Resolution 239-1986 Kermit H. Lewin County Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 239 -1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AND AN ADDENDUM TO SAID LEASE BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLOR IDA, AND SUNSET WATERSPORTS, INC., CONCERNING THE LEASING OF A PORTION OF THE EXISTING PIER AT CLARENCE S. HIGGS MEMORIAL BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: The Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Lease and an Addendum to said Lease by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida and Sunset Watersports, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the leasing of a portion of the existing pier at Clarence S. Higgs Memorial Beach. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~ day of Aug. , A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~","~V~- ~r ayor a1rman (Seal) .i A ttes t: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk A;ZJVE'D ii.'; "()Fi'!'!1 . A~~, Ai. .s,",UI:"(i~O : BY __n----- A tI )"'- ." .., Key West, Florida LEASE This lease, entered into on the day of 1!l86, by and between the Board of County Conunissioners, Monroe County, Florida (Lessor) and Sunset Watersports, Inc., a Florida Corporation, 604 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida (Lessee), which expression shall include the heirs, executors. administrators and assigns of the Lessee when the context so admits. This lease evidences the grants, convenants and agreements made between the parties with reference to the following described premises: A portion of the existing pier at Clarence S. Higgs Memorial Beach located at the end of present boardwalk at seaward end of pier for approximately forty (40) feet, full width of pier including loading stairway, small ticket booth adjacent to beach and/or on pier at newly constructed site. Customers will be embarked at a to-be-constructed st.airway on the western side of the pier and all activities will be conducted away from swimming areas. This lease has been reviewed and approved by the County Administrator as directed by the Board of County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting held at Key West, Florida on Friday. June 20, 1986. after the proposal had been duly opened and found to have conformed to the solicitation for offers made by the Board. 1. Demise of Premises -- Period Being the owner in fee of the premises, Lessor does hereby demise and lease to Lessee for a term of Five (5) years with un option to renew on the same terms for an additional five (5) years at the option of the Lessee. The Lessee may exercise this option by sending a written notice to the County Administrator at least ninety (90) days before the end of the original lease period. This lease shall commence on the 1st day of July 1986. 2. Covenants and agreements of Lessor. In connection with the above demise, Lessor covenants with Lessee that, conditioned on Lessee's performance and observance of Lessee's covenants herein, Lessee shall have the quiet t i tie and peaceable possession of the premises during the term of the lease. 3. Covenants and Agreements of Lessee. a. Payment Lessee shall pay to the Lessor. Monroe County, the sum of eight percent (8%) of gross sales with a guaranteed monthly minimum payment of $400.00 per month, paymeilt~ to be made to Lessor not later than the 15th day of each successive month of this lease. The Lessor may terminate this lease for non-payment of rent by the Lessee in fifteen (15) days, after written notice. b. It is agreed thut records of the gross revenues of the Lessee will be available for audit by the County at all reasonable times. e. The Lessee will maintain a County occuputional license during the period of the lease. d. The Lessee agrees to keep the leased premises in u safe, clean and well muintained order at no expense to the Lessor. Page 1 of 2 Pages e. Lessee shall be permitted, in accordance with all applicable codes, to construct loading platform attached to the end of the existing pier approximately 300 feet seawnrd from the beach. The approximate length of this platform platform is 40 feet. Construction shall be at Lessee's expense. Lessee shall be permitted to erect a small information and ticket booth on the easternside of the beach adjacent to the pier. A drawing of the areas to be utilized is attached. (See enclosure 1). f. The Lessee agrees to maintain its equipment in good working order and appearance and at all times to conduct its operations in a business-like manner. g. Lessee will not sublet this lease without the written consent oft he Le s so r . 4. All terms of that Offer Proposal dated June 4, 1986 submitted by Sunset Watersports, Inc., are incorporated herein as terms of this lease, by reference. / Signed and sealed at Key West, Florida, this 2711ld-ay of June, 1986. Ri~~~(j dJelvfi President and Sole Incorporator Sunset Watersports, Inc. Approved: Kermit Lewin County Administrator June 1986 Wilhelmenia Harvey, Mayor Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida June 1986 Attest: Danny Kolhage, Clerk Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida June 1986 Page 2 of 2 Pages /C>' ....// r. \ '".,~,' , T') I ~-- ';'__' OC K H: \, I, Kt:/'. " I- .....) _~ ~E 1\r "_) LI (') c- rut -.' . ,...) --~- ~- - '- - ---. ...... ____-4----~-- ~~~~~-- -'. .~ ..:..~:.=~.._:..::~:::::....- ,,> """.,,...--- ~,.~ I~~ 4 ..;. ~'.~~. :.,..1 ~~. . ~~I~-~ .' "l't"'" EXHIBIT II A" '. h I I a'I't r I .... .'Tr~, " jl r ,(; ,..;" 'I Insure All Of Florida 6441 Biscayne Blvd. Hiami, Fl 33138 Linctl11 Insura1l<.e (,()[np;JT/ ------------ _._"~-- Effective 1~01"r"1. ,1986 Expires _.~12:0~_:~.~~___~~~2.:!..._8-4 ,1986 _'_ o This billcer is issu€'d i[)l~:end Cc.v9rage in the above named compalY per expirng J( Ii 'y # ____. NAME AND MAiliNG ADDIlE5S OF INSU,;r::J P R o P E R T Y A ,I, U T " 0 M t 0 ~ B ~ ,. I L " E f~: ...; ,\ Doscrlption 01 Operallon/Vallicie Si Proper! y (excepI as nOled below) Sunset Water Sports Inc. 18 Hil tall Haven Road Key West, FI 33040 I I Type and Location of Property Coverag 81 Perils/Forms AIT,t 01 Insurance Oed. COlnl. % ~-------_. Higgs Beach, City of Key West, Monro' County Type 01 Insurance Coverage/ Forms L1mll s of Liability Each Occurrence Aggregate $ $ o SChHduled Form 0 Cornpretlen~"((1 Form KJ Pwrnises/Opuat ions OL&T o Products/Completed Operaticlns o Contractual Oltwr (specify below) Med Pay. $ Personallnjl;ry Bodily 111)1,;11 Proper! " Dim at;,] S $ Bodil~ ,illju' { ~ Propert I' IJ ,trC a(, tl COlllb,nt:cJ o o o o Lidl>i1ity 0 Non.owneo o Comprehenslve.DeeJuctible o Colli~;ion.Deductible o Modica' Payments o Uninsured Motorist o No Fault (spl~cify) o Other (specify): o WORKERS' COMPENSATION - Statutory Limit" (~ipeclfy state~i below) $.300,000 $ 300,000 i)\!r ,"J1:r'-ior $ i; '~r Al.: jl'nt [J -L 0 B---L L\; $ P'3 's)[)allllj.l')' --...----- - ----- Limits of Liability ---~---_._- - -._-~-,-- o Hired Bodily Injur y (!:; .:h PerSe'l) BodilY Injury (I:8"h ACCiO'lnt) $ $ $ $ $ $ Pmpertj DC] III Ib $ -------- -..-------. Bodily Injury (~ "ropen I Damage (:0 nbineu $ C EMPLOYEflS' L/,\b1L1Tl'- Limit $ .,.. SPECIAL CONDITIONS/OTHER COVERAGES Excluding Punitive & Exemplary dama(;es, Pollution, including asb€!stoil and .l1dependent Contractors. $1.500 deductable B. L & PD ineluding 10sl: adjustment (XpelW',~S subject ,c to satisfactory inspection. Warran Lies: 1 Parental conf.ent form nod \val.vers are signed. 2. Life jackets an! worn. 3. Minimum age allowed 10 Y1S old. o LOSS PAYEE NAME AND ADDlllSS OF 0 MORTGAGEE o ADD'L INSURED '..OAN NlJM'lEA (" \ - --... / / / --L. - ...... Signatuo of Au!hori1.11d Ruple, ontalivt! Date ACORD 75 111/;'7<1 . ..:._".IIU.1itljJ'~iilWQll~I{;'m~.~,.~~'I"'~'.i'.....,$I!'lI'IiIIII'lI"".\l!\,...~. ""~''''''''''I~''''''t "'_ .{ ,. ~ . ''10' 0"11' . .. _..,..,. 1''' '~l-"'T"_~; .~ ADDENDUM TO LEASE THIS ADDENDUM, entered into this day of 1986, adds paragraphs number five (5) through ten (10) to that certain lease entered into on the 27th day of June, 1986, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, (Lessor), and Sunset Watersports, Inc. (Lessee). Said paragraphs five (5) through ten (10) to read as follows: 5. Indemnity. Lessee agrees fully to indemnify and save and hold harmless the Lessor from and against all claims and actions and all expenses incidental to the investigation and defense thereof; based upon or arising out of damages or injuries to third persons or their property, caused by the negligence of Lessee, its agents or employees, in the use or occupancy of the said lessed premises, and all activities connected therewith. The Lessee shall not be liable for any injury or damage or loss occasioned by the negligence of Lessor, its agents or employees; and provided further that Lessor shall give to Lessee prompt and reasonable notice of any such claims or actions and Lessee shall have the right to investigate, compromise and defend the same. Lessee agrees to carry and keep in force such insurance with a minimum combined limit of liability for bodily injury and property damage of no less than $300,000. The Lessor shall be named an additional insured and will be furnished with a Certificate in evidence of the insurance providing for no less than thirty (30) days notice in the event of material change or cancellation. Lessee shall carry this insurance coverage with an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Florida. 6. Construction and Use of Pier Extensions Lessee agrees to utilize one half of the south side of the pier extension. The north side of said pier extension shall be available for public ingress and egress. 7. Period of Lease. This Lease will be in effect for a period of ten (10) years commenc i ng on Augus t 1, 1986. After five (5) years, the minimum guaranteed rental will be $600 per month. and will not be moved without the consent of the Lessor. The ticket booths will not exceed 64 square feet, (Jf 8. Public Address systems. Lessee agrees not to use any means of Public Address systems in the operation of his business. 9. Solicitation. The Lessee agrees there will be no solicitation except upon the approval of the Board of County Commissioner or County Staff Personnel. 10. Professional Operation. Lessee agrees to operate his business in a professional fashion. All other provisions of said agreement are to remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this addendum to lease to be executed as of the day and year first above written. BOARD OF COUNTY COMM IS S lONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FWRIDA By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: Clerk By (SEAL) ,A t t est : /1 ~!Jt:: dtJ.eittA APPROVED AS TO FORM ')' AN~';GAL SUFFIC/~~7: / / BY '~'(h. (;;;-<->,,,1 Anome"', Office t.