Resolution 168-1986 Sheila Malloy, Director Nutrition Program RESOLUTION NO. 168-1986 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF SAID BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT #86-3-878 BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR DADE AND MONROE COUNTIES OF UNITED WAY, CONCERN- ING NUTRITION PROGRAM TITLE III-C-2. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby authorizes the Mayor and Chairman of the Board to execute an Amendment to Contract #86-3-878 by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the Area Agency on Aging for Dade and Monroe Counties of United Way, a copy of the same being attached hereto, concerning Nutrition Program Title III-C-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 6th day of June, 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, . ~ :: By: ,~to".6~.. "--""-- ......~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest : DANNY L, KOLHAGE, Clerk (' APi', VED AS TO FORM N. L GAL SUFFICIENCY. 8Y ...~ ' ..' . . ; ~. . ".! " .. .; ~~ ,.' ;.." TITLE: III-C-2 CO~TRA~! N 86-3-878 U0:tT-ED \v;\Y OF D,\DE cou::r\'. r:-:c. ARE..\ ,\CC:\Cy O~ ,\G r :-:r. rem DADE ~ ~IO~:ROE COU:~T r cs ^~IE~D~Ir:~T TO CO~TR,\CT THIS (\GREE~IE:-!T, entered into this 1st day of April 1982. by and bet1<een conn Boani of Camtissioners-Nu III C-2 horeinafter refenoa to as the "ProVlder". ana tne Area Agency on Aging for Dade and Monroe Counties of United Way. WIT:--:ESSETH: 1. The above-named parties hereby mutually agree: That the contr~ct bet1<een the said parties on 3~L86 covering the period from 1/1/86 to 12Z31/86 for Title III-c-2 of the Older Amer1cans Act. A. The total amount of funds is decreased a~ followsi Or ig inal $52. 325 Decreas e 2.147 For a Total of $49.978 A Special Provision is added as follows: The original contract in the amount of $ 52.3<~ is to be considered an attachment to th1s amen ment. r ~ , ~ .' B. [, L" .' II. The termination date remains 12/31/86 III. The provision of services will remain 'the same thro4ghout the period. IV. The attached contract entered into on 3/8/86 is, in fact, the COlltractual agreement between the Provider and the Area Agency and this is the ,agreement under which payment has .been taking place. V. Only items in the contract or attachments to the contract in conflict with this amendment to contract shall be and are hereby changed to conform with the Contract. IN wITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to b~ executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. i~~ ~ i';, ~ 'hL4{~ _~) / q 7& lDate) . Board of Co~nty Commissionejs Provider: of Monroe County, Florida ,,! Area Agency on Aging for ~ Dade & Monroe Counties- ~ United Way of Dade County, In,~ By: Jose R. !-ox l' i: ,~.... , Ti"Cle: Director ~,,~ ~~~ i.?~ ~"'J fr: tl ..,t- BY: r--- . . '~ .\.u-..~ "" ,I ",. '""-::.".... ~ Date: Title: (S EAL) Attest: .~., ' MAYOR/CHAIRMAN DANN~ L. ~OL' 'w.' . ~fl'JAcl.~I\K ~'n ;jJI;Y.~. ,4A >, 'OVED AS 70 FORM , !D ~Al~u;lNCY. .. BY Attorney's Office i" .~ t..:.:-. A. J...A 2 9 10/18/85 CONDITION OF~: Monroe County Commissioners voted to increase their Non-Federal share $2,347 for Title III c-2, with no change in object~ves. The Panel approves the proposed action. ~~: ;;:~ '.~ t ''f~ ~:~~'