Item M3 Add-On 1 :30 p.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 06/16/04 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes No -X- Department: Engineering AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of plans amending original plans approved by the BOCC on July 3l, 2002, for Hurricane Hole Marina Sewer Extension, and approval ofthe payment of$53,225.00 for work within the public right-of-way, contingent upon an amendment of the agreement between KW Resort Utilities and Weiler Engineering accepting these plan changes by KW Resort Utilities, and submission of a proper lllVOlce. ITEM BACKGROUND: South Stock Island is being sewered, however, this area was omitted from the original project. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On April 21, 2004, the BOCC approved paying for work within the public right-of-way. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: This is an addition to work approved by the BOCC on July 31, 2002 with KW Resort Utilities. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. Payment to be made to KW Resort Utilities who will then pay Historic Seaport District (dba Hurricane Hole Marina - Fred Skomp). TOTAL COST: $53.225.00 BUDGETED: Yes ~ No SOURCE OF FUNDS: Fund 304 COST TO COUNTY: $53.225.00 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No-X AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Arty _ OMB/P;;JZA /David S. Kop~ounty Engi:eer cfl~v~~- Dent Pierce Risk Management _ ITEM PREPARED BY: DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow_ Not Required_ AGENDA ITEM # /J3 DISPOSITION: Revised 2/27/01 MEMORANDUM TO: James L. Roberts County Administrator David S. Koppel },rf /) County Engineer OV..~ FROM: DATE: June 11,2004 RE: Hurricane Hole Marina On 6-10-04 I received a set of plans from Weiler Engineering for the above-referenced project. Also provided to me at that date was a change order for the work performed within the right-of-way and backup information on cost. This information was then going to be agendaed as an add-on for the June 16,2004 BOCC meeting. However, I am not able to agenda this at the moment because the information provided is inadequate. Let me explain the reasons why. 1. I need signed/sealed "as builts" of the work 2. The ooa:ngc Older needs to b<: TPnone... 5,.,~ fv Co Mt. CO J\bt ^(~J.eJlI.J".>t BoLL 3. The most important reason is that the quantities constructed are significantly different than those presented to the BOCC Regarding the change order, the one presented to me is between KW Resort Utilities and Historic Seaport District, Inc. (dba Hurricane Hole Marina). I was led to believe that the change order was going to be with MacKenzie, just as change order nwnber 1 was. However, I was told that Hurricane Hole Marina paid MacKenzie and that Hurricane Hole may have hired other Contractors directly, such as for the asphalt. Therefore, a change order with MacKenzie doesn't seem to make sense. However, a change order with Hurricane Hole doesn't seem right either. (change from what?) What seems logical is a change to our contract with KW Resort Utility. I have asked our County Attorney for his advise in this matter. Whatever opinion is given, the change order will have to be redone to spell out the work more specifically. To elaborate on number 3, please note the following. On April 21, 2004 the BOCC was presented with information regarding total sewer cost at the Hurricane Hole Marina, with some work on their property and most ofthe work within the right-of-way. They suggested that a fair way to determine the cost of work within the right-of-way was to calculate the "unit cost" of lineal feet of sewer pipe based on the total project cost and then multiply that by the length of pipe in the right-of-way. That yielded the amount of $71 ,879 which was presented to the BOCC. <'I fr IivtA \. J)<t 6' (.,-0+ On June 10,2004, Weiler Engineering presented me with backup information on the cost breakdown of sewer work at the Hurricane Hole. One document was from E. T. MacKenzie to Fred Skomp detailing work, identifying unit costs, providing a total estimated cost of $80,000 reduced to $76,000, and then concluding by saying "payment will be based upon actual quantities installed per line item." The other document was from Weiler and it contained line item costs for engineering services. MacKenzie's cost breakdown for construction at the Hurricane Hole is as follows: Item Descri{'tion 6" vacuum sewer line Buffer Tank Isolation Valve Asphalt DOT limerock General Conditions/Contingency Quantity 1,200lf lea lea 500 If 400 If Unit Cost $46 11,100 700 15 10 reduced to Total $55,200 11 , 1 00 700 7,500 4,000 1,500 $80,000 $76,000 After receiving this information, I met later in the day with Chris Johnson of Weiler on site and walked the project. Mr. Johnson also had a field book that detailed the specific location and quantity of all work. This information is the basis for the "as built" drawings which we are expecting to receive shortly. Mr. Johnson and I measured the work together and it matched the information contained in the field book. The following represents the actual quantities as measured in place, and the corresponding cost of work within the right-of- way: Item Description Quantity 6" vacuum sewerline (R/W) 781lf 6" vacuum sewerline (Private Property) 375lf Buffer Tank (Private Property) 1 ea Isolation Valve (R/W) lea Asphalt (R/W) 391lf DOT Limerock (R/W) 215 If General Conditions/Contingency (R/W) 67.6%* General Conditions/Contingency (Private Property) 32.4%* *based on percent of sewerline Unit Cost $46/1f Total $35,926 $700/ea $15/lf $10/lf $1,500 $ 700 5,865 2,150 1,014 $45,655 In addition to the construction cost, the engineering cost is also separated by line items. The following breakdown is taken from an invoice from Weiler to Hurricane Hole Marina. I have also included the appropriate split for the County to pay based on percent of sewerline within the right-of-way, or if the work was totally within the right-of-way. Description Survey Preliminary Design Final Design Permit Certification Amount $2,000 $3,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 %within R/W 67.6 67.6 67.6 100.0 100.0 County Amount $1,352 2,366 1,352 1,500 1,000 $7,570 Therefore, based upon my calculations (using the information provided to me) the cost of sewer work in the right-of-way is: Construction $45,655 Engineering 7,570 Total $53,225 Before any payments are made, actual invoices with quantities and unit costs should be provided, in addition to canceled checks and release of liens. Also, a copy of the construction contracts should be provided. As you can see, several things remain before this can be presented to the BOCC. If you like, I can agenda an item for discussion. cc: All County Commissioners Richard Collins Danny Kolhage Dent Pierce Doug Carter Fred Skomp 13 03 12:28p E T Hz ~c~zie COO~ FL p.7 841-756-6688 > . Altachment "A" -.... )f. '~ f..,'J', l~acKenzie of Florida, Inc. Cne orno l.\QoI<on,.. C~"'pon", Jun~ 11,2003 Fn:d Skomp Hurricane Hole Marina 5130 Overseas HigJl\vdY, Suite 2 Key West, Florida 33040 ContrBCting & C<ln&Ulting Re: Hurricane Hole Marilla Mr. Skomp: The following pwpusaJ i 5 based upon preliminary plans furnished by Wei leI Engineering, Inc. 5127/03 utilizing the following q'Jantities. Tlus estimate is c.ontingent upon Ai,Vac approval of tlnal plans. We propose to furnish and install: Approximately 1200 l.f of 6" Vacuum sewer mu;n @ $46.00 ;: $5~.200.00 I ea. BuJle:r tank assembly ~.Y- $1 ], 100.00 1 ca. 6" lsnlation valvl;' r.@ $700.00 Approximately 500 1.f of Asphalt remove & replace @1$15.00 "" S7,500.00 Approximately 400 Lf ofD.G.T. Limerock rcmov~ & replace @.$1O.00;::$4,OOO.OU General conditions and contingenci., @ $1.500.00 ~ ,~~-= .x T ota[ ."imated "'" ---..----- .-..-mmu..nn.n n n. __ m __. _. .___?~/,~,~ ~,; ":' ~ ( Payment ,....ilI be bcc;cd upon actual quantities installed per line item. Telms are 30 days net. Exelusions: No sw'veying or stakeout. No permits or fees. No AirVuc inspection vr design rni~w fees. No density lesli~g. (Will pny ior failed tests.) Sincerely, Harvey W. Da"is Division Manager 6212 3Jrd SHeal E. . Bradflnlon, FL 34203 . 941-756-6760 . FH;(: 941.756.6698 . EOE ~,,~~,--. :1'.: ,,~ ,.,.' . . "i.'JliI' ~w~~ l;" V,} 2002DVeterans Boulevard., Suite 7 Port Charlotte, FL 33954 (941) 764-6447 ph (941) 764-8915 fax EB-00066S6 Mr. Fred Scomp Hurricane Hole Marina 5130 Overseas Hwy, Suite 2 Key West, FL 33040 Attn: PAl' DU,. PlIAII .em July 1, 2003 Invoice No: 33178 Project No: 03049,001 Re: Hurricane Hole Marina For professional services rendered for the period June 4, 2003 to July 1, 2003 for the referenced project. Contract % Work Amount Previous This Inv Description Amount To Date Billed Billed Billed ;rvey 2,000,00 100.00% 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 ..o:lim. Design 3,500.00 100.00% 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 .: ;nal Design 2,000.00 100.00% 2,000.00 1,300.00 700.00 .:::::;rmit .t 1,500.00 100.00% 1,500.00 750.00 750.00 .3t 1,000.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 .:tal Fix Fee 10,000.00 9,000.00 7,550.00 1,450.00 ::-;1 Fix Fee $1,450.00 JRlNTS: 15 VELLUMS AT $10.00fEACH )RlNTS: 80 COPIES FOR CONSTRUCTION AT $2.00/EACH 'RlNTS: 25 COPIES FOR FDOT SUBMISSION AT $2.00/EACH 'EDERAL EXPRESS: = 150.00 = 160.00 = 50.00 85.51 ~e Total $1,895.51 liJO /.''7 '. - / "'-. f/w' f"- EJ L[,>>+((. o()~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,- ..t.....- -........, J--~l' ~ ~..-- ie' -...\R""s" TIME APPROXIMA TEl:30PM Meeting Date: April 21, 2004 Division: District 1 Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion regarding Hurricane Hole Marina being directed to be responsible for a vacuum line from their property line down US# I to Cross Street and from Cross Street to the vacuum station on Suncrest Street. The total length of the 6" vacuwn line was 911 feet. The guesstimated cost for the engineering work, permitting and the laying of line is $71,879. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: HI!:VENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year )ROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management_ :SION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~;., >>;. \ 1.-U_h_-'1 Commis~ner Dixie M. Spehar UMENT ATION: Included L To Follow__ _.__ Not Required_ aSITION: AGENDA ITEM #-'!J1l 1/03 HISTORIC SEAPORT DISTRICT7 INC. .":.."\~:J.it. .V.i "\1 la i , Dixie Spehar Monroe County Commissioner, District 1 500 Whitehead Street Key West, FL 33040 April 12, 2004 Dear Dixie, You asked that my attorney or I send you a request for the sewer construction bills to be paid, along with reasons and justifications. c.Tti;;!ctter shalI serve as a request for the Monroe County.:F0CC t.0 approve the payment for a share of the cost of our sewer hook up to KWRU since moSt\,(}f the line, and cost therefore, was on public property, namely U.S. 1 and Cross Street The total cost for the 1090 feet of pipe that was laid was $86,000.00; $76,000.00 to E. T. McKenzie, and $10,000.00 to Weiler Engineering. There is 179 feet on our property. The remainder of 911 feet is the subject of this request. $867000.00 divided by 1090 feet = $78.90 per foot X911 feet = $71,877.90. The remainder of $14,122.10 we recognize as our cost. The reason and justification for this payment is: In March of 2002 we were told that we would have a sewer line run to our property's edge and that it would be available by February of2003 (see exhibit "A"), as we would be in Phase 1. We coordinated our building plans with the sewer Completion plans and were ready to open in April, but no sewer line was available. We tried, without success, to use an easier route across adjacent pi"Operty. Since we were left with no options, we enlisted the services ofE. T. McKenzie to do the work using the public right- of-way. The job was completed July 25,2003. We were told by Co~nty officials and KWRU that we had no choice but to connect to the central sewage system. We were told incorrectly that we were a new development within a quarter of a mile of a central sewage line. We had no option but to go it, and no way to get there but by public property. The truth is we were a redevelopment, not a new development, and had been approved as such by the Monroe County Planning Commission on November 16,2000. 5130 Overseas Highway, Suite 2, Key West, FL 33040 Ph: (305) 294-8025 Fax: (305) 294-8024 i Since "'Ie are no\V fafing the peilcctionlJfa lleu UJ G. 1. lvlcKcnzie, IUS imperatIve that Wi. matter be corrected iinmediately. Thanks to you and the other commission;rs for yourhclp Sincerely, A. Frederick Skomp President Historic Seaport District, Inc.