Resolution 257-1986 James R. Paros, Director Emergency Services RESOLUTION NO. 257 -1986 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS TO CONDUCT A SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 4, 1986 IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICTS NO. I-D, 3, and 6. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing Districts No. I-D, 3 and 6 is desirous of holding a Special Referendum Election on Tuesday, November 4, 1986, in Monroe County, Florida, pursuant to the provisions of Monroe County Ordinance No. 5-1977, as amended, for elector approval within the said Districts for the purchase and/or refurbishment of fire fighting and ambulance equipment and construction of additional garage bays for use within said Districts, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICTS NO. I-D, 3 and 6 that: The Honorable Mary Reynolds Brown, Supervisor of Elections, be and she is hereby requested to conduct a special referendum election on Tuesday, November 4, 1986 in Monroe County, Florida, in the following election precincts of Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: DISTRICT NO. I-D (Election Precinct 14 and 15 and part of Election Precinct 16 to the South end of the 7 Mile Bridge, excluding Marathon. ) That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposals: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 IN DISTRICT I-D OF APPROXIMATELY 56C PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED TAXABLE VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY TO PURCHASE ONE FIRE ENGINE-PUMPER VEHICLE AND ASSOCIATED AND/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT? YES NO SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 IN DISTRICT 1-D OF APPROXIMATELY 22C PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED TAXABLE VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY TO PURCHASE ONE TYPE III AMBULANCE AND ASSOCIATED AND/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT? YES NO DISTRICT NO. 3 (Election Precinct 20). That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposal: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEARS 1987-88 AND 1988-89 IN DISTRICT 3 OF APPROXIMATELY 45C PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED TAXABLE VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY EACH YEAR TO CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL GARAGE BAYS ONTO THE EXISTING FIRE STATION TO HOUSE EMERGENCY APPARATUS? YES NO DISTRICT NO. 6 (Election Precinct 23 and that portion of Precinct 24 lying West of the Westerly boundary of the City of North Key Largo Beach). That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposals: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEARS 1987-88 AND 1988-89 IN DISTRICT 6 OF APPROXIMATELY 34C PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED TAXABLE VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY EACH YEAR TO PURCHASE ONE FIRE ENGINE-PUMPER VEHICLE WITH AERIAL LADDER AND ASSOCIATED AND/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT? YES NO SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEARS 1987-88 AND 1988-89 IN DISTRICT 6 OF APPROXIMATELY 9C PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED TAXABLE VALUE OF~EAL PROPERTY EACH YEAR TO PURCHASE ONE TYPE III AMBULANCE AND ASSOCIATED AND/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT AND TO REMOUNT AND REFURBISH AN EXISTING MODULAR PATIENT COMPARTMENT ONTO A NEW CAB AND CHASSIS? YES NO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to the Supervisor of Elections, and the Legal Department is hereby authorized to advertise said referendum in the Key West Citizen, The Keynoter and The Reporter in accordance with the requirements of law. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No. l-D, 3 and 6 at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of August, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-D, 3 AND 6 BY: . . A ~__ v::) ~"~A' ~ . ~.,,- r' \ CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest: DANNYL. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~?~}AD.L A.P,Dl? 'ED AS TO FORM I!iN FGIlL SU[FICliivc: (/J l1}f ~-c--."'<l ,..;~!. j;tt,Jmey's Office ~7. / I