Resolution 211-1986 Kenneth H. Smith, P.A. Attorney for Petitioners H. P. & Mardella A. Wheaton RESOLUTION NO. 211 -1986 A RESOLUTION SETTING DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEYWAY LOCATED BETWEEN LOTS 10, 11, 12 AND 13 IN PAMELA VILLA SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that 1. At 3:00 P.M., Friday, August 22, 1986, at the Plantation Key Government Center, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, said Board will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways: Commence at Northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 2, PAMELA VILLA, Key Largo, Florida, accordingly to Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3 at Page 125 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, which is the Point of Beginning, thence proceed Southwesterly along Northeasterly right-of-way of the portion of the alleyway sought to be abandoned, a distance of 134.57 feet, thence West to the Northwesterly right-of-way of said 15 foot alley, thence approximately 163 feet to Northeast corner of Lot 10, thence Southerly to the Point of Beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11th day of July, A.D. 1986. (Seal) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By a.,~~Wrman fL . '., , . (i' (...~ < '. , c. {;.~ , -;\ ~ MEMORANDUM TO Mr. Calvin J. Allen, Asst. County Attorney DATE December 17, 1985 FROM Charles Pierce, Acting Director, Monroe County Public Works SUBJECT Abandonment of Alley, in Pamela Villa Sub-div., Key Largo My.engineering staff's analysis show that the abandoning of this portion of the alley in Pamela Villa Sub-div on Key Largo will not constitute a problem of egress or ingress for the public. At this time we have not seen or received any response from the utility companys, but Ken Smith says that copies of the letters of response will be forwarded to you. As far as the legal description is concerned it does accurately describe the parcel in question, in spite of an error in the bearing of the northeast boundary line. ij)) ~~Ir IT \17 'f1W nii\,( i f~ ~:)",. , I! [1 , I,~ ~ ~ , DEe 18 1985 cp/m'l/jd COUNTY ATTY. .... -. ,~.,-i IJ.I:H i " \ .; '.' t" - . L I) t 1 ';1 .J ..) t' DESClli.PTION OF RB~UES T FOB. ALLEY ADflNOONMENT ~S!-fOI/L/) ILE:"AD 50rJTH v)r~:Tc;f2 d ' . Commence a t Northwest. corner Lot 13 Block 2 Pamela 'l:i..lla Key Largo, Fl ida which is the Point of B2ginning (f.O.B.) proceed Southeasterly along NELY 1{':0. tV. of alley 134.57 Ft. thence Vlest to. the N'/JLY H.G. W. of 1.5 feet <llls:y, J;h-.:ncc c\pproximatcly IG::,'lfeeti::o NE CX:ml'fLl. OF Lot 10, thence SQuti)!~rl y to Point Of BQgLliling. .~ ;~~~ . , . :'.... . ..<~';. I," .. . ,1.. ;>~~-. ., . ..; --- """, '. 4..: .' ..... / . ','" f'," '. . . .;. . 'l.~ ';: ~ . '. ,',', . .... '.'r ~ .,' '" . .~'i' . f ;",' ., , :,' i, :. ~- ~ (~:,: l"l;- . .r.: :' :,. .... ' "- . \L. ~ , , ~2~6~ ':,?r,;:~t1 '\ ~;' :~:~i ..~. , f" . " " ~;. . ,.;.. :...... '.:, . ' .~ . : ...;.~.. ',t . ",I ~.' .... '. '" .' . "1,'.:,':- 'lj~;'" ,1'~~ .' '.~~ . - ..'.~ .?" . ," ',1.1'. . .~~;~~~':; .,}t1{~" - .,:t,l.~ ;,' ,I;'.~: . .' :,),~-. . <~~~.~:~t'. .'-'\. ,.. ";,.' .-. I~. , I.._JO~I~' I~.. ~W' ~J.V."L- I: ~UL_ I' _~_. 1:'... J:--m I: .- ~ I: "" n, " . !~~~ !-~ :' ~ ;, :.~ · "III 0 ~I~ :\; :Z L~ fr ~~ ;~ J n iQ \. ::. ~ .\ ... ~ ~ ...... iI' ~ "- '(~ ~;: ~ ~... :r, 0 ... ~':J :: ~ if :;; ~., ~~ ~'\,-:c:l n o co ~ .. n-1 1 :! :I · -. " .. - .. Q o' - :J . .. Q .. .. .. Q Q " - " ~;; o c :J .. .. ... o ... ..'C ~:D C .. .. .. _ 0 ~~ UI ~ ~ .. ~ o _ -::r ..... -CD ~ 0 -- Q ..... Q a. __0 ~- .. (" ~'~~) ~ ~ ;, "" n~ ~l~ ~ 10 A K't.. Z ..OIC;j.. o ~ ... 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Ut~ ~ ~; ~ ~~ ~ Ie i~ ~ 11 f !f; ~,.. ;\..!_ r ~I <: !" ~l .. 2 -\ ~ ~:;! ~~~ g~ ~2.~~::,; i!f :- o' ; Q ; X tW -1 "' ...:lI,::tn"C -<0 -.a=~'U:~ 0""11 ....=::'.,.-.-'""." ;;. ~ ; g- ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ;Q~an; 'g~2~ -::t ,.0':0- _Q.;~~_Q.~o~ :~.~~~~~!", a:T~~a:;;~~ In o...-c:::a"-""'< tn - ~ ;. ~ ~ ~ :;: - Q ... Q. ;. "'< ':" g' ~;~;a~~~ ~:T~e~o"O=='.:J_ .. ~ ~:;':;~~3~ o,,<o::a~a. -~;~ lIII <~!l :; _ ,. :: ri =.: ~ '0 o:~~g~~;~ _.. "" ., lA ~~~~~ g o Q _. Q - - ~.. o.lA~~O- 2.~~~3:;~ o 3 ~ (It ColI "tJ ~..~.~~ ,. --,......, !l~.;.;=:.~ ~Q;l!._~oO' .n:~~~:;' ~ ::J .,:J ., , Q. -;: ... .._~ I ~ ~ Jr ~ ,-- -,I PET I T ION (ROAD ABANDONMENT) TO: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA H. P. WHEATON and MARDELLA A. WHEATON, his wife, by and through thelr undersigned attorney, petition the Honor- able Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the pub- lic in and to the hereinafter described alley, as delineated on the survey attached hereto, which property is described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 2, PAMELA VILLA, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3 at Page 125 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, thence proceed Southeasterly along the Northeasterly right- of-way of the portion of the alley-way sought to be abandoned, a distance of 134.57 feet. Then West to the Northwesterly right- of-way of said 15 foot alley. Thence approx- imately 163 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 10, said subdivision, thence Southerly to the point of beginning. H.P. WHEATON and MARDELLA A. WHEATON, his wife, are the sole owners of lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, in Block 2 of said subdivision, which property completely surrounds the por- tion of the alley sought to be abandoned. Attached hereto is Sketch of Survey of said property and the property sought to be abandoned is marked in the hatched area of said survey. Said alley ~~ ip not in use and the abandonment of it would not take away any other property owners rights of egress or ingress to their property. The 1984 taxes on the land owned by Petitioner have been paid . ~, /"'"\ , . Petitioners agree to be responsible and pay for all costs of advertising and recording fees incurred relative of this request for abandonment of said roadway. Also attached to this Petition are letters of no objections from all utility companies, including the electric, water and telephone concerned in this matter. There are no adjacent property owners to this alley other than Petitioner. WHEREFORE, Petitioners respectfully request the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to grant this Petition and abandon the alley as described in said Sketch of Survey. Respectfully submitted, ,-,.'-,',. ' "~./ / ,~ // ~~ff/ KENNETH H. SMITH, P.A. Attorney for Petitioners Post Office Box 419 Tavernier, Florida 33070 Phone: (305) 852-9233/248-33'37 /)r5Y~ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this d()YA day of , 1985. I \ g,~ , . va, :4.,' "'j " i \ , '" .. ~.. 1 . . , ) ~. (, (, /, . . .r \ :' . . ./ '. 'I", .~) ~ tlotary PubIiG State of FiOlida ar'large. My Commission Expires May 26, 1989 ,,' /) .of " Z";/' / " / '~i!:'; / % /'.~t. /' '~;/; ~~ , v , '~.io~'" 1 ,.:, t ' .51 I · . . '-. . ',1- -~...~ -.._.........~......,,..--...... _..... .4.. ..,' .' 1 ,,: ;..,., .'" '". ;;' 'I r ',.' ~ .. ,'"," " ," , . " ....';, , 'J i 1 ~~., . .~'.~.~;}:~ . I!\ ~ -----.._--~~- .-.- I ~CI :;a y,# , "1 - - -~, ---,....~.... ~" "'... 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DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST FOR ALLEY ABANDONMENT t\H lJ I' I \~,e..> Sept..L6.1933 Commence a t Northw~at corner Lot 13 Block 2 Pamela Villa Largo, Florida which is the Point of Beginning (P..O.B.) proceed Southeasterly along NELY K.OOoWOo of alley 134.57 thence west to the NV~Y ROoO.W. of L5 feet alley, thence approximately J<O~'lfeet to NE Q)R!'I1.:;l, OF Lot 10, thence Sou therl y to Point Of BCJgiili1ing. . : ;~~~ ,.;,: . .', "..... ..... -. Key Ft. / , .,' /; :'.' :,;4:,~::"':<;" " 4' >. '.... ,!.~. '. /, I, '-'( ~'i( ~~~~~~~. ~, . . .". '. " , ''', t " ;'f '" ..... ~":.;~. ........'" -, r ~~~<ff~c(!~ ~f~ f!I f!J. f!JJoa/.J 77 .916'05 @'~ ~ !Y~ g~ .J.J070 (10s) .f52-2.v..J1 " 26 July 1985 Kenneth H. Smith, P.A. P.O. Box 419 Tavernier, FL 33070 RE: Alley-Way Abandonment, Pamela Villa Dear Mr. Smith: Florida Keys Electric Cooperative has no objection to the abandonment of that portion of the alley located between Lots 10, 11, and 12 of Block 2 and Lot 13 of Block 2 in Pamela Villa. Exhibit A, revised July 24, 1985, describes the alley and is attached. No easements are required for the furnishing of electric service. Sincerely, ~~ Dale Hannold Engineering Supervisor DH/kl Enc. cc: E. Grant File (3) d~mn.ed~ .-- i), V . JULY 24, 198~ Dr::V. NOV. 11, 1983 SEPT. 16, 1983 EXHIBIT II A" DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST FOR ALLEY ABANDONMENT Commence at Northwest corner Lot 13 Block 2 Pamela Villa, Key Largo, Florida which is the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.) proceed Southwesterly along NELY R.O.W. of alley 134.57 Ft. thence west to the NWLY R.O.W. of 15 feet alley, thence approximately 163 feet to NE Corner of Lot 10, thence Southerly to Point of Beginning. .... '. , ::' :"; ....jkjf . :'fIi'''1 ~'.-\~':i"';.~ '. ",' , ,I I<-~"'l.....l)i. l,' . ~ :t . ~..~ "t~ ':1 ~ 11 {J\ "ft';' eO"" ~ ~:r.;'i:,,~", () ".\,' ~~ i"'- m '-", ,."':m ' ;a 11\ \) ." !' 1 ~ ~ . tJ. ):. ~:1.:~..!t ~ ~ . Ijl :t '0 ,~:', ""~ ';'. V\ :J> ....... 'r~ '<f ' (\ ,.. , ,'''', ,;, ~ , . "I'l!'''' .': .. 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N '"t) ""Q ra '-~ - -', ...- ;~" !. l~" '0) ;~.,:(}\. - ~ i:; . .<. . .' ('\ ,,'. ,1;1> 'r- 11\ " DR. "- to' I" . L- ----.........-~ - -t' ....... . ..... . , I )IS'I ~ !. . i t . I ! ,. _.._..,~_.., ....._~___....,.....l : L . . ' ., :.. .....;:...':.;:.'... ., ./~I' '.':'........~; : .,..,.... .,.~ . . ~.-- -.-.--.. .. . \:'::~:r~:~':.t\', ..~'".:.' " 1\ ~' ~ 6 .-1' . , /:'" cf " Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority .JY Q ~ ;/ Post Office Box 1239 11 00 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33041-1239 Telephone (305) 296-2454 September 25, 1985 Mr. Kenneth H. Smith, P.A. Attorney at Law Turek Building, Plantation Key Post Office Box 419 Tavernier, Florida 33070 RE: Alley Abandonment Dear Mr. Smith: Receipt of the Grant of Easement for a portion of 15 feet alley in Block 2, Pamela Villa is acknowledged. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has no objection to the abandonment of the mentioned alleyway. If we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. DCO/sh Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY &07?d~ o. oaLdf? D. C. Odell Engineering Technician Bernard L. Schattner .Executive Dlractor J. J. Pinder Qlairman Kathleen Abrams Vice-Chairman ,---' GRANT OF EASEMENT H. P. WHEATON and MARDELLA A. WHEATON, his wife, hereinafter known as grantors, hereby give and grant to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority an easement across the following described property for the purpose of providing access. to a certain four inch water main in the property dascribed below for the purpose of maintenance, repair, and replacement of said water main with any other equipment or facility as grantee may reasonably require, together with the right to pass and repasg along said easement, on foot or in vehicles: Commence at Northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 2, PAMELA VILLA, Key Largo, Florida, which is the Point of Begin- ning (P.O.B.); proceed Southwesterly along SEly R.O.W. of alley 134.57 feet; thence West to the NWly R.O.W, of 1S-feet alley; thence approximately 163 feet to NE corner of Lot 10; thence southerly to Point of Beginning. . DATED this f" day of February, 1984. '71:-'1/' ~ C' j , . ;~)' ~ )t;J~).tz:I. ~ .~ ,-,,' (. ------ Wt1~~: ~ H. . WH:ATO~} // 0 7J~CiA.&(.L{{7 . MAR LLA A. WHEATON STATE OF FLORIDA) ) 55 COUNTY OF MONROE) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared H. P. WHEATON and MARDELLA A. WHEATON, his wife, known tto me to be the persons described in and who exe- cuted,the foregoing instrument and llc'<\10wledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS~y hand and official seal in the County and Sta e last afore- said this / OJ' day of February, 1984. ~;'..iarV P,j~)~i~, Sttlc cf norida . : '1':: (, ' "'v ':'i<:c1 h~. 17. 19&Z , . il''''' , !'1~~',31\";<t. he., ..... . 0 I', U~ ;': [:11 : \ ""', . '" " , ',,), I ,; '. 't. ..-; , ,? ,-......, ~ @ Southern Bell R.E. Leon Engineering Manager South Dade District 9500 S.W, 180 Street, Room 103 Perrine, Florida 33157 305 252.5111 July 30, 1985 File: 1N25.1, IN25.11 EY7814 Mr. Kenneth H. Smith Attorney at Law Box 419 Turek Building, Planation Key Tavernier, Florida 33070 RE: Alley Way Abandonment Dear Si 1': This is to acknowledge receipt of your request on behalf of H. P. Wheaton and Mardella A. Wheaton, for a letter of no objection of an abandonment of that portion of the un-named alley located between Lots 10, 11 and 12, and Lot 13, Block 2, Pamela Villa, Plat Book 3, Page 125, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. This is to state that we currently have no objection to the abandonment of that portion of the alley by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and at this time require no easements thereon for the furnishing of utility services. Yours truly, t?~4L~ fO~ Engineering Manager I JAP 11 s . cc: Gali Hagel-Attorney J. A. Pribble Doc138 A BELLSOUTH Company .... '- ,1 '.- ...."~ ->1 .. :..J I ,I KENNETH H. SMITH, P.A. ATTORNEY AT LAW TUREK BUILDING, PLANTATION KEY POST OFFICE BOX 419 TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 TELEPHONES: (AREA CODE 305 LOCAL LINE; 852-9233 MIAMI LINE; 248-3337 December 30, 1985 Mr. George Leone 2 Madiera Drive Key Largo, Florida 33037 RE: H. P. & MARDELLA WHEATON Our File Ref: 83-090 Dear Mr. Leone; I understand you are an official of the Key Largo Volunteer Fire Department. I am enclosing for reference, a survey of some pro- perty in Key Largo. I represent Mr. and Mrs. Hank P. Wheaton who wish to file a Petition before the County to abandon the area marked on the survey. The County Attorney has requested that I obtain from you a statement that the Key Largo Volunteer Fire Department does not have any use for the portion of the alleyway sought to be abandoned. If so, I would appreciate your signing on the bottom of this letter and returning same to me so I can include it in the application for abandonment. If you have any questions I would appreciate a call. KHS/lg enc. Very ~uly yours, ~ Kenneth H. Smith The undersigned, on behalf of the Key Largo Volunteer Fire Depart- ment, hereby states that the Fire Department has no objections to the abandonment of the alleyway as indicated on the survey attached to this letter. The undersigned has good authority to make this repres€ntation. Dated: 7/?:~6 BY, ~~f .....-d Jost;:Cf)1/ 0, G~'1.i) C/lI&-;= Key Largo Volunteer Fire Dept. .... -. MONROE COUNTY MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 Ext. 204 January 14. 1986 Lucian Proby County Attorney Flaning Street Key West. FL 33040 Dear Mr. Proby: ,r-- ...,-.1\....-,.- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro tern Alison Fahrer, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 RE: Hank P. & Mardella Wheaton Road Abandonment The M.mi.cipal Service District has no obj ection to the abandonment of the alley requested by Hank P. & Mardella Wheaton. Sincere~y. P-// //? /' ~~/a~r Z"/,;:I /'/-C'~i4'c?, O1arles P. Aguero / er M.mi.cipal Servi1: _ ''Strict CPA/slm cc: Kermeth H, Smith, P .A. ..... -. J I.~' , (.~ l' r , ..- ~',~ "" " ,,' 'U "....-....--.....__.. ...'-,. ,.."