Resolution 222-2004 Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 222 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE VERA BUTLER WHEREAS, Vera Vanderline Smith Butler passed away on May 20,2004, at the age of 107, the oldest known person in Key West; and WHEREAS, Vera Vanderline Smith Butler, was born on March 31, 1897, to Janus and Rosana Jane Smith in Key West, Florida; and WHEREAS, Vera Butler, affectionately known as "Ma Vera", met and married the late Samuel "Bookie" Butler at an early age. From this union five children were born, four of whom preceded her in death, Ma Vera was a loving mother to her own children and to every child in the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Vera Butler was a lifetime member and oldest mother of Trinity Presbyterian Church; she enjoyed attending church and singing hymns; she held various offices with the church throughout the years. She enjoyed visiting churches of all denominations and was a lifetime member of the Order of the Eastern Star; and WHEREAS, Vera Butler's relatives credit her long life to her no-drinking, no-smoking policy, while others believe it was her steadfast faith, spirituality, and love of gospel music that filled her home on Mickens Lane; and WHEREAS, Vera Butler is survived by her devoted and only living son, Robert F. Butler, Sr.; daughter-in- law, Alfridina E. Butler; 25 grandchildren; 67 great-grand children; 44 great-great-grandchildren; 5 great-great-great- grand children; a host of nieces, nephews and cousins; I sister-in-law Jerline Butler; a devoted god-child, Norma Jean Shorter Attanda; her extended church; the convalescent families, and a host of sorrowing friends; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Hereby adopts this Resolution as a permanent record of the love and respect in which Vera Butler was held by her family and by the community throughout Key West. Section 2: Upon approval of this resolution, Commissioner Dixie M, Spehar is hereby designated to forward a copy to Vera Butler's family expressing the Board's Sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of June ,A.D,,2004, ~ c:;:) c:;:) J:'" c... C Z N N Mayor Murray E, Nelson Mayor Pro Tern David P. Rice Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy :x ~ ~ yeR :::tI():r YPC:: or' t'T1;:: . Y~5 no . o~' Y 8 g c:::::::o ::" YCEl ~nF- ;<:-I::I: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~R~ OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. rr'I (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk B~ By ~ ~ W o ~(~ '"I'j r- rt'1 o ..." o ::0 ::0 ,." c; a ::;u r:::i