Resolution 186-1994 OMB/ AIRPORTS 186 - 1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, TO DEFINE ADDITIONAL PROJECTS ELIGmLE FOR FUNDING THROUGH THE PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Passenger Facility Charges (PFC's) collected pursuant to Resolution No, 357 - 1992, and Resolution No, 358 - 1992, are hereby authorized to be expended on the following projects: 1. Key West International Airport vegetation trimming to comply with Part 77 Clearance 2. Key West International Airport government Road/Airport Boulevard Noise Buffer Project 3, Key West International Airport Fencing 4. Key West International Airport drainage improvements to existing ramp and road, 5. Boca Chica Joint-Use Feasibility Study and Cost Benefit Analysis, 6. Marathon ARFF (Air Rescue Fire Fighting) facility improvements, 7. Marathon Airport fencing 8. Marathon Airport rehabilitation of runway 7-25 lights 9. Key West International Airport Salt PondlMangrove Enhancement Project. 10, Key West International Airport Major Conditional Use study (permit) 11, Airport Master Plans -, '.f -rl o :z .;, ;0 ''" cCo:". ';~ :-T"I ......, '..-J c~- :z -"" C- c::: r- I -J \) .t:>. ' , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of Community Services, o~is design~s ~; authorized to execute the Federal Aviation Administration applications for authorization of the ClIlmty's PFC programs, including the assurances contained therein and any other documents necessary for implementations of the PFC programs on behalf of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners in a format approved by its counsel. :-' -- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17 th day of Jnnp- , A.D. 1994. MAYOR Jack London yes COMMISSIONER A. Earl Cheal yes COMMISSIONER Wilhelmina Harvey yes COMMISSIONER Shirley Freemen YP-R COMMISSIONER Mary Kay Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO UNTY, FLORIDA ~~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN BY: (seal) Attest: DAlCJNY 1:.. ~ObHAGE, Clerk ~I!.~ CLERK APfIIItOVED AS TO FORA" AN~~~~ Ar"'~fr!':~,~- Offit~IC~'