Resolution 114-1986 Mayor Wilhelmina G. Harvey RESOLUTION NO. 114-1986 WHEREAS, over the last five years, the federal government has reduced domestic expenditures to state and local governments by 25% while during the same period, overall expenditures have increased by 25%; and WHEREAS, the budget proposal currently before Congress proposes another reduction to state/local revenues $14.5 billion with a proposed defense increase of $16 plus billion; and WHEREAS, the Administration has called for the total elimin- ation of the Federal Financial Assistance Act of 1972 (General Revenue Sharing), the only federal program which assures a domestic partnership with each county in the state and country; and WHEREAS, all past federal domestic reductions have carried the assurance that they were being accomplished for the sake of deficit reduction while, in fact, the dollars were shifted to other expenditure categories in defense and foreign aid; and WHEREAS, at the same time that the federal government reduced domestic spending, defense spending increased and also federal taxes were reduced, thus further increasing the deficit; and WHEREAS, another tax reform proposal before Congress today proposes to eliminate tax deductions for state and local taxes and eliminate the tax exempt status of public bonds. The revenue produced by this action, roughly $50 billion, would be used to reduce taxes for other taxpayers rather than reduce the deficit; and WHEREAS, the county officials of Florida, along with our counterparts from around the country, are seriously concerned about a maintenance of congressional commitment to the domestic partnership; and WHEREAS, the single best way to maintain that partnership is through the single most efficient mechanism available, that is General Revenue Sharing; and WHEREAS, Florida county officials think that deficit re- duction is the number one target of the federal government and that reduction of spending will continue to be necessary while revenue increases may also be necessary; and WHEREAS, Florida county officials are committed to continue to work with Congress to ensure that those reductions will not place undue hardship on any single sector or program and that such reductions should be felt by all categories of federal expenditure, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Said Board hereby urges the Florida Congressional Delegation to cease attacking the federal deficit solely by reductions in domestic spending and to promptly address this national issue in a spirit of fairness by asking all portions of the federal budget across the board to share the burden of further reductions in federal spending; and 2. Said Board hereby strongly urges each member of the Florida Congressional Delegation to commit to a continued domes- tic partnership. In addition, they must support the continuation of the program which has proven to be one which accomplishes the domestic goals of both Congress and counties, that is General Revenue Sharing; and 3. Said Board pledges to continue to work with Congress toward a balanced federal budget. We have already significantly increased taxes and reduced spending. We are, however, opposed to accomplishing the deficit reduction goal by a technique which requires all spending reductions to come from the domestic side alone of the federal budget. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of April, A. D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . A ~ By ~~.()~"-'-~-"~ ~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) PaNNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Attest: -I2~~~ ilL BY 2