Resolution 154-1994 837716 2ft I 3 0 5 f%E1 5 7 3 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 154-1994 Z LJ.. 2:,:" A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED PLAT OF ~,'')?f: GALLEON BAY, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO_)::r:- EXECUTE SAID REVISED PLAT, AND PROVID- :~;_-..: ING FOR TRANSMITTAL OF SAID PLAT TO z '.-;:' THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY~( AFFAIRS. ~ '> ~ -1") ,'~ ~ c -< , /-', .....,...., .t::. ,,~ ~ , , u " w , , 0 ~"":J VI WHEREAS, on January 29, 1991 the Board of County Commission- ers, by Resolution No. 022a-1991, approved a final plat to be known as Galleon Bay Subdivision; and WHEREAS, said final plat was recorded in the Monroe County Records in Plat Book 7 Page 59; and ly homes and an open space tract; and WHEREAS, said plat created fourteen (14) lots of single fami- WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs, pursu- ant to the authority of Section 380.07(2), Florida Statutes of the final plat of Galleon Bay Subdivision; and (l989), and Chapter 42-2, F.A.C. filed an appeal of the approval WHEREAS, the appeal by the Florida Department of Community Affairs was based on an interpretation of Monroe County Code that the plat contained more lots then allowed by Monroe County Code areas of the site; and and said lots were not adequately clustered onto the disturbed WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs no long- er believes that there are more lots then allowed by the Monroe County Code but does believe that said lots should be further clustered onto the disturbed areas of the property; and PGALEON.34A/TXTDR ..::to "- If'') l..4-.I c= -::: c'-..._ Ln C:> cY') t.,.u u.W 00:: c.o "- "- cY') CO WHEREAS, the J5rQI?er,ty owners of ~a+l.eon Bay Corj>oi."ation, now desires to respond to the appeal by revising said plat; and WHEREAS, Galleon Bay Corporation has submitted a revised plat with the fourteen (14) lots clustered onto the disturbed areas of the property and with a larger open space tract; and WHEREAS, the increased amount of open space furthers the goals, objectives, and policies of the comprehensive plan of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, at the time the final plat of Galleon Bay Subdivi- sion was approved by the Board of County Commissioners the county did not anticipate the appeal of said plat due to the technical issue of insufficient clustering; and WHEREAS, the revised plat now submitted by Galleon Bay Corpo- ration resolves the technical issues raised by the appeal by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1. The mayor is hereby authorized to execute said revised plat; and 2. The Monroe County Clerk is hereby direct to record the executed plat in the Monroe County Records; and 3. The Monroe County Clerk is also hereby directed to for- ward two (2) certified copies of this Resolution and two (2) certified copies of said revised plat, when recorded, to the Division of Growth Management; and 4. The Monroe County Division of Growth Management is di- rected to forward one (1) certified copy of this Resolution and PGALEON.34A/TXTDR ; , '! Lt') "- I.f") one (1) certified copy of said revised plat, when recorded, to .......J c= -~ C,,"- the Department of Community Affairs. Lr) CJ (Y) PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held 11.0 u.. l.u 00;: on the 21ST day of APRIL , A.D., 1994. '-0 Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich YES YES YES YES YES "- "- ("t") CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ( SEAL) ~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: i1o..kLc.. Q ~{}4"l~ DEPUTY CLERK APPROVEU AS IU . ,"" AND S FFICIENC'i 8." (Jr, ) ",..rdtd In Of'fIcIal Records .. MoIIIM County, Florida fIllcord Vilified DANNY L. KOLHll....',g PGALEON. 34A/TXTDR Clerk Cirwit Court 837718 2t~ I 3 0 5 PAGEl 5 7 7 ['II ;:-'1 ' '" , I ;;.~_L 1 !.I:v. elf. :~Dr;"-\ .94 MAY -4 P 3 :05 :_i.i\N/l \ I';" .\__;' , ; ~IONR~}{'::U'~;ti i y.~9,~SERVATION EASEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ~ . ~. :.J ~ (' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT in consideration of the sum of ten and no/100 dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, Galleon Bay Corporation (Grantor) has granted to Monroe County, Florida (Grantee), a conservation easement In accordance with Section 704.06, Florida Statutes (1989), in and over the real property described as Tracts Band C of the Revised Plat Galleon Gay, No Name Key, Monroe County, Florida, as shown 1n the Revised Plat of Galleon Bay, which is attached hereto, and situate in No Name Key, Monroe County, Florida, and as recorded in OR Plat Book L, at page Ct,5', of the Public Records of Monroe J PH0C'J county, Florida. The term Grantor as used herein shall include any successor or aseignee of the Grantor, and the term Grantee as used herein shall include Monroe County, Florida, or any successor political subdivision of the State of Florida county which is known as Monroe County, Florida. In accordance with Section 704.06, Florida Statutes (1989), and the terms of this easement, the following activities are prohibited on the subject property: 1. Construction or placing of buildings, roads, signs, billboards or other advertising, utilities, or any other structures 837718 2tt 1305 i:AGEl 578 on or above the ground; 2. Dumping or placing ot Boil or other substances or material as landfill, or dumping or placing of trash, waste, or unsightly or offensive mater1als; 3. Removal or destruction of trees, shrubs, or any other vegetation; 4. Excavation, dredging, or removal of loam, peat, gravel, .oil, rock or other material substance in such manner as to affect the surface; 5. Surface use except for purpose. that permit the land or water area to remain 1n 1ts natural condition; 6. Activities detrimental to drainage, flood control, water conservation, erosion control, 80il conservation, or fish and wildlife habitat preservation; 7. Acts or uses detrimental to .uch retention of land or water areas; and 8. Acts or uses detrimental to the preservation of the structural integrity or physical appearance ot site. or properties ot historical, architectural, archaeological or cultural significance. It is understood that the granting of this Conservation Easement entitles the Grantee or its authorized representatives to enter the above-described land upon not les. than forty-eight (48) hours advance written notice by certified mail to the Grantor to ..sure compliance. It 18 the purpose of this easement to assure that the lands ~ ,a37718 ~tt \j D '5 H\~tl f:J 1 9 subject to the easement will be maintained forever in the present natural vegetative and hydrologic condition existing at the time of U8X8cution of this conveyance. The Conservation Easement hereby granted and the obligation to maintain the land forever predominantly in the natural vegetative and hydrologic condition existing at the time of execution of the conservation easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Grantor and its successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of the Grantee and its successors and assigns. Grantor agrees that the terms and conditions of this conservation easement may be enforced by the Grantee upon written notice to Grantor, by certified mail, to the Grantor stating specific violations and giving Grantor sixty (60) days grace period during which Grantor shall cure said violations. Only after the sixty (60) day grace period has elapsed and in the event Grantee has failed to cure said violations, shall Grant.e be entitled to seek injunctive relief and other appropriate available remedies. Grantor consents that venue for such enforcement actions shall l1e exclusively in the Circuit Court of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, in Monroe County, Florida. Any forbearance on behalf of the Grantee to exercise its rights in the event of the failure to comply with the provisions of this conservation easement shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver of the Grantee's rights hereunder in the event of any subsequent failure of the Grantor to comply. The Grantee staff may enter the property upon not less than forty-eight (48) hours J. 837718 ~ft I 3 0 5 P,~GEI 5 8 0 advance written notice by certified mail to Grantor to ensure compliance with this conservation easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's har.d and seal this ~ day of April, 1994. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (Corporate Seal) Attest: 4\s~ \..I'<L \.l.~ By: annelore X. Schleu Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE By: The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged betore me this ___ day ot April, 1994, by vivienne Schleu and Hannelore K. Schleu, as President and Secretary, respectivelY, of Galleon Bay Corporation, on behalf of the corpO,rati~. They are personally known to me or have produced ~C1)f\uC~Li'- n...DrLlL.- as identification and who cH.d- [~id not,) take an oat. I U.,aon._.. .~.,.~lIll Irf. Micha.l "lpe~Q, '.A. 201 Da".l .U_t. . .., wee., p1o~ld. ~30'O ~.d--, , S~~'Of Florida k.- T Lyn.<-h Commission No.1 My commission expires: Notary hbRt. S~ .f Florid.. ., Cllnl~ !.'tflr.. Cd. 15, 199t Iond... Tlw ~ F.iil. 'ntVrllllW lACe .4. f'J.;;;!.tJ.ed I II 1J1"\ ~{": :, "'e !~ f/l"MN C.,,)\I\.\":, : ", ", .' J ~. ." n)~')i~;X~;':'~~ ' ",r:' \.:. ~ ... _::. '-". -'~". ;, ~ .' , " , ~" ., l' -"<W',r ,,*,,'.. '/ill I II!> .... I"" . 837719 ~tt I 3 0 5 ~AGEI 5 8,1 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that GALLEON BAY CORPORATION, ., II..- ( , / ') , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, the owner in fee simple of the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Monroe, State of Florida, to-wit: Lots 1 to 14, Tracts A, S, C and D of the Revised Plat of GALLEON BAY, a subdivision of the West six hundred and ninety five (695) feet of Government Lot 1, Section 18, Township 66 South, Range 30 East, No Name Key, Monroe county, Florida AND A portion of Government Lot 3, Section 18, Township 66 South, in the office of as per the at page (t; 5 dP/lG:'L~j' the Clerk of the Circuit court 1n and for Monroe Range 30 East, No Name Key, Monroe County, Florida, Revised Plat of GALLEON BAY, recorded in Plat Book ~, county, Florida. HEREBY MAKE and following declarations as to limitations, restrictions and uses to which the said lands above described may be put, hereby specifying that said declarations shall constitute covenants to run with the lands as provided by law, and shall be binding on all parties and persons hereafter acquiring any right, title, or interest in and to the lands above described, or any part thereof, this declaration being for the benefit of and in limitation upon all future owners of and on lands as above herein.pecified, that is to say: 1. Lots 1 through 6 of the lands above of ~eeping the said 7' . ".,.-, --\0 ' LJ .t:::. =.= use~a~d purpo8~s as C ". ::;:: ~ "~or ~ -< ." _I I ';~ deicribed~Shali not , u-- " w- e; ~:;) ?... V1-j described and being designed for the purpose lands desirable, uniform and suitable for the 837719 be subdivided for any cause whatsoever. ~t~ I 3 0 5 ?A,GEI 5 8 2 A residential site on Lots 1 through 6 of the lands above described may consist of one or more lots of 1 through 6. 2. On lots 7 through 14 of the lands above described, a residential site may consist of one or more lots, or one lot and a fraction. 3. No residence shall be built on any lot which is less in size than the lot dimensions as shown on the Revised Plat of Galleon Bay, No Name Key, Monroe county, Florida, recorded in Plat Book _, at page _ in the Public Records of Monroe county, Florida. 4. No one or more of said lots shall be used except for single family residential purposes and for those uses permitted under the "Commercial Fishing Village" (CFV) zoning designation of the Monroe county, Florida, Land Use Regulations, Volume III adopted February 28, 1986, and effective September 18, 1986. 5. Tract Band C of the lands above described, shall be forever maintained by all present and future owners as open space, undisturbed from the ground to the sky, tor purposes of providing wildlife habitat and environmental conservation. 6. No perimeter fencing of any type shall be permitted upon any of said lots of the lands above described. 7. No dogs of any kind shall be raised, bred, kept, or maintained on any of said lots or tracts of the lands above described. 8. No free-ranging, predatory household pets shall be 2 837719 OFF I ') 0 r- .., I ",. I 5 8 3 REC I oJ J l'Mit raised, bred, kept or maintained on any of said lots or tracts of the lands above described. 9. Nothing shall be done on any lot which may be, or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No horses, cattle, goats, swine or fowl shall be kept on any lot or tract. 10. No house trailers may be parked upon said land nor used as living quarters thereon. No building shall be moved upon said land for use as temporary living quarters. 11. Present and future owners of Lots 1 through 14 shall maintain a minimum of eixty percent (60') open space ratio (OSR) upon each and every lot of the above described land. "Open space Ratio'l (OSR) means the percentage of the total gross area of a parcel that is open space. "Open Space" means any portion of a parcel or area of land or water which is open and unobstructed form the ground to the sky, including areas maintained in a natural and undisturbed character. Open space shall not include water below the mean high-water line, or areas covered with buildings, sidewalks, patios, parking areas, drives or other paved areas, but the area of land under docks piers and elevated walkways and fifty percent (sot) of areas paved with permeable material shall be considered open space. 12. There shall be a minimum set bank for all residences of 2~ feet from any street, 20 feet from the lake, identified as Tract A on the recorded Revised Plat, and 7 teet from any adjoining property line. 13. Ea.ements are reserved for service utillt188 or tor 3 837719 ~tt I 3 0 5 PACE I 5 8 4 drainage or for shared driveway purposes or for walking ingress and egress on the recorded Revised Plat; no construction or plantings shall interfere with such easement rights. 14. Remedies for Violation: In the event of any violation or breach of any of these restrictions by any person, or concern claiming by, through or under the subdivider, or by virtue of any judicial proceedings, the subdivider, and the owners of lots in the subdivision or Monroe County, or its Agents, or any of them jointly, severally or individually shall have the right to proceed at law (including code enforcement actions) or in equity to comp91 a compliance with the terms hereof or to prevent the violation or breach of any of them, and shall be entitled to recover such costs, attorney's fees and damages as may be adjudicated in such action. In addition to the foregoing right, the subdivider shall have the right, whenever there shall have been built on any lot in the .ubdivision any structure which i8 in violation of these restrictions, to enter upon the property where such violation exists and summarily abate or remove the same at the expense of the owner, and such entry and abatement shall not be deemed a trespass. The failure to enforce any right, reservation, restriction or condition ~ontalned herein, however long continued, shall not bar or affect its enforcement. The invalidl!ltion by any court of any of the restrictions covering this land shall in no way affect any of the other restrictions but they shall remain in full force and effect. 15. Duration of Restrict~ons: The above and foregoing 4