Resolution 095-1986 Peter Castellanos and Mary Castellanos, Petitioners RESOLUTION NO. 095 -1986 RESOLUTION SETTING DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF THIRD LANE LOCATED IN WINSTON WATERWAYS, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at 3:00 P.M., Friday, May 16, 1986, at the Plantation Government Center, Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida, said Board will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways: The south 25 feet of the turnaround "tee" of Third Lane located in the Amended Plat of Winston Waterways No.2, Key Largo, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at page 27. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of March, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~i'~an (Seal) Attest :DANNX L. KOLHAGE1 91erk ,12L~) AOL API', 0 'ED AS TO F~:~ BY N GAL S~FFICUA ( Attomey.s omes 0-;..' I 0 \ ~~y~l: jFL~R~~3~~E (3051294-4641 MEMORANDUM BOA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MA YOR Wilhe'lmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman. District 3 Mayor Pro tem Alison Fahrer, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 TO: Mr. Calvin J. Allen, Assistant County Attorney FROM: Harvey F.Wachob, Engineering Coord., Monroe County Public Works FOR: Dent Pierce, Acting Director, Monroe County Public Works DATE: March 7, 1986 SUBJECT: Abandonment of Portion of 3rd Lane, Winston Waterways, Key Largo Examination of this material covering the request for abandonment of the south 25' of the turnaround "tee" of 3rd Lane, Amemded Plat of Winston Waterways No.2, Key Largo, P.B. 6 - P.27 (please see attached plat) . I noticed that a lot of- the material pertained to another situation on another street. Our examination showed no actual parallel be- tween the two situations. Lot 1 Blk. 8 according to the plat shows no-hint of any unusual hardship in designing a house to fit this lot. The configuration of this lot, with the turnaround "tee", repre~ented many, many situations in many other subdivisions in Monroe County. The petitioner certifies that the abandonment will not take any right to ingress and egress from other property owners. The pet- i~ioner did not mention that this abandonment would impose a hardship on the motoring public who has lost half of their man- euvering space. In Monroe County'we have a multitude of subdi- visions that were accepted and approved with no turnaround pro- visions whatsoever, the people that live at the end of these street~ have a perpetual parade in their driveways. I believe t~at-this abandonment just is not pra ic Harvey Wachob, Engineering Monroe County Public Works HFW/jd cc: Dent Pierce, Acting Director, Monroe County Public Works Mr. Kermit Lewin, Administrator Monroe County ~Wr:- ~mnww:~~ It). !) ;-l ..~(..~ ),1 ) {' ll' I' , ~~, N^R 10 1985 ~'..J.~ir,,' AI1Y_ , . {"S~c' "'}~t. " ',-,A~,'.~" ,- "':';, " .~~' , '. " " t/ , - t' ", 't. . . . .. ~ , . " - ....- , >:. ':,;: \ { :, I.r 'J ")..." 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N 0.: I 0) l!)' t\.. / / "'~ r'l ~ till '\, J ~ '---. . l .... · ."kr . ~ ~~.... f J .. .. ~'. ~ ;~t:~~~ I < . ~ '.1 I ~"J . . . " " ,- ... .. . . ~~r. " r f : ; l r ~ i ~ I- . .t J... r "ll;~ ,~ ; ~ -: '~ .. ." . '; # $ c. \ f : ; L-~ ~ . . vc i"l.t~ .~fil . cl · 1 i.%""i~ l~:.! -$ .. .. 'I .. i: q t · ~ '1" J . ~ . ~ .... ~ l - + .... 1l';l ~ ':i 1 ~ t - t tl .. _ ~l! 'I It .. j .. f I vorl)! .. t ... C~q!l ."~.,1l L~I:L -Xix." ~ ... q ~jii" 11111 ~ t PETITION FOl\ ROAD ABANDONMENT ;..t" TO: Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida February'], 1986 DATE: :' PETER CASTELLANOS AND MARIA CASTELLANOS hereby petitions the .. . Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereiriafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, a copy of which is attached hereto. Street 3rd Lane is/are the sole owner(s) of Lot(s) Lot 1 Block 8 Wiston Waterway Plat Book6 Page 27 Monroe County Florida Attached to this Petition and made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" is. the map/plat/ sketch of survey of Property with the property owned by Petitioner outlined in black and that portion of Street Petitioner seeks to have abandoned marked with diagonal lines. Petitioner seeks to have the above-described portion of Street 3rd La.UQ abandoned as it is outlined on the a~tached survey because: The portion at the end of the street (3rd Lane) mentioned on the road abandonment petition would allow the lot to have the necessary measurement for the building premit to be issued, Petitioner certifi~s that the abandonment of said road will not take away from other property holders' right of ingress and egress to their property, and that the 19~ taxes on the land owned by PETER CASTELLANOS AND MARIA CASTELL@NOS have been paid. Petitioner agrees to be responsible for and pay for all costs of a~vertising and recording fees incurred relative to this request for the vacation, Petitioner further furnishes this Board with letters of no objection from the utility companies, attached hereto and marked Exhibits : --------- .---- -------- ,.o" , and a 1" - ~ of the names and addresses of arH !1t"pnt property owners, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit Petitioner. agrees to gran't any easement necessary for the furnishing. of utilities, including without limitation electric power, water, . sewer, telephone, gas, cq.ble and other electric communication services to the same extent as is common within .. . this area as to height, width and degree, upon request for such service or by the Board of County Commissioners through its authorized agents. WHEREFORE, Petitioner formally requests the Honorable Board I of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to grant this petition. ~~-~' B ~/~~ --:: <- -= -==P-etY'El.bn-er ~ By: w~~. Petitioner --:- STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF MONROE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, duly authorized to adminis ter oaths and take ,acknowledgments, personally appeared Mr. Peter Castellanos, Jr. and Maria C, Castellanos who; f,irst being duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and states that he/ she is the person' described in the foregoing ins trument and that he/she has personal knowledge of the facts and matters alleged therein and that each of these facts and matters are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 7 day of February. 1986 , in the County and State first above written. -' /' .......-.-.- J (S EAL ) My Commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FlOnlOA AT LARGE MY COMMISSION EXPiRES DEe, 25, 1987 BONDED THROUGH MUROSKI'ASHTON, INC, <;-\ lv1 ~ t Mrc\~: PET[R CA-Sl"E.LL.A-NO';:) LOI: 1/ 5LOCK PLA-.T BOOK. C, I LO,: S\Zc ~o 010 CO\JI::..RA.(:)E. O~ \ fl L.1.4 Eo C O\H_R J:...(" E. ee L,. L I N E:. CO V E. ~t--.C:> E.. ! 5 e: ~'i \ C T,A. N K. S \ ~ E. PERC.OLb..T\Ot'-.1 R ~\E. DRl:l.. \ N ~l LL 0 ~ \ Z. c::. II , 6 I W.\ t--\ ~ T 0 \-J. W ~ \' E. R W f:>.... '( N () 2 P A..G E,; 1? Mo t-J. ROE. COU t-.\\ '1 F LOR \ t)A, {,/4~7,!:> s.r". I, OJ ~ I. '2. '5. F. ',500 c;" r. 1,0 4- 0 5. f. 0)0-0 C./)..,L~, 2- Oi('~ M\tJ/'t~c..H 3 '1 ~ ~. F, I l :,J ! I i -I,' i I I j, iii I CA.-NA.L --1 .:1 -1 .... " ---------- --11. s I I 0 ~ ! ~ ~I I I I ___L ! Z I' leT 1- -~ -- -.-..0 I 1<__ .. '-- ,..-- _ _... ~ - -,--. --.- 4... I Ii! 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I \.;- ~ ...... ,'.. .,".1. . ',0 "'. '~ .: 'I' It I, 0' . ~; ~,'" . ~ J..:.: . ....,.. . , " --.:\t ,'\~ .,', ,".. I :...1:,,,x.... ". ~,' of ~ :;.~;~.~~.,.. " " .. .. :' . ~.. t AI }~~ ~l.r.."t'. , :'/\;.J:::, ~....r.4t. . '. '. . , : ......~ . . .. "- .~.:~~..': , '. " .' .4.... . -',' ',i,". Across 3treet . Lot ::-Jext Door Adjoining property o...m" rs Block 7 lot 18 (C~5~7~2~-001800)) 1670871 Andreadis TriantafiJ ~a' 21038 Shady Vista Lane Boca Raton Fl. 33433 ,,(ffi~ Bloc.k 8 lot 2 german Echevarria 4600 E. 11 Ave. Hialeah Fl. 33013 ( 005 .j 7 2 L: . f) L 000) 1670898 '. January 7, 1986 Mr. A. Lee Lee Construction Inc. 145 Dove Lake Drive Tavernier, FL 33070 Subject: Block 8, Lot 1, dead end of 3rd Lane easement located on Winston Waterways Dear Mr. Lee: I have reviewed your letter on the subject mention above and I as the owner of Lot 2, Block 8 of 3rd Lane on Winston Waterways have no objection "for the road abondonment from the county at the dead end portion of 3rd Lane to the owner of Lot 1, Block 8 on 3rd Lane. Sincerely, H~rria (2) Southern Bell R.E. Leon Engineering Manager South Dade District ~1500 ~W180 Street. Room 103 I'errir'e. FI~)rida 33157 :105252,5111 January 14, 1986 File: IN25.11 Mr. Oscar M. Blanco, Jr. Lee Construction Company, Inc. P.O, Box 1450 Tavernier, Florida 33157 Dear Sir: Pl ease be advi se<i that Southern Bell has no objecti on to the abandonment of the 625 square feet of 3nd Lane which adjoins the northwest corner of. Lot 1, Block 8, of the Amended Plat of Winston Waterways No.2. Yours truly, y€;tJd Engineering Manager DRB/ls Doc696:ls A BELLSCXJTH Company r~orida Keys Aqueduct Authority , -tI jl? Post Ofllce Box 1239 . . 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33041.1239 Telephone (305) 296-2454 " January.3, 1986 Mr. Oscar M. Blanco, Jr. Lee Construction Co., Inc. P. o. Box 1450 Tavernier, FL 33070 subject: Lot 1, Block 8, Amended Plat of Winston Waterways No. 2 Dear Mr. Blanco: We have reviewed your letter of December 26, 1985, concerning the abandonment of a portion of 3rd Lane adjacent to the subject lot. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has no objection to the abandonment of that portion of 3rd Lane as indicated on the sketch you sent us. sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY ~Sn~~ Director of Engineering GEH/mb Bernard L. Schattner Exacutlve Dlractor J. J. Pinder Chairman Kathleen Abrams Vice-Chairman - . -W~ ~ 0~ ct'~jop~ ~y~ . f!I f!J. PJoa/.J 77 '.'91605@~~ 5~ ~~ .1.1070 (JOs) 952-2.11.11 27 December 1985 Mr. Oscar Blanco LEE CONSTRUCTION INC. 145 Dove Lake Drive Taverniert FL 33070 RE: Electric Utility Easement Dear Mr. Blanco: . Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC) has no objection to the abandonment of the easement located in Winston' Waterways Subdivision. The easement is a parcel 25 feet square in front of Block 8 Lot 1 t at the dead end portion of 3rd Lane. It borders Lot 2. A copy of a map is enclosed showing the abandoned easement area, circled in red ink. This letter speaks only on the behalf of FKEC. Other non-electric utilities should be contacted, since the easemeRt is not solely an electric utility easement. SincerelYt /j} /// ;;/~?-t:4 Nicolas Pohl Engineer thitf NP / k 1 .Enc, cc: File (4) d~@wned~ , I "' ; " , l..O r 6, IN y.A r tP. wA.'{' MONROE SEe T \ 0 N 22 T 'tV r~' G I :l. l Cpa 5. P 1.,) - BLOCK" 5~iOWN COUNTY SOU \ t-\ -- R u L_, ,YJ ,..OP Ito.l("OP't"'1"l'IO~A.'- PV~PO.)I FLORIDA , :,~.)r(Jr4 JOHt'< 0 wEILeR. IItt'::"'ST(~(:> SI.J~vc.yO'l 'S\..A.MOItAOA ,~L..... .. _ a- ,.. - 'lr'"" -'1. ~_.l:1 - -~ -.:=15 IoCA~. ...., ... ,~ .".A.IltCt( l> (, ~ ~ ,~ .. 3 tal L4~C'.O G~ftO(N~ l4 - ~61 I' , . f....-- tip. . . .,; ....c. eI ...., ., \If \, lilt ......Jot - ~ ,,--- I. 10 ' __ ~_' ~:~bo&l~.( ,.- . t t ~ ~ ._- ...s.U I ~I g.. 't. '\ I. s- po 'i . z . I. . I... .~..' ~ .... -, ,\. I: t:' I~ I~ , rl >' . %' , "" I . I" A M t 'L . . I I L__---,' ~---2-~~ ., -. -- .-----------------.---..- -- f.r.p=~- ~ .~ : l;; ~0t:. ~. ~ j :, R o II ..... ~ ~ . .. . JT Co s r )> ;z Pl CD' , ~~. .s . > . ..,s % · .M . .. . ., " . .. - ... .. '. · . L .. I' " .. . R 0 , , l I 1 I I 1 I I I . . . . I , . . . . w' , IN T ' 0 . 1.,- 'w . , H . . W A C fa A. "t ~ , I . . . I 8 _'- o. ( ", I , I H 0 ..,. I .. ( " u 0 C 0 -, K I n' I. ' , I ..' I I I , I I . II J_ I I' . ,- ul &I II ,. 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