd day of (SEAL) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk By:fl~td a. A ~ Deputy Clerk" 3 , A.D., 1994. Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich Commissioner Freeman yes yes YP-H YPH YP~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ BY C OK~Y~rY of ~L~~A~~oE (305) 294-4641 M E M 0 RAN DUM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR. Jack London, Distict 2 Mayor Pro Tem, A Earl Cheal. District 4 Wilhelmina Harvey, Dictrict 1 Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 To Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director Through: Ty Symroski, Development From: Tiffany Stankiewicz, Date: February 24, 1994 RE: Boundary Determination #92, Key Largo A review of a Boundary Determination for Lots 7 and 8, Block 1 Tavernier Harbor, Key Largo, Section 27, Township 62, Range 38, (RE: #00481760 & 00481770) has been completed. Please note on some documentation lots 7 & 8 are referred to as parcels G & H. Listed below are the recommended findings & conclusions. II SUMMARY OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE (ATTACHED) Application by Bob and Carol Walsh. A copy of the Land Use District Map PROPOSED. A copy of the REDI Strip Maps, 24th Edition, 1989, page 204. A copy of the REDI Aerial Photo Map Atlas from the 25 Edi- tion, dated 1993, at a scale of 1" = 300', page 22-27. A copy of Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15, 1986, page 299. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison, page 15. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Donald Craig, page 152. A copy of the Existing Conditions Map of the scale 1" 2,000', page 6, dated July 2, 1985. A copy of the Building Permit issued August 29, 1985. A copy of the Occupation License Application, approved by the Zoning Department on October 23, 1986. A copy of the Board of County Commission Meeting Minutes dated November 25, 1985. BWALSH.02/TXTDR,March 2, 199~ III RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT Lot 7, is currently designated as IS, with sub- indicators , D' (detached dwelling/duplex) and ' M' (masonry), and lot 8, is designated as SC on the Land Use District Maps signed by Donald Craig. The applicant is requesting that the zoning on lot 7 be changed from IS-DM to SC due to an error. The previous zoning (before September 15, 1986) of the prop- erty was BU-2. A building permit was issued on August 29, 1985, for a light showroom/store on parcel G & H, portion of Block 1, Tavernier Harbor, Marine Avenue. The light showroom/store is located on lot 7. The Zoning Department on October 23, 1986, approved an Occu- pational License Application for lots 7 & 8, A review of the records found that the Board of County Com- mission did not specifically designated lot 7 as IS-DM dur- ing the preparation of the Land Use District Maps, but did designated lot 6 as IS-DM. The Official Zoning Maps, signed by Charles Pattison are imprecise as to the actual location of the land use district boundaries. IV RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION Based on the above recommended findings of fact the Boundary Determination is recommended for approval so that the IS-DM boundary is located between lots 6 and 7, block 1, Tavernier Harbor and consequently lots 7 and 8, block 1, Tavernier Har- bor, Key Largo are now designated as SC. BWALSH.02/TXTDR,March 2, 1994 /' APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION il~PP1..Ir!>..NT : ,--,.. C r-..-fl \"".-~+, -z( ''Ie \.('; C \ i '\ ,A LS't-+ PHONE # 4 ~ 1- 'f! 2 ? ADDRESS: ::: ." I',{ A "-\ (T 1,-, \ \ ;;7 L ~ e k..~'1 L-,-A:f2 (7::; ;:--c... =? =( 9 0:-; AGENT: --- :- ~~: , 1'-1 t -;. /1 <::::..~ k.~ , ~ -:::: Ll.__>~_ PHONE # 4""'" - "")109, ADDRESS: ....,. ",,--, ..' .-''f-. ,.,.( ( -' -, Kef L.~:.-(, ~{ =?~CJ3 7 KEY: r---.l~'" ( l.4-\ // L-;f0 MM # 00 SUBDIVISION: -;-- A \'~-- t> i ; I " i( \-l p,.. 'c ;> "r, LOT' S ) : rr '1:1 9 ( Le.1Jlr1lN L.C2.-,U, I OCEANSIDE: BAYSIDE: BLOCK( S) : PLAT BOOK: 9. . PAGE: ,S l- 4'./ I . .,I('! r, 77/; RE: # (. 71;: U {f T J I ,v -' ',/ MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) l~.L',""\\::'\' v-I (C,"':'Ne;~ (~ 1C"LMt-4 ',,\,AY 2J t-\/:.i..~':'>-.jL' i\uL' REQUEST CHANGE FROM : " TO -......" REASON FOR REQUEST: TW: ~ ~ r J. ('l \1 P \ . _l'\.Iv-,l (.\ I~{ ,'--l'~~' '"Z< --1611 FG,~ ~\..)~j"'--.\e)-;, ~~'SF-. Tl,+t- )T/(..\..C'TG,(l"- (>-I -rHf.' ;:>,(;~,\)(~\2T'-( G....H'i i'{--JCt---!i%..) 'fC.,\-' C::'Hl--tH{(! r\I ~ \ ;,'\F ~ \ " )'r0.~ \)('.7\ (,~, '-.A~/l(T(\ ..:::JG (JL\'-~ ,..; w: 2.. "k~ ,,/I-l-~ Hj:\~;-~ ,",1+, --n-l-E:.. L ,W I) ,~',,:..- R....., 1--11) A..I! 'I , <:" t')t j T"': iHb- \) A\~ ( po L ~.',-" -: Fi-+-L A.....\ l..c:C,2v.,-.:. \~ c,\--,'. \-.1 rl~I.:T >.....l WI='"" Hr4i) ?RESENT LAND USE: ; ---. \ A,,,: " DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: I:" l . \.. '. R '- ~\ L- [ ) l f_/ ;- I)! ,II-!", 'v' (".. "7" 1'\' ,e: c '- ~)/-:, I-I: T \ l I)I( r\{'! I" (. r:!, '- Z (,i-...1IA..,(, " \\'(( :-~f.!---,,':, ntl i t-'I r r::Lr.,~ ~ci:'( If !)'C,-\II,--...!(r- rl1t~ (""1'1131('('1/-1. L L~ FEE OF $250.00 TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION. CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IS PAYABLE TO THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE, COMPLETE, & ACCURATE. UNDERSTAND THAT THE S~ISSION OF FALSE INFORMATION MAY LEAD TO THE REVOCATION OF THE BO~ND~Y DE~~TIO~ ' SIGNATURE (OWNER): (~(l/ /--1/. ,1{"';"/'(oJ/0 I .. DATE: ,{h?V //;/95)/ ,/ / #BOUNDRY!TXTFORM, JAN. 11, 1991 ,. i~ " i_ i- ~ . lie . C . ~ 1lI1MOUR1 Pwsuant to Section 9.5-24(aH2)(h) of the Monroe County Code. the boundarle. of the Land Use Ol.trlct Map are Interpreted to be located aa I ndlcated above and briefly de.crlbed a.: Bcmnr'li'lry 1; nQ QQtUggR 19t.s ~ :lR9 7, b1g'ilk 1. Tavernier harbor has been deleted so that lot 7 is included in the "se" land use district. 1 Director of Planning 5heet# Key Date BOCC Re.olutlon 1-. 200' PROPOSED Is-OM " N ~ Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# 152 Applicant: Crlrn 1 ^' Rt"'\O WalsR Key: Larqo , , , , , , ) ~ I , '.../ , O. ~ .. ). . Flle# q? 1~= I 200' Mile M...ker: q? EXISTING ,i' ,<",' O;:'T....,.C. O~ FI.-O~\DA. 'PT. C.O"'T. \...OT~ ::!>t.4 70.,SAc. 'I'..~'1& "tP ~'O ,. "'~ I' ,," .... Q'" ~' " / -> I;, ~ / (Jr.' 1.,-.." " &' ~'Ii +~.....r.o' ,r..~., , ______ ~+ ~rw.-..-1 ,...->'~ C I .--- . ." (~ ~ . .,,0 . ",' . ,,' ,l V....'... ~ J,.. " .... :." 0'" ,.. ~ ..... -;. u.:,2 . ~ " iii ~ uJ .. ..,..-=-'..~':e..""'... ,~-r-:-\~ ~~L :.....~/o(t~~ I'::~~ ~~~.'~ 0-:- -'--: I:; , -"'I'" " ' ,,"""e" N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 24 Edltlon,19 e~ 1"=_ Pane. or Sheet# 204 Applicant: C:rlrnl!:' P.n.... W",l iib Key: Larqo File # q? I M.e Marker: q? Aerial Maps, Monroe Real Estate Data, Inc. 28 Panel or Sheet # 22-27 File # g? N ~ Applicant: Key: Carol & Bob Walsh Larqo Mile Marker: q? 1 "=300' ex' <> ro ~ \0 4 tfl :I: , 0': Lr.I CO - Z no Ir ~ > < .... , ~ f ~ 1 N I ~ Ii t~' Monroe Countv Zonina MaDs ~ ~. Pre-SeDtembe:- 15,1986 ~W;'~,'.\,',',;' !~ ,.. ~'/ F: ;"=20(' F-anei 0:" Sneet~ 299 Ap~Ucan:: Carol & Bob Wrll ~h Key: Larqo Flle# 9? Mlie MarKs;,: 92 : r-r; , .~, ~ r- ~ ;'~-l Zone' A16 t:.lev. 12' above BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DAn AUi~U...t .:.,;, I'n " THIS PERMIT SHALL ALLOW WORK (AS DEFINED UNDER WORK DESCRIPTION BELOW AND AS SHOWN AND SPECIFIED ON PLANS SUBMITTED AND ON FILE IN THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICES) TO BE PERFORMED ON THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY BY THE OWNER LISTED: ... i a:: w A. ?arcel C I(i :J. portion of Block 1 LOT. BLOCK SUBDIVISION Tavl:!rn1er Harbor MariD~ Avenue SEe 27 T 62~ ]01:: R STREET OR ROAD OWNER bob Walsh PHONE 852-5694 147 Gardenia Street. Tavernier. FL MAILING ADDRESS CGCJl)41H3 C & ~ Conatruct1on Co. 33070 CONTRACTOR PHONE S52-5lCO P. O. hox G. Tavernier. FL 33070 MAILING ADDRESS WORK DESCRIPTION Lighting ~hOWToom/store . REMARKS ESTIMATED VALUE $59.84 [) . 00 . Septic Tank. T-2479-65 900 Gallons 342 Sq. I~t. Dra1nf1.eld PERMIT CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED ON STREET SIDE OF LOT IN PERMANE1IT, SUBSTANTIAL MANNER, AND IN A CONSPICUOUS, SHELTERED LOCATION, ACCESS- IBLE TO nfE INSPECTOR. PERMIT MUST REMAIN DIS- PLAYED UNTIL AFTER FINAL INSPECTIONS. ONE COPY OF APPROVED PLANS, BEARING BUILDING DEPART. MENTSTAMPS, MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB SITE, AVAIL- ABLE TO THE INSPECTORS AT THE TIME OF ALL IN. SPECTlONS. TOTAL FEE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF IS- SUANCE OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) DAYS. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK SHALL BE COMPUED WITH. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. THIS PERMIT IS NON-TRANSFERABLE, NON-MARKETABLE AND NON-ASSIGNABLE AND ANY ATTEMPTED TRANSFER, SALE OR ASSIGNMENT OF SAID PERMIT SHALL RESULT IN THE AUTOMATIC REVOCATION OF SAID PERMIT. BUILDING FEE 198.00 PLUMBING FEE !.]). I I ELECTRICAL FEE j J:i ..J .' . ~. J., SIGNATURE OF OWNER, CONTRACTOR OR AUTHOR. JOHN WHAm. n.MPORARY IZED AGENT BUILDING OFFICIAL "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LI~ LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS". BY PERMIT ... ORIGINAL. .UlLDING PERMIT GREEN - ASSESS8R'S roPY CANARY - OFFICE roPY PINK -INSPECI'OR'S copy GOLD. OWNER'S copy .~. .... :..10NROE COUNTY FLOHIOA ^ I'PI.ICA TION FOR OCCUPATION AL l.ICENSl:; rn NEW o THANSFF.:H o RE:-':EWAL DATE OCT 6 1986 / 1. TIlADE NAME Tcver~isrLic~ting Center, Inc (The Nlme und.r wftac:ft Lh&a bu_.. aa Ie be anownl E1(;;C ric'.l f-;:, tU!'e ;;;-:.les '\,.....01es2 ::"e/re ~c:i1 2. TYPE OF BUSINESS: w <c, - . IBrieny dncnbe nature 01 ......... 8Maa.I, Wholeule. Conuactw e&.c.) J, ACTUAL LOCATION OF BUSINESS: '::::c,:;s:i..c.e D::l 92 lEX ACT!. Y ....... bU~q &0 be conciucLed unGer UUI tict'nse ..Ioutl'dl ~, ~1AILING ADDRESS OF BUSl:--JESS: ~. - ;..~c r:'L( ;v:.. -=. ';:~':.i(;r, Flo_id.~ ::;::7 ~. /The EX."'~ StraM. or Poet OffIce BOll numbt'r wh.,. meal " Lo be dd"'er~1 5. BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER: ;-~'=- r'l ~ ~:, f) '--,,":::"-j.././,,- Lo-r 74 8 6J~ I l-ouernieY- H-arixrv- G, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERn': :.: ~~. L ~ '~w ;.. ,..:( UnMrt bare Lba Le..aJ Dt'scrlpllon 01 property ..here bUlllleu I' to bt' locatedl /, OWNERS ~A~1E: rto..;er-r. l::..,,:..l.:;h (:\';r:, r/ ?resi6ern III CorporauoQ ."0 Il1dulie _naa 01 Pt.. or v, Prell, or other of/leersl 8, OWNERS PHONE NU~fBER: :1:2-56J~ G '-SF.nT BELOW THE Nti\1BERS REQUESTED: (If Applicable) 'on A PUBLIC SERVICE. MANUFACTURING OR CONTRACTORS LICENSE: THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 'Z6M!{O\lRrROV AL . . Monroe Coun~\ ~'lir.~~:nt 1'L I -., "'l ):)' ~.;> f', ~wb~ C~~::.c 3 O\\'~ERS ADDRESS: 1<7 G<: rd.e~:i;O, ::::tr8ct, T[ve.:'r:iE:r, F:!.~ APPLICA!HS SIGNATURE, ~ J~ U~ "ROPEHTY APPRAISERS APPROVAL: It :nTEL OR \10TEL LlCE!':SE: NUMBER OF ROOMS: (Copy af State Hotel & Restaurant Co: uussian License must accompany this Application) rSTAURANT.NUMBER OF SEATS: (Copy of Stale Hotel & Restt1urant ComrnissioPl LicE'n. and a copy 01 Monroe Co. H_ILh O.t. Inspection must accompany t.his application) P\;DT~r; \1ACHINF.S: fMERCHANDISE. SERVICE,COIN OPERATED & LAUNDRY) NUl\tBER OF MACHINES: TYPE OF MACHINES: (nfESSln" At LlCE,"SE: You must includethe number of your Stote of Florida License or Registration Number Certificate 01 Competency NumbN for Contractors: NOTICE 'l'I~O\':\r. \\'11.1. ;\;OT BE GIVEN I1Y TIlE 7.0:\'T,"G nr':r,\HT\TE:\'T \\'ITIIOt;T CO,\ll'I.J:T1: 1.1:(;,\' :-;(' I: 11''1' I (J" OF I.OC \ TIO,'-; OF II USI l\' ESS DE I ~G G 1\' L:::\' 1.'1 ITE.\l #G A 110\' E. ()ITHTY ..\I'J'It/\ISI-:IIS A"I'nOVAJ. Wll.!. NOT DE GIVE:\' WITHOUT I\,'\' ON S/CIIT I.\'S/'/TIIII' I.'\(~ ,\I"IJE OF TilE BUSINESS LOCt\TIO~, Y(HI 1f.-\A,41,' "". '""'''...'.'",., , I 1 ~ /--/ :~~ ~ i \ D. / )" S C r- / ~ : c~ \ "'::J r'-,\ \ / ~S ~~~~ / -,J'!..~ J PI I (r y' / i / /+_ I &A Y TlQt" ~ , .'- STA I pMMlJNITY . 7 . \ HARBO,./o " \ , ' / < l_l__/N A ' I ..... -' \/ ~I \ . ""'~J j ~ , l-;, 11 I fJ )'~/~ --" J , 6 I-~~ ~ ! IADIO ~T 'M M,'" (200) -~-, , , / / / / / / / - .......... .......... """ I ..... T A VERlvlER HARBOR Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# 15 File # 92 Applicant: Carol & Bob Walsh Key: Lar90 c N I 1"= 600' I @ Mile Marker: q? 21 / / ~ 1112 N 1 1"=2000' I r --- , 'I ~ ' , , , , . '-- 12 .'" I" /-, , 9 I \ ---, ~ ~....-' r J..L 26 4 ,/ /' T WE' R N , E R 3& ,-a"rDLlICI:l Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Fiorida July 2,1985 Panel or Sheet# 6 Flle# 92 Applicant: Carol & Bob Walsh Key: T. ;H"lJ r"\ Mile Marker: Q? ( ( ('r aU ~S-I /9fS- . 6D cC In ;"ule~ '-. G66 il '( I Islamorada. ~r. MiKe Barr addressed the Board. Motion was il'Tdde by Co",:nissioner Freeman and seconded by Commissioner I S:or:nont to approve Area No. 64 to SR. Motion carried una- I n;:nouslj. I II 'I I Freeman and , . retalned recommen- Windley ~otion Motion was made by Commissioner Freeman and ,l."sS~.EC~,O, ""<1-;i',:,8X~..,f'La!or ,Pro Tem Fahrer t~ designate Map No. U-07, ~ntierty Adjacent To Plantatlon Lake Estates, ~"~;~"-;-'-"'~:4::--' .n O~r1"" "r-i. .A'~1 8-- C f 1 ~ 1'-. D 1 ""'I :dO;~,"'" I' , I ~ n L - ~ 1 0 n, u c ~ ~ " ::, 1 '-' e, ",' tJ . ~, as, 0 , J 0 0'/" , ,a r C e " '-' ~ .) ~ ,_ as NA and Parcel 10 ~9337 and #9342-012 (known as property . I ,~o'/" ~ j b j the :: 1 1 i s e sat the sou the a s t cor n e r 0 f Sou t h D r i v e ) II .; s ~ r\ . :~ 0 :. 1 0 n car:- i e dun ani m 0 u sly . I ~l,. s e,. c, 0,'. n,' G. e.,d .,",'~ ~...,' ,'-.L" ,,1.._,1'. ~~ m.,.".i",~.,.:..i ~ ",a, ~ ~ ~ L ; ~,' ~,.~, :.s, ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ e; ~ e ~ ~: n r: ~ ~ m men _ dt""~,,~~,~~Lrt~,,h~iJ~~!l "~,. ,n~.te Map ~o. U -08 ~re a, '31~I1~~it.:i.~i.J~ '" ~Tavernler, Bayslde, MM 92, 'a s~::-. Mot ion car r i e dun ani m 0 u sly . M i k e Bar ran d A r 1 e n e 'I Rei~er addressed the Board concerning this matter. The Board entered into a discussion 12,rea. ~r. Oliver Brown, owner of Lot 16 in Mr. Cornell, owner of the property, requeste that the SR designation be retained. The Staff recommended that the orooerty retain the SR designation. Arlene Reiser addressed tne 3car~. ~ction was made by Commissioner Stormont and i S~::.~:~: :'1' ==~~~== i=~er ~reeman to chance t~e desia~~~ion t~;r ~1 ~~. : ~,~ ~ : ~.~ ~ r~r ~ ~ ~~ s~~~'~.~~~~,~~,~~~~~ e i ;jr.'~rT1 :i1C us i Y. ,[ " 11e 3Qcr~ briefly discussed the Soohie Felten pro- ~~~~} 3n: ~r~ ~~::er ~a~ referred t8 Staff. ~c:icn was mad~ by Commissioner Freeman and secorcej Dy ~aycr Prc Tem Fahrer to retain the SR desiana- :. ~: - ;- J I' ;,1 a :: 'i:. U - 1 G Are a, Bay H a v en, B 1 0 c k 2, Lot s .. :1 r, d ~ = , ~ '/ ~~ ~ n 1 :: ""', Bay s i a e, Ily1 >: 9 4 . 8 . T neB 0 a. i"' d a 1 sod i s c ~ S S 2 ,j :r= C:S5 ':: ,e re-J1si:ing of thlS area for N~ designa:lo~. ~r. Tittle addessed the Board concernino Ma:: ~o. .:. r e~ , i: ..,".:",.')': ',a n d r e que s t e d t ~ e So a r d t J h 0 i C Jr':; ~t-::~ J'/er unL11 t, e "1arathon map meetlngs, Mot1Dn 'o'/as '--'- Jj~o--:~issioner Freeman and seconded by Com::lissiJner S:,or~Qn: to postpone consideration of Map No. U-Ol Area, j -= :: .~ < ~'r := J :? :~ : j, ;_ 0 'tV ~~" ~1 2 t ~ C J m b ~.. ~ a s tEn d ~ B 3 ~/ sid e, ~< '< 7 7 . 5 , +- :~'-:' :<_:~:.~nJn i""l 2. [: me'2~incs. Mctior: carrleJ unanimJJsl,v'. lr~ jJ2r: ~~:2;ec ~ ~ ; ~~, ' ~':~, ~. : ~ ~ 0 ~ 4;~t~~~~( ~r- ~C2~': CJ~C2rnln~ ,., . alSCUS310~ cJrce~n~~; th2 :))""CIP ,-J :r ~ r - ~~ ..~ ,-", ,-.):J ~ ~ r. I. r ::l ~ .-I il I I I It I: i I )/qll/cr e/ I' 11 I' ,I Iii - !- ", , I 1:;,- It -. , I, 1'1 " I ' ~',.~ - i I- i'