Resolution 265-1987 Thomas J. Sireci, Jr. Attorney for BRODY F.J. TIMM. RESOLUTION NO. 265-1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A UTILITY EASEMENT BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND BRODY F.J. TIMM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby approves and authorizes the Mayor and Chairman of the Board to execute an Utili ty Easement by and between Monroe County and BRODY F. J . TIMM., a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of July, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~y~~/} -L2~ ~~.~L E K ' ~ . '- - 0.. flo....'..'..." '.-.i.~C....._.~r..~o . .~ BY D'~~Q'f j /1. / :~t EASEMENT KNO\<J ALL MEN BY THESE PRFSENTS that t--ION ROE COUNTY hereinafter called grantor does hereby grallt ,Hl casement to nRODY F . J. T It1 M. her e i n aft e r c a I led r. ran tee, for j n g res san d e g res san d for public utility purposes. in. under, over and across the hereinafter described land. in thr mnnil~(,n!rnl operation. m a i n ten a n c e, e x ten s ion. con s t I' U (' t ion <l n d i rn p r () v (' Iii f' nIL h f' reo r. t 0 .d t : ^ strip of jand. 30 rl'(~lill widtll, beill!> il part o[ S e c t ion 3 O. Tow n s h j P (. (, SOli t h. Rail g e 2 B E i1 ~j t j n M 0 n roe County. Florida; the centerline of the said strip of 1 and be i n g des c rib e eI as r 0 1 1 0 \'l S : COM ~~ l'~ NeE Cl t the Southeast corner of Government J,ot 7. of the srtid Section 30 and run thence \Vest along the South boundary of the sa i d Lot 2 for [J e1i s t il n (' (' () fILl 6 . 2 I f I' (' l toP 0 i n I No. 1 and the centerline of the 30 foot strip of land being described herein; thence South for a distance of 25.16 fee t toP 0 i n t No.2; the n c f' SOli t h I Ii" 4 (.' 5]" Ens t for 11 distance of 41.78 feet to Point ~lo. 3; th{'/lce South 07' 3 0' 3 9" W cst r 0 r' il d i ~:; 1. it 11 C f' 0 r 2 7 . 'I ') r I' C t f. () P () i n t ~f 0 . 4; the n c e Sou t h J ') 0 I. 4' Lj '3" \-J (' f; 1. for il di~; I il n (' I' () f ') (, . () .~ fee l toP 0 i n t N (). 5; 1 II ;: n c (' SOil t h 2 30 2 3' 2 ()" \./ (' r; t for (l difitance of 22.00 [c'c'l to Poinl No. (,; Ihe'lIll' SOlllh 22- 1 9' 0 3" \.! cst for a d j sIn 11 ceo l' B If . ') () fee t loP 0 i n 1. N P .. 7; thence South If3026' 33" East for a distance of lC?7.7] [ c c t toP 0 i n t N I). p,; I h C' /l C C' S () II t h 1 10 LI II' () 7" I'~ il'; , for ;1 d i s t Cl nee 0 f 1 ') (i . 7 8 fee t toP 0 j n t ~! o. <); the n c (' Sou t h 1 Lf 0 4 ~.~' 3 3" \~ est [0 r a d i s t il nee 0 r 7 (, . II ') 1'(' elL 0 Poi n t No. 1 0; the n c (' SOl) t h ] 40 36' 2 0" I': a s t r () r .1 d i ~, 1. i1 n (' c 0 f 2 P, . () 7 [ e e t t (1 Poi n t No. 1 j; the nee Sou t h c) 60 j 2' ] '\" E iI ~ 1 for ,I cl i s 1. an ceo f J] I, . J g fe eLL 0 P (I j fl I :~ 0 . 1 2; L hen (' (' Sou t h '\ O. 03' 15" Enst for n distn/lce of til.f)') fret to Pnint No. 13; thence South 05"41' rjC)" El1st for a distance of 57,12 fee t toP 0 i n t No. I 4; tIll' n C l' S () u t h t I. 3!)' ') 2" P c ~~, for it distance of 115.32 feet to Point No. 15; thence South 34- 4 3' 5 7 II E a s t for ;) d i s tan ceo [ (1 7 . () Lf f e (' L t {' l' 0 i n t No, If-; thence South 14.10' 59" East for a distance of 55.0'0 feet to Point f.lo. 17; thence South 03.0f" 09" ~'iest for a d i s tan ceo f 7 5 . 8 5 fee t toP 0 i n t ~: o. 1 8; t h C' n c e Sou t h 3 O. S3' 21" East for a disti1ncc of 230,S1 fec't to Point No. 19; thence South 56028' 58" East for a distance of 1 0 4 . 3 6 fee t toP 0 i n t ~! 0 . 2 0 ; the nee S 0 lJ t h 3 5 · 0 7 ' 1 9" East for a distance of 179.2f) feet to Point No. 21; thence South 4Lr059' 2f)" East for a distance of 74.76 feet to Point No. 22; thence South 57-42' 3Lt" Enst for i:l distance of 19n.62 feet to Point No. 23; thence South 51. 19' 10" East for a distance of 156.14 feet to Point No. 24; thence South 26.27'')4'' East for n distnnce of ~9.I+O fee t toP 0 i n t No. 25; the n c e Sou t h 1 702 7' 1 3" E as t for a distance of 38.74 feet. more or less. to Point No. 26 and the Northwesterly right of way line of Old State Road 4--A and the end of the 30 foot strip of land beinp, described herein. Together with the riCht of ingress and egress over property of the grantor. so as to afford the grantee co~plete use and enjoyment of this casement. includin~ the rirht to cut and trim. from time to time. trees, brush. over.hanp,ine branches and other natural obstructions on the nbove described land. which may injure or interfere with the full and complete use of the aforesaid easement. This easement shall terminate if at any time its use is discontinued for 5 years. IN WITNESS WPEREOF, these presents have been executed by the prantor herein all as of the day of _____. A.D. 1987. Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: I-JI TN E S SSE ^ L \HTNESS ~:;F^r. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE ) On r~ 0 tar y Pub 1 i c i n and for the sa j d appeared person whose names ___________ ins t rum e n t 2. n d a c k n 0 \1 1 e n ~ e d t hat _____________________ executed the same. hefore PIe the undersigned. a County cllld State personally knOl-lfl to me to be the ~;ub~cribed Lo Lhe within NOTAI~Y PUBLIC My Commission Expires: IIPPflOI/ED AS TO FOnM ANDLE~1LSUFAC~NCY. BY Attornev's Office