Resolution 164-1986 Commissioner Ed Swift RESOLUTION NO. 164 -1986 A RESOLUTION URGING THE MONROE COUNTY LEGIS- LATIVE DELEGATION TO OBTA IN ALL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NECESSARY TO FINANCE THE NEW MONROE COUNTY LAND USE PLAN; REQUESTING FIVE MILLION DOLLARS TO PURCHASE SUBDIVISION LOTS; THE CREATION OF AN OPTIONAL TWO-CENT TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX; THE CREATION OF AN OPTIONAL R. V. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX; AND THE CREATION OF A STATE PARK SURCHARGE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Monroe County Legislative Delegation is hereby requested to utilize their best efforts to obtain all additional funding necessary to make the Monroe County Comprehen- sive Land Use Plan fiscally possible and responsible for all the taxpayers of the County and equitable and just in its treatment of the property owners of Monroe County. Section 2. The Legislative delegation is also urged to seek the following additional Land Use Plan funding: a) Five million dollars for the purchase of subdivision lots; b) The creation of an optional two-cent tourist development tax; c) The creation of an optional R.V. occupational license fee on all such vehicles entering the County; and d) The creation of a state park surcharge upon persons utilizing state parks in Monroe County. Section 3. The Clerk of this Board is hereby instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Monroe County Legislative delegation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of May, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA \.U',"., -.: ; ~ .......~ By \.. .. -' ., Mayor hairman / (Seal) DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk J _ Attest: -f2l~ !JQ~ APPROVED AS TO ~c EGA~ S~IF~~ Aftome,'," ,c""" ~ 8Y