Resolution 198-1986 Thomas J. Dowdell, III, Attorney for Petitioners Edward and Nancy Boland RESOLUTION NO. 198-1986 RESOLUTION SETTING DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A 20' WIDE ALLEYWAY BETWEEN LOTS F, G, HAND 2, SAID LOTS BORDERING ON DOROTHY AVENUE AND U.S. HIGHWAY #1, LOCATED IN SADOWSKI SUBDIVISION, KEY VACA, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at 3:00 P.M., Friday, July 25, 1986, at the Marathon Sub-Courthouse, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, said Board will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways: A portion of an alleyway 20 feet in width, lying between Lots F, G, Hand 2, said Lots bordering on Dorothy Avenue and U.S. Highway #1, AMENDED PLAT OF SADOWSKI SUBDIVISION, Plat Book 3, Page 77 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of on the 20th day of June, A.D. 1986. Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held (Seal) Attest: DA,r-rny L.'KOLHAGE, Clerk 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . A ~ By ~&~~~~ L ;~ ~~ ayor ha~rman BY APPR 0 AS TO FORM ~. ~L SUFFICIENCY. j) \ Q7~ Attorney's Office :. ~ , . , THOMAS J. DOWDELL. ill ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 2366 MARATHON SHORES. FL 33052-2366 11300 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY AREA 3015 743-6157S May 30, 1986 Calvin J. Allen, Esquire Assistant County Attorney Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Road Abandonment Sadowski Subdivision Boland, Nancy and Eward Dear Mr. Allen: Please reconsider your latest request for a letter of no objection from the owners of the W t of Lot E, since that person is not an adjacent owner. I am enclosing a copy of the deed from Mr. and Mrs. Giles to Mr. and Mrs. Boland wherein Bolands have owned the East half of lot E since 1981. We are asking for vacation of the Alley next to E is not sought to be vacated. touch the area sought to be vacated. alley between G, H, I and the Mr. Giles's property doesn't Thank You. TJD:ld cc: Edward and Nancy Boland Very truly yours, J~1UlA-- d · ~J.e211 ~ Thomas J. Dowdell, III ~ d- '\f".'\\~r?w~~r.1 ~~.~ ! t-} I.... \ V">.. - I ~ i' . '-../ . { - '.. ; ',' '",~ -JUN :2 1986 COUNTY ATTY. \\ ~\ .;;'~, .11....:_~ '" -., .I ..: "'.. '. ; t".: '--"-_~-'t......;..,. ""'-,; ,_-:~~.~..J",:,,:,,"-:t.:~i'~;"'~"" ..0, .( '-, "~~;'~.\~~f'~':"'~"'),.1-;.l!');';"':..'<~;:.~..:"':"';''''1;'':'~~",;,,'i.-'-'"'>'.~;.\..;;rr-'~~;""':r--"u'~ ~.- i.,.'''"t '.:;. --", . -~ '-,'" - ~....."!,,,. ."'," ,,,""!,,. "'-., '":',t _;tj,;,~ ._~....:..'L. . '-"-~t.~S.~""" ,,-":'",'~"..'~ ~i1., .-. - _. , __':~" . \~:;~.J,. ~.. .~., /', .~ .,..... ';Q~.'1 (- .' .) 79-A-128 instrument was ,__,Jred by: CORH.ECTIVE . ,'\"" ~ 98"- ~EC c)41f'G~l l::J LAHRENCE E. ALBRITTON CUmmIGHAM, AlBnITTO~1 & LENZI, P.I A Ilornoy. 01 Law P.O. Box 938 !HARATHON, FLOIUDA 3:1050 l{farranty ~e~d (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 68902 FS) wlTis 3n.brnturr. Mode this 15:- day of September 19 81 ~rhUrrl ROBERT N. GILES and AL~~ E. GILES, his wife , ~;- Z.'c' ;u::.. ~:. ( c .-r ::0 of the County of Monroe , State of Florida En~ARn t\. BOLA.~D and NANCY 1. BOLAND, his wife whose post office address IS 9625 Overseas High\.Jay, Marathon, Florida 33050 of 'he CO\Jnty of ~lonroe State of Florida -', ~ntor", 'p ':" N -.J 2:: a ~ b grantee 13 itnP .5Srt~. The' seld grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of -- ----- ------ -- ----- -- --- - ----- - --- -- - --- TEN - ---- ------ --- - ------------- ------ Dollo ane other ~ooc end valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is here' aCKnowlecg:c, "1es grcn'ed, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the 'follow, describee lend, si'uate, lYing and being in >1onroe County, Florida, to'Wlt: ALL OF THE GR.';XTOR' S E~;TIRE U:\DI\'IDED O!\E-HALF INTEREST IN AND TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIL PROPERTY: Lot E, .~~EXDED PLAT OF SADOWSKI SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded Plat Book 3, Page 77 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. LESS THE FOLLOt\I~G DESCRIBED PROPERTY: A part 0: Lot E 0: "THE .~lE:\DED PLAT OF SADm~SKI SUBDIVISION" as recorded in Plat Book Page 77 0: the ?u~lic Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly des by =etes a~~ bcu~~s as follo~s: CO~~ENCIKG at the Northwest Corner of Lot E, said ~ort Co=~e= :0 ~e k~o~~ as the POI~;T OF BEGINNI~G of that part of Lot E hereinafter describ~ bea= Xo=th 67051' East, 17.34 feet; thence bear South 75.58 feet; thence bear South 670 ~est, l7.3~ feet to the East right-of-~.Jay line of Dorothy Avenue; thence bear North ale the East right-of-~,ay line of Dorothy Avenue, 75.58 feet, back to the POINT OF BEGIN~rr\ TOGETEER ~!TH a Grant of Easement in behalf of the Grantee's herein for the purpose of (COXT!Xl"ED OX ?-.E\'ERSE SIDE A.'\D BY REFERENCE HADE A PART HEREOF) one said grcn'or aO~5 "~rebv fully warran' the ritle to said land, and will defend the sCJme ago;nst the lawful claims of person~ ""homsoelrer. . Gron,or" and "gran'ee" ore used for singular or plural, os context requires, 3ln mit~~. 'illhF0F f. G'rentor '/'/ .. . , Signee,? eo one ae,11 '7 In our Dres~xe: ~<;q~ I w'it~ess ..l.' / V ,( has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above wrlll, 9//d~l ROBERT N. ~d ALMA E. GILES is(:( (5,;( (See (See: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ~fONROE I HEREB.Y CERTIFY tho' on this day before me, on officer duly qualified to toke acknowledgments, personally appeared ;~ . h R.OBE~T X. GILES and AL~~ E. GILES, his ~,'ife to me known '0 be ,he person s described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged b~fore me rr.r; : ' , /.,) t he yeltecuted the some, I' , __ WITNESS my hand and official seal In the County and State lost aforesaid this,' ,day of Septemb'l?-X' \ 19 81 . J" , ,~ 1--:' r . :.~ (. ""/",./ \-. :,.' ." '"'.. ,.' > ',: l t' ... .::; My commission eltp,res: K'lJT~ fUlL;" '> '\I~ ,'': ,Lul(:U-' ~1 ~otcii:y PG1;/ic'-- ~ISSi~ EiJ'IitES NOY ','~ 1981 ;" G1 G<uca ~ I i'j~ Jt>PfiWIITW, ~ ltWJ '""^ /, OS Paid .. C/S Date .L~"0L')/ MO: :iiOE CO:.!: ;T'( By /- RALPH ',':i:T;:, CLERi( OF CIR, CT., / ^ .' ---:--:> I '}t/l../~.......-7?UD.cr , "'. ,.--, ,--.--. (305) 294,4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro tern Alison Fahrer, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 OK~v~D( ~R~~,~~E MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Calvin Allen, Assistant County Attorney FROM: Harvey Wachob, Engineering Co-ord., Monroe County Public Works FOR: Mr. Dent Pierce, Acting Director, Monroe County Public Works DATE: February 24, 1986 SUBJECT: Abandonment of Alley, Sadowski Subdivision, Marathon It is true that this alley does end and extends no farther than the east boundary of Lot 2 and Lot H of the amended plat of Sadowski Subdivision in Marathon, Vaca Key. The only comment we can make is that land ownership is only temporary but abandonment is permanent, other than this we can find no objection to the property owner's action. Please see attached plat. /t;4 Hjl~ ;i..'ChOb, Engineering Monroe County Public Works Co-ord. , cc: Mr. Dent Pierce, Acting Director, Monroe County Public Works Mr. Kermit Lewin, Administrator Monroe County fOIf?,.~IT7~Jl ~L~ rrD~~~~!\ LFJL~~..J~ ~.,:.'" -" - .... ..... '1>; :~~,..'.;'V~~~~~:~~~1-~Cik~;.~~~'.:;-'::-~:~'~,,, ~"'" ;'..~.~c;-" :.:.- ~",<:,~~#": . - ~ . ...,-.. ~~~~~~i~(~" -~~~., ,~,' :~;;. \ ~~-'"'1::'~ f. '~I :,:.. .-1, .-. ...: ; :; ., ~~~ ~ == .: .. "._ __0 ~~: ~2~. L' Ilt, . ~ U ... :Z!:: ~ ~: ;~. ..~~ .. ",," .c? G ~;~ -;~ ~ ~ ~ ::". ":::' ~] ~~::>=~:-: ~ ..:VO,~;;::.~O ~ I ..., . - _... 1:. I :::~=::~~: J , E;HW1 ~<lll: j lei ....:..:;,lIt.~. · ........ . - . =.0.'. : ~ ~ Wi .~ ,:: ~ I ,. .u-' . . '\.{ ~ . ~ ... : ._~_ . ~ l' . i'o ~ ; ~ ~ /"~~l "' ?, f'" '" t..... I"- Q' - /"'" .-' c:l ...,'f~'f.....- ~ I Gr;./M'''' I o 5 f: A S'/G'" t4 ,'I ~ O " f: r', S~ I'll ;Y" v' . <! o CC o --' l.1.. I >- I- Z " .. .,. .> '" uJ :z: o .J: W J :l ... u ... a ::> o <.) w 0 0::: "7' "'- 0 2 0 I u <t: <.) <t: > >- W VI' -- ~ CD .... ).. :t I... o N . . ,t ~ N It) N on N .... N '" N Nr/3:JO :JIJNr/7Jr/ "..-/ 1;- c-< J \ J) tJ\ (( .CiJ lJ ~ (J) c:J li1 ,. o A ) i\ [,J r ~_::: (,\ '..\ ~ Q a !l.l a z 111 ~ 4. . a . . . '( )1 _11 ~f . ., ~ . . "9 . . - . . -"- :;~-:" ;; . .. ~ - . .0.'. ... .000;:= : ~ ~ ~ : :. ~ . ...! . -.... ~ _::::- :~;-; '; - ~... - ,: ..()..'&"a .. _".4:- C ;..- . :G....,: ... "'.... oa: ... c .. .n.O- .. .......... Q, .& .0 - .. . ... ~...:;:~:. " oo..::::;c. . _a:_':I_'-c ~z 0.::0 : ..I~ :AV: .... .oc. ji ... """ u- Cl . 00 '..c__ ~ ... c: .c =~ ~:f: =~ :=~! ..u ~:~= 1 . . > - Q , .. ~ ::) U) ~ ~ o ~ '0 d ~~~.:.~~ it : o.~'= ~ ...'O.u o cC::.- '" _ a 111 q 0"" - . z.'Uc:o ",'~.._- :.i ~ :- ~ · ut c....e.. .u....u.c VC ~.c- . a _eL. 0_ ~.....~. .~4.co. :;:c-:::. o _-00 0,",0 -' . ..c c ~": .. - .-...: I >>00,...- ~ aZ-=_.n ~o~~-~ ~~ ~:: ~; ,=>a.o.- =o_~.~ ual,Co-N ..,:) _ _ Co ,Qut_ -- .:;:~";: ~ ; "~ E ~ ~ o _...~ 11:1 00 Q ~ -r;u~u VI . . c . - .,..- i. I n .. .. . . . . o . a ~ .. ~ ::I L: I ~ _ c . 2 ci J'" cO .; . ~ ~ \1: ~ : g ~, :. , . ;;~11 ; ):~ .... ~ ~ ,..i. :;; :~I OC III U ~ "; ; ,,~~ : .~ "; L ~j i~ ~f i ~~~.. A c: .' " ~ ~ 0 . .. ;~ ~ ~ . .. o o G ,; .. . .! - :; .. ;;: c 0 .~I \" Q\ ~i i I F ~O~I~A I') ,. /~ , r OHv~r: ~R~~3~~E (305) 294,4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro tem Alison Fahrer, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 MEMORANDUM TO: Dent Pierce Acting Public Works Director FROM: Calvin J. Allen Assistant County Attorney -~,.. "" DATE: February 11, 1986 SUBJECT: Petition for road abandonment submitted to the office by Edward W. Boland. The County Attorney's Office would request that your depart- ment review the attached petition for road abandonment and the road that the petitioner seeking to have abandoned and inform us whether or not the County has any interest in this road and whether or not the County is willing to renounce and disclaim any right in this particular thoroughfare. PJease inform us of your findings. ~J\~ CALVIN J. ALLEN Assistant County Attorney CJA/yq Attachments ~ . ,~i."" . ,,~ c;.' ....-.t+._!~. - ~.~~ :::.t.:~~~:.._~..~;~:::~,~~~S;':; :;:~~.\~~'~~:~ ,~'~::f?\+:~:?~:::: :~:t' :>::~,;.".:~~::;,:;:.~~. "'" ~ . .,::~:~:g.~~ i~"L .;,~.::~., :\:-:.:: . T ~ - / " f' THOMAS J. DOWDELL. ill ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 2366 MARATHON SHORES, FL 33052-2366 11300 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY AREA 3015 743-61578 February 7, 1986 MS. Susan Vernon A~sistant County Attorney Board of County Commissioners MOnroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Road Abandonment Dear MS. Vernon: Enclosed herewith please find the following documents necessary to file a petition: 1. Petition for Road Abandonment 2. Exhibits "A", "B", "C", & "D" attached to Petition Please notify my office as to when we are scheduled on the agenda for commission meeting. If you have any questions, please call me. TJD:ls Encl: 5 as stated cc: Gap-tain and Mrs. Boland Very . e~uJt your, ) ( /';/ A ' y--:J//,7/~ ~/ f//~I/;// ?/lZtt Y. ' -Thomas J. well, III ~ ~~~~~~~ \"b Q \9~S ~'.> ~t~ ~ C()\\\,\\i ~\\i · _~"r" '" Jo .r- :;- ~\-.t,. ",'i+-;::~,;':'.:,;i :':"-" "" . ...."~...t 1',' ': ',-"-7: . "~.',',.'.,~~,.,.L.~...;".,..'.,~,..;f,,',.,..t>~,,?,>'.'~.,_.'~.."..j.,: '..~/'\/.;".'t..;,;tL ...,. ~.l9-L1iC"'f...~,,~,.t'i!'i.;;"'''''''',I.!i~'' ~'""',. "'~"'''''''''''''''~''_''' _. _ ..... . ,~ _ . --'~--.,.-; .~."" ...,....... .. .,t~-...-.L-~F"'-".;-. ~~J~,' >."',"~'-''''(' '.-~;~)',b..~~_ ~:~'4-"~.1f'4.~, ~... .,....."... ~ ~ ,....,-..,:...~-:r-'~_ II;'':.: ''>'i\;'-:'\'~'':''~~i'' '.' .~,..-' ,:' .:'.."~''''' ~..... .\'."" ~ .. - . - - ..- ..,..- ~,"" ..,.,..t....~',..., ." " , '. ',.. PETITION 'FOR ROAD ABANDONMEN1:' -- TO: Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida DATE: Dctobcr - N~19~~ .::lJ'IAJMlfl-t Z ~( 1'Ir3~ EDWARD W. BOLAND and NANCY I. BOLAND, his wife hereby petitions the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to renounce and disclaim any right'of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, a copy of which is attached hereto. EDWARD W. BOLAND and NANCY I. BOLAND, his wife are the sole owners of Lots F, G, H and Lot 2, SADOWSKI SUBDIVISION, Plat Book 3, Page 77, Monroe County, Florida. Attached to this Petition and made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" is the plat of survey of SADOWSKI SUBDIVISION with the property owned by Petitioner outlined in black and that portion of alley-way Petitioner seeks to have abandoned marked with diagonal lines. Petitioner seeks to have the above-described portion of the alleJ-way abandoned as it is outlined on the attached survey because: the alle}T"';/2j :128 never been used, it is maintained and kept as a lawn by Petitioners. Petitioner certifies that the abandonment of said road (alley-way) will not take away from other properj:J Jh})l~er's right of ingress and egress to their property, and that the 198~ai~~ on the land owned by EDWARD W. BOLAND and NANCY I. BOLAND, his wife, have been paid. Petitioner agrees to be responsible for and pay for all costs of advertising and recording fees incurred relative to this request for the vacation. Petitioner further furnishes this Board with letters of no objection the utility companies, attached hereto and marked Exhibits "B" & "C", and a of the names and addresses of adjacent property owners, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "D". from list Petitioner agrees to grant any easement necessary for the furnishing of utilities, including without limitation electric power, water, sewer, telephone, gas, cable and other electric communication services to the same extent as is common within this area as to height, width and degree, upon request for such service or by the board of County Commissioners through its authorized agents. WHEREFORE, Petitioner formally requests the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to grant this petition. 6Jtv,.-:/ alg~ ~ Petitioner ., ~u~, y/~~ Pet oner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ) ) SS BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared EDWAgD W. BOLAND and NANCY I. BOLAND, his wife, who first being duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and states that they are the persons described in the foregoing instrument and that they have personal knowledge of the facts and matters alleged therein and that each of these facts and matters are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. /7(1 'JHN Ir.ftt SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to Defore me this ./-d day of G€tobc'r, 1985, in the County and State first above written. Ny commission ('~) ,(:" ,:--~If/t$Uo ( NOTARY PUBLIC expires: UOiARY rUD~tC STATE Dr FLORlnA nv COMMI~SIC~ EXPlnES nAR 3 193ij BO~OED THRU GtUtRAL l~g. UM~. . '.;. ~i\ ,*"'",,," , .. EXHIBIT "B" t:I () Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ? Post Office Box 1239 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33041.1239 Telephone (305) 296.2454 <> tJ' # dft/ October 31, 1985 Mr. Thomas J. Dowdell, I II Attorney at Law Post Office Box 2366 Marathon Shores, Florida 33052-2366 SUBJECT: Proposed Vacation of Alley between Lots F,G,H and Lot 2, Sadowski Subdivision, PB 3/77 Dear Mr. Dowdell: I received your October 18, 1985 response to our objection to the subject vacation. As you suggested, we would have no objection to the vacation provided your clients granted the Authority an ingress/egress easement on the area to be vacated so that we would have access to the existing line. We would have to approve of the format and language of such an easement prior to accepting it. If your clients wish to pursue this approach, please submit the proposed easement. Sincerely, FLOQ .:s AQU~CIY ~~ Gregg E. Harkness, P.E. Director of Engineering GEH/sh Bernard L. Schattner Executive Director J. J. Pinder Chairman Kathleen Abrams Vice-Chairman " ...~... .',-~ ." .' '" ':;. ..\"".._....,'. ";"'~ ..,...~J~..n~..\::J:,i~z,~.o,:f-j,~":'~~., 1:r-sjr,;o-. ,~:>-~-......".~.~'Y">......;". -a.,,," .~,.......<~'.~ ...J<,.'J':""'lIf"""" "'.' .,', .',~ '1'.'>'.. " !".~".."",'),'}..t'!/f.., i; 'i'ilW'I'I" .." .:.:.t'iif""::t""" '.":''i;'.t':i-~''''''.'''''::' ' '",::r,,~~,.:...r'.[...:,,--""" .... ,'..,;..-;,.... .H'~' "~G*..~.'. . e' "...;..~., " _ __.. ~ ':*,.,,' " , ~ .~~ "EXHIBIT e" ff~~C~ctf~ ~J~ gJ, tJ. f!lO<D .177 !I(6'(J5 t?'~ ~ 5~ ~~ .1.1(J7(J (1(Js) 35.t-.t~.1( 31 January 1986 Mr. Thomas J. Dowdell, III P.O. Box 2366 Marathon Shores, Fl 33052-2366 RE: Alley Vacation, Sadowski Subdivision Dear Mr. Dowdell: Florida Keys Electric Cooperative has no objection to County abandonment of the portion of the alley behind lots F, G, and H of Sadowski Subdivision on Key Vaca. The alley is 20 feet wide and borders the southern boundary of the 3 lots mentioned above. Sincerely, fM~' Dale Hannold Engineering Supervisor DH/kl cc: Bill Dalton Fi 1 e (3) d~ CUNU>-d~~, / ' ~. .>~-'~:~;'>. ~ -"",,,-~' ;,-": .", ....,....... '..", .,,- ~-, ~-.-~~"~~'::''':::'~:t''t'.~-,:\''\''-~'~r...:-''~'''.J'.-Q'"...''':-'';'' -'-'~04...-..:JtI."'-'_-'-"''';''''I''_':':~ ~::..._.-c..'~t .,,-....._..lC'..~........'f" _.,., :__,.'''' t..r*p- "'...., "'.",' . ~ "~ ., ."~'la""",,, 1C;.'~~~. -.~. -.~"':-...4.t,..;.' .~ "':"~ K....~ '..'X'r!-,t>'--;;,.. -"{<II.... ',...., 7;, ...---'~",-"~''''' '..o:.:<',:w",....l,...,~ --~~:~,_...\:~:.,%,.&.. ._-~~~.. ~" ~~~~...(...~...-".~r....~, ~~;;.t:"";;':~_' :r~ - :..~ _ . :: -~-~" ~_~J 'r. ~ _~~.~ "_' _,_~;" .:-.. ~'.": ';~:e._~:.~ ~'_.'" :'" .;,..'i:~~~::~ .;;:~ ~; , :r~;\.:~\ \. ..'...... ." ~~;",-~, ~ " t.....'.. , '-'\M: ~1~""~""'-i',, ..":2.' . Tloi..:.-..,...;.;.r."-I-.o!ft(. ~ - EXHIBIT liD" NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ~ Lot 2, Sadowski Subdivision, PB,3/77 - Edward W. Boland and Nancy I. Boland" his wife 9625 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida Lots F,G, & H, Sadowski Subdivision PB 3/77- Edward W. Boland and Nancy I. Boland, his wife 9625 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida Lot 1, Overseas Estates- Cadiz Diesel Service 9699 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida or William Cadiz 2490 Harbor Drive Marathon, Florida . . .... ...,.'..,-"""'....."'", .a-h"_.,H~,;~.-.....''''''~'''.,~''~'.,i/.\:.-...'i.;. ..........'; "^~ ,,"',,'~;''' . ....<<., ..,\.".... 't' , , '-~ .:.;..""~ ,,.,. . ~.. ,<., .., '~~.:.~~~,~~ . ~ ri'';'" ...,.. ji ...... ...1)..,.. '~1. ~ '. ~..__ ~'~""""'.'.~.:.,'~.~." .:~ ,:"~~':'~;,/ ,~.~" _'..,:,;'.vtt'. ~~ ~,'.,;,'~' ".v-:.~-.lIt......,~ . ~~;"'-;/ .,_.~'~':':'<">~'~~;""t..~) ~':~':'~A.~~.;;.;":"":.'",~/"'<'....;,:__..> . ..~..,,;,.:ra...'~,>;.,...:.~.:~.... _ "-"'Q" ~ __. .-:, .... / .~.. . .. ~,," '.., ~-' >f.!,;"":, ~'...' .'!'!"'~'" ...... ~",~:". .~ ..~, ~.' '''i~ ~.~.,~. r . - ], . ~ ;-- @ Southern Bell R.E.Leon Engineering Manager South Dade District 9500 S,W, 180 Street, Room 103 Perrine. Florida 33157 Phone (305) 252-5111 March 25, 1986 File: 514.0303/1N25.1 Mr. Thomas J. Dowdell III Attorney At Law 11300 Overseas Highway P.O. Box 2366 Marathon, Florida 33052-2366 RE: Letter of no objection to petition to vacate portion of alley between Lots F, G, N and Lot 2, Sadowski Subdivision Plat Book 3, Page 77, Monroe County, Florida Dear Mr. Dowdell: Per correspondence from your office dated March 5, 1986 concerning the above stated matter we have reviewed the current status of Southern Bell facilities and have determined that there are no existing facilities involved and no plans for telephone facilities to be placed in the future. We have no objections to the petition to vacate the above mentioned property. If any further assistance is required please contact Mr. M. McWhorter of our Marathon office at 743-5146. Yours truly, \ (I q ~ '. _ . -\, . a...c...tL~'""-- ~ngineer;ng Manager MPM/ls cc: Mr. R. K. Masterson Mr. M. P. McWhorter Doc987:ls A BELLSOUTH Company ~(Q)lfJ~ / ' C~.-' ..l....:.- '~', . - : \-..(; ~. ,.....;'''' ~.' ;. '.. "_'fj;~''''''' ..'~~ '""'Il: ,",... ._...... .~ '~. ,._. ~ ..."'f........ ......p:. "."l' ~'.. <...... '. . to. . _, " ..., '..".-",;"'~ :..'\:(O-,~>,:"f~ ~""">'-:j.*':.'t.;'r....--,A. '-':'"'~;6~)--::,"l/~'!-fi;"',,, ';"',~-':::-.",'" '...if'{A~,.')..:>.-_~N . ,;;.__..., ,.~.~';l....~:.:..: r.ol~'- '- .; "'. 'A ...-:-,. ~;.... . .:......-.....";,,1-:,,.;... ;;._.:~:..~.:~~~-', ",~~' .;~ ", .:..; ~'.~1--r.~~~..,...i.-~.-..:;Ci..~:~~~~~~~W;.':"'~":-- '.'-"~"'> .. ...-- .~ ~ ~. ~ i-~.." . 10 '"i II EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, Made this 23 day of /11 ~/1- , 1986, by and between EDWARD W. BOLAND and NANCY I. BOLAND, his wife, grantors and FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, grantee: WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid, to the grantors by the grantee, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, said grantors do hereby grant, bargain, convey and warrant to the grantee, its successors and assigns forever an easement for public utility purposes in, under, over and across the hereinafter described land, in the management, operation, maintenance, extension, construction and improvement of a water line or water main, to wit: An Easement 20 feet in width, lying between lots F, G, H, and Lot 2, AMENDED PLAT OF SADOWSKI SUBDIVISION, Plat Book 3, page 77 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being further described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot F, SADOWSKI SUBDIVISION according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 77; thence bear North 67 degrees 51 minutes East 80.97 feet; thence bear South 20 feet; thence bear South 67 degrees 51 minutes West, 80.97 feet; thence bear North 20 feet back to the POINT OF BEGINNING. This easement shall terminate if at any time its use is abandoned for one year. The Grantors do hereby warrant good and marketable title for above described property and that they have full power of authority to grant this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of: ~~~~J /(J 6AJ4./ EDWARD W. 'BOLAND ' 4~ vi ~e_ NANCY I OLAND STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared EDWARD W. BOLAND and NANCY I. BOLAND, his wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITN~SS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this ~ay of ~ ' 1986. "" My commission expires: ". .' ,.' . .'Ii ",. . "f " ". :. .'. , . r.;,' "',, " '\ ~ " ~, OOrMtimra f"ti"1o 0Tl,,;.n1l1~'i,.'1 ooao n!J,'J ~ m.o U~.. J ~...... ... '.~~ '~. '., - --~~~~ .. .,.,..;'! -"'iI 1 ~ 1 ~- ~ ~ ~ l I ';. ! t . '.. , .' . . , . ~ ;,. '. ~ . . , . . .' ~ i: '. :: .,....to - .,i, . " ,-' . ol'''' _, .,. " ........... To the Mayor and County Commission Monroe County, Florida 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 To the Mayor, County Commission and To Whom it May Concern: Re: Letter of "NO OBJECTION" Alley Vacation, Sadowski Subdivision Marathon, Florida Boland Petition The undersigned OWner of Lot 1, OVERSEAS ESTATES, of Marathon Florida, has no Objection to the proposed vacation of the alley-way between lots F, G, H, and Lot 2 of the above referenced SUbdivision as proposed by Edward W. Boland and Nancy I. Boland, his wife, oWners of the property immediately adjacent to but on the other side of said alley-way. As an affected owner, the undersigned hereby consents with their said Petition. William Cadiz, OWne of Lot 1, OVERSEAS ESTATES of Marathon, Florida -- '" ".w. ....._~ .... ,...;,....,i...;;'*..'-'...... ... -M _.:..;.<_'. . ~Hj" :J -*'--. .' ~.", .~ '_ /.~.~ ..~~;~'i~.'!4.~ A- -a.-. ". """"~1ii"',"""!O~;:", :"-' ~~,f:.".,__:. . _. .~ . . ..,. ~ ;;;I.~'..."..;,..~,-~~.', .~;:J.'j!t.:..';,"..r"", !....' ~ ~'-K", :,., ~, . ".,' . ;.._;>;:,."'..~:..~..;~:,...~l'~.~..,.,1~.,~:\')...0f1t:-.\";. .~ ~......~. ':'l'~>'I'":.,,,;.;~' ~. ~~t".,;p."''7\,,~: -::"'~'~-'~~"'" ....". .1"--. r,~ ,....... __j' :~_ . . t : ~-:~.;. ~ ~:" ,-:; :,'"