Resolution 215-1986 COmmissio: )00 Stormont RESOLUTION NO. . 215..;.1986 RESOLUTION' ASSURING COORDINA'IED DEVEIDPMENT OF PLANTATION' KEY .GOVERNMENr . CEN'IER WI'IH IN'IERGOVERNMENTAL. AGENCIES . WHEREAS, an expansion of Government Center facilities at Plantation Key is nCM underway to accomrrodate expansion of various offices to serve grCMing needs in the Upper Keys, and WHEREAS, the M:>nroe County Health D2pa.rtrrent and the State of Florida Health and Rehabilitative Services are required to assure the adequacy of sanitary sewage disposal facilities for all private, residential, corrmercial and governmental buildings in M:>nroe County, and WHEREAS, expansion of Covernrrental Center facilities at Plantation Key is placing increasing demands on the land mass available for their purposes, to include adequate handling of sanitary sewage disposal, and WHEREAS, M:>nroe County is desirous of assuring that capital facilities expansion at Plantation Key Government Center be orderly and in a manner so as not to endanger public health, welfare and safety, nCM, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF caJNTY c..u1MISSIONERS OF MONROE caJNTY, FLORIDA, that by adoption of this resolution, M:>nroe County derronstrates its intent to provide in its Capital Facilities Irrproverrent Plan at the Plantation Key Covernment Center, a central sewage treatIrent plant of adequate size to accarrm:xlate all effluent from all M:>nroe County government buildings in the area of the Covernment Center, including the Sheriff ~ s Substation, Senior Citizens Center, Court Building, Tax Collector/Property Appraiser Building, Building D2parbrent and Public w:>rks Buildings, with sufficient reserve for contemplated future expansion of Government Building facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of County Canmissioners of M:>nroe County, Florida, that by adoption of this resolution, such central sewage treabnent plant system shall hold ubrost priority in funding, planning, permitting and construction in the Capital Facilities Expansion Plan for Plantation Key Covernment Center so as to accomplish the same within 18 rronths. PASSED AND AOOP'IED by the Board of County Corrmissioners of M:>nroe County, Florida, at a regular Ireeting of such Board held on the 11th day of July, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF caJNTY CCMtlISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FIDRIDA (SEAL) -7 ~ ~.~~ \l:r~ ~ By: ~~~ Mayor/Chairman {?~@, f4 1, O-.:>t-y U:If, L,