Resolution 220-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 220 - 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO RATIFY DCA-EXECUTED MODIFICATION 1 TO THE A WARDED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, CONTRACT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, on October 15,2003, the BOCC granted approval to the preparing of the amendment to a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Agreement with DCA (03DB-IA-1l-54-01-H32), and WHEREAS, the amendment prepared by the Monroe County Housing Authority, shifted priorities to funding sewer connections, and WHEREAS, on February 18,2004 the BOCC approved the mayor to sign the amendment application package to be sent to DCA for approval, and WHEREAS, DCA-initiated Modification 1 to the Contract Agreement for the Mayor to sign and return to DCA, and the Mayor executed the document, and WHEREAS, the DCA-initiated document was executed by DCA, returned to Monroe County, and has been reviewed for legal sufficiency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board ratifies Modification 1, attached hereto as Exhibit A, to the CDBG Contract Agreement with DCA. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 16th day of June ,2004 ~ c::::t "1 c::::t J;:- r- c... rry ~ 0 N ..." ~ 0 ::0 . ::0 :z ,.." ;;;; c; a ::::0 CD r::::::; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA :r o C 2: ~ ::0 () :r or "' , "1::>, , ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ,,-~q~! (, -----~~ '- ;<;-i::I:: Mayor Murray Nelson ;!J ~ ~ ,.., Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Spehar Y8S yea yea yes yea By: SEAL ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK MAY 0 6 2004 STATE OF FlORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" JEB BUSH Governor April 13,2004 THADDEUS L COHEN, AlA Secretary The Honorable Murray E. Nelson, Mayor Monroe County BOCC 530 Whitehead Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Contract Number 03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32 Contract Modification # 1- Approval Dear Mayor Nelson: Your letter dated February 18, 2004, and received March 5, 2004, requesting a modification to Attachment B, the CDBG Activity Work Plan, has been reviewed and approved, This modification (along with your request); and revised Budget (Attachment A), and revised Activity Work Plan (Attachment B), have been made part of the approved Agreement. I Should you have questions, please call your Department grant representative Mr, Mark Nixon at (850) 922-1895, Sincerely, ~k Libby Lane Community Program Administrator LUman Enclosure cc: Mark Bell (Copy of Enclosures/ Tammy Anderson, DCA 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850,921.07811Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FiElD OFFICE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, FL 33050-2227 COMMUNITY PLANNING 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399.2100 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 MAY 0 6 2004 MODIFICATION #1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND MONROE COUNTY This Modification is made and entered into by and between the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs ("the Department"), and Monroe County ("the Recipient"), to modify DCA Contract Number 03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32 ("the Agreement"). WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient have entered into the Agreement, pursuant to which the Department has provided a grant of $750,000 to the Recipient: and WHEREAS, the Agreement expires on April 8, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient desire to modify the Agreement by reallocating Work Activity project funds from Housing Rehabilitation Work Activity to Sewer Connection Work Activity (Attachment A); and WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient desire to modify the Agreement by modifying the revised work plan (Attachment B); NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1, The revised Attachment A, the Program Budget and Scope of Work, as set forth in Attachment A to this Modification, is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The revised Attachment B, Activity Work Plan, is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2, All provisions of the agreement being modified and any attachments thereto in conflict with this Modification shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this Modification, effective as of the date of the execution of this Modification by both parties. All provisions not in conflict with this Modification remain in full force and effect, and are to be performed at the level specified in the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this document as of the dates set herein. DEPAR~ j;MMUNITY_A~FAIRS BY: ( ~M MONROE COUNTY /~~ ,..~,. / L.? ......:" f ~/ / By:...:/[.c~c'-'Z~'_t''';7 \.,,/ f..Ll~,'L-- / ..- MurrayJ)Jelson, Mayor Monro:e County DATE: 4{1 lOt.( DATE: ,3 - ~? 2 - L' Y ll- en 0 c: :f'" ~ !" -" :::0 < s:: (") m Ql 0 en ..., :::J o' ..., )> c: 0 C/l CD Z (J) () c 0 0 )> c: c: ..., :::J :s: () - CD '< 0 C/l c: Z -4 en 0 -n 0 -4 ::L m -Efl -Efl -Efl -Efl :::0 w N -n 01 0 c: N 0 Z 01 0 ~ 0 C (J) 0 ~ - (") 0 r- c: :s: z CD Qo ""'" 0 )> to 0 < m ~ :--J 9'> ~ - -Efl -Efl -Efl -Efl I z c: s: CD 0 0 m CO CO -" -" ::0 Ql III OJ w -t (J) :r: m ~ (I) 0 Z 0 0 :E c: G> s: ~ Ul -t :5' Z Z )> :r: <0 m (J) 0 :::tl m -i )> r- 0 ~ (') en 7' (I) :::tl -I c: ::r Z ~ 0 <: "'0 III G> -i m Ul ~ (5 (J) =i (') -< ~ Z ::0 Cr =0 :J -I 0 z I I I )> c (') z (') :r: =i 0 s: C \l r I I z Cii I c :J: s: s: m CD z -" m 0 ::0 -I 0 (J) I I I r ~ CD m I I z I m < " C ('5 )> ~ m I I (J) I -I 0 ~ r (') 0 CD -Efl -Efl -Efl G) OJ -" -.oJ W -" )> 01 -.oJ N s: 0 '"0 01 0. 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 Z (:) (:) (:) -I 0 0 0 . 0 -I -Efl -Efl :J: 01 01 m 01 01 ::0 N N " 01 0. c ~ ~ z CD 0> 0> 0 C (:) (:) (J) 0 0 0 G) m . -I I (J) -" 0 c Qo -" ::0 N (') m =II: \l ::0 0 0 Z -Efl !=" 0 (:) 0 -" :::0 m () "'U m z :-:i :s:: o ::::I ... o CD o o C ::::I .. 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I J: N co ATTACHMENT B ACTIVITY WORK PLAN RECIPIENT MONROE COUNTY DATE PREPARED Februarv 18. 2004 CONTRACT NO. 03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32 ACTIVITY BUDGET $112.500 (for this activity only) Activity Number of Proposed Beneficiaries Proposed Activity Units for this activity on Iv Housing Name Administration Units Number 013 100 H,U, Service Area # N/A LMI VLI Total No, of Units Type of Units Date Date Describe Proposed Action to be Undertaken or Contract Special # Units to be Proposed $$ Start End Condition Clearance Documentation Completed to be (month (month to be Submitted by "Date End" by "Date End" Requested by & year) & year) "Date End" Submit Request for Release of Funds & Environmental Conditions Submit documentation to clear Special Condition Numbers -6!!- 05/03 06/03 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $5,000.00 07/03 09/03 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 1 0/03 12/03 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 01/04 03/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 04/04 06/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 07/04 09/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 1 0/04 12/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 01/05 03/05 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 04/05 06/05 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $4,481.00 05/03 06/05 Submit Administrative Closeout ACTIVITY BUDGET TOTAL $ 112.500 (must equal Activity Budget in the heading of this form) ACTIVITY WORK PLAN RECIPIENT MONROE COUNTY DATE PREPARED February 18. 2004 CONTRACT NO,03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32 ACTIVITY BUDGET $637.500 (for this activity only) Activity Number of Proposed Beneficiaries Proposed Activity Units for this activity on Iv Housing Name Sewer Connections Units Number 09(a) 50 50 100 100 H.U. Service Area # N/A LMI VLI Total No, of Units Type of Units ! Date Date Describe Proposed Action to be Undertaken or Contract Special # Units to be Proposed $$ Sta rt End Condition Clearance Documentation Completed to be ( month (month to be Submitted by "Date End" by "Date End" Requested by & year) & year) "Date End" Submit Request for Release of Funds & Environmental Conditions Submit documentation to clear Special Condition Numl?ers ALL 09/03 Sewer Connections (0%) 'I 0 07/03 1 0/03 12/03 Sewer Connections (0%) 0 01/04 03/04 Sewer Connections (15%) 15 $95,625.00 04/04 06/04 Sewer Connections (39%) 39 $153,000,00 07/04 09/04 Sewer Connections (64%) 64 $159,375,00 1 0/04 12/04 Sewer Connections (82%) ! 82 $114,750,00 01/05 03/05 Sewer Connections (100%) 100 $114,750,00 04/03 04/05 Submit Administrative Closeout ACTIVITY BUDGET TOTAL $ 637.500 (must equal Activity Budget in the heading of this form) 2 GL SPECIAL PROGRAMS OFFICE c/o Monroe County Housing Authority 1403 12th 81. Key West, FL 33040 (305)-292-1221 FAX (305)-292-1162 March 4, 2004 Mark Nixon, Community Assistance Consultant Florida Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Community Development 2555 Shumard Oaks Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Re: Contract Agreement, County of Monroe, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Agreement #03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32, Amendment One Dear Mr. Nixon: Attached are the documents in support of the Monroe County's request for an amendment to the above referenced CDBG Housing grant: Cover Letter signed by the Chief Elected Official Narrative Description Amendment One Forms signed by the Chief Elected Official Supplemental Information, Revised Activity Work Plans (Attachment A) Copy of the minutes from CA TF meeting Copy of public notice for the public hearing Resolution from local governing body authorizing the proposed amendment In summary, the amendment shifts work activity priorities to solely funding sewer connections. On March 19, 2003, the Board Of County Commissioners (BOCC) granted approval of accepting the 2002 CDBG grant agreement offered by DCA versus competing for the cycle 2003 CDBG grant. At this same meeting, the Commission approved the reallocating of all the Housing Rehabilitation funds ($150,000) to the CDBG Work Activity of Sewer Connections. "dedicated to the quality of life through housing and community initiatives" This amendment addresses the reallocation of the Housing Rehabilitation funds ($150,000) to the Sewer Connections category. The sewer connections are a primary activity as opposed to a complimentary activity (9B-43.009(6)) and is within the work activity of 09(a). With the reallocation of funding from Housing Rehabilitation to Sewer Connections, $200,000 of Housing Rehabilitation matching funds will be withdrawn: $150,000 from the County and $50,000 from SHIP. However, on October 15, 2003, the BOCC approved retaining $200,000 in County's Fund 100 as the required matching funds for this CDBG. None of the changes made in this amendment will affect the scoring of this agreement and the grant remains within the fundable range, Thank you for your continued support in our Community Development Block Grant program efforts in the Monroe County. Sincerely, 1/a14 J4rJ#7 Mark A. Bell CDBG Program Administrator Attachments: Amendment #1 to Contract Agreement #03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32 RESOLUTION NO. 088 - 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING AMENDMENT 1 TO THE AWARDED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, CONTRACT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, on October 15,2003, the BOCC granted approval to the preparing of the amendment to an Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Agreement with DCA (03DB-IA-II-54-01-H32), and WHEREAS, the Momoe County Housing Authority provided to DCA a draft amendment for review and said draft amendment was accepted by DCA, and WHEREAS, a draft amendment prepared by the Momoe County Housing Authority shifted priorities to funding sewer connections, and WHEREAS, DCA final approval requires a resolution from the local governing body approving the amendment and the issuance of a cover letter signed by its Chief Elected Official. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approves Amendment 1, attached hereto as Exhibit A, to the CDBG Contract Agreement with DCA, and for the Mayor to sign an original cover letter and Request For Amendment form (DCA form 69) for this amendment submittal. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 18th day of February ,2004. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1 CJ OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA :z: ~ ~ , ., ::z: ~(~? ~ z. C -l C) r'- Mayor Murray Nelson ~ , :";. r--.:l "" c:::> <::-~ J:" r ." I'"T1 rr1 I:::) CD N ." -l 0 ::0 -0 ::::0 :::: -.-"1" , I N .:J .' 0 L L. KOLHAGE MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY '!:V1'/E;; ^.S TO OKl!~IrY ~o~~~E (305) 294-4641 Mayor Murray E. Nelson Damaron Building, Suite 2 99198 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 PHONE (305) 852-7175 FAX (305) 852-7162 EMAlL: boccdis5@monroecounty-fl.gov (~'~ ,--.--. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Murray E. Nelson, District 5 Mayor Pro Tern David p, Rice, District 4 Dixie M. Spehar, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District 3 February 18,2004 Mark Nixon, Community Assistance Consultant Florida Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Community Development 2555 Shumard Oaks Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Dear Mr. Nixon: Re: County of Monroe, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Agreement #03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32. Subject: Amendment One The attached Amendment package has been approved by the Board Of County Commissioners and is being forwarded to your office for approval. This Amendment is to reallocate the remaining housing rehabilitation funding to sewer connections. The narrative description of the proposed changes clearly states the Amendment's intent and is supported by specific revisions to the Contract Agreement. This Amendment does not reduce the number of intended beneficiaries, accomplishments or scoring points from the original contract. Additionally, although there is a minimal change in the source and use of project funds the adjustment does not affect the source and use ofthe remaining non-CDBG funding supplements of the original application. The Amendment does not affect the Environmental Review Record. The County of Monroe appreciates the technical assistance provided by your staff and continued support. Sincerely, ~~~~ Monroe County, Florida Attachment: Amendment #1, County of Monroe, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Agreement #03DB-IA-II-54-01-H32. Cc: James Roberts, County Administrator J. Manuel Castillo, Sr., Executive Director, MCHA Mark Bell, CDO/SPO Director, MCHA ~k,',i.~"~'" ,\y&'C:~~~".: -";,":" Narrative Description of Proposed Changes: This is the first amendment for this grant under Contract Agreement 030S-1 A- 11-54-01-H32. On March 19, 2003, the Soard Of County Commissioners (SOCC) granted approval of accepting the 2002 COSG grant agreement offered by DCA versus competing for the cycle 2003 COSG grant. The County focus for the COSG 2002 cycle was somewhat different than for COSG 2003 cycle. For the cycle 2003 COSG grant, the County shifted its priorities to solely funding sewer connections throughout the County. Therefore, the cycle 2002 COSG grant needed to be amended to reflect this shift in priorities, Pursuant to OCA requirements, the COSG application was to be executed according to the cycle 2002 application and then amended. Also during this March 19th session, the Commission approved the reallocating of all the housing rehabilitation funds ($150,000) by moving these funds to the COSG Work Activity of Sewer Connections. With the reallocation of the Housing Rehabilitation funding, the amount for the COSG Work Activity increases from $487,500 to $637,500. The Commission also approved that the expanded Stock Island Service Area be designated as the initial service area for this COSG sewer connection assistance. The sewer connections are a primary activity as opposed to a complimentary activity (9S-43.009(6)) and is within the work activity of 09(a). The change in work activity category of 09(a) is found in the OCA-69 Amendment Form. The total number of household units to be served increased from 45 to 100. The number of VLI has increased from 33 to 50, and the LI has increased from 12 to 50. The Project Impact scores remain the same. As stated above, the first service area designated for the County was the Stock Island wastewater project. The County awarded a contract to the Key West Resort Utility (KWRU) for this service. The area served was already being serviced by the KWRU and was a logical expansion of their existing wastewater treatment facility. The work was completed ahead of schedule and the homes were notified to connect to the wastewater system. However, wastewater construction concerns remained for 20 mobile home parks/properties that comprise 679 households with very low- and low-income residents. The county is working with these communities to reduce the sizable connection fees and associated construction costs, and abandonment of existing wastewater treatment package plants located on each site. The County Commission extended the application period for the final time until March 31,2004. There are three (3) other wastewater project areas for Monroe County. These sites are expected to be under contract for construction of a wastewater treatment facility sometime at the end of calendar year 2004. These project areas are Bay Point, Conch Key, and Key Largo. With the reallocation of funding from Housing Rehabilitation to Sewer Connections, within this work activity category, $200,000 of Housing Rehabilitation matching funds will be withdrawn: $150,000 from the County and $50,000 from SHIP. The County will continue to utilize the existing SHIP funds to assist in housing rehabilitation, but these SHIP funds are not committed against the County CDBG Program. However, on October 15, 2003, the BOCC approved retaining $200,000 in County's Fund 100 as matching funds for this CDBG. These matching funds replace and exceed the previous $150,000 and are to be applied against the sewer connection costs. This BOCC agenda item and Resolution 471-2003 are provided under Supplemental Information. This adjustment does not affect the source and use of the remaining non-CDBG funding supplements of the original application. The source and use of funds document for the cycle 2002 initial application, CDBG-70 Form (CDBG-N-4) reflects the change in blue. The funding sources for non-CDBG funding that supports wastewater treatment facilities, has not changed. The original commitment of funds still maximizes the CDBG-N-4 points (70 maximum). Increases in funding commitments over the last two (2) years, does not affect this scoring area of the application. The general breakdown of these funds can be found in the Source and Use of Project Funds attached to the DCA-69 Amendment Form. The $200,000 match funding was added to the $3,000,00 the County committed to Stock Island. A CATF meeting, open to the public, was held on Monday, September 22,2003, and the recommended amendment was reviewed and discussed. The CATF recommended approval to amend the cycle 2002 CDBG grant and to provide the amendment to the BOCC for approval. This resolution is part of this amendment application. In conclusion, it is recognized that the sewer connection activity is extremely important to the County of Monroe. The CDBG Contract Agreement does not expire until April 2005. With the moving of the remainder of these funds to the sewer connection activity will greatly assist in reducing the highly disproportionately high or adverse affects on the low- and very low-income service recipients, , ~i: , I' \" : ~ " ,J ~ "0_ 0 0 0 Q) () 0 0 III CO 0 ,... <C ,... 0'::- CO :J - o.C :J Z :J >- 0 0 w a:: 0 :I: :I: :I: Z 0: 0 III l- e !;;: Q) E U >-1- ~ ~CJ)- 1-00 ,!Q ..... .- c: 0 LO LO Z4: Q. C ~ Q) =>0 '0 o-E N N <C ~ .... E O~"OI'- Ow tU 0> 0 :J :J - :J 0> ::J -Oc Z .... > () C - Ol wO 0 () ~ &l E :I: :I: :I: .0 .... <( 00: 0> a. ~ :;~<( 0:Cl.. U. a. <C '5 0 ZCl.. 0> 0> n 04: ~ Q) Cii - <( '(;j tU 0 0 Cl - <tiu 0 LO LO C co N N <C ~ .- .... co Ol- :J :J - :J ._ C Z ... 0 ::C 00 :I: :I: - N 0 LO 0 0 0 r..: ~ 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ol- d d d III Ol 0 - N 00l 0 0 0 l- I 0."0 II) d LO LO 0 Z o :J 0 ...: N 0 w (I) a:: 00 (I) 0 (I) ,... 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Q,.- Q.e.5 :ta..~ ACTIVITY WORK PLAN DATE PREPARED Februarv 18, 2004 RECIPIENT MONROE COUNTY CONTRACT NO,03DB-1A-11-54-01-H32 ACTIVITY BUDGET $112.500 (for this activity only) Activity Number of Proposed Beneficiaries Proposed Activity Units for this activity on Iv Housing Name Administration Units Number 013 100 H,U, Service Area # N/A LMI VLI Total No, of Units Type of Units Date Date Describe Proposed Action to be Undertaken or Contract Special # Units to be Proposed $$ Start End Condition Clearance Documentation Completed to be (month (month to be Submitted by "Date End" by "Date End' Requested by & year) & year) 'Date End" Submit Request for Release of Funds & Environmental Conditions Submit documentation to clear Special Condition Numbers ~ 05/03 06/03 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $5,000.00 07/03 09/03 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717.00 1 0/03 12/03 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 01/04 03/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 04/04 06/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 07/04 09/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 1 0/04 12/04 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717,00 01/05 03/05 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $14,717.00 04/05 06/05 Administrative Quarterly Reimbursements $4,481,00 05/03 06/05 Submit Administrative Closeout ACTIVITY BUDGET TOTAL $ 112,500 (must equal Activity Budget in the heading of this form) ACTIVITY WORK PLAN RECIPIENT MONROE COUNTY DATE PREPARED February 18. 2004 CONTRACT NO.03DB-1A-11-54.01-H32 ACTIVITY BUDGET $637,500 (for this activity only) Activity Number of Proposed Beneficiaries Proposed Activity Units for this activity only Housing Name Sewer Connections Units Number 09(a) 50 50 100 100 H.U. Service Area # N/A LMI VLI Total No. of Units Type of Units Date Date Describe Proposed Action to be Undertaken or Contract Special # Units to be Proposed $$ Start End Condition Clearance Documentation Completed to be (month (month to be Submitted by "Date End" by "Date End" Requested by & year) & year) "Date End" Submit Request for Release of Funds & Environmental Conditions Submit documentation to clear Special Condition Numbers ALL 07/03 09/03 Sewer Connections (0%) 0 1 0/03 12/03 Sewer Connections (0%) 0 01/04 03104 Sewer Connections (15%) 15 $95,625,00 04/04 06/04 Sewer Connections (39%) 39 $153,000,00 07/04 09/04 Sewer Connections (64%) 64 $159,375.00 10/04 12/04 Sewer Connections (82%) 82 $114,750.00 01/05 03/05 Sewer Connections (100%) 100 $114,750,00 04/03 04/05 Submit Administrative Closeout ACTIVITY BUDGET TOTAL $ 637,500 (must equal Activity Budget in the heading of this form) 2 CDBG-H-5: Project Impact CDBG-H-5: PROJECT IMPACT CDBG FUNDS AND ACTIVITY GOAL SCORE SPREADSHEET A ACTIVITY NUMBER AND NAME 001 ACQUISITION, IN SUPPORT OF $ 001 ACQUISITION IN 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN $ ~C~AA~~ $ O9a CODE ENFORCEMENT $ 002 DEMOLITION $ 016 HISTORIC PRESERVATION $ O9a HOUSING REHABIDEMOIREPLACEMENT 008 PERM RELO AS PAAT OF HAZ, MIT, 008 PERMANENT RELOCATION- OTHER O9a POTABLE WELL INSTALLATION"" 011 REMOVAL OF HOUSING ARCH. BARRIERS O9a SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION" O9a SEWER HOOKUPS"" 008 TEMPORARY RELOCATION O9a UTILITY HOOKUPS, OTHER" O9a WATER HOOKUPS"' 2. TOTAL COLUMN "B" (CDBG PROJECT COST): 3. CALCULATE COLUMNS "C" AND "E" AND TOTAL COLUMN "E" FOR THE TOTAL ACTIVITY GOAL SCORE: 4. ENTER CDBG ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS: 5. TOTAL "2B" AND "4B" FOR THE TOTAL REQUESTED CDBG FUNDS: 6. DIVIDE ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS REQUESTED ("4B") BY TOTAL FUNDS REQUESTED ("5B") TO GET THE CDBG ADMINISTRATIVE PERCENTAGE ("4B" + "5B"): 1. ENTER CDBG ACTIVITY FUNDS: BCD E % OF CDBG ENTER CDBG PROJECT COST GOAL ACTIVITY GOAL SCORE ACTIVITY FUNDS "B" + "2B" POINTS "C" x "D" $ $ $ $ $ $637,500.00 100.00 $ $ $ $ 150 50 75 100 70 150 150 100 150 150 150 150 150.00 150 125 150 150.00 150 POINTS MAXIMUM $112,500.00 $750,000,00 .1500 .1500 MAXIMUM 7, IF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT DESIRES TO PAY THE COST OF THE GRANT APPLICATION PREPARATION FROM THE GRANT (IF AWARDED), ENTER THE PAYMENT AMOUNT: $ N/A DOCUMENTATION MUST BE INCLUDED AS APPENDIX G. "GOAL POINTS ARE THE SAME AS THE ACTIVITY SUPPORTED, "THESE ACTIVITIES ARE USED WHEN NO REHABILITATION IS REQUIRED OTHER THAN THESE REFERENCED ITEMS BECAUSE THE HOUSING UNIT MEETS THE LOCAL HOUSING CODE AND SECTION 8 HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS. CDBG-H-5: PROJECT IMPACT (CONTINUED) 8, COMPLETE THE VLlIMPACT SPREADSHEET A B C D E F G H UNIT %OF OF ENTER ENTER ENTER CDBG VLI MEA- # OF VLI TOTAL # OF VLI% VLI PROJEC IMPACT SCORE SURE- UNITS TO BE UNITS TO BE RAW T COST (UF" X "G") ACTIVITY MENT ADDRESSED ADDRESSED (UC" + UD") POINTS (COPY) SCORE ACQUISITION, IN SUPPORT OF'" ACQUISITION IN 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN H,U, CLEARANCE H,U, CODE ENFORCEMENT H,U, DEMOLITION H,U. HISTORIC PRESERVATION H.U, HOUSING REHAB/DEMOIREPLACEMENT H.U, PERM RELO AS PART OF HAZ, MIT. H,H, PERMANENT RELOCATION- OTHER H,H, POTABLE WELL INSTALLATION H,U. REMOVAL OF HOUSING ARCH, H,H, BARRIERS SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION H,U, SEWER HOOKUPS H.U, 50 100 50.00% 235 100.00 235.00 TEMPORARY RELOCATION H,H. UTILITY HOOKUPS, OTHER H,U. WATER HOOKUPS H,U, 9. TOTAL COLUMN "H" FOR THE VLI IMPACT SCORE: 235.00 235 POINTS MAXIMUM TRANSFER THIS SCORE TO FORM CDBG-H- 1, 10. THE AVERAGE CDBG LMI HOUSING UNIT COST SCORE: A. Referring to the CDBG Funds and Activity Goal Score Spreadsheet, calculate the average CDBG LMI housing unit cost: $ 637,500 + 100 = $6,375.00 Enter the total CDBG Project Enter the total number Average CDBG LMI cost ("2B") of LMI housing units Housing unit cost B, Based on the average CDBG LMI housing unit cost, enter the appropriate score: Score 100 100 POINTS MAXIMUM TRANSFER THIS SCORE TO FORM CDBG- ***Use H. U. or Parcel for unit of measurement. H. U, = Housing Unit H, H. = Household BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Department: Growth Management Marine Resources Meeting Date: Bulk Item: Yes 15 October 2003 No -X- Division: AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval ofa Resolution supporting funding to serve low and very low income households (as defined by HUD) within Key Largo Park and Trailer Village, Conch Key, Baypoint, and Stock Island wastewater projects and providing for an Implementation Plan to be administered through the Monroe County Housing Authority. ITEM BACKGROUND: In July of 2002; the Board adopted Resolution 306-2002 providing general guidelines to assist low and very low income households with required wastewater improvements related to their property. Working with the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA). FEMA and the Monroe County Housing Authority, a commitment was made to fund individual households meeting the low and very low income categories at the 70% (low income) and 90010 (very low income) subsidy level The County must meet this commitment for the FEMA projects through its own funding sources or subsidy funds will be taken away from project construction dollars' and will raise the per EDU cost of the project. However, the assistance provided in the attached Implementation Plan includes assistance for renters through grants to rental property owners. This is not a requirement of the FEMA fimding program. CDBG funds were aSsumed to cover most of the costs for low and very low-income subsidies across all current projects, but they will not. Based on current estimates the CDBG funds will cover "pproximately half of the Stock Island (KWRU) project with an assisting , match of $200,000 from the County (Fund 100 - Housill2 Anthon" funds).'Ibus, we must commit fonds to cover the County's obligations for ~ellll!lit.ihg applicants on Stock Island, Baypoint, Conch Key and Key LaIgo wastewater. The estimated costs to cover low and very low income households is $2,503,209. For the time being these funds are expected to be part of a dedicated County revenue source, however staff expects to shift the obligation of these sources to future CDBG grant dollars. The prograul will be administered through the Monroe County Housing Authority under the guidance of the attached Resolution and Implementation Plan. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: July 2002 - Resolution 306-2002 CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS; Approval TOTAL COST: $2.503.209 COST TO COUNTY: $1.865.709 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes APPROVED BY: County Atty -1L DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: BUDGETED: Yes No SOURCE OF FUNDS: Fund 304/ Fund 100 No ---X-. AMO Year DOCUMENTATION: DISPOSITION: Timothy Me Included ---X-. To Follow _ Not Required AGENDA ITEM NO.: CJ? BC0310100,doc 09/26103 4:51 PM Marine Resources RESOLUTION NO. 471- 2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMITIING FUNDS TO ASSIST LOW AND VERY LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS IN THE PAYMENT OF WASTEWATER CONNECTION FEES AND IN MAKING NECESSARY AND RELATED ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PROJECT AREAS LOCATED IN THE STOCK ISLAND, BA YPOINT, CONCH KEY, AND KEY LARGO (KEY LARGO TRAILER VILLAGE, KEY LARGO PARK AND SUNSET WATERWAYS) WASTEWATER PROJECT AREAS, BASED ON SPECIFIC FUNDING PROJECTIONS PROVIDED BY TIlE MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY AND ADOPTING AN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR UTILIZATION OF COUNTY FUNDS TO BE ADMINISTERED THROUGH THE MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS SEEKING ASSISTANCE UNDER TIlE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the County currently has oversight for the following fgIr." wastewater projects either under construction or nearing the point5a~Iih ~ construction will begin: ~r2~ ~ 0 r"1~-< ...,., ("). I 0 0(")' N :::0 o Stock Island c:::~~ ;c. 0 .." ::0 o Baypoint ~~~ :x f"l1 . :P' N C"> o Conch Key and ~ ~ ;;, g o Key Largo (Key Largo Trailer Village, Key Largo Park, arid Sun~ .:1 Waterways); and WHEREAS, Resolution 306-2002 commits the County to assist "economically disadvantaged households" in the low and very low income categories as defmed by HOD; and WHEREAS, the FEMA, which is providing funding for three of the projects noted above, requires that the County mitigate fmancial impacts to economically disadvantage households as part of its Environmental Justice standards; and WHEREAS, the attached table (Attachment 1 - Funding Estimates) documents the estimated number of affected households from 2000 U.S. Census BC0310101 Res SWMP LowlncFunding ImpPlan, 101503 10f27nOO3 4:25 PM Marine Resources records, a projected number of applicants for each area (at a 50% participation level), and the necessary funding commitment (with a $2,700 connection fee assumed); and WHEREAS, the County wishes to establish and implementation plan for the provision of funds to assist low and very low income qualified households in making payments toward wastewater connection fees and wastewater related on- site expenses; and WHEREAS, a Interlocal Agreement between the County and the Monroe County Housing Authority (MCHA) exists, which allows the MCHA to implement this program on behalf of the County, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Board shall reselVe sufficient funds from available funding sources, including an existing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to meet the estimated fmancial assistance needs of low and very income households as itemized for each of the following four project selVice areas: 3. Conch Key Connection Costs Abandonment / Lateral Costs $ 852,390 $ 947,100 $ 86,098 $ 95,664 $ 39,492 $ 43,880 1. Stock Island Connection Costs Abandonment / Lateral Costs 2. Baypoint Connection Costs Abandonment / Lateral Costs 4. Key Largo Connection Costs Abandonment / Lateral Costs $ 207,751 $ 230,834 Total Connection Costs Abandonment / Lateral Costs $1,185,730 $1,317,478 Grand Total $2,503,209 Section 2. The estimated funds required are considered approximate based on available census data and 50 percent program participation. These numbers BC0310 10] Res SWMP LowlncFunding lmpPlan.l 01503 10/27120034:25 PM Marine Resources will be adjusted as needed based on the actual number of applicants from low and very low income households participating and on actual capital construction costs. Section 3. Such funds and their use for the purposes set out herein shall be administered through the Monroe County Housing Authority as provided for in the attached Implementation Plan (Attachment 2). Section 4. The Board adopts the attached Implementation Plan (Attachment 2) as the criteria by which qualification for assistance will be determined and the means by which the amount of funding assistance to be provided each applicant will be established. This implementation shall be utilized for all wastewater funding assistance projects unless otherwise specifically identified or modified. Background for the Implementation Plan is provided in Attachment 3, provided for information purposes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of COWlty Commissioners, Monroe COWlty, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of October ,A.D., 2003. Mayor Dixie Spehar yes Mayor Pro Tern Murray Nelson yes Commissioner George Neugent yes Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy yes Commissioner David Rice yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONRO}7~~ BY: MAYOR/CHAIR PERSON DANNY I. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: Ih oJ.d c. Lf20t~:tt.aJ DEPUTY CLERK MONROE COUN1Y I\1TORN~Y ~ORM. ~ ROB T N. WOLfE CHIEF ~~'~~gil!..l\'3 ~T~ Dltt---L.U. ..--- BC0310101 Res SWMP LowlncFunding ImpPlan.lOl503 10/27120034:25 PM MEETING MINUTES The County of Monroe Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizens' Advisory Task Force (CA TF) Meeting Monday, September 22,2003 Marathon Government Center Second Floor, BOCC/EOC Meeting Room Marathon, Florida Attendance: Members Present: Vice-Chairman, Alice Allen; Juliette Torres, member and Vickie Fay, member Members Absent: Jason O'Brien, Chairman; Bert Loudenslager, Secretary; Excused absences, both called ahead Public: No public Attendance. Other: Mark Bell, CDBG Program Administrator, Special Programs Office (SPO), MCHA. Call To Order: Alice Allen, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM with introductions. Previous Minutes: The Minutes from the June 2, 2003 meeting were provided to the attending CA TF members. Overview of CDBG Sewer Application process with Discussion: Mark provided an overview of the Stock Island sewer assistance application process. He explained the purpose of the application and sections that comprise the application. The application was developed from the CDBG Housing Assistance Plan (HAP), a copy of which was provided to the members. After receiving, reviewing and requesting all the required documents for the application, two (2) eligibility lists are prepared for each priority category: Priority 1 for owner-occupied, primary residence (verified by homestead exemption) and Priority 2 for property owners, renting to income eligible tenants. The lists are by numeric score and alphabetically. The listings and resultant funding levels for each eligible applicant for Marathon was used as a current example. There has been a problem with the Stock island applicant response because of the miscommunication that is occurring on Stock Island, The extension would allow Stock Island residents to learn more about the assistance program and allow more time to apply. This extension would be published in "The Citizen". There was discussion as to the means by which to contact the Hispanic community. The Spanish-speaking population does not read English and often cannot read Spanish. Therefore, it was moved by Vicky Fay to extend the application period another 30-days (October 31, 2003 is on a Friday) to include additional outreach to the Hispanic community, e. g., Spanish paper and radio (FM 107.9). Juliette Torres seconded this motion. All members (quorum) voted yes on this motion. Recommendation for Funding Levels for each eligible applicant on the priority lists: Using Marathon as an example, Mark explained the funding levels chosen by the City: the City allocation of the available CDSG funds was 70% to priority 1 (homeowners) and 30% to owners renting to income eligible tenants. For CDSG funding: That these funds be allocated first for home connection to the system and septic tank/cesspit abandonment with any remaining funds being applied against the system development fee with the FKAA. Mark provided a draft Discussion paper to the CATF. It was to go before the SOCC recommending funding levels of the CDSG funds. Following discussion, it was determined that the CA TF did not have enough information to make a qualified decision to go before the SOCC. Mark requested a motion to withdraw the SOCC agenda item and Vicky Fay did so, with Juliette Torres seconding the motion. The recommendation was withdrawn. Amendment to the 2002 COBG Award with discussion: Mark reviewed the amendment with the CA TF members. This amendment was discussed at the June 2003 meeting. A copy of the draft Amendment was provided to the CA TF Members. The amendment cannot be completed without a SOCC resolution authorizing this action. The items that are required in the packet are: a Cover Letter signed by the Chief Elected Official; Narrative Description; Amendment One; Supplemental Information, Revised Work Plans; Copy of the minutes from CA TF meeting; and a Copy of public notice for the public hearing Resolution from local governing body authorizing the proposed amendment Copies of the SOCC agenda item summary and the resolution for the amendment were provided to the CATF members. For background, on March 19, 2003, the SOCC granted approval of accepting the 2002 CDSG grant agreement offered by DCA; reallocate all of the housing rehabilitation funds ($150,000) moving these funds for additional wastewater connections; and designate the expanded Stock Island Service Area as the initial service area for CDSG assistance. The changes of this amendment is the reallocation of the Housing Rehabilitation Work Activity funding ($150,000) to the Sewer Hookup Work Activity, bringing the Sewer Hookup Work Activity funding total to $637,500, None of the changes made in this amendment will affect the scoring of this agreement and the grant remains within the fundable range. A motion was initially made by Juliette Torres to recommend approval, but was withdrawn following additional discussion. The agenda item was clear in explaining the resolution, however, one of the CATF members felt that the amount to be transferred should also be in the resolution. The motion was then made by Vicky Fay to recommend approval of the resolution after adding: WHEREAS, also during the March 19,2003, BOCC meeting, the Commission approved the reallocating of the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Work Activity funding in the amount of $150,000 to the CDBG Sewer Hookup Work Activity funding, and Juliette Torres seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Status of Economic Development Grant Opportunity: Mark briefed the CATF on the status of this opportunity. In September 2003, coordination continued with the County and the owners of Knucklehead's Restaurant. A draft application has been prepared and additional information is required from both the County and the participant (Knuckleheads). The County is scheduled to meet with the CDBG Administrator sometime during the week of 13 - 17 October 2003 to go over all of the requirements needed to complete the application. The participant is working with the SBA and is due to close on financing at the end of October 2003. No action was required of CATF members. Public Comment: None. No public attendees. Recommendations: Motion to extend the application period another 30-days (October 31,2003 is on a Friday) to include additional outreach to the Hispanic community. Unanimous vote. Motion to withdraw the BaCC agenda item recommendation for Funding Levels for each eligible applicant on the priority lists: Unanimous vote. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment resolution after adding specific wording to reflect the funding amount being reallocated. Other: SPO continues to provide CATF members with periodic (monthly) updates of grant status and projects. Alice Allen moved to adjourn at about 7:40 P.M. Juliette Torres seconded and the motion passed. Information provided to CATF members and available to the public: 1) Previous CA TF Minutes, June 2, 2003 2) Stock Island Application Packet 3) Monroe County CDBG HAP 4) Draft Promissory Note For Priority 2 Eligible 5) BOCC October 15, 2003 Agenda Item and Information Paper Recommending Funding Levels BOCC October 15, 2003 Agenda Item and Resolution for Amending CDBG Agreement A Draft Amendment Package prrlams Administrator, Special Programs Office, 6) 7) Prepared By: Minutes approved by Citizens Advisory Task Force: Jason O'Brien, Chairman tie s Alice Allen, Vice Chairman YES Roberta Loudenslager, Secretary '{ Ii ~ Juliette Torres '(6"$ Vicky Fay ~<i'{ WEEKEND I..,;, ~~"~' ,t \',", '-I"," ~~~f., h.. '.-,'!'.',,'';,' ~,.;~, ;~~' _I~.,.~, ;:]/i",.,~ i..,. i~:ca ; IIJII-I " UI.LL ,.~. ""~',, "'.':'...,,', .'..":~.,,. ',.;. . ':,' ",1IiI.I . ''-', () ~' (I). LQ ct ,'S' ~' ~. 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'0 en ('f) ,c: Ql en RESOLUTION NO. 467 - 2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO APPROVE AMENDING THE AWARDED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, CONTRACT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, on March 19,2003, the BOCC granted approval of accepting the 2002 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) agreement offered by DCA, and WHEREAS, also during the March 19,2003, BOCC meeting, the Commission approved the reallocating of the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Work Activity funding in the amount ofS 1 50,000 to the CDBG Sewer Hookup Worlc Activity funding, and WHEREAS, DCA executed the Contract Agreement # 03DB-IA-II-54-01-H32, for $750,000 on April 9, 2003, and WHEREAS, DCA required that the cycle 2002 CDBG special conditions of the contract be completed before an amendment could be applied for, and WHEREAS, DCA requires a resolution from the local governing body authorizing the proposed amendment and a cover letter signed by its Chief Elected Official. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLVED, that the Board approves preparing the amendment to the CDBG Contract Agreement with DCA and authorize the Mayor to sign the cover letter for this amendment submittal. PASSED AND ADOPTED, ()e,fo6.t..'" / b, OJ 00 3. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA A Yes Yes Yes YeA ~~>n~ Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro Tem Nelson Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Commissi ~~ ~ By: Mayor Dixie Spehar Approved as to fonn and ~.d :.umctency: W:HUTTON ASSISTAN)fO~ AnC;"'i~t: ~ Date ~ ~ ?_, ,_..v BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 15,2003 Division: Monroe County Housing Authority Department: Special Programs Office Bulk Item: Yes XX No AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution to amend the Monroe County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) by reallocating Housing Rehabilitation funds to Sewer Hookup funds, ITEM BACKGROUND: On March 19,2003, the BOCC granted approval of accepting the 2002 CDBG grant agreement offered by DCA; reallocate all of the housing rehabilitation funds ($150,000) moving these funds for additional wastewater connections; and designate the expanded Stock Island Service Area as the initial service area for CDBG assistance. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: March 19, 2003 approval to accept the 2002 cycle CDBG grant agreement and acceptance of other recommendations. Resolution 213-2003 executed the CDBG Contract Agreement. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Reallocation of the Housing Rehabilitation Work Activity funding ($150,000) to the Sewer Hookup Work Activity, bringing the Sewer Hookup Work Activity funding total to $637,500. None of the changes made in this amendment will affect the scoring of this agreement and the grant remains within the fundable range. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of this resolution to amend the CDBG Contract Agreement (03DB-IA-1l-54-01-H32) with DCA. TOTALS COST: $0.00 BUDGETED: Yes X No COST TO COUNTY: $0.00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No-X- AMOUNT PER: Month Year APPROVED BY: County Attorney. _ OMBIP. sing _ Risk Management_ DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: ue Castillo, Sr., Executive Director onroe County Housing Authority DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow Not Required -X- DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #