Resolution 091-1986 Reggis Paros, Director Emergency Services RESOLUTION NO. 091 -1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A LETTER OF INTENT BY AND BETWEEN SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, CONCERNING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ENHANCED 911/STAND ALONE AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY SERVICE SYSTEM IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Letter of Intent by and between Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company and the County of Monroe, State of Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the implementation of the Enhanced 911/Stand Alone Automatic Identification Emergency Service System in Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of March, A. D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~k- Mayor Pro-"rem/Chairman (Seal) Attest: ~ 4 1 ',ll.Li, :t;~ 1) L . CLERK ' ":'''A APP~IJ'" , ',' "', N,. u::,:i",:";_~.,, 1 / ~' " .. .,--<~.- 11.,. r~1 t..' ,/ (77945) MONROE COUNTY LETTER OF INTENT TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I SECTION II SECTION I II SECTION IV SECTION V SECTION VI SECTION VII SECTION VI II SECTION IX SECTION X SECTION XI SECTION XII SECTION XII I TARIFF PROVISIONS SYSTEM CHARGES DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM BILLING PROCEDURES PROVISION OF SERVICE GEOGRAPHIC AREA DESCRIPTION SYSTEM FEATURES SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS ACCESS TO USER FACILITIES UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SYSTEM LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY CANCELLATION EFFECTIVE DATE EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT 'c EXHIBIT 0 EXHIBIT E FORECASTED SYSTEM PRICING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PSAP LOCATIONS PRIMARY PSAP EQUIPMENT SYSTEM FEATURES AND DESCRIPTIONS LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY LETTER OF INTENT Please accept th1s letter ~s our request and order for Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company (Southern Bell) to 1mplement the Enhanced 9ll/Stand A lone Automat1 c IdentH1 cat10n Emergency Serv1 ce System (Enhanced 911 /SALI System) 1n Monroe County, Flor1da. Th1s order, wh1ch author1zes you to proceed w1th the 1nstallat10n of the system, 1s based on our understand1ng of the following th1rteen sect10ns and f1ve exh1b1ts: SECTION I TARIFF PROVIS10NS The County understands that Enhanced 9ll/SALI serv1ces and fac1l1t1es are provided subject to and controlled by the prov1s10ns of Southern Bell lawfully f1led tarHfs, 1nclud1ng any changes there1n as may be made from t1me to t1me. SECTION II SYSTEM CHARGES System charges are based on the number of ma1n stat10n telephones in serv1ce. Refer to Exhib1t A for a statement of forecasted charges. Actual charges will be determined by the tariffs 1n effect on the date of service. SECTION II I DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM The Enhanced 9ll/SALI System prov1des use of the exchange network at no charge to the caller. It further prov1des facl1H1es wHhin the network between local central off1ces and the Publ1c Safety Answer1ng P01nts (PSAPs). The Enhanced 9ll/SALI System covered hereby 1s more exp11c1tly explained in Exhibits C and D. The prel1minary list of pr1mary PSAPs is conta1ned 1n Exhib1t B. SECTION IV BILLING PROCEDURES It 1s understood and agreed that bil11ng w1ll beg1n at the time the system is operational and turned over to the County. These bil11ng procedures shall be as set forth in Southern Bell's app11cable tar1ffs. SECTION V PROVISION OF SERVICE Selection of the appropr1ate service to the County will be made mutually by Southern Bell and the County. Select10n will be based on a thorough analysis of the County's needs at each pub11c safety 10cat10n and on the availability of faci11ties 1n each area. A serv1ce date shall be established no later than 24 months after receipt of an acceptable data base which will be provided by the County. (7794S) SECTION VI GEOGRAPHIC AREA DESCRIPTION The primary PSAPs are Hsted in Exhibit B. The County shall furnish to Southern Bell a definition of the specific geographic areas covered by each primary agency. Such definition shall be in terms of street names, street types, directionals, street addresses and number ranges (where appli~able), or in such other manner as may be mutually acceptable by the County and Southern Bell. The definition of each ge"ographic area, and the ongoing maintenance of such information shall be the sole responsibility of the County. The County further agrees to furnish to Southern Bell, in a timely manner, any such updated geographical information. It is understood that the time required by Southern Be 11 to update the data base wi 11 depend on the nature and extent of such changes. Southern Bell will require a minimum interval of time in which to input into the data base major changes such as realignment of PSAP boundaries, street name changes, new street additions and annexations. The County further understands that in order to properly route calls from subscribers in some rural areas of the County, it will be necessary for the County to provide unique street addresses (including house numbers) for specific real estate parcels in these areas. Street addresses will be required for streets or thoroughfares which cross multiple jurisdictional boundaries and at present use only rural route and box numbers as an address. These street addresses would be for the Enhanced 9ll/SALI System purposes only and would not affect current mailing .addresses. SECTION VII SYSTEM FEATURES The features of the Enhanced 9ll/SALI System to be purchased by the County shall include those features generally described in Section A24 of Southern Bell General Subscriber Service Tariff.and as listed in Exhibit D. SECTION VII I SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS The County specifically and expressly agrees as follows: 1. .That at least one PSAP will be provided and staffed on a 24 hour, seven days per week basis. 2. That the County accepts responsibility for dispatching, or having others dispatch police, fire, ambulance or other emergency services as required, to the extent as such services are reasonably available. 3. That the County will develop an appropriate method for responding to calls for non-participating agencies which may be directed to the 911 PSAP by calling parties. ( 7794S) 4. That the County will subscribe to, or provide, telephone equipment with a capacity adequate to handle the number of incoming 911 lines recommended by Southern Bell to be installed. That at least one law enforcement agency will be included among the participating agencies in this system. 5. That the 911 number shall not replace the telephone service of the various public safety agencies which may participate in the use of this number. The County shall subscribe to additional local exchange service, if none exists, at the PSAPs for administrative purposei for placing of outgoing calls and for' receiving other emergency calls, including any which may be relayed by Southern Bell operators. SECTION IX ACCESS TO USER FACILITIES Southern Bell shall be provided access by the County and all publ1c safety agencies to their premises where the equipment and facllities are located. This access shall be for the purpose of installation, inspection, testing, repairing, or removing the equipment and facilities used in furnishing the Enhanced 911/SALI System. - SECTION X UNAUTHORIZED USE OF. SYSTEM It ,is understood and agreed that ANI and ALL information pertaining .to incoming Enhanced 911/SALI, System calls is to be used solely for the purposes of answering, handling, and responding to emergency calls in a manner consistent with the nature of the emergency. SECTION XI LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY Southern Bellis liability to third parties or to the County and any indemnity obligations in connection therewith shall be limited to that stated in Southern Bellis' applicable tariffs. - See Exhibit E for this particular statement. SECTION XII CANCELLATION The County understands that if this request, or any subsequent request by the County for service or facilities, or request for, additions, rearrangements, relocations or modifications of service or equipment is cancelled in whole or in part, for any reason, prior to completion of the work involved, the County shall reimburse Southern Bell for all expenses incurred in handling the request before notice of cancellation is received. Such charges, however, shall not exceed all charges which would apply if the work involved in complying with the request had been completed. Section XII shall not apply to any cancellation made within thirty (30) calendar days of the effective date of this letter. ( 17945) SECTION XII I EFFECTIVE DATE This Letter of Intent sha.ll be effective when accepted in wrH1ng by Southern Be 11. ATTEST: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Clerk By: ntle: The above Letter of Intent is hereby accepted by Southern Bell, this day of , 19_____. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY By: ntle: .- (7794S) APPR \fED AS TO FORM AM >It SUFFIC1Ff}V. 1 BY ~ ~ e;;cr-l L Attorney's omr.~ .. j EXHIBIT A MONROE COUNTY ENHANCED 911/SALI PRICING FORECAST Projected main telephone stations as of 1985: 14,000 Combined features: Automatic Number Identif1cat1on, and Stand Alone Automat1c Location Service Estab11shment Installation Monthly SlOSO.OO Network $ 1000.00 4126.00 $39.990.00 $39,.990.00 $2440.20 $3490.20 Equipment Total Price Waived* * Due to the cooperation shown to us by Monroe County during our trial of E911/SAlI at Plantation Key, Southern Bell has agreed to waive serv1ce establishment charges at the Plantation Key location only. ; . ( 7794S) EXHIBIT B MONROE COUNTY ENHANCED 9ll/SALI PSAP LOCATIONS PRIMARY PSAP LOCATION: Monroe County Sheriff Substation Plantation Key (7794S) EXHIBIT C MONROE COUNTY ENHANCED 911/SALI PRIMARY PSAP EQUIPMENT (1) ANI Master Controller (2) Auxiliary Trunk Equipment (1) ANI Commercial Power (1) SALI Commercial Power (2) Interior Wiring (1) ANI Auxiliary Controller (2) ANI Display (1) SALI Master Controller (2) ~LI Display (7794S) EXHIBIT D MONROE COUNTY ENHANCED 911/SAlI SYSTEM FEATURES Automatic Number Identification: A feature by which the callirrg party's telephone number is forwarded to E911 Control Office and to the PSAP's Display and Transfer Units. . Stand Alone Automatic location Identificatibn: A feature by which the name and address associated with the calling party's telephone number (identified by ANI as described above) is forwarded to the PSAP for display. Telephones associated with a calling party.s telephone number but which are physically located elsewhere (off-premise extensions. secondary locations, etc.) will also be identified with the same address associated with the calling party.s telephone number at the primary location. Display and Transfer Unit: A selector console and associated common equipment for displaying ANI numbers at the PSAP attendant position and used by the attendant to activate Fixed and/or Selective Transfer functions. Enhanced 911/SALI Service Area: The geograp~ic area in which Monroe County will respond to all 911 calls and dispatch apptopriate emergency assistance. (7794S) EXHIBIT E MONROE COUNTY ENHANCED 911/SALI LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY When the use of service or facilities furnished by the Company is fnterrupted due to any cause other than the negligence or willful act of the subscriber or the failure of the facilities provided by the subscriber, a pro ,rata adjustment of the fixed monthly charges involved will be allowed as covered by Section A2 of this Tariff. Where allowances on monthly charges for Service Features of E911/SALI Service are involved, only those Service Features which are affected by the interrupted service shall be considered; and further, only those main stations on the. interrupted 'port1on of a service shall be considered in determining the number of main stations affected. This service is offered solely as an aid in handling assistance calls in connection with fire, pollee and other emergencies and does not create any relationship or obligation, direct or indirect, to any person other than the customer contracting for 911 servtce. In the event of any interruption of the service, the Company shall not be liable to any person, corporation or pther entity for any loss or damage in an amount greater than an amount equal to the pro rata allowance of the. tariff rate for th.e service or facilities provided to the customer for the time such interruption continues, after notice to the Company. No allowance shall be made if the interruption is due to the negligence or willful act of the customer of the service. Further, each customer agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, 1 nstituted" or asserted by the customer or by any other party or person, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, or for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the customer or others, or for any infringement or invasion of the right of privacy of any person or persons, caused or claimed to have been cau.sed, directly or indirectly, by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of 911 service features and the equipment associated therewith or by any services which are or may be furnished by the Company in connection therewith, including but not limited to the identification of the telephone number, address or name associated with the telephone used by the party or parties accessing 911 services hereunder, and which arise out of the negligence or other -wrongful act of the Company, the customer, its user agencies or municipalities or employees or agents of anyone of. them. SM:mjh(7794S)