Resolution 259-1986 Louis LaTorre, Executive Director Social Services Department RESOLUTION NO. 259-1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIR- MAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND MONROE COUNTY FOR TWO (2) PASSENGER VANS FOR THE MONROE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Lease Agreement by and between the Florida Department of Transportation and Monroe County, a copy of same being attached hereto, for two (2) passenger vans for the Monroe County Transportation Program. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of August, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~. - ~ BY: ~ ~)..., Vi>' . .. '- ..... -t-- ~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest: DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, Clerk L!..k'.~~, 1)~ CLERK -(}/7l!/! BY {,r:r/,., ','!,~r,,"':t2',,~ ~'-' ,~ "'; '~,V ;J .~ \L. ~7' 1 Attorney's Office \ w. P. Item No. 0810??6 Job 99Rqn _ 1R41 ~ 3R45 FUNCTIt~'1 fiRl OBJECT 240n2n COST CTf~. q41 ORG. COOE ~~1nlnnnq41 LEASE AGREEMENT rnR DEPAK T:~E'lT OF T~ANSPORT A Tl ON VEH; CLES AND EQU I ?~~Etn PUBLIC AGE;KI~'-, THIS AGREEr~ENT. consisting of this portion and EXHIBIT(s) A attached hereto and made a part hereof, effective on the date herein specified. by and between the FLORIDA DEDARTM~NT OF T~ANSPORTATION, hereinafter called the "Lessor" and Monrop C~lJntt hereinafter call ed the "Lessee"; DESIGNATED COORD NAl D Cor~i;'UNI TY TRANSPORTATION PROVIDER FOR ff8 COUNTY(IES). r APPLICABLE) WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Lessee is desirous of leasing from the Lessor passenger equipment, further described in EXHIBIT A , for a por i cd of __l2_ morlths , W)I(I, THEREFrnE, fi)r' and in cor.sidet'cL:cn of the premises anj ('JJ-'!r!dnts contained hel'ein, it is -3qrCI-.:d j~ follows: 1. PRE-EXISTING LEASE CONTRACT (s) As of the effective elate d1reem~nt entered on nIb Lessee, i s hel'e~n supet'se e . subject reas-= aqreel1ents must of the effectiv~ date of this 0f this least' agreement, the lpase , by anrl hetween the Lessor and th~ Reports and payments outstanding on be satisifed in full, within thit'tydays agreemen t. 2. LEASE TER~l The vehicle( s) and equipment further cJ>-?scribed in Exhibit( s) A attached her'eto, are leased to the Lessee effective upon compleTe-- execution of this dgte'~ment or receipt of the equipment by the Lesse~~ whichever is appl icable, or upon a date, establ i shed in wri t ing by the Multi-Modal Program Manager. In the event of variable dates of delivery of the equipment to the Lessee, the District Multi-~'odal Program Manager may establish an pffective date for each individual piece of equipment desCt'ibed in Exhibit A. Proof of insurance coverage by the Lessee, as providc1 in Paragraph 8, herein, must be provided the Lessor' prior to the effective oilte. The lease shall terminate on _ 6/~O(87 __, unless, the contl'~ct is either, extended as provlCfPd In Paragraph 15, herein, or by mutual afjreement under th.., terms of the lease, terminated sooner. RE V. 10/1 185 -1- 3. LESSEE COSTS a. The Lessee agrees to pay to the Lessor as rent for the vehicles and equipment herein leased. the sum of $ 250.00 per month. payable quarterly in the amount of $ 750.0U . Lease rate and payment schedule per vehicle is as indicdted in Exhibit A b. ADJUSn'E'HS: In the event, any of the vehicles 01" equ~pment become non-operational, because of circumsL~r)(es beyond control of the Lessee, rental paY~lents may be adjusted at the sole discretion of the Lessor for the periods of non-operation. 4. DELIVERY It is aqreed by parties hereto that equipment described in Exhibit A - will be delivered to the Monroe Co. Transportatiqn Program. Wlng 111 Public Service Building, Key west, ~Iorlda jjUQU dnd will be released to Lessee at that location, on a mutually agreed to schedule. 5 . TITLE It is expr-essly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the titles to all equipment herein leased are and shall remain in the L~ssor, and the lessee agrees not to loan, sell, sublet, assign or mor-tgage said equipment, or lend or permit them to be subject to any legal process ~ithout the Lessor's prior written consent. 6. MAl NTENANCE The Lessee shall provide and (normally) pay the cost of maintenance and repair service of the leased equipment in accordance with standard preven t ive and correc t i 'Ie mai n tenance procedure s on the basis of instructions supplied by the manufacturer and/or the Lessor. Preventive maintenance practices consistent with proper equipment care will be exercised including special attention to corrosion control. The Lessp.e further agrees to maintain the equipment in a presentable condition. All maintenance actions and replacement of parts will be documented fully and reported to Lessor in accordance with reporting requirements. as contained in paragraph 10, below. 7. OWNERSHIP OF PARTS The Lessee agrees to maintain a complete and accurate record with respect to any lessor furni shed equipment, parts, if any, using such parts only in the repair and maintenance of the Lessorls equipment. All such records to be maintained on a gene,"ally acceptable accounting basis And shall be clearly identified and readily accessible to the Lessor upon request at any and all reasonable times. However, it ;s expressly understood and agreed that nothing in this agreement obligates the lessor to furrlish maintenance and repair'parts to the Lessee and that all Lessee purchased parts installed on leased equipment becomes the property of the Lessor. REV. 10/1/85 -2- 8. .. ,."",RANCE -- The Lessee shall agree to carry insurance, or if seH-insured guarantee liability. for minimum coverage as follows. naming the Lessor as one of the insured: Liability coveraqe in an amount of ~100,OOO for the death or injury of one (1) person, $200,000 in the event of injury or dea.th of two (2) or'mor'e persons in a single accident including liability to any employees engaged in operation of the venicles. and $sn.ooo for property damage. Comprehensive and collision covera'JeWITl be obtained for the full v3.1'~e ')f each bus, less nJrmaf ($25).00) deductible. Current ~alu2 af equipment is $ 10,500 each. 9. OPERATIONS In the operation of equipment leased by this agreem::mt Lessee agrees: a. To limit use of leased vehicles and equipment to publ ic tl-ansportation services and routes. No ch'1nges in use of said vehicles and equip~ent will be implemented by Lessee unless ~'itten authorization is received frem Lessor. b. Not to make any alterations or rno1ifications to th'~ equipI,ent exc~pt with the written consent of the Les~ar. c. To precisely follow the Lessol,lS l)uidelines fOl' affixing or paintin') any designs, or marking signs on the leased vehicles. Neither commercial nor political campaign advertising will appeal' on leas'~d equip:~ent. Public service posters, or announcements may be plac'21 in pr-e-existing advet'tising racks, (if any). leased vehicle signs, SU:JDI i<:d by Less(Jr', sr111 be affixej to veh~r:1es. d. Not to use the e~uipment in violation of Federal, State or Municipal Statute, Law, regulation, ruling, order or ordinance. e. .To hold lessor harmless from all fines, forfeitures or penalties for traffic violations or other violations incurring in connection with the operations of the equipment units by Lessee. f. To cause each vehicle to be operated only by a fully qualified, competent, licensed driver. Lessee shall require each ,driver' to have a good driving record and to operate with all due care anrj dil iqence to pl"event loss and dalnage of any nature. g. To protect the equipment from theft and other hazads while undel" Lessee' 5 control. h. To be I'esponsible for danraqes aI' loss to the equip,nent in the event of disaster, fire, theft, flood. riot, strikes, conver-sion, collision or other padial or total destruction except to the extent Lessor may be t'eimbul"Sed by payment of insurance proceeds. i. To verbally notify the lessor immediately of any theft. fire, irnpl"oper performance, damage, accidents or collision in \oJhich the -3- REV. 10/] 8/85 equiplTlcIlt has bcc21l involved and refrain fr'om operation of such C'quipment so involved until permission ;5 obtained from the Lessor; to supply a copy of any report requifed to be filed with any admini- strative body or governmental body, to supply a written report within seven (7) days of any theft, fire, accident or collision involving any equipment. In the event of failure to so notify Lessor, Lessee will be "esponsible for' any loss to Lessor as a result of such failure; to cooper3te fully with the Lessor in any reasonable way to pfevent loss: to aid in every reasonable way in the defense of suits or other proceedings which may be bfought as a result of the op~ratian of t~e said equipment: to notify the Lessor' pr'omptly of any papen, notic~s at' docume:lts served upon the Lessee, its agents, servants or employees. 1n connection with any claim, suit, action or proceedings commenced against the Lessee, its agents, servants 0" employees, arising out of the operation of the said equipment. j. Lessee shall not initii\te any ?ctions for reCO'/f:ry of rja!TIcqi.~s to equipment wilhout wr-itten consent of Lessor. Lessee shall take no steps which would affect the Lessor" s claim fOf damages, if any, without written consent of Lessor. 10. REQUIRED REPORTS a. In addition to special reports, as necessary, pr"eviously c~:ed lii para'll'aph q, above, certa~n rf?qular opet'ating and mainten:1n:e repor'ts will be required by the Lessor, of the Lessee. b. MAIrITEtU,NCE REPORT. Records of inspection, corrective, or pr'eventive Inaintenance actions, including irlentification and cost of p:jt'ts used, labor hours and vehicle mileJge will be recorded on WOI~ order forrns. The wor'k order should identify how failures (if any) were detecU2d: ,....hether by regular" in~,pection, driver report, vehicle breakdown. or other'. The work order forms will be accumulated and submitted monthly to the District t~ulti-~~oddl Program t~dnager. Inrjividu)l vehicle Maintenance Recor'd Files will be kept current by t~,f::: Lessee. This record shall be available for Lessor's review during per'iodic cornpl lance inspections. If Lessee does not have an established maintenance work Ofder system, forms will be provided for use by the Lessor. These forms will ,be completed and submitted, as previously described. Maintenance Su~nary Repofts, provided by Lessor, shall be submitted for each leased vehicle with completed work orders and Pn"ventativr M,:lintendnce Reports, as applicable, attached thereto. All I'eports shall be legible: -4- REV. 1011/85 11. mJDlTS AND INSPECTIOfjS - Lessee agrees to permit the Lessor's designated represpntatives to audit all books, r"ecords and files relative to the ooeration and maintenance of the leased vehicles, equipment and parts (as applicable); to assist in providing said documents and information and to permit inspection of vehicles, equipment and parts by the Lessor' 5 representatives. Time for conducting said audits and inspections will be during normal business hours. 12. INDEM~IFICATION The Lessee hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the Lessor from all claims, demands, liabilities and suits of ~ny nature whatever arising out of, because of or due to the breach of the Lease Agreement by the Lessee, its agents or employees, or due to any act or" OCC'JrTence of omission or' conmission by the Lessee, its agents or employees. It is specifically understood and agreed that this indemnification agreement does not cover at' indemnify the Lessor for its own negligence or breach of contract. 13. WARR,I\NTS The Lessee wanants that he has not eP1ployed or retained any company or per"son, other' than a bona fide employee working solely for the Lessee, to solicit or secur"e this Agr"eement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Lessee any fee, commission, percentage brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resul ling from the award or making of thi s Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Lessor shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability. 14. TERMINATION a. BREACH. The Lessor may, by written notice to the L.essee, cancel this Al:.Jrcell~ent for any of the following reasons, to be effectbe upon receipt of said notice: (1) The Lessee takes any action pertaining to this Agr"eement wi thout approval of the Lessor which under the procedures of the Agr"eernent would have required the approval of the Lessor. (2) The Lessee defaults under any provisions of this Agreement. (3) The Lessee uses the vehicles, equipment and parts In a manner not provided for under provisions of this Agreement. b. CMCELLATION. Either pady (Lessor or Lessee) may, by mutual agreement, cancel or terminate this agreement by no less than thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. c. ACTION UPON EXPIRATIorj OR CANCELLAfION. In the event of expir-ation or cancellation of this Agreement, Lessee agrees to proceed as follows: -5- REV. 1011/85" (", "liver all leased vehicles, equipment and r ';if applic"u,'" within 72 hour after' termlnatwn date to DepartJnent of Transportation, Maintenance Yard, Marathon Sub-Unit Maint. Office, between the hours of 9:00 Ar~ and 3:00 PM (MOnday ThurscJ~y). (2) To be l'esponsible for the cost of repairing, repl~cing or restol'ing any of said vehicles, equipment and parts, delivered in substandard condition. (3) To ~nsut'e that tr~,~d l'emaining on the tit'es of the d.2l ivered vehicles is ~o less than 7/32" on any of the tires to provid': for s'tfe tr-a'lSpol't by the Lessor to the next destinJtion and to be r'espons~bie for the cost of replacing any tires not meeting said standal'ds. 15. EXTENSION OF LEASE The District Multi-Modal Program Manager, with pr'ior concurren:e ham the Central Office, Bus Fleet Program Manager, is d'Jthorized ta extend this Leas'2 Aqreer.H~nt for a period not to. exceed ;)n2 (1) yeal'. This extension may be for all the equipment described in Exhibit A or for individual pieces of equipment, as applicable. A new Exhib-,r:- vJith paynent schedule shall be issued as a part of the extension notice, at the originally contracted lease rate. 16. COMPLETENESS OF AGREEMENT This Lease sets forth all the agreements, terms, conditions and understandings, between Lessor and Lessee and there are no agreements, customs, usaJes, terms, conditions, or understandings either oral or written, expl'essed or implied, between the Lessor and Lessee, as LesS:Jr and Lessee, other' than are herein set forth. IN ',JlniE~3 l-iHEREOF, thc' pirties her-2to have caused theo:;,~ pre:'cn:s to be executed, the day and year first above written. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLI C AGENCY BY: BY: DIRECTOR, PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS -ATTEST: Ex.ecutive Secr'etary (SEAL) ATTEST: fZ./L~JJ.L cor~PTROLLER : Attorney's Office BY Legal: FINAL EXECUTION (DATE) -6- REV. 10/1/85' WPI# flS10226 EXHIBIT A LEASE AGREEMENT FOR VEHICLES AND EQU!P~E~T This Exhibit for'ns 3.n inte:p-;:1 PM': of that padicL:lar L(~ase flgre'2''len t be t.~een the STATE OF FLORIDA OEP,Irnr'lENT OF TRANSP(1RTf~TIO~1 and Monroe County , executed: DESCR1PTlOil OF LE,'\SED EOUIPMENT: DOT 1D HJ~. E L. PSG. seel' ;Ilil JC3 NUr.1BER YE~,R ~lAKE CAP. NU~1BER NUi~BER V. I. N. -- 89043 1985 FORD 14 99890 3843 IFBH531H2FHB74914 89045 1985 FORD 14 99890 3845 IFBH531H6FHB74916 --- LE,'\SE R~E CURRE tIT INS IJ'<l\GLE ASSX1''\.n:D EQUIPMEilT C) R ,'T' -: iI i~ T ," ,'\ S R E () I Jl F ~ J \/'" .,.... v t., ~_ ',_ -=- $125 $10500 125 10500 LESSEE F.E. 1.0.: 596 000 749 LESSEE BILLING ADDRESS: Monroe County Transportation Program Wing, III Public Service Building, Room 309 Key West, Fla, 33040