Resolution 129-1986 ,. RE.$Q.'lCUtIQ.'lN NQ.'l. 129 -1986 WHEREAS, ~he BQ.'lARD Q.'lf CQ.'lUNty CQ.'lIDmI.$.$IQ.'lNER.$ Q.'lf mQ.'lNRQ.'lE CQ.'lUNty, fCQ.'lRIDA, has recei~ea an app1ica~ion from JQ.'l.$EPH RQ.'ltH ana WHEREA.$, in complaince wi~h .$~a~e .$~a~u~e, i~ is necessary as par~ of ~he permi~~ing proceaure ~o reaa ~he following Biological Assessmen~ in~o ~he Recora, as follows: The applicant would like to reclaim land lost due to erosion, stabilize his restored shoreline and provide boat mooring facilities at his residential property. The plans for achieving these goals which have been submitted, are riddled with omissions and inaccuracies, to the point where it is impossible to accurately determine what is being proposed. What can be made out from the plans and project description is that approximately 240 ft. of either a vertical boulder wall or a sloping boulder revetment is proposed to be built on the applicant's shoreline. Half of the boulder structure will be placed on a shoreline bordering a natural tidal creek and half will be placed on a shoreline bordering a residential canal. A concrete walkway will be built over the boulders. The walkway will be supported by concrete pilings rather than the boulders. A 50 ft. long section of pile supported dock will be placed on the remaining section of the applicant's shoreline. The dock will be equipped with boat davits. On the landward side of the boat dock, a vertical concrete seawall will be installed. Turbidity curtains will be used to maintain water quality while the proposed work is in progress. The project site is located in the Venetian Shores Subdivision which was created over a number of years by filling wetlands with the spoil excavated from finger canals. Over ten dead-end finger canals averaging 1200f ft. long were created to provide frontage to the majority of the lots in the subdivision. Most of the canals connect to Snake Creek, which separates Plantation Key from Windley Key and provides a navigable passage between the Atlantic Ocean and Florida Bay. All of the waters surrounding Venetian Shores are designated as Class III Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). Snake Creek is within the boundaries of the Florida Keys Special Waters which has the additional designation of Outstanding Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.041, Florida Administrative Code). A waterfront single family residence occupies the lot which adjoins the north side of the applicant's property. The shoreline on this lot has been seawalled and a boat slip has been cut into it. To the east, the applicant's property is bordered by a vacant canal front lot. The shoreline on this lot consists of an unarmored fill bank. An unnamed residential canal borders the south side of the applicant's lot and Snake Creek borders the west side. The applicant's property consists of a more or less rectangular vacant lot located at the mouth of a dead-end canal, such that two sides of the lot border on water. The elevation of most of the lot is estimated to be approxi- mately five feet above mean high water (MEW). The substrate on the lot consists of crushed rock and marl fill. With the exception of the water- front edges, the lot is vegetated by grass which appears to be mowed occasionally. A large pile of limestone boulders have been left on the lot, apparently in prepration for the proposed work. Resolution Joseph Roth The shoreline on the west side of the applicant's property which borders on Snake Creek consists of a vertical erosion escarpment which drops five or six feet to a littoral zone shelf. The littoral zone shelf is typically 10 or 15 feet wide, but reaches 20 feet wide at the southwest corner of the lot, where erosion has been most severe. At the outer edge of the littoral zone shelf, the bottom drops off steeply to the floor of Snake Creek. A few scattered boulders are located on the littoral shelf, how- ever, most of the shelf is covered by gravel. Formerly, there were large buttonwood trees along the top edge and on the face of the escarpment, however, they have been cut down. The landward half of the littoral zone shelf at the base of the escarpment is devoid of macroflora. The outer half of the shelf has areas vegetated by turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum and also rich growth of algae, including Acetabularia sp. Bathophora sp., Halimeda sp. and Laurencia sp. On the south side of the applicant's lot which faces a canal the shoreline is similar to the one on the west side, however, the littoral zone shelf is noticeably narrower. Numerous small (five or six feet tall) red (Rhizophora mangle) and black (Avicennia germinans) trees are located on the shelf. Many of the mangrove trees have, at some time in the past, been cut down to a height of just two or three feet, however, they have grown back to their present height. As a result of the poor quality of the plans for the proposed work, it is impossible to accurately access the potential impacts from the project. A best guess is that all or most of the littoral shelf on both sides of the applicant's lot will be covered by either boulders or dock. This will permanently eliminate approximately 0.1 ac of tidal wetlands. The loss of the wetlands will result in the loss of the benefits, including primary production, habitat, pollution filtration, sediment stabilization and fishery production that the wetlands provide. The proposed work will replace the sediment stabilization functions completely and will provide a reduced habitat area. Under the provisions of Chapters 403.087 and 403.918, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3.061, 17-3.121, 17-4.03, 17-4.242, 17-12.070 and 17-27.050, Florida Administrative Code, I recommend this application be denied Departmental permitting authorization. The project would receive a favorable recommendation if the following modifications were incorporated into it: 1. Redesign the boulder wall into a boulder revetment with a two horizontal to one vertical slope. 2. Place the toe of the revetment at a maximum distance of ten feet from the existing toe of the shoreline escarpment. 3. Grade the lot landward of the revetment to retain stormwater on the uplands. 4. Draft a new set of plans incorporating the above modifications which shows the proposed work accurately to scale, with dimensions on all structures and not contradictions. Be i~ resolveD ~ha~ ~he tlerk is hereby oirec~ea ~o make available ~o ~he FielD Represen~a~ive of ~he Departmen~ of tommuni~y Affairs a cer~ifieo copy of ~his resolu~ion by cer~ifieo mail ~o saiD FielD Represen~a~ive, Pos~ ~ffice Box 990, Key Wes~, FloriDa 33041, re~urn receip~ reques~eo. Resolution Joseph Roth BE !~ FUR~HER RE$~C~EP BY ~HE B~ARD ~F (~UN~Y (~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E (~UN~Y, FC~R!PA, that the ahove Biological Assessment has heen reaD into the recorD anD Duly consiDereD pursuant to FloriDa $tatute 253.124 hy the BoarD of (ounty (ommissioners of Inonroe (ounty, FloriDa, this If i/; Day of 4fri' / ,19 trt:J at a regularly scheDuleD meeting. B~ARP ~F (~UN~Y (~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E (~UN~Y, FC~R!PA BY · .... d.L_ ~ ~aJ ......A.-v...'"'-.~ ....~ mAY~R ($EAC) Attest DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk L cucien (. Pro y, (ounty Attorne!\ OHv~!; ~R~~,~9E (305) 294-4641 ,BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Mayor Pro tern Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Ken Sorensen. District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (JOSEPH ROTH) L/" 3. Application for Permit (RIPRAP REVETMENT) v- 4. Site Plan ~ 5. Location Map L--- 6. DER Assessment a....--' Date 3-;;6-g~ By 4J[. O~ The Biologist recommends conditional approval. Please note the five (5) conditions listed on page two (2) of his report. Also, the applicant has received permits from the Ar~y Corps of Engineers, The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Regulation. I,". lrE'l~JYrr\1?~,.IPJ~~" ,jt:.~ -- -.\ I - !:;(~ ~.J .:.'; I '; "~~! ~'. ~'i. i ' MAR 31 '92'6 - COUNTY ATTY. -.. MEMORANDUM DATE: 24 March 1986 TO: Charles Pattison, Director Andy Hooten, Environmental Resource Coordinator SUBJECT: Robert Smith, Biologist A~ ~ Roth, Revetment REClE1VED FROM: LEGAL: Lot 16, Block 11, Venetian Shores MAR~519OO ~HOOE CO'jNTY PL"NNl~lG DE SUBDIVISION: Plantation Key ZONING: RU-1 gv I. INTRODUCTION This application for the construction of a revetment which involves the placement of fill below the Mean High Water Line (M.H.W.L.) should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to section 19-111(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. II. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes to construct a riprap revetment along his lot. The project will involve 240 feet of riprap, 50 feet of vertical concrete seawall, and a canti- levered dock of 50 ft. x 12 ft. The site in question was inspected on 12-13-85 and resulted in the following: The lot is bordered on the east and north by residential property, the south by a canal system and the west by Snake Creek. The lot does fall within the Shoreline Protection Zone (SPZ) as defined in section 4-16 of the Monroe County Code. The site is in a scarified condition with only grasses and sedges on site. The canal side of the property contains a fringe of red and white mangroves approximately five feet tall (Rhizophora mangle and Languncu1aria racemosa). On the Snake Creek side of the property an intertidal shelf of 10-15 ft. exists. Subtidal vegetation consisted of turt1egrass (Tha1assia) Acetabu1aria, Laurencia, and Batophora. The construction of the revetment will necessitate the placement of 290 cubic yards of fill of which 90 yards will be waterward of the MHWL. Immediately landward of the revetment a seawall cap is proposed. The applicant additionally proposes to construct a dock and place two mooring piles. No plans for the placement of the mooring piles have been submitted for review. There are no plans submitted for a house at this time. '. Page Two Roth, Revetment 24 March 1986 III. EVALUATION The anticipated impact of the project as proposed should be relatively minimal. The short term effect should be to temporarily elevate the level of turbidity during construction. This could be controlled with the proper use of turbidity screens. The long term effect should be an increase in the levels of petrochemicals, heavy metals, and other fuel-related compounds due to the utilization of boats. It is not expected that this will be a significant increase. Another anticipated impact will be due to stormwater runoff. This could be controlled by the construction of a small reverse swale berm immediately adjacent to the seawall. Additionally, the runoff could be controlled by weaving the riprap with filtercloth. IV. RECOMMENDATION The biologist recommends conditional approval. Conditions: 1. The riprap revetment be woven with filtercloth. 2. A reverse swale berm be constructed adjacent to the seawall and revetment in order to control the stormwater runoff. 3. Turbidity screens be employed during construction. 4. The applicant omit the construction of the dock and mooring piles from his plans until which time as an approved building permit for the principle structure be obtained. No principle structure is presently on site nor applied for. V. OTHER The applicant has applied for and received permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida Departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Regulation. /vcm encl. 1. Application 2. Plans 3. F.D.E.R. bioreport and permit 4. F.D.N.R. permit 5. A.C.O.E. permit ,- PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICA TlO~ FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. . MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address -::.'0 E... l( Cli I f PD . 6t>f --j 53 ) - ~ A\Jf~rJ/ fC-' r L ':),307D I 4t Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & certification number. tjU2 GL'15E,}).-IA.l CAI1A.lE Sf"iCv/;cS eO. ;jO)( ,~S' -A / A \/ f:. t2 ;J ( f:. ~ ;: L ,3 ~ 7 t, &t Lepl description of property: I 2) Date 3) Phone number / / ( (; " /.- l_)- a- S5- " :.. 7- t. )- ~) \./~ (; (1( : .-;) ~ S ) . 9- S () 'I (. / (- '\ f- ( :" Zoniq. 1'-1 ~3 5 ~7:[ ~ acreage) O-L Key/l;t'\JI(~T(tl'~ubdivision, VeN E TUA,u 5Ho e ES .~ Lot, /1(" Block. ()l.-\'l ~ f3LO t/<- It j?A-L(() 'D r:. 0 R 6 Street, road or mile marker, (n In ~. 0. Section, Township, Range, I) Deecribe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or di8cbarpd. Describe purpose & intended use of project" _ . ., ' .. ,r:: (J F Ot..(bSrl ~ ,:lC(O cy t)ov_LO'd2.. lete-f/lt::> /iLO,f\J(' SHOlj:E':-lrv'3 pf'oteT ~130 'I E.- /-(;1 (. -t ,~o I SlY A '* Qt:'f f Fe: ; 1/7 I !'}('"J:' III iJ E, C hrJ /'.1-) 'flki+ ..sOO j) , L-I ~ b ~ VE. R.. Y :LO I lJ',-,-., Z ,,), c/.\. ,J (..L' ,--')-l CO.N (' , _;":c .',<; . O!-l' , -':LS,? ' S~~W.,fj-L<- ;~oR''''b ("IL,tJ0 (Sff- S{C'f7(nIJ; ': f'Rr 1';','> \,c,-I If I" CCn.efCET~dIVt).I,Ve'RJJtr" , volume of dredeed/excavated n filled/deoosited n/lW 5 () I ,x J.;;)/ material ., (') . '- \. C,:) tU IJ L- c.y. c.y. c.y. ~-:::. " c.y'rletNV' waterward landward waterwarq,/' landward H;:+-5. ; of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W: of M.H.W. I IJ 'lJfJ:V/ /5 ;JJ ~ D I" 1l.J { /' 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. t b t3LK. /I LDT I~ J)U::',/:;), U-r ( Dc.. lC I )W I N I ~ (.2. uS SELL ~ · .JbI.l.srn,(l LCYII/l1 >J- 11).1'1:' 0 1:)'a'-lS- ~w 0_2 :-' ",E . JI~~.. \))/ - -,( ~ h'j<::l I.'). / ,"'r . ~ I ':> , ( , )- 8 at List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: / bt If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. 9t}f?t all federal and State ag~cies that have received appli~ations for this project; , it {i!Y>o, ~T E. 0 q I;?- '-I I 'S ~ fll{f}-g ~~:.\ ['-(Jf po"1' 7 T E- 0 ( I ~ A-- ,), '-' L- . j '. " ,- 1_ ( " This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2t sets of drawings, on 81/2 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal. drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: 175.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county. state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. /. L. c, L '--J "',Jjtl <~ '. '~,~ ,"," Signat~ applicant/agent E-/", Date For Department Use Only/ ~(,',- application & Date ~'K~ Fee & receipt Approved hy the Building Official or Ass't. BlIildin~ Official Estimated cost of construction Pe1Ion a Cost of permit ""- v>., ,,, 4 ".... ,. ..':'.C.; "',1 r~"T" l~" :. fl,'. (A' '\) CO." b_... .~.~~-.. ~ cI ,i'{~;~'_ 'oj1', IJ(lr~ . .'. , - I ", "-1Mf{J __._ .. .. .. _ ._'.: .".' ;1 . -...':'.........--L . -, .... _ '.' '''. ---.~-;., I , '. , . . ..' .. .. ,.._ ._ '.. I ,. ..~- , ,.,. . , ... . . . I , ' , .. ".." _.0. ~ ". -. ,. r -. 1'1 C V ' '. ... - - ( .. .. 1:,:.......~ ~ \, :, " . ~ { ~ ......... .' '..... . "N \-, ~ . " ,.......- ... ""~'. -'" /: I I' , .; ,'.. t : .1. r C 0""<' (\".~ '-:0:, ';.' . I. 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S' · --- .'VJ\e \J () '! \ e..., c... \0 ~ c 0 \:> S \- . jO.. ~ {i ~ \ ' :3 l{) " \}"Vi'v-. ~ <> ., ~ 10 i~- 10' _u__ .--. . .c4. STATE OF flORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE 7." GOLF COURSE 80ULEVARD 'UNTA GOFlDA. FLORIDA 33G6CHI36G 808 GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY PERMITTEE: Joseph Roth c/o Buz Wiseman Crane Service P. O. Box 28-A Tavernier. Fl. 33070 PERMIT/CERTIFICATION NO. 441080915 DATE OF ISSUE: January 15. 1986 EXPIRATION DATE: January 30. 1988 COUNTY: Monroe LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: 240 57' 24 II N 800 35' 2111 W . SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 14 63S 37E PROJECT: Rip-rap, Seawall This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter(s) 403. Florida Statutes. and Florida Administrative Code Rule(s) 17-3. 17-4: 17-12.' The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawings(s).'plans. and other documents attached hereto or on file with the department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: install approximately 240 linear ft. of rip-rap revetment with associated support pilings and concrete cap; construct 50 linear ft. of vertical concrete seawall with a 50 ft. x 12 ft. cantilever dock and davits and two (2) associated mooring pilings; requiring the deposition of approximately 290 cubic yards of associated backfill partially waterward of MHW in Snake Creek (Class III Outstanding Florida Waters) and an adjacent manmade canal (Class III Waters), natural and artificial navigable waterbodies in Section 13, Township 63 South, Range 37 East, Monroe County. DER Form 17-1.201(5) Effective November 3D, 1982 Page 1 of 6 Protectinq Florida and Your Quality of Life lD)~~~ll W ltlllJ ua NOV 5 '985 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL D.E.R. PUNTA GORDA File No.: 441080915 County: Monroe Date: 10-31-85 Applicant Name: Joseph Roth Address: PO Box 783, Tavernier, FL 33070 Agent (if applicable): Buz Wiseman Crane Service Address: PO Box 28A, Tavernier, FL 33070 Location of project: Section(s) 14 Township 63S Range 37E Section(s) Township Range Lo~a1 Reference: Plantation Key Water Body: Snake Creek Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: None Outstanding Florida Waters: Florida Keys Special Waters On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 10-15-85 Original Application: Yes X No Revised Application: Yes No X Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address lonq-term impact a" well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, fOT modifications that may reduce or minimize thf~ potential impact of project. PER~ 16-10(Rev.6/79) ~.... ,~ ',B. " H, JOSEc':. '441080915 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Two A. The applicant would like to reclaim land lost due to erosion, stabilize his restored shoreline and provide boat mooring facilities at his residential property. The plans for achieving these goals which have been submitted, are riddled with omissions and inaccuracies, to the point where it is impossible to accurately determine what is being proposed. What can be made out from the plans and project description is that approximately 240 ft. of either a vertical boulder wall or a sloping boulder revetment is proposed to be built on the applicant's shoreline. Half of the boulder structure will be placed on a shoreline bordering a natural tidal creek and half will be placed on a shoreline bordering a residential canal. A concrete walkway will be built over the boulders. The walkway will be supported by concrete pilings rather than the boulders. A 50 ft. long section of pile supported dock will be placed on the remaining section of the applicant's shoreline. The dock will be equipped with boat davits. On the landward side of the boat dock, a vertical concrete seawall will be installed. Turbidity curtains will be used to maintain water quality while the proposed work is in progress. The project site is located in the Venetian Shores Subdivision which was created over a number of years by filling wetlands with the spoil excavated from finger canals. Over ten dead- end finger canals averaging 1200! ft. long were created to provide frontage to the majority of the lots in the subdivision. Most of the canals connect to Snake Creek, which separates Plantation Key from Windley Key and provides a navigable passage between the Atlantic Ocean and Florida Bay. All of the waters surrounding Venetian Shores are designated as Class III Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). Snake Creek is within the boundaries of the Florida Keys Special Waters which has the additional designation of Outstanding Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.041, Florida Administrative Code) . A waterfront single family residence occupies the lot which adjoins the north side of the applicant's property. The shore- line on this lot has been seawalled and a boat slip has been cut into it. To the east, the applicant's property is bordered by a vacant canal front lot. The shoreline on this lot consists of an unarmored fill bank. An u!,named residential canal borders the south side of the applicant's lot and Snake Creck borders the ~ost side. ------.., TH, JOS: '441080915 Monroe County - Plantation Key '..' Page Three c.' .. "':~ C. The applicant's property consists of a more or less rectangular vacant lot located at the mouth of a dead-end canal, such that two sides of the lot border on water. The elevation of most of the lot is estimated to be approximately five feet above mean high water (MHW). The substrate on the lot consists of crushed rock and marl fill. With the excep- tion of the waterfront edges, the lot is vegetated by grass which appears to be mowed occasionally. A large pile of limestone boulders has been left on the lot, apparently in preparation for the proposed work. The shoreline on the west side of the applicant's property which borders on Snake Creek consists of a vertical erosion esca:pment which drops five or six feet to a littoral zone shelf. The littoral zone shelf is typically 10 or 15 ft. wide, but reaches 20 ft. wide at the southwest corner of the lot, where erosion has been most severe. At the outer edge of the littoral zone shelf, the bottom drops off steeply to the floor of Snake Creek. A few scattered boulders are located on the littoral shelf, however, most of the shelf is covered by gravel. Formerly, there were large buttonwood trees along the top edge and on the face of the escarpment, however~ they have been cut down. The landward half of the littoral zone shelf at the base of the escarpment is devoid of macroflora. The outer half of the shelf has areas vegetated by turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and also rich growth of algae, including Acetabularia sp, Batophora sp., Halimeda sp. and Laurencia sp. On the south side of the applicant's lot which faces a canal, the shoreline is similar to the one on the west side, however, the littoral zone shelf is noticeably narrower. Numerous small (five or six feet tall) red (Rhizophora mangle) and black (Avicennia germinans) trees are located on the shelf. Many of the mangrove trees have, at some time in the past, been cut down to a height of just two or three feet, however, they have grown back to their present height. D. As a result of the poor quality of the plans for the proposed work, it is impossible to accurately ~ccess the potenti~l impacts from the project. A best guess is that all or most of the littoral shelf on both sides of the applicant's lot will be covered by either boulders or dock. This will permanently eliminate approximately 0.1 ac of tidal wctl~nds. The loss of the wetlands will result in the loss of the bene- fits, including primary prOduction, h~bitat, pollution filtration, sediment stcll.Jilization and fishery production that the wetlands provide. The proposed work will replace the sed1ment stabilization functions completely and will provid~ a reduced habitat area. --,. SE__ '0915 County rive - Plantation Key Under the prov1s1ons of Chapters 403.087 and 403.918, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3.061, 17-3.121, 17-4.03, 17-4.242, 17-12.070 and 17-27.050, Florida Administrative Code, I recommend this application be denied Departmental permitting authorization. The project would receive a favorable recommendation if the following modifications were incorp- orated into it: , 1. Redesign the boulder wall into a boulder revetment with a two horizontal to one vertical slope. 2. Place the toe of the revetment at a maximum distance of ten feet from the existing toe of the shoreline escarp- ment. 3. Grade the lot landward of the revetment to retain storm- water on the uplands. 4. Draft a new set of plans incorporating the above modifications which shows the proposed work accurately to scale, with dimensions on all structures and no contradictions. r- I ' I ^ I J DAVID - I ~~ BISHOF, ENV. SPEC. DATE: DEB/dvo \". ~\,,' ", c." - ." i .. .. . I ". " '. I ': 'J .. - , DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SOUTH FLORIDA AREA OFC. JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT. C;ORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. 80X ,aa7 CLEWISTON. FLORIDA S3440'1327 .PLY TO AnI..... 01 September 24, 1985 Relul.tory Section Mi..i 85GP30273 .. Mr. Joseph ~oth c/o BUZ WISEMAN CRANE SERVICE P. O. Box 28-A Tavernier, Florida 33070 Dear Mr. Roth: Reference is made to your application for a Department of the Army permit concerning: construction of a riprap revetment in Snake Creek at Lot 16, Blk 11 Palo de Oro, Plantation Key, in Section 13, Township 63 South, Range 37 East, Monroe County, Florida. The project as proposed is authorized by General Permit SAJ- 2, a copy of which is enclosed for your information and use. You are authorized to proceed with the project in accordance with the enclosed drawings subject to all conditions of the permit. This letter of authorization does not obviate the necessity to obtain any other Federal, state or local permits which may be required.; Thank you for your cooperation with the Co~ps permit program. Sincerely, 1~~~~~fJrtsection Enclosures ~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLOR IDA BRANCH OFFICE 7.51 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD I"UNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 3395~9359 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY PE&~ITTEE: Joseph Roth c/o Buz Wiseman Crane Service P. O. Box 28-A Tavernier, Fl. 33070 PERMIT/CERTIFICATION NO. 441080915 DATE OF ISSUE: January 15. 1986 \ APPROVED \ f Natura\ Resources Department o. 77 V.S. uant to Section 253. , purs 9"6 \ _, /- 2-- S - ~ 'J'\ ~ REV\ ;For 05!:,::~1 \_t3Y ~ .' f State Lands DivISion 0 EXPIRATION DATE: January 30. 1988 COUNTY: Monroe LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: 240 57' 24" N 800 35' 21" W ECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 14 63S 37E ROJECT: Rip-rap, Seawall This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter(s) 403. Florida Statutes. and Florida Administrative Cod~ Rule(s) 17-3. 17-4. 17-12. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawings(s). plans. and other documents attached hereto or on file with the department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: install approximately 240 linear ft. of rip-rap revetment with associated support pilings and concrete cap; construct 50 linear ft. of vertical concrete seawall with a 50 ft. x 12 ft. cantilever dock and davits and two (2) associated mooring pilings; requiring the deposition of approximately 290 cubic Y3rds of associated backfill partially waterward of MHW in Snake Creek (Class III Outstanding Florida Waters) and an adjacent manmade canal (Class III Waters). natural and artificial navigable waterbodies in Section 13, Township 63 South, Range 37 East, Monroe County. DEI{ Form 17-1.201(5) EfL'ctivl' Novt'mber 30. 1982 P a g ,> 1 0 f 6 "'(1/.,. t,n,' ,-,,,,..;,(,, HI' \'n...... n, ..':'" ,,{ , ;1.