Resolution 285-1987 ~ ~ Finance Department RESOLUTION NO. 285-1987 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1986-87, and to create new items under said budget, now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1986-87 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513120-0, Salaries, The sum of $2,000.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513130-0, Salaries Non-payroll Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $5,000.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513130-0, Salaries Non-payroll Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $150.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513260-0, Medicare Tax Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $50.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513260-0, Medicare SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Library Bookmobile, Item #002-260003-571462-0, Maintenance of Equipment, The sum of $2,103.00, Into Contingency, Item #002-920000-584990-0, Contingency Transfer from Library, Item #002-920000-584990-0, Reserve Contingency, The sum of $4,043.00, Into Library, Item #002-260001-571660-0, Materials GROUP INSURANCE FUND Transfer from Operating Expenses, Item #501-330111-590514-0, Educational Program, The sum of $250.00, Into Administrative Expenses, Item #502-330101-590462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Operating Expenses, Item #501-330111-590514-0, Educational Program, The sum of $115.00, Into Administrative Expenses, Item #502-330101-590340-0, Contractual Services ROAD PROJECTS FUND Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506495-0, Coco Plum Bike Path, The sum of $13,432.36, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506497-0, Big Pine Bike Path, The sum of $2,675.00, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506498-0, Second Avenue, The sum of $1,509.98, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506499-0, Oceana Lane, The sum of $7,622.24, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506507-0, Cactus, The sum of $1,198.33, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506523-0, Avenue E, The sum of $883.31, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction 2 Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506537-0, Sound Drive, The sum of $6,899.07, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506538-0, Third Road, The sum of $2,341.27, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506539-0, Third Street, The sum of $2,809.16, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506540-0, Second Road, The sum of $2,819.16, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506541-0, Second Street, The sum of $2,854.16, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction, The sum of $2,934.95, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-506433-0, Howe Street Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction, The sum of $170.87, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-506505-0, Clover Lane Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction, The sum of $296.12, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-506495-0, Indies Drive Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-946541-506534-0, Esther Street, The sum of $569.25, Into Road Project, Item #102-946541-541630-0, Road Construction 3 TAX DISTRICT #708 Transfer from EMS - Sugarloaf Fire Department, Item #708-143100-522450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $473.54, Into EMS - Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526120-0, Salaries Transfer from EMS - Sugarloaf Fire Department, Item #708-143100-522641-0, Capital Outlay, Other, The sum of $8,534.50, Into EMS - Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526120-0, Salaries Transfer from EMS - Sugarloaf Fire Department, Item #708-143100-522529-0, Clothing & wearing apparel, The sum of $998.10, Into EMS - Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526120-0, Salaries Transfer from EMS - Sugarloaf Fire Department, Item #708-143100-522440-0, Rentals, The sum of $500.00, Into EMS - Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526120-0, Salaries Transfer from EMS - Sugarloaf Fire Department, Item #708-143100-522344-0, Hydrant Account, The sum of $50.00, Into EMS - Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526120-0, Salaries Transfer from EMS - Sugar loaf Fire Department, Item #708-143100-522640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment, The sum of $614.75, Into EMS - Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526140-0, Overtime Account Transfer from EMS - Sugarloaf Fire Department, Item #708-143100-522490-0, Misc. Exp.- Foam, The sum of $1,200.00, Into EMS - Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526140-0, Overtime Account Transfer from EMS - District l-C, Item #708-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $685.00, Into Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526140-0, Overtime Account Transfer from EMS - District l-C, Item #708-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $2,000.00, Into Sugar10af Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526220-0, Retirement Transfer from EMS - District l-C, Item #708-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $1,100.00, Into Sugarloaf Ambulance, Item #708-142100-526210-0, FICA 4 FUND #717 - UNINCORPORATED AREA PARKS AND BEACHES Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572120-0, Salaries, The sum of $5,900.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572120-0, Salaries Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572210-0, FICA, The sum of $445.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572210-0, FICA Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572220-0, Retirement, The sum of $776.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572220-0, Retirement Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572230-0, Group Insurance, The sum of $588.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572230-0, Group Insurance Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572240-0, Workmens Comp., The sum of $238.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572240-0, Workmens Compo Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572521-0, Gasoline, The sum of $500.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572521-0, Gasoline Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572440-0, Rentals, The sum of $60.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572410-0, Communications Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572461-0, Maintenance of Buildings, The sum of $3,000.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572461-0, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572462-0, Maintenance of Equipment, The sum of $2,000.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Unincorporated Area Parks & Beaches, Item #717-920001-572430-0, Utilities, The sum of $140.00, Into Pigeon Key, Item #717-920002-572430-0, Utilities 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of the Board of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinafter set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of July, A.D., 1987. (SEAL) ATTEST:DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M NROE CO~ FLORIDA . hYOR/~/f -L2J~ i'~.&.~ E ' .~..; APPrl' -DAS TO F~RflI/ ~ BY AN~/'r'=CJENCY., f f Attorney's Office G I 6